East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1902, Image 8

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    BATURDA.Y, APRIL 12, ,1902.
Good Sh
Of course.
What makes them sell better -than all
others? Got a pair and see how thy
look try them on aad me ihowithey
feel then you'll Know.
& Company
Boooeuon to ClMrer Brother.
Phone Black 91
Divine services toworrow at hours as
i Hows; Early celebration of itne
uly Communion, at 7:30 a. m.; Bun.-
i..y scnooi at iv -
v.raver and sermon at 11 a. m.; even
ins prayer and addresses at 7:30 p. m,
regular services "will be held In the
morning. No services In the evening.
Owing 'to the delay In securing the
pews and the Inability of Dr. Black
burn to come sooner, the dedicatory
cervices will not bo held until the
second Sunday In May.
-10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. ni.,
sermon to the children by Rov. W. H.
Bleaknoy, of Elgin; 3 p. m., Junior
Endeavor; 6:45, Senior Endeavor.
Rov. S. C. Elder, of Moro, will visit
the Junior at 3 p. m. and Revs. B. F.
-Harper, of Prlneville, and S. C. Eider
will visit and atke part in the Senior
imeetlng a 0:45. At 7:30 p. mi a rally
In the Interests of Pendleton Acad-!
emy will be held, .and all persons in
terested in the wellfaro of this insti
iulon are very cordially Invited to
be'"present. Robert J. Diven, pastor.
M, ,E. CHURCH, SOUTH: -Sunday
School at 10 a. in., I. E. Earl Supt.;
preaching, 11 a. m subject: "The Re
turn of the Spies"; preaching, 8 p.
m., subject: "The' Well of Salvation";
'Epworth-Leaguo, 7:00 p. m., subject:
"Giving, Its Law and Its Reflex Influ
ence"; leader, S. K. (Lipscomb. At
the morning service Mrs. Lightfoot
will render a solo and at the evening
sorvi therolU bo a quartette.
At 3 p. m., 'the ' business meeting of
the Epworth-!Leaguo.,wIll bo held, and
the regular monthly Church Confer-
Takes the Island Under a Four Years
Lease, With Privilege of Buying It
for an Amount ;Not Far From $20,'
E. W. McComas has leased the
Switzler Island, In the Columbia river
mldwav between wallula and Uma
tllla, and will turn It into a vast al
fal fa field.
The deal has been hanging fire for
several months, having been reported
as consummated several times. The
last name was affixed to the lease to
day. which gives Mr. McComas full
control of tho Island for a term of
four years, with the privilege of buy
Ing It at a fixed price at the end of
that time, if ho wants It. Tho price
is not given, but is known to be
larire one. In tho neighborhood of
Switzler's Island Is owned by John
B. Switzler, -who has lived for the
past 20 years on It and has a large
portion of it improved. There Is
fine house, barn and out buildings
and 30 acres of orchard.. All told,
the Island contains 750 acres that can
bo cultivated, and, unlike most of the
sand bars of tho Columbia river, It
has a good coat of soil on top of the
eand, and will grow a fair crop of
most anything, adapted to this west
ern country, without water. It devel
ops jnto a regular Garden of Eden
when -water Is applied.
The idea of Mr. McComas in leas
ing the place Is to turn it Into one
large field of alfalfa, which grows to
perfection with little water. Ho is
already having a large pumping plant
established at tho edge of tho island,
which will bo In working order by
the time the dry season sets in, for
the purpose of irrigating the lund.
Two hundred acres will be sown to
alfalfa seed this spring, as an experi
ment, and, if tills proves a success,
tho whole Island will be devoted to
this product. Twenty-five acres will
also bo planted to potatoes this
Mr. "McComas is confident that he
will be able to make alfalfa growing
a success and thinks that after it is
once started and gets root it will
grow without water. About nine or
ten tons of alfalfa an acre will grow
on this land, after the first two sea
sons, and a ready market for It can
bo found right at homo at a good
An attempt was made during the
early part of 1890 to reclaim this
tract of land by Mr. Switzler, Dr. C.
J. Smith. James A. Howard, of this
others who contemplated
TC. A. Einlster, -of Milton, is in
Miss Alma Kirk, .of Athena, is In
J. W. Stewart, a prominent Baker
City citizen, Is registered at noiei
E. E. Wlshard. a .prominent "Wes
nnliin 1 reuisterod at the Golden
W. D. Church, a prominent citizen
of Walla Walla, is registered at Hotel
St. George.
E. W. McComas has returned from
a business trip to different parts of
Mrs. J. H. Kunzle Is wisltlng .Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Jackson, at their home
on Jackson street.
County Clerk W, D. Chamberlain,
who is the democratic candidate to
succeed himself at the June election,
visited his old home at Milton IPrI
Mr6. Maggie Davis, of Hot Springs,
Ark., left for her home Thursday,
after spending several days with Mrs
C. C. Hendricks, who Is an old
F. O. Rogers, republican candidate
for county clerk, left this morning
for his home at Athena, after spend
ing several days here looking after
his political fences.
H. P. Evans, warehouse man for
the O. R, & N., left Friday evening
for Sheridan, Yamhill county, to visit
his parents. He will bring his sister,
Miss Effle, back with him when he
William Clark, of Freewater, was
in town Friday. While hero he pre
sented himself before the county
clerk and received his final citizen
ship papers, he formerly being a sub
ject of Great Britain.
C. P. Davis went to Walla Walla
this morning to visit over Sunday
with his wife, who is in St. Mary's
hospital. Mrs. Davis is getting along
nicely and will be able to be out
within a few weeks.
jcnce. p. n. Jones, pastor.
. MTCTTrn. city, and
THOMPSON STREiux qim. turning it ino a fruit ranch, but the
jibt uiiUiiUrt sorvices ior ,
day, April iiith: Sunday j-l6oj n.
10 a. m.; preaching service, 11 o'clock
Xy Rov. W. L. Van Nuys; Junior
Leaguo at 3 p. m. There will be no
services In this church in tho evening
ns we have accepted an invitation to
Join our Presbyterian friends at tho
Academy rally. John Uren.
Sunday, April 13: Rov. Jonothan Ed
wards will preach on Sunday morn
ing, on "Man's Greatest Need," and
In tho evening, on" "Tho Most Profl
nblo Thins In tha World." A cordial
.welcome to all.
The War Taxes.
The war taxes, .the repeal of which
was voted by the house at Washing
ton lecently produced a revenue from
July 1 to December 31, 1901, of $37,
9S1.972, and for the current fiscal
year would have produced about $77,
000,000. The distribution of these
taxes was as follows: Schedule A In
cluded all taxes on documents, in
surance policies, bonds, certificates
of stock and similar matters, $14,000,
000; schedule B, including all items
not otherwise specified, $7,000,000.
Beer, $28,500,000; special taxes, $8,
500,0o0; tobacco, $9,000,000; snuff.
$550,000; cigars, $700,000; cigarettes.
$32,5'oo; legacies, $5,000,000; excise,
There Will be Opposition to the Ad
mission of Delegates from Some
of the New Lodges.
Wheeling, W. Va., April 12.-DUP-Ing
the coming week Wheeling will
entertain the annual convention of
the Amalgamated Association 01 iron,
Steel and Tin .Workers, one of tho
largest and moat Influential labor or
ganizations In America. There arc
several things which promise to give
unusual importance to the proceed
ings if the coming convention. Tho
convention will open Tuesday, and,
according to reports, there will be
some opposition to the admission of
delegates from somo new lodges,
owing to tho fact that the scale rates
have not been paid in some mills
where they were formed. If the
lodges organized In the east aro given
representation it is said they will bo
admitted in violation of the constitii'
tion, and this will result in tho con
tinuation of tho present administra
tion. The rival organization to the Amal
gamated Association, recently form
ed at Chicago, Milwaukee and other
points, under the name of the Steel
workers' Association of America, will
probably receive some attention.
Notwithstanding the declarations of
friendship made by the new organiza
tion, it is the general belief that Its
success cannot but bo inimical to the
interests of the Amalgamated Association.
From the present outlook it is re
garded as unlikely that any demand
will be made for a change in the base
and card rates in the bar iron scale.
Unless the manufacturers should ask
for lower rates, which thus far has
not been in any manner Intimated,
this means that little difficulty will
be experienced in reaching an agree
ment. While there aro some new
lodges that have suggested a demand
for an increase, it is believed that
they form a small minority. The
present base is $5 to a one cent card,
remaining at that base until it reach
es 1.3, when it advances 25 cents the
ton f-r boiling. The present wage
rate is $5.75 a ton.
Woodmen Log
Rolling April 2 and 22
Spring is here. Purify your
blood by taking F. & S. Sar
saparilla compound, greatest
of all blood purifiers.
-f was abandoned in 1894. on ac-
projevt. ... which cover-
count of the high wm.. .
ed the Island and washed it so badly
that most of the trees were 'killed.
At that time 40 acres were planted to
orchard, and a large sum of money
was oxpended in putting a steam
pumping plant in Bhane and improv
ing the ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Switzler will "remove
to Walla Walla, where they have
roado their home for part of tho time.
An Enjoyable Entertainment Given
by the Thursday Afternoon Club.
Tho Thursday Afternoon Club held
their regular annual reception and en
tertainment at the Parish Houso of
tho Church of the Redeemer, Tues
day evening. Besides tho members of
The Act of a Fool.
Dexter Gardner, of Vincennes, Ind.,
may die from Injuries received in an
unusual manner on November 31.
En route from Chicago on a Chicago
Florida limited train on that
date, he sat with hla feet resting on a
seat In front, when a fellow passen
ger angrily reversed tho seat, crush
ing Mr. Gardner's foot before he
could extricate it. It became neces
sary to amputate his great toe. Now
blood poisoning has set In and his
leg must be taken off. Gardner has
expressed tho desire when his leg is
amputated to find tho man who did
him the injury and present him with
the detached member. He also threat
ens suit for damages.
Wall-Scaling Contest.
New York, April 12. aiuch interest
is manifest in the Joint pet of games
to bo held by the St. Georjrs Athletic
company and Company G of lhn
Eighth regiment at tho latter's arm
ory tonight. The unusual feature.'
of the games will bo the wall scaling
contests, open to teams of eight men
irom the National Guard, army and
navy. It will be the first time that
the program for an open armory
meet has contained such a contest.
For Summer School at Monroe.
Monroe, La., April 12. The pre
nioters of the Northeast Louisiana
Summer school association are hold-
tho club a great number of
minora war a nrflonnl nrwl
features of tho oven- , -Wed the
,nf Al--., r r- -ng's entertain-
William F
: wamsioy, jura.
..ucgerald, Mrs. H. C. Guern-
Mrs. A. D. Stillman and Miss
Cozbl Raloy presented a scene from
tho "Comedy of .Errors," and oach
rendered their parts exceedingly
well, to the delight of all present.
Miss La Barre read two selections
after this comedy act, which, with tho
musical features, closed tho program.
Refreshments were then served nnd
tho remainder of tho evening, until
noar midnight, passed pleasantly In
social conversation and general visit
ing among tho members and guests.
The Passengers Safe.
London, April 12. Tho British
steamer Kinfauns Castle, from Capo
Town, Is ashore at Brlghtstone, the
Islo of Wight, Her 330 passengers
and tho mails were landed safely.
You'll feel easy and take pleasure in walking if you al
low us to shoe you.
Perfect fits aro what wo make a specialty of. When you
allow us to fit you, you got style combined with comfort and
wear. High quality but low price. Our store is a merry
whirlwind of shoo blessings.
'iTie Pcnitetma Shoe Company
68 rial
StfMt . S
Any person dumping any sort of
garbage, ,anure 0r dust upon any of
he st.Yeets of Pendleton, or allowing
-e same to spill upon any of said
streets, while moving it from one
place to another, Is liable to a fine of
$50, -mder ordinance No. 338 of said
city. All persons violating this ordi
nance will be vigorously prosecuted.
P. H. FEE,
"Street Commissioner.
Notable Demcratic Dinner.
Great Falls, Mont., April 12. The
Thomas Jefferson smoker to be given
by the democrats of Cascade county
this evening promises to be a great
success. A number of short addres
ses will bo given by prominent party
men from various parts of tho state,
as well as short talks by local demo
crats. An attendance of 300 Is ex
American Success In London.
London, April 12. Tho Gillette
Frohmnn Beason at the Lyceum clos
ed this evening. Tho engagement
has set a record mark for tho success
of American managers and players,
in London playhouses, the net pro
fits for tho comparatively short sea
son being estimated at not less than
Jolly tho life insurance man along
ana no'll glvo you a cigar. Always
ask for a gold-bound cigar, which at
tho end of twenty years will amount
to two cigars and a match. After the
third year you may surrender the ci
gar at any time and receive a stogie,
Thus you aro always ahead of the
Rooms in the J&ttt Oregonian build
ing for ,rent, ,8team heated, hot ,and
cold water and Lath rnnm in
l Mote
of our.
Red, Blue and Fancy Shoes
for Children.
for a summei nun." -"r-- - ,
held in Monroe in June. Tho organ!
a ion was formed in Rayvllle in Jan
narv of this year and its object IB
to develop the educational IntoresUi
of tho Fifth Congressional district,
and especially to maintain a summer
normal school at least one month In
the year.
Cycle Racing Season Is Open.
Now York, April 12.-ffho cycle
fans are ready to hall tho opening of
the racing season for 1892, which will
bo inaugurated tomorrow at tho well
known Vailsburg track. In former
.,nn-r. (tin nnnnlnir has rarely taken
place before the first of May, but the
prospects or an eany summm iu
proprietors of tho Vailsburg track to
earlier date. Many
prominent professional riders are noW(
in mis vicimiy unu iuuou ut.u-vr
In the sport are gratified over the out
look for n successful season.
Mark Twain's New Home.
After losing the fortune made by a
life's work, and then setting out to
make a now one, at an age when
most men aro retiring, "Mark Twain,"
(Samuel L. Clemens), the humorist,
has just purchased a summer home
in Tarrytown. Tho place consists of
19 acres situated on high ground
overlooking the Hudson. On it Is a
stone mansion which has been re
cently remodeled and modernized,
with buildings and barns added to
It. Tho price is understood to have
been $47,500.
xou last WKntoMAT
n.t c. .
uni yyciai 'Cot
good it was and
You would tryJc-J
auuw ii you WOJ.'J
:try our CoffRM ttaii
a bull doer rhalr!
drive you away, 7l -3
X Roll- Pr fc ' 3
Owl Tea
Cheapest place ia-hj
Saving's Bank
-'the -Pacific Nev
Market st, San ti
secure free, a beautlfni
tags Bank, also full i
gardinsr the new Th
International EncvcIonai
. - :
ry wnicn ib now being fa
readers ,or thlB paper for
cents a Day.
Special Sale for tfus Week..
We will gftre FREE with everv
Saitof Clothes, ONE NICE HAT ;!
With every Child's Knee PantSuit we will give :abj
lutely free a Nice Cap. All of our Ladies' $2.50 Shoes 3
go at $2. This is a rare chance to :get good Shoes yM
oiiwip. rive nunarea yards beautilul"Wash SilksataCM
Discount of 10 per cent. Just received the nobbiest line!
Gent's Shirts ever shown in th city.- Come and see nil
For doing things right and putting correot.;
styles and snap Jnto Millinery is found ji
every one of our Productions. "5
We are
Seeing is fcelieving
; M. A. RADER.
Main and Webb Streets
Lee's TI ; t-t t . nlrue. M
Stock Food for horses and cattle. JLiawd Oil MealiJ
Kow Kure for Milch cows. Poultry iood ,and tonicf, m
Hmv. lrJn mmd Feed
i9 and i29 East Alta Street.