I I I I SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1902. TIMELY ANNIVERSARIES. .7, April 12. 1T7T Henry Clay, stales Jioan, called the "Great jPaclflcator," born In iHanover. Vo.; died ,1852. 1804Rev. Dr. Adonlram 'Judson. missionary to Burma, died at sea; thorn In Maiden, Mass., 1788. After trraduat- Jnit at Urown unlver- Henry Clay, ;slty Judson became a 'skeptic. He aft' f"rward changed his views, and entered ?Vndover Theological seminary, turning lils nttcntlon to the subject.or lorelgn musslons. He volunteered' to go to In Mln nnil on the vovnee became a con- vert to baptism by Immersion. This 'cut him oft from tho society which had iswnt him abroad. After some difficulty iha went Into Burma and mastered the 'language. He preached and Issued Bracts, and, although often interfered rwlth by native powers and once lm iprlsoned for over a year, he made over 'A AAA ......... mL. Ttll.1.. ... 11a ted Into' Burmese by him. MB Tho first shot at Sumter; 'beginning i Of the civil war. 1901 General JohirPorter Hatch. TJ. S. A., retired, veteraa of the Mexican and t'elvll wars, died In New York city; born "US. THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. The democrats at Portland have put together a strong ticket, built It of good timber, representative of the best that Is in the Oregon democracy. From start to finish it will attract votes. The ticket will appeal to the people in all parts of Oregon. There Is nothing sectional about it. It had Its birth" in democratic spirit and good feeling at Portland and It will gain strength as it is made known. The democracy of Oregon has an opportunity to win at the polls. There is a current flowing its way that promises to be Irresistible. The tide certainly sets toward it and against the republican party. From all parts of the state come evidence of this. If it continues the democrat ic state ticket will be elected. There were thousands of stayat home voters in Oregon in 1900, more than 10,000 of them. If these can be Influenced to vote the democratic ticket, and the inference is they will, If they vote at all, will insure vie tory in June. The democracy Is equipped to get this vote out on elec tlon day, and. on this depends Its sue cess or defeat. The East Oregonlan would be glad to see a real live, vigorous democracy in power in Oregon, a democracy that will stand for right methods, good principles and better government. God speed that day! SMELLS AS SWEET. Editor Rosewater, of the Omaha Bee Is not so sweetsmelling as his name would indicate. He has been arrested for corrupt practice, in bribing legislators. Instead of being a pleasant perfume in his sphere of activity, he haB bo come a foul odor. In fact, he stinks with one of the most disgusting crimes known to public life. ' Swift and Bovere fumigation should be (.pplled to him and his Ilk. He ahould be thoroughly disinfected by a propor and sufficient penalty, If found guilty, before again mingling with people of political health nnd decency. Full exposure of such cases is tho only prevention for them. If the peoplo are allowed to exhibit the depth of their disgust for such dirty crimes It will deter others from at tempt.ng them. Publicity is the best salvo for cor ruptlon In i.nd out of official life. Turn on the light and watch tho "scamps" run for coverl INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, With the initiative and referendum in all the stuto political platforms, it reems probable that the seed sown in Oregon by a few men a quarter of a century ago, will at last bear fruit How, such vital questions can be so lc:ig overlooked by tho peoplo is a woudor nnd a miracle. It is thcacmo i.nd basis of popular government. While not proposed as a euro for all political evils, it Is the safe-guard of tho citizen. It puts tiro law-making power where It rightfully belongs in the hands of the masses. If tho people go wrong, the can soon change their way, for thoy are the author of all law. Oregon 1b Bjowly but surely getting right. AH questions of political nature should ;be left .to .Unpeople .and the responsibility of tho settlement of them placed on their shoulders where it belongs under a govenrment of the people, by tho people and for tho peo ple. In no other way but through the initiative nnd referendum can tho people really govern themselves and when they once becomo accustomed to this form thoy will not lay it aside for any other, but further extend and simplify it. With every man appreciating self- government by participating in gov ernment the highest ideals of ootn political and social life can be real ized. The initiative anc. referendum will tend to make the individual support the government, of his own maning, rather than .put him in such 'a frame of mind, as'does present forms, to ex iiect the government to -upport him. Vote for the initiative and referee dum it places more power in the, hands of the people and less In the hands of political bosses. For this" reason alone It is ;worth voting for. "SWEET ALICE, BEN: BOLT." Thomas Dunn English, the author of "Ben Bolt," who died a tew uays ago at Newark, N. J., was born in Philadelphia . in 1819. His parents were descendants of Quakers who came over with William Penn. The Euclish family, settled in Monmouth county, -u. J., where there Is still a town that bears their name. Tiiom as Dunn EngliBh attended a Friends' school at Burlington, N. J., and his father intended that he should be a physician, but business reverses obliged him to leave the academy t the age of sixteen years. He wrote for Philadelphia newspapers and was cfteiward regularly employed upon Pelson's Advert.ser. He decided, however, to study med icine and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1839 with the degree of JL D. His interest in politics caused him to study law and in 18 he was admitted to the bar. He had also mastered a trade, that of carpenter, in conformity of the Quakers. When James K. Polk was nominat ed for the presidency in 1844, the cen- didate sent young English to New York to get the support of the cus tom house and postofflce authorities, In which Dr. English succeeded. From 1842 to 18C2 he wrote many plays which were produced in Philadelphia theaters. He went to West Virginia in 1853, where for five years he prac ticed law and medicine. He moved to New York in 1857, and a year later went to Hackensack, N. J. Dr. English served two terms in the New Jersey Assembly during the civil war, where he Introduced sev eral measures for raising forces for the Union army. He was classed as a war democrat. He moved to New ark, N. J in 1878, and he has since made his home in that city. He was elected to the United States house of representatives in 1890. His appearance in the house was the occasion for recalling to many that he was the author of "Ben Bolt," and made him the recipient of many attentions from his colleagues and the press. Although an author, a democrat, a physician, a lawyer, a statesman and a journalist, his chief title to fame was acquired by writing the following lines: Oh! don't you remember, cweet Alice, Ben Bolt, Sweet Alice, whose hair was so brown, Who wept with delight when you gave her a smile, And trembled with fear at your frown? In the old church yard in the valley, Ben Bolt, In a-corner obscure and alone, Thoy have fitted a sla bof the gran ito so gray, And sweet Alico lies under tho stone. Under tho hickory tree, Ben Bolt, Which stood nt-tho foot of tho hill, Together we've lain in the noonday snaue And listened to Annletton's mill. The mill wheel has fallen to pieces, lion uoit, Tho rafters have tumhled in And a quiet that crawls round tho wans as you gazo Has followed tho olden din. Do you mind the cabin of logs, Ben Bolt, At tho edge of tho pathless wood, And the button-ball tree and its motely" limbs, Which nigh by the doorstop stood? Tho cabin to rujn has gone, Bon Bolt, The trees you would seek in v.iln? And whoro onco tho lords of tho for est waved Grows grass and tho golden grain. And don't you remembor the school, uen Bolt, With tho master so cruol and prim And the shaded nook In tho running urooK, Where the children wont tn nurim? Grass grows on the master's grave, Thoanrlne of thn hmnk t And of all tho boys who were school- Thero are only you and I. There is changed in tho things I lov ed, Ben Bolt; They have changed fro mthe old to tho new, , ,, But I feel in the depths of my spirit the truth There never was change in you. Twelve months twenty have passed, Ben Bolt, Since -first we wore friends yet i Thy presence a blessing, thy pres enco a truth, Ben Bolt of the salt sea gale. (RELATIONS CAPITAL TO LABOR. k At Tiroflnnr in far too many cases the gulf between capital and labor is regarded by the units comprising m--latter half of the partnership as un :bridgable a sort of yawning chasm across which no connecting link can be thrown. This attitude may or may not be due to the capitalists Themselves; but the fact remains that the majority of units comprising la bor regard the units representing capital as natural enemies. In many cases when a capitalist does make an advance It is regarded by the recip ients with suspicion if not absolute distrust. It Is the same with new methods of organization or manage ment which do not appeal directly to the man's understanding, as for in stance the '"premium system;" they are regarded with suspicion or a man ner of taking undue advantage. It has been shown that this atti tude of opposition to capital or pro gress is not deliberately assumed, but is rather the result of crippling en vironment. With a wider outlook on the workers' part, this hostile atti tude will gradually recede and ever Increasing friendly relations be estab lished. Capital and labor must be in amicable agreement and upon the strength and cordiality of this part nership will our success in competi tivo industrv denend. That there should be foreign competition is only rnnalntfinr with the dovnlonment of other countries, but if the two halves of our industrial partnership are in unison and hearty co-operation competition then becomes but an in centive to fresh effort. a This co-operation Is not only possi ble, but feasible, once tho workers see the necessity of it; and that in turn only competitive nations, achieved through the aid of the work ers present organizations, would be of an extremely beneficial character to the industry of today and iavalu able to industry of the future. 'Percy Longmuir, in The Engineering Maga zine. Of the 51 fire insurance companies that have a million or more dollars assets, only eight did business at a profit the past year which was $521, 543. The other 43 companies lost $8,280,023, leaving a net loss of $7, 858,510 on the year's business. The total fire losses during the year equals $93,083,000. A prominent geographer has just made an interesting calculation. He says that if the oceans of the earth were to be emptied of their water it would take the rivers flowing into them 40,000 years to bring them up to the present level. The nearly $60,000,000 which Wall street will presently distribute in div idends, a frequently occurring ritual there, represents a good deal more money than it took to finance the revolutionary war, which made so much prosperity possible. I Can loan My Own work "I feci it my duty to tell you what your medicines did for me," writes Mrs. Blanche Marshall, of Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas, Box 139. "I was severely afflicted with kidney trouble and female weakness. In lest than three months the trouble became so bad I could hardly walk around the house. I suffered almost everything. Seeing your advertisement in our paper concluded to write Dr. Pierce. After receiving your kind ad vice I immediately began taking your medicine. After taking two bottles of 1 Favorite Prescription ' alternately with two of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and using one box of 1 Lotion Tablets ' I am entirely cured. I can do all my own work without any trouble. I take great pleasure in Doctor Pierce's med icines to all suffering women." ..- r. DEWEY'S FJjAOSHU oiiiariA- . - Mrs. Grldley, mother of Captain Orldley.whowasln mmand of Dewey's flagship, at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at ManllM, says of our remedy, Peruna: ,fllv .At the solicitation of a friend I used Peruna, and can ruthfu"y say it is a grand tonic and is a woman's friend, and hn,,e,hnM. After using it for a short period I feel llkem in everv household. After using new person." MRS. ORIDLEY. Mrs. Lougstreot is tho wife of the fa mous Confederate General, Lloutenant Goneral Jamea Longatreot, tho only liv ing ex-ConfHlerato officer of that rank. She writes follows to Tho Peruna Medicine Co.: "I can recommend your excellent rem edy, Peruna, as one of the best tonios, and for those who need a good, substan tial remedy, I know of nothing bettor. Besides being a good tonlo it is an offeo tiye cure for catarrh." Mrs. James Longstreet. Hon. Lucius E. Gridley, brother of Captain arid-ay, also speak a good word for Peruna. In a latter written from Mil T Street, Washington, D. 0., ho says: Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Qcntlcmcn"Your Peruna has been thoroughly tested in my family. My mother aud wife used It with the very beat results, and I take pleasure la rec ommending It to all who want a good, aubataatlal remedy, both as a tonic and a catarrh cure. "Lucius B. Qrldley. Miss Mary J. Kennedy, manager of the Armour & Co.'s exhibit, Trans Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Neb., writes the following in regard to Peru na, from 842 Wast Sixty-second street, Chicago, HI.: "I found the continual chango of diet JUST THINK OP IT Three-fourths of the people in Umatlll county mo uo.ug uui uaiueea nuu saumes ana me oeher fourth has lust commenced to use them. All ibis goes to show that oun aro all FIRST CLASS and PRICES RIQUT. We carry acorn- TenH, Wagon covers. Canvas. aU kinds. JOSEPH ELL, Leading Harness and Saddlery. You get What you buy from us. Bid Stock of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ...VVe do,,. Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. by JOXJI aCHMIDT The Louvre Saloon ninmiTN onTliLEY. COMMANDER Incidental to oight years' travoling com pletely upset my digestivo system. On consulting sovoral physlolons thoy de cided I suffered with catarrh of the stomach. "Their prescriptions did not seem to holp me any, bo, reading of the remark able cures perfected by the use of Peru na, I decided to try it, and aoon found myself well repaid. "I have now used it for about three months and fed completely rejuvenated. I believe I am perfectly oured, and do not hesitate to give unstinted praise to your remedy, Peruna." Mary J. Ken nedy. Congressman Geo. W. Smith of Mur physboro, 111., writes : " I take pleasure In testifying to tho merits of Peruna. I have taken one bottle for my catarrh and I feol very much benefited. To those who aro afllicted with catarrh and in need of a good tonlo I take pleasuro in recom mending Peruna." Geo. W. Smith. If you do not dorivo prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. Pipes... We have pipes, such as youj have lone looked for Genu ine French brier pipes, wal nut color, bulldog shape. Prices 15 cents to $40.00. G. NEUMAN. sr. mm irni m. rm m --sr mrm m wm Good Styles, our price $0.90, sold in other stores for $12.00. For the balance of the month as a special bargain $7.75 About 100 Boys' Odd Suits Some Two Piece Knee Pants Suit8,yf3ome Three l'lece Long pants Suits at a big reduction, all the way from 20 per cent discount to half off. It will cost you nothing to come and .examine them. - THE PaahIaa til Uti Planing and, mi LamfcetV a . - T, . T- .... XJUV LllKlT crnxl.'t - I UHV.UUUIS, Which V mem m sen at a ... uiaigiu, Lumber, O vrt L Ul AUV LI 11T1CT Mi . get oar prfctg. Pendleton Planing I 1 V , iwwx lard,; R. FORSTER, cofiyritHT' jjooiirt esvupu uur uuuuu wuea vt 1 1 i . l in Luin iiiiD. uuoii iuu ntuit tqbt new bring it to NEAQLE BROTHIB8 Water St, near Main. i 111 n r way's naroor umr. SUCCESSORS TO - A. C. SHAW 4 a at T iitarrurtrtfT mams on r 0 x sound a e able to sell else. New lumber comm(( r - r m w i fir-v ninu ui ""j j . , .. Ull AlUUtl V avwwfci rrw' 1 ' and are prepared to maw tVior in cirri nil lotS f.W.Wt. W....W. ... w a-a a- m m m m r- i mm - . . nr.. luinti'n k.'... aii lft run And well made, regular price $7 .50 for balance.of this month $4.95 50 Men's Suits of Mixed Cassimert Leading OtethUr raHPurox . .