-fir s III Ul J ip. Ml; It - L" warmer weather of the spri llrP 11D VPUr-UWM" "Y" t .1 'fix fords e jauqu"1"" ' t flno "" nit tt uo iHillllllipilllll Ahead I I 7 t ! :BHMa ln a11 3 fin-Yaw's lloretfGfS21"'4 MrPffift of Kai Kai and Pongee Silks. ftflsa iflW 1 NATION'S METROPOLIS " Whay NoveltlesV ln faerie .-ana, a TrTV ,uiR.iiiy J.Tiae, .suiMter.t,1 irtut-W?ther ih&s&n al.SlH I lo WJeAtkblf fairy ah? HWaL pt linen aaa uBt K u wa. yviiren' grace's .w lander peptrStofet moo ??mioy,fiTJ 'arcor Jilglo o) IcJnodHi lingerie aad4ir(iatQQunplyithJ tteRupivppoopAl equally Mate pets 9a ex sm 1 til .nnn. Mnrtintr r.nf known niah i set cover of heavier material and so AlCHt 'J Pf Ji I'OHf 53J0A-.JV1 quality, prove attractjpOTf&j.J ble. noitli iuodn tol il bseu won ovrf I1 Mattm,bwiiereibesr(Jiobtaned,Ii8-vSAtt'J H-jtled jwrthaipMuirptnessf in'aoui3Btbck,J r-iuKlo jUtmH .7 .too itm.,ao-iat' twin , Ul ,ntjr ,0A";:Kr.&;'FOKSoN;..'.; , nti ntfv nvrll fi'l' ,fot?l'ift f ifi fa ,i fl v. bnfegit,ofl!l AAmirfy Sn UnW helnfe'YoFfisl&a MlWirei (flficardlng of corsets that it 'teatafchiq and the morpj.the (prettier;- Frdm; 'ldcymlfitfJml6re?enfd8aVetf to'ithfetfemiM her head 'mhSe of white silk. It is built 'trhrtfl CvlJSltlU 'i 3s lodi hi "I JUAD 11 vi i EM nivU i Ifui oiwtl ill j.in oiiiiijjjv a' o-f nt on. wdloj&i IWttiiHi o&so II 111! ol iTTlTTl.Ti a ia 0 U'tUOB 3 ndrftffl Imany a deservinc .man Buccefifli ii'cmti, nugut 'foil. Om'Bhare -ha oldaulirr aid iiov evlg of Iwaitoiq Jo JnSQ S(Ql,Al-Jfc?P .VQaaii. 'wl , equally as" good? - Also four lots ft ngfyofur lipparel wbnttoinialVt onaiBta inpingiydVifiiUiiWpflid four wafk,,,oWf'BWf3iiaf BUILDING. 7 OWNER BROS TKLRfHONB MAIN 4. rife ul U (ijii V Not?, pass a pleasant even tog playing Pool fo Billiards at " w Wen Rttg OlAMS&WILLIAMS,Prop 3 Court StrMt! nytiiiitil I nnoD iol b jIool not oBd ifiw ,?'3q!. vJnd ihti jirl out Tjwo Jots .aqd(liowsfe'iJ5i,pio6popaift cksh, reasonable time on iialanfce, op will seM)(diCii$taHirteiUs.ai; See IRANI liliiiilf:ljamsrti rfectfoT?rontToTa LwanbDteen th&awnlst ftnAhfcktjeea.. !u is nnisnea on with aiiace .collaruor a 'HdhuldwltV lone fHcl8. (around ,the top. r.nd hia either a double uffed'nr a aoatngt Bloevo; Both) iflt these, steeves are extremely graceful .aRd enW .eQMalti fayor, iiamong wpllrdress edjwowen. i to Quite the most mvstertoust wrannof the season, howiiveriB the JlUjlBarry cafche pousslere or dust coat It Is mide- of pbngee -br. bther light ailkt and nangs loosely about tho, figure frbm collat! tojhemKiA.fcfthe' walfitiit ls' belted wlth-n nsillr -cord-whlch are finishedLatf tiiy eada With, tJpknfull tassels. The sleeves: of these n Din Barry?, coatB ara omost, pprplexlng . things. They; are 16ngi,and-io. full, thattthey simulate; the, appearance; of ar, Capes and i axai gatRered( around toe- wrlsta sotaething, after: ,the fashlofc of Turk Ish .trousers., . 1 , i,..?, ,j (The istyle is original and quite fash ionable at the, present, moment',, but It tat necessarily doomed to van early death, forMhei reason that thaGwrapil isnptr.dres8y ontmgh tof isrvi the putt pqse.iof aniaU-round lcofttfnd so imich material iai rehulredftJat thb maklne tttlifemitfwoaseiii axei wJlllagiUo.' inh iige iin av luxury wiiosel fato iwias etnotifullyodecldedVir 4 ii "MAt Elchys of owhltpimotv ohiffoa;- mull jkridntverji! thlaaullksVare; .used tot a IgreattlexteBt.obut'.ttteyJarQ guitelshorti ?T? IMlt a ., . . m . . .... pretty, And, ,admlrably. fulfil the pur-I Y?a' "DDoa!Qouea!'in wnneare nosed WVMS riWarft tfiWftTffiS vi4lUer arranged f In a. looeo sailor. tti An tdaintSF, iitonlintrerle, -which, la (Qt4etr,ely,-jfew.nbutfFipKlfti;h'r.eri .milnedfiforthe present seasontp PAA.esDgcialafflyw .Jftg .sjiprt thi&QifteB,'rb'fIc& ,drSsalcrfkl'i,.tf-ftnlBhfed 'tfraundi the bipsTitb.sIaits,utUQkB,t0O 'gatliers .nflfK:ftd-iuiJv.tinndjpJ rfBotiVWrWeerdtbQlke'&f wh'We-'ifislP 'fkpA li6mWitfchdwfe'ttii .ImnidbVfthafrillsudf-h'aCTowdTrMtei eaakittt pnadiiUflnndttfill SfhfMlYftih is, sbicfci-wpnpjjudeR gtifrQflkjipfjiir'ftJ nlahnrntplv trfmmfid netticoah-r which portant item, since slende.rness is so essential to a fashiftnable appearance his summerV ? . ' " ,A frock rthatusotahle. Jprlnci ally forfs. .elfegnt sifliplicityir is-rde-relopfidu4;sneerest; white mull?1 -The skirt 'layout in sey.en .gores and saitv rdd about he hips '(fa "so 'many roWs o shirHn'g- Around, the foot a dnlshj is; effected by. a'trimmiiig' qfVen' narrow, jbaudaj. tqf; whljfe.;BatJnf'pdtl straight, , ;arouna Vthe gpoas, xne; to) one belng'formedfrntp Tgdod, sized lover's kno'tS' vat-tlie. center of ,he front. - .' The -bodice Is sb.irred a.t 'the waj'st and neck at the bapH. thttfront a bolero" - effect in lace embedded In jcuchings orxfhringsif-rV mul1 is fdnnads iBndiiopens;opverairiVfisn ;W Id The iEmperor?su American '8hlp. 'Although Germany1,; ha$ ' b6eii mak ing speciaj efforts , to .establish her, Itteirinihe "(fent ViCriWsU; n'aVat c6n- id a y$cht,cdmbin.in,g 'the bWt mod ern ideas, he Jlaced the prder In; America 'it is SureiV ' ti repdgh'fti'6n- Ship:, "Our' cmintr'y1 also .excels 'all other! 'aie'difclnes. : ' TaicMosteU McBUgst ,eearKollMfec4gt:-po;qqHCJhljt) '0V6r' -fifty year sifaco- if was first introduced, and its record of 3 i The1 JBleevesteach'tthlV.tQ'lt!lif-K Proprletora flLrl toQc$ earn trJvu-i ."hem JIw bnA Feed Yard. Waliy Horses for Sale. dESIOI CARE TAiCENOF .no.Pj TJSAWS ,fiR( .GHT QIVE US A- CALL. hedJJOjdlce Jjeinc, treated in the mm ., THE 0 JLt. vk tu. ULX vx t. Best 25 cent Meals RHT - EXTRAS . alal nd NIGH: B, Prop. Prld T Umatilla Claara. rill of lace1 Ai'ndervwhiclD'is) a, Rouble i nil ui auuuimiai'Wifi?iii""' V, A.ottchrij iCprngenniSQnof. tte white dresses ,acsleaBsL.lQX .gum-. jner wear Is obtained through qne of, -Ihe new French laces. Thlrf'lace'Jls white, Hnen thread, with, u, darned p.atye&rOh $fntf$t Idlbfld Jtreads, pinda scolloped bdrder in pale color, iwhich is most enective on wWiriW:, ypp. or grass lawn frocks. ,,i J lilu if' Some of the prettiest gowns now J 1 I . il. . C 1. 1 l.lrt n1.An nf xm view at uie laauioutiuio ouviio ui jGotham are oH&UlWI!i1iitiiineri- The feklrt of one bears a waved Insertion dallidiis of lace hefeantT there', the iiiouc yame lwork jlace. Empire paiterns In lace are jtaking the lead and yeyy dainty some jof them are, such as half-oval !'TheW8a,'fihiS3r,a,e lenough to be abJelo.Jlp her own sew jlng has andvanttfge tfilsar in one !way. deM)iite 'Wkl&veWlve -U$nd of flithe prfbdes. dmf if.the pfettiest- irocMs (swwmi H'm" netesBary Jb Jo. put them together abd nv tue uwmLJl A vl CJitfiA ' f A ept by some one who has had pealence in the matter, and it 1b terYo mak'.tHW'WQrtnte and iur chaaV one'alrmddfecoratedand economize on ebroething else. Sometnhwvery Bmarter outdoor Wear has Juattawa ugfn-om France In the forMiafiUM AMMlM ftMque car- kriot, or else are brotight around the nckMne a"! Loiiis iquartorre) Ibowi inl frrpnu t nor i neatness, notnlng canoex oel the, trimj Ilttle.1 band .of ) embroidery: idr, piam ihemstltchedi lmen)iworni'on 'tbflf:oollarl!iThnktter riti-lK haa heart twithi His manyfsoasJnsj ibut afpresent there arenno IddlcatioBiof its waning' DOnUlarltVlJ ku,ii it t . In i i; 1 J K -I L 1 . , t . . X , , ituivtuicwiBuiiiiiierk ssyicsjJBnow mucin latuis.mew in rtrlnUnlngatasi well fias atrarialsjI.butothe'.inain.Jthing tbbe 'memberod lis thafeipnomiis-HnshfeK -5whlte at e1 necessary to i absolute 9fil9iand1twonwili. be Immaculate in ben imakeupr j 'tum,.; n i, , i. -t ! )tn i : ;.. in ' ) ul m&fr- ,oA w .ni .?spx,n('ft.iy?l?i. ojltsValue jtjOOfii.j.tt'? sUl on .noiTHiu iU-; vim nq' jt ' 'Ve 'Pyff5'fj'W'r.ii?JjevQrgaiVJlojv ;dt Salem witfr Secretary of ' State.o Tlffef nrdtiibit'loni1rciityr is ;tn MlA zdtlon of the offlce1 9dfd Secretary a 'df Spate. Dunbar "at" Salem.. A certified at th7e SW'hdnse: .' " ' ' PfbhibitMrilste thr6tiBhbUfc-the state are 'confident thrit they will .poll "a larger Vote" 'tlfis yea!- tWh'! Wt ain' ni-gvlouyerectlbh 1 the1 lilB'fdiV'H ilpTnitnTOj5 fie party 'cast n4Ku'0"v6t'es, win tins vear aounie. ma iironaniv treblfe it&'Yote-" bf two' years a-grt;- lIMi". nrbry1 baSe3' thja'plflfctipn ?tfri 'fli'C'rtf lfi tions. prahibitkm.-. workers.,,.. Kenerally. 1 JaimesJiA cfTate,r iBjeRjtarypfjbe, nationain arowmuani uaruBi orgajowat tioflo'lH"cAt'aBSi4:Iie(ktiitb5iniitai(f in-i Mu erj Its' ''aW5J'6xpecf ed."- 'Tffr - TatH "Itlni fji'is fb'iiV "bifefficKe'fl, Vo'tf1 m tHAilll rt . ia ! Govfirnor Rev. A. J. Hda,",br retary .o'StateNp At pjstiflf( Uimatllla?iirr s'a. -? .hitinninin , Swt. j JreHaurer- JS. iMcDftnlf MultBonwibA .It -fc i ta'-iJivV r. r" r. .r" -p.ni ; lw. BrookSIVftiUi' I, Ponjrnielx-Fjst , dUtrc(,!-fHv. Tl' IT. I.JIA'I VLklll. VA.AJ Uln rlctr SpVul&WaB- nao rtta n aa. 1 aaau i Unci IfttlirxaHBHUa TteaVKHKi year- rthorn beef no ranch, tlon. All la Clgai A Oregonlan bd- heated, botnd tb room in Aawhec- wj! In- I 10il ( Jt o jt I n 'lo ot lit ,s .e iinAel r x ha i i id l-1".- .1 'Btai I. .a o1 Hi ft ' 1' l )ril nl t';,cti ,r .!,'( i ,i iitil i K i nil oaaapwoir new"-,' ljli mi -JJWkilfat i " i I w ip 1 ) ' n 11 mi ,i ii - til' ' '-"'.It itl . f w t L,a t)oil. . i !l oi . il - . . . . , . ... . .. .... . H3 j io niio ,unn m ..Don't, use i spaa fqr j,?pn cwntnfvi Hwwt nvi.t i atlHo fMlOtV Hi j onntil i;,v;n.i! -iiiaiI nn- otHlft rlT .inunni CO ".TJO tt 0'H M 'loi Inn ill i.v II. iil dot Ui ' nl ""is trior i convenient, ichdape 'nl 1 MKWfjr-RiKVt ffc,awiv Jrt ;idiniuhothinj(f:.' I'TITP'V V C A TDD A NV CAMD X MV .TJNOIT OITA i00t iO Jll ! i I'll ' i, i , u-ij I in i , ..i" Som. People Who Have Proved Up - Jon1 Utfd; May Get $1.'25f'ian'' Acre 'Back.' f rJ' ' Senator's .aritcheirs, mil,, as , passed,. ;pr(ovJdesuliatL. who, , .homestea,d tlm,-, 'oQr(trulture.,,riesort,,land or,.,other en- !tHqs.,Qfj1p,tbllfM landB- atfi qr (baveqb, I I 1 j I'MTi'i iiiv; ji j a fiM n u i r "i itti. i jaiSR Jor J Ol( -1J MlltlflVt fl ul dlild fill 1 1 i tl' i 1 f I o j I'--1 Ml iVriT riiM n iijj loaiio lUSQ qf.'i'1' ' tlv'M Jif i in ) R l -iOil l' cdnfiJptt;,orJiW.lfirfii tlio,eitry Jh.ospiv, RH'Si CxRCliVlE' ro;neRHsybeen,Ja)lpw6dJand.1j cannot V if !'ni not ' t . ,0 -xh-.i oblJ rqneRHBjy, upqnajiOjWeui.anaj cjnnoi bo .cpnflrirtedi .the secritaryqE iho, In terior shall repay thb entryman.iaU .flfllWPSlpnfflr,'? ur.qli.ast), ,;1 npifpy , , t, , , iivi-aasno iinnn Tim cnnic whqn, such Q.ntry,tlf dlyanfjqledjpjf,' , . In .ca.horpr.parUea, ia,vp(i,piald, doubly ,m.pm,um,tpirlpt!ifprlanrt. whcl aa. (ajtfjrwftrs bofin ,found np,t- 9, bo '.or w.lthlpthqollpilis ? JipyiPortloftiof, a, srafjt .wniqii.jmfijf, tpflMeu; tq fi.iJi 11 btiiwof .!'. ,r,iiiiT)i obU ; 1 ' ADDITION .TJ'O. PENDLETON. it -i. io ') 1 - ih ;il 111 .f ..,! iJala il falfur.o, .tOofipnBfyuqi, .that .portion ,9? liej.rflllrpapVln fl.is of.whlch tb gW)t c mnila tlia.nvmoa rP 1 OF. nn ,1 sna bq, pepaid, or.qntrmpmj-ijJbilmfl for. repayment r.tfl, be a valid, niust vba ,WyWfli$reft Wbii ,fnfl- 11 101 ao;in .li.'.ij.i iul .o-niHr-ifit In "J fc Wlelda'a i8Harp.'Axj iioi.ttl o ..,.1 , .... ,7 .V 7. J.rr -.T---I' If -i aidfllfes'cnr'ttfi"' oil rr.ti o ij nit unilf 0, nil !, , .. iifl-il r W .. I, I , i (,., i ir-ri Ai'T'i WJTW 'It PiJIs tliH ni6tft?, afsiMEfiaVI ngf," tHB." oiible ULUUtUVUi. w UilU UUIIOl UUUU1CO 'DknepfeTal'sppfe Tjefore' 'tbesd . wbd.er,ulwbi-K6rs, 11 fall' OllbfiXv -t ' 1 ) uuilfiiiTillii r,i ir Baseball at West ,piy(;f- (t ', -!Vest Point, N. Y.-, April 12. The tVS?&)-AWm ,P'...1P ..tfrtRg hilMaryin .academy. lin.ed,1iu, imnlpslt, 'thtt.JtJuIpn .cflllese.i.Plub, n, Abo, , it n- ,n9ffo5Wf oiTOn?Pn 'JEoi!m frrt I3nga jBaft.ijdltis, $yi?fltetoff -ipBy,! ,J?oVfi 10 aaoo ov itnliioaoiO firtft 01IT (Otoal vd I "t oon of (io,in( d ovoii nl booji .sbodjom idalt -to. fxtflln IUva Uvtnniwj)'A,JiaVosibuu .'.ofiloiiia Kfll) )i ir 'HM boO Qood Been. pilsner firfi.nttj lift jo 2iw, hi inoiii i i ton ;il oolt ;f i xirait iiimo) ml r ij,ii)'nit . no.,I i,-I ltldll(l JUirjl i!.( at !, fl I' ( i) firt')lal , Hil 111 ,,', 1) HOlI(, nbl 111 i i '..Guaranteed .inotiuto i 1 1 8fflp?9 fflUeiiFlui (,nj., toii!tR: ma: ingeu an atiruciivuijiyfj.iejy,ji hUA igson yhcft inches ajujiie, nnapolis, the first ever held betyfl' gnme will attract unHfl.1, lptest, t...riin rivnirv. nf.r,urnin tiia nrmv.nni ivy over the annual foothaj gamo i -i "" ,"'" '"i .wiiiMAfAiv'itifiliScnitf Itz 1,1 Bre,winff'"-?Co4o1 iiho as welf. ,ro(I (n,r ' ,,' f1n fnolllfo.f to ,f?Wr i(Hv 4 'itcauBe ihoadaoheo ono iijivr. dizzinlBrf.,!,.1.1.,l..liI..,.l.7.,ll.il ewho fifinila noljttaliiitil oi'iv.n bun JIlvfK ll .III H'ALfuf n,I.C bolfUfM Od liliilililf Oi I ()lllill(1 lilJ fliJOfH i) Peerless .Jgtenr ;TOks".: .1(0(10906 (:(,( fj I,, i-H- jiij.iiyij.I Jilt ,lt it 1 JI I Ol''Hf O'lK',0 1' HO 1i JJiieb - Will i i tJlU'J K T ,M I l lo To Juo Fjii . .tl iiollnin NEW THING ofx.( .lllui'a' tJ Umh ol In .1 d fj .aooit.i : Biisri ills lllti) WUK1.JJ j f VI 'J o u hit .(Tlieidiimantleii aroihawnMoc uctions and tefi0 a'"' Vvl"IJl5" xU O tifcfo fcftdle tJo'eVVdfenectiv y.ifprcJhfliliKlwaflrtAriplq fAl nui weaves" 'l iTfey arcmaaejn two graaes. rnce 30 anu 46 cedts'eaeli.' ' ' t r.. Ui 0,1 !M,,t 1 $M&a$Qhfl MVitt" CQRoriHand,' Or'.Z'o -il bun nit) If 1 fill ' f It r 1 lid 'nil V 1 I I daaaai i lH aair I 1-41 1 f II Ma1 1 1 VfT Til "fii d bread use Byera Btat Flour. It took firat ie0hleao' World VFabr' over all aml 1 Mifo.f iirfAetif i' oifl '11 1 1 j . 1 11 ' 1 1: jtj r.t 1 : 1 11 1 1 i 1 1 1 m I .' I , I j To make cood loot a oi(Wnfat Mle01iitiJjil'o' flon. and eivealfa)MellMt Baiiaiaatioo Wbwrtivar lkna4.lv timt (tilt;, bttrt 8yo!Wf fSdjbf.jijBflidPffl) (tail ii(f ul 04 obio ff u,j,-m rjB,2iave .thftDkt iflUana. alnritct lletfcjBlJjfiayad Btiardleaa Barley; ifoonf 1 tuu am ,,iiow . - . 1 ,(iu r! Aoow onJ 4gr foortoa 070W odvr oxo(i" ifr1 IJ.TM . rr 1 1 1 i M.WlPl Hjfpnkrtor4 lo sruUaottp IIA iJaaataaadilaaaaaiaaaaaiataBl .1 b uo' Itto oia otatIT J lo Ittomoliloa arfi jo Ji iiaHoqai .s.v-. t.... ..'-i-v--.' l-.'vsrtM. W , ,.1