East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1902, Image 2

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    Chic Ideas in Shirts
Shifts of Stylist Colo
Shifts Ptopedy Made
Shifts That Fit . . . .
A correct combination is found in the above and here
are the nrices that speak for themselves
Golf Sf&ts from 50c to $t .50 an3 all rare Bargains;
Negligee Shirts from 50c to 33; all bargains;
Working Men's Sfilrts in black and .striped from
50c to $1.25; big money's worth.
Every Shirt new and of this season's, patterns. Every day a
bargain day,
One Price Clothiers, Fumisliers and Hatters, Pendleton.
The Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany has donated to the University
of Montana 40 acres of land for an ob
servatory site,
A. D. Hayes, district attorney at
Ogden, Utah, will be appointed to
succeed Judge Arthur H. Noyes, of
the district court of Alaska.
The house committee on pensions
made a favorable report on the sen
ate bill granting a pension of ?5000
per annum to the widow of the late
President MpKinloy. Mrs. McKlnley
was already a rich woman.
The New York Chamber of Com
merce adopted a resolution urging
the senate and house of representa
tives to concede a reduction of not
less than 50 per cent on the tariff du-.
ties on sugar and tobacco imported
from Cuba.
In the Canadian house. Dr. Borden,
minister of militia, announced that
the Canadian militia is to he increas
ed from 35.000 to 100.000. The arse
nal at Quebec Is to be enlarged and.
another arsenal will be established in
British Columbia.
A meeting has been arranged be
tween the managers of Pugilists Mc-
Govern and Young Corbett for the
purpose or arranging another oattie.
The manager of MfcGovern will leave
Nfcw York Sunday for Cincinnati,
where the meetings will be held.
The Pendleton.
W. S. Still, Chicago.
J. M. Sinclair, Chicago.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
Bruce Brien, Portland.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
H. B. Rees, Portland.
J. J. Hart, New York.
D. S. Roberts, St. Louis.
L. E. Buckingham, Kansas City.
H. Claybough, New York.
W. W. Irvln and wife, St.Paul.
T. W. Jackson, Portland.
Charles A. i-ucas, Portland.
J. W. Stewart, Baker City.
J. B. Donnelly, San Francisco.
Rev. Dr. David L. Vandewater, pas
tor of the Union Park Congregational
church of Chicago in 1877 and 1878,
is dead at his home in New York city'
from a complication of diseases. He
was ou years old.
Hon. Charles Rolls has reduced the
automobile road record for one kilo
meter wlth flying start by G 2-5 sec
onds, at the Part des Cerfs, says &
Herald dispatch from Paris. The!
course was not in good ondltion.
"While an O. R. & N. fireman, U. S,
"World, was under the engine at
Wallace, Idaho, some cars struck the
rear end of tho train. Threo wheels
of the tender ran over his chest, kill
ing him instantly.
A suit against Inman, Paulson &.
Co., for $162,721 damages was filed in
the state circuit court by tho Pacific
Mill company, of Honolulu, for al
leged breach of contract to ship Ore
gon pine lumber to Honolulu.
A petition in bankruptcy has been
filed m the federal court at Spokane,
by W. F, Morrison, ounty president of
tho city board of health. This action
came as a surprise as It was thought
ho was In excellent financial condi
tion. While it is Impossible to keep accu
rate count of the settlers coming In
to Oregon, It Is estimated by railway
officials that no less than 7000 people
have located In this state s'neo the
Inauguration of tho low-rate colonist
excursions about a month ngo.
Charles Maddy, wanted at Canyon
City on a charge of stealing bullion,
was captured at Boise City. Maddy
wont .there Monday from Thunder
Mountain. Ho was arrested in Ore
gon but escaped Jail. Maddy admit
ted his Identity when arrested.
J. F. Root, of Tho Dalles, attempted
suicide at his home by swallowing a
full dose of poison. Ropentanco evi
dently followed the act, as ho Imme
diately telephoned for a doctor. When
holp arrived Root was in convulsions
but was revlved.and -will probably re
cover. The Oregon delegation at Washing
ton Is haVlng a hard tim6 selecting
a member of the congressional cam
paign committee. Senator Mitchell is
not 0,-caudIdate, but -Simon,- Moody
and Tongue are. Mitchell favors
Tongue and has voted for him in del
negation meetings. There Is no date
set tor another meeting.
The Golden Rule,
James Wlllson and wife, Seattle.
W. T. Martin and family, Seattle.
Clara Love and child, Seattle.
Ml Margerson and son, Seatle.
Velar! Bras, Seattle.
Banning and Metcalf, Seattle.
Howard Coleride, Seattle.
Walter Dabher, Seattle.
Harry Knoff, Seattle.
Sidney Mfester, Seattle.
Newton Fields, Seattle.
Mary Marsch, Seattle.
Lloyd Windsor, Seattle.
Katy Hazelgrove, Seattle.
Edna Foley, Seattle.
Irene Lester, Seattle.
Eliza Gardner, Seattle.
Carrie Lowe, Seattle.
Katie Oliver, Seattle.
L. Mart Slocum, Seattle.
Alma K.rk, Athena.
V. C, Brock, Walla Walla.
E. D. Lewis, Salem.
E. E. Wishard, Weston.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
A. E. MicBreen, Spokane.
T. Sunda, Cayuse.
A. Kirby, Cayuse.
T. J. Amspdker, Michigan.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
Tired Feeling,
onlv One Man Refuses to Sign th
y .
Agreement Clerks, Salesmen ana
Women ana i neir rr:cnu
There has been considerable nn
-iety.felt lor the-lasbfew days. among
tho clerks and salesmen and saps
in tho cnneral merchandls6
stores'? of Pendleton "over the proposi
tion of keeping open until 9 o clock
every night Instead of 8, as Is the
rule now.
Thero Is one or two merchants In
town who have persisted in keeping
open until 9 o'clock, and the rest
of the dealers In the same lines of
goods did riot like this, but .nothing
could be done and the proposition of
keeping all stores open until this
hour was seriously considered by
most of the merchants for several
Aftar eettine together and talking
the matter over, however, they con
cluded that they would maue an ei-
fort to get all to agree to close ai o
o'clock. Consequently a paper was
nrennred and circulated. All the com
peting stores agreed to close that
nnkPil to. excent one and here
came almost a break. This particu
lar man would not close until u
nVlnok under anv consideration, and
those -who signed the. paper did so
with tho understanding tnat tne cios
ine Rhould be ceneral. Now the ques
Mnn of whether the rest will all stand
to the agreement or not and let this
store stay open is the thing tnat is
agitating clerkB as well as business
mnn. All hut this nartlcular man re
alize that 14 hours Der day is enough
for any man or woman to stand oe
hlnrl a counter and .wait on customers
and they realize also that no trade
will bo lost by closing at 8 o'clock,
fnr that Is as late as there is any
necessity of any one having to buy,
iiniosK in very extreme cases. Dill
Lthov do not like to close their busi
ness and see another comnetlnc line
offered for sale an hour later. It is
thought, however, that the others will
Rtnnil hv tho surreement to close at
the usual time, regardless of what
this one man does. However, tins
plan may not prevail, for there are
nnp. or two. nartlcularlv. who think
they should not close unless all do so,
and It may yet become a general
thing to keep the business houses
open until 9 o clock at night.
Stat sop Ohio, city or To lido i
Lucas Comtnr. I
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senlor.partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co.,
uoing Duunera in me cuy oi xoieuo, couniy
arid itate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum ot One Hundred Dollars for each and
every .case o( Catarrh that cannotbc cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December, A.
f..,. D. 1886.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of tho system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J, CHKNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Weston Notes.
Weston, April 12. Marshal D. F.
Lavender is tho happiest man In Wes
ton this morning, the occasion of all
his joy being the advent of an eight
pound girl in his home.
E. A. Bcales, forecast official for
this district, was in Weston yester
day. Mr. Beales is traveling over
tho country gathering data on crop
prospects. He reports tho outlook
very good.
Mrs. Alaco Kirkpatrlck went to
Walla Walla yesterday to visit her
son, Kester, who is in Dr .Cropp's
hospital at that place.
F. M. "Smith, of Collego Place,
Wash., was In Weston on -business
yesterday. Mr. Smith is tho father
of Professor Smith, of the Normal
Unsolicited Testimonials Tell of It's
Alf. K. Kelley, residing at 2195
Devlsadero St, San Francisco, Cal.,
writes the following:
"When I first .purchased Herpicide
I thought, like the majority of hair
preparations, it would prove a fake
I am happy to state that, on tho con
trary, it Is all, and oven more, than
you claim for it, Quite a number of
barbers throughout the section in
which I travel have called attention
to the new hair sprouting out on my
scalp, and inquired of- me what I
have been using. I tell them 'HerpI
clde;' also give them my name and
The homllest man dn Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others,
are Invited to cnll on any druggist
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for tho throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cure and
relievo all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall-
man & Co., sole ngents.
Attention Log-Rollers.
The regular meeting of Pendleton
Camp No. .41, Woodmen of the World,
is now held on Saturday at 8 p. m
in ecjet. Society hall. -Members
nldttOA rrn.in. Al. 1 w . ,
f..vMB ;tuiu iuuuiauive'ficcuraingiy.
Attest: J. P. WALKER, Clerk.
Smoke Pendleton Bequet Cigar.
The Juvenile Minstrels at the Frazer
Well Worth Seeing.
Wlllson's Juvenile Minstrels were
greeted Friday night at the Frazer by
a fair-sized audience, but when the
merit of their performance is taken
Into consideration they should have
had a packed house. Tho company Is
made up mostly of little tots and they
show remarkable talent and skill for
their work. Dotty Martin, in her ren
dltion of the "Big Wax Doll," was
lino, In fact all of the llttio singors
were grand, but Norman Margeson
and Linna Love won the hearts of the
whole audience In their specialties
Norman Margeson is only a tot of 5
years and ho shows better skill than
many comedians who have been In
tho field for years. Ho was heavily
encored, as were all tho rest of the
performers They will appear at the
opera house again tonight and will
give a matinee this afternoon. The
show is well worth the money.
E. W. Grove signature on every box. Price
of Eocrev, Despondency,
Morosenessin Spring, arc
JU UXJ ll . n .
. , iL. CnirrmM( lilt
Keiuvenates uw
A . I Dotrtrne HPI.
bvstem anu nooiui
... . nut nf norts.
To thousands oi vw
weary, despondent, more e Irritable,
w th weaic, iauun is lo tint sick
and dull and sunken oy es not sick
enough to bn confined to bed, this is
a critical and dangerous scason-a
time that generally calls for prompt
action, if recuperation and cure are
the prime objects.
The past experience of hundreds of
thousands, including able medical
men, clergymen, judges, lawyc srs. lit
erary men and women, the rich and
those In high social positions, points
unhesitatingly to Paine 's Celery Com
pound, the great medical pres criptlon
of modern times, that gives to the all-
ing. sick and uiseaseu me
r' i,,im. that insures happiness
11U11 III . J
and true pleasure from day to day.
. ! r. PnlnfVK (lei-
Tne virtues iiaui.ul - -
ery Compound quickly manifest their
power in the correction of unhealthy
nerve action, and supplying the veins
with pure, more abundant, more vig-
orous, and lite-giving uiuou.
Palne's Celery Compound is pre
eminently the best spring medicine
known to meaicm iiiuiiunuuu-ia
thoroughly cleansing and purifying
the blood, and banishing the varied
ills that result irom a puiouucu
Impure condition of the life stream.
symptoms of rheumatism, neuralgia,
dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney
disease, eczema, or salt rheum, a few
UOliies Ul ruiuu a vjvv.i j -j--x,w
j i ai. i iin i-ntilrllv rtlnnfil
USeu UL luio uuiu wi tp"j
all trouble and danger. We urge
every weak, ailing and sick person to
fairly test the medicine that is doing
more for suffering humanity than all
otner comuiueu rjuu&cuico.
DIAMOND DYES Purest. Strongest,
umNlUflt Tasust oi all dyes,
& CO.
Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars.
In .1 Its stages there
should bo cleanliaeia,
Ely's Cream Balu
cleanses, soothes and heals
the diseased membrauc.
It cores catarrh and drives
aura? a cold In the. Lead
Cream Balm Is Placed Into tho nostrils. Bruit
orer.pie membrane aud is absorbed. Blf(4la
: . . r .-..J-. uaa wfim
not proK meeting. Large SI, to aesU at Druo-
s "i MMi, in sue, 10 carnw bj mtu.
El Principe Degales
Henry The Fourth
La Flor Stanford
Sauches & Haya
El Telegrapho
Lh Mia
Charles The Great
2 for 25 cents
They Are Here
I I k AiSSS ' '
sum ww m v m,
1 1
myr spring
This line added to
1; f xrM c
1 "U4. Mnl,AHa1
inland empire.
Get Your Spring Hat In the Sprii
Now Is the Time. Today.
Nothing is mare pleasing to the eye than a beautilul .la
Now is the time to get your
We have the best values from $4 up.
IJjHigii Grade Gaeden Hose at Low Pjucee.
Thompson Hardware Com
wll Inntlv ilnsnrlbe the BUpefb'l
floor Goverintrs dlsulayed at W
where an elegant variety of
. . . j faj
patterns in every Ktnu, uif
tn AYrtilnntAra ftTld wlltonS. Si
pleasure oi those who deelr.'
nlsh 'their rooms economic
Who lariroaf iotnrk aver lW
Pendleton and the cheap !
sewing machines from w )
les, .etc., for all machines.
Wall, Paper at Cost
j$3 00 per Day and Upwards.
Finest tit
In ths
Tho East Cregonlan Is Eastern Ore-,gon'-
representative paper. It leads,
and the peoplo appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It Is the
arlunrtlalnn - ..
...H u, Wl lMIB MCUOn.
For Health, Strength and ft
Pleasure Drink ; : : : : : : II
Polydore Moens, Propielo 1