Business Cards PROF 1FESSI0N8 AND THAUM. ron SAI iBrJ d ftti iK". rc'.ly .inilcnl In Host OKitOB k0 PHYSICIAN. f a fOLB. .OFFICE ,-IN l Telephone 7?.' JTTDD V a.;. . w r ..nVBDlTV BLOCK, and correcrs. eye cater- irlng. 4. HI nirf rtrrr asWlYi VBi2S& Rankin BO; feslflence teiepnong . 3& MS?M O-cVbUc UK" , " i ' iSjrIAMHdTJSrt- E?WCTANANU 'Dr. w'"" nfflm. -ramo 20, Judd Hnlla-. WoneMaln72. Residence Phoae Red 28, 1 'iritTp. M'FATJL. ROOM. 17, ABBOCIA- T tad Burgeon, specialties .eye. "Ft.."" fl!l:S!h,nt Offlce In Savings Bank bulla- 'TwTEOrATHlC PHYSICIANS. ' 'WML MReyes Keyea. Office one Mock 'Wti t of i. Helton -Store. Jf-" 1 ' W LYNN K. BliAKEBIiKK. CHRONIC d nervous dUeases-and heww of Jffn. 0pp. Hotel eaaletffl.eor. Water ST Main Sta.. Pendleton, Ore. Pbob lee .278. ' -ARCH ITECT8 ANDUILPEWa. . r. HOWARD. ARCHiraCTMNP perlnilodent. mak ' c0"1 1n5Nll: aefr plani for bnUdlmn In the city or Sentry. Room 17. Jodd Jrolldlagy- 1HEBK 4 COLE, CONTRACTOBB "AND builders. Batlmate L4J'! aotlce. Job work a specialty. "2J Stnice. Shop on Blnfl street, near Mala S Z MAT . CONTRACTOR AM fcnllder. Estimates 'furaleBed , on 11 Undf of masonry, cement walks, atone walls, etc. Order can be left at the Bast Oregonlan offlce. . t. ELECTRICAL iUPPLIEt. MAPLE BROS.. COtJRT BTkUBT, tjA' Meal anppllee. Houaee, ftorea wtred f or iberric llRhta, belle lor-teiepaeoea. weewi eai lxtnrM, all klnde. Get oar .prioea. He-; fair work a apeclalty. , - RlOON-KT.TTOTRICAL WOBK8:Cn 4,"Prop". Comerof -Main 'and'Wel -atreeiet ,,Honie and boll wlrinjcneaUy. .aad prornptlr Tone, aive us a trial All-work gnaranteedr1 t hone Red 40S. C. T. Klne, Pror-. s LIVERY AND JEEDTAaKJtaVi UMERCIAL BTABLM, O. W. FROOMJB Prop. LWery feed and Boardlaf. All klada roonta. Competent drrvera. Opposite Ho- renaietoB.yeiepaoaq jiw. POT LTVBRT, FKBD AND BAOE8 Jtablea. Plreticlaai .,sla-i9, ea 4jobk n for' all orcaMcme. flCT Coit-mwaei BtJ ;ae. Main 7P. Brlln Craig, Prop. STT BTABLUB. T. W.'TM.l,'PllOP.. Mrery, feed and aoardlajc- The beat .omenta In the cltr. Alta St., betweea 'ill and Cottonwood Bta. Pkoae, Mala iO. WWOIf FEETl-iiTARD. W. T. BOYNTOW up. opei'.iKi unro kivoii uuikw inn wa.u ANn ftAimiaaaTft. ornr cab ltnb, krwin baker, prop. .Telephone Main 79. at the Depot LlTery HN. r DENTISTS. t. A. VATTOHAN, dentist, ofkich in 3M balldlaf. - A. MANN. DENTIRT, IN AflSOCIA" ,tlen block, orer F. B. Cloptoa'a oflee. RE8TAU RANTS AND CAFES. W. GEORGE RESTAURANT, P.TRICTTiY ..arat claaa. W. W. Pawfi'iJ. Prop. Meat' Mlhoun. 601 Main 8t. Tol. Main 1061. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. 8. BOWMAN, LEADINaPHOTOORA i.p?r ?f the dty- Harrcet views, Indian EiLotoMor sa,e- Flnlahlnir done or una tfnra. Main St, near bridge. "Phone, Bed . TORNEYS. CARTER u RALBT, ATTORNBTB AT Law. Office in Bartaaa Bank, building. LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT ileC Oregon. " AsMOctatlon Wock- jSii W?X WJ." OFFICE IN - "miuwK, i-enaieion, uregon. "oSJKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Qfflce in Aaaoclatlon block- '"cMrt stD' ATT0BNBy AT " Et,DEO,reB0A.'r,:0RN?IY A tJ,W JABuHdlng. I,,EE' LAW PFpICH IN ,JODD PIERCE.-: ATTORNEYS ttd to nti r ""'"nan haa been admlt Uw nS roak apoclaUy of Patent factly 'F0 8ALE. FRATERNAL ORDERS. " n "WANTED. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO. MJT.OJNnEB S i I altAltinM n? alia ttW wai.i 'MtraRnAn??S.IoiTA'K!E CHARGE OF. atag ,ptlrposes. Old, ?ewBftprs ' Is jarge. &Jtaenllue'. h sm security bwadM of , one luuidn . awfc" at 25 feuts tV Me iiq'Jv Per month,''- Inquire at' Golden' uBdle-attbe BAST ORrplONIAK, oce.J " M'- Pendleton. Oregon. . , Jj. -.s- ' - ' ' ' r.'SJwaaHf.satuin oa ih whip, urtw jkjvw IALLMAN 4V CO- DRUMMTA iWWPLITP.NiWPWW' mn& Societies urnMi imut .AKnnANQED. ROYAL ,KIGHB0R8 OF AMRRtOA-WILD-"wood'CftTftp; No. 2KB, mcbte second and fourth Tuesflny.ln each tnonth'ln Odil, Follows" Hall. ,Mr Ida Holcomb, Oraclo ; ,Mr. Kettle IWbblnt, Recorder. mmrirT.i .irrawm vn ot r s m u ... Meets lq. Secret. Society Hall, se-on3 aad . Annafti ' fPnaaaiVaiwav aaiMamfc aaAntk ' Ait ' v a. uuiunj u va. HIUU tUi ail HIV Jtlng Mr Knights cordially Invited. J. . Keea,.,Itecprd Keeper;, E, D. Bstabrook, Commander. REDMBN DMAHALBS; TRIBE, NO. ; 18 drlckV Ball: Roy W. Rttner, . Keeper of 'PENDLETON' LODOS. NO.152. A'. TP" and f A. rM'aieeU 'grat1 and ' third ' Mondays of eacn dohu. viauing ornatna wetcoma.; T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe U. 1'arkin, Sc. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 2S T C. TaylorpJH.-ip;,sr.' F? WaaMey. Secretary. Meets first and fonrth Friday of each imoath t" Masonic Hall. 1 ' PENDLETON ' C0MMANDERY, , NO. '. T.i Robert 'ForsterB.-C., W. E. Ca'rter,- Sec retary. Meets '.flrst aad thirds Friday of each, mopth, la Masonic Hall. MONEHRB OF THE PACIFIC Wl 11am Martin Encampment Na-il.- Meets every. " "Wednesday, at THendrIck's Hall. Mrs: L. F. LHmprln, Secretary. ,DAMC)N LODGE. Mfl. 4. KNIGHTS, OF Fletoher, 1C- olR. it S." Meets evrry Moaajr in .aecgei, aociety ttau. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA gata4HaOaap,Ne 00BB."-Meetr- araf and thirds Satardays ef - eaeh aioatti- at Hen drlck's Hall. George A. Hamblla, ;Coa snl : .G. A, Bobblas. Clerk.. - WOODMEN OF THE WORLD BKGUliAB meetlnes.of Pendleton Camp No. 41. W. O. W:,-ie Tield ln Secret Society hall every Baturaay evening. visiting neignoors are alwayr -welcome. X 'P. TVaTker, Clerk. J. P. Earl. C. C. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST," NATIONAL BANK OF. ATHENA, si4uregeB.- vuapirai, sou,wv;raarpius ana prfUta, aouao. interest oairae-iiepeaita. Deals ln forelen and domestic ezchaaae-. Collections ' promptly atteatled to. Henry C: Adams, rlresldent; T.' 3. 'Kirk, vlcejres- laent; jc.i.. Harnett, caamer: r. u xeurow. aialitant cashier. THE PENDLETON, .SAYINGS .BANK, ' (pendleton. 'Oreeon: ' Oraanlsed' March 1. 1889 ; capital. -150,000 : , snrplsau" ;$90,000. Interest' allowed' on time .deposits.' Ex- cnaage pongnr. ana: soia-,on :u ipnacuMu Slnts. Special attention given to couec ons. W. J. Fornlsh, president; J: N. Teal, vice-president; T. 3. Morris, cashier. TUB FARMERS . BANK 0F. WESTON, Weston. Oregon, Does a general aaak- .lag.aalness,,chaf , aeit aa, 'sold. . Calieetloas . .-.laaiatl v i ay. Jameson, president ; ueo. w. iT-osaaxsi, HBepreaiaeBt ;JflHera?'- easMer ; dl- reexora, u. a. uartBaa, a. m. umm, -. JPrJc0. D. Graw, J, F. Kllgors, Jioaert Sasaasaa, A. W. -Praabrtal. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PMNDLaV toa. Capital $70,000: sarplas, 86,900. Transacts a general baaklag baslaasS. Mr eaange aad telegraphic transfers sold ? ea Ckicago. Baa; Francisco, New Task aad. fjctaclpal .volaua' the north west gpram Eawa on Chlaa, Japaa aad parac. Maksa , coUsctlons . -en KasoaaaieisfBav Lavt ''Ankeny,' prattaent; W. F. MaUeck, - r. Tt iv.X. Mahlar SI. O Onernsey. .asstamt.esahler. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. YOU CAN GET vTHB-r HIGHEST UAB- ket price for your" maes, ieits ana aii kinds of junk, snch as rubber, brass, cop per, lead, sine, rags and bottles, tlroa pf II Unas m iiikibiij. iwu vm u. 0 cents worth of old rags or ship In la the -same way. We have come here to Staj. . GItbus cal and yon will be satta dT L.i'Shank ,Co.; offlce and warehouse Beat ',ta. .Eastern . Hotel, Pendleton, Ore. Telephone, Bed 221. 8ECOND HAND, DEALERS. GEORGE O'DANIBL, NEW AND SBCOND nana -gooas noagat uiu uiiu vuuvt ci., Opera house block. Call aad ses me. V. 8TBOBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there, la anything yon seed In new or sectaaVbend furniture, stoves, MaHe ware and crockery, call and get Wy rloes. No. 212VConrJ; St iTOC!CrO"LrDER8, .MEETINGS. 'NOTICE -i8VHEBEBYIG'lVEN TO-THK STOCK. , OiDWera ,oi the rondieton woolen Mills mat a mcetlng will be held fruesday.May Ctli, I902,at ,tlie offlce of the company, In'. Pendleton, Ore gon, at-4-prm. E. Y. Judd, president, F. .B. Clopton, secretary. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE STOCK holders of Abe Pendleton Wool Scouring & Packlnir Co:, that a-meetinc wllLbe held Tues day, May 6, 1902, at the office of the company In' reumteon, uregon, at p m. is. x. juaa, president, F. B Clopton, secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. KELLAR BROTHERS, -PLA8TERINQ AND. cemeiiiinK. ucmeoi wbikb a apeciaity. .Es timates .furnished free. .Work guaranteed. Leare orders at Badley'a & Znbner's cigar store Vain street, P. O box 101. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscribe to magazines or news papers .In the United.. States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to .the EAST OREGONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and -we will 'have it sent .you end assume all Jtte risk of the money hjelng loet ln the malts. It will save vou both trouble ai d rlek. If you are a subscriber to the BAST ORE GONIAN, In .remitting you .can deduct f ten per ;cent, from the publisher's Iprlro Ad dress EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pen dlotpn, Oregon. 4 , harmleas, aure to acxwaapliaai tJaiwnr: sea.aia iwB.y. OfN THE" VOhl pa,- look at the, nice fat gentleman we"velJImitd'ln,Tor'.lunchl". ffllllHCE-lnOE Local Market PricM. The following fshpws tie prices paid on the Jocaiifnaket: !TiiiTLlp,.,7Bc er asick, Parablpa, ,76c per3 aack. Cabbage, 34f lb.,' Cheese; per lb., 20c. 0nbns(i per; cwt., $LB0 to $2. Green onions, 25c doz. Weets, per II)., Kl Vic. Potatoes, per .cwt, fl.60Ol.75. Apples, per box, $1.50. Horse radish, 12'c lb. Q Ucaf, liStt'lb. Sweet potatoes, 5o per lb. SaHer Kraut; 40c per' gallon. Pendleton Livestock ana Poultry. Chickens,, hens, per doz., $3.60 4. Roosters, $3.60 to $4.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz.,.$9. Spring, chickens, jer doc., SM. .Ducks, per doz., $ Pigeons, per doz., $L60. Eggs, 15c ln trade., . Butter, 50 65c per roll. Choice, beei cattle, etc. .Cows, .per hundred, 8.10. 'Steers, .14. Hogs, live. s. 'Hogs, dressed, Cc. ' CalveB,' dressed. 7 to 8c Pendleton Retail Grocery PHeea. . Sugaiv-Cane granulated, best, $5.00 per-, Back; do 16 lbs $1; .besjt granu Jae4,.'5.2A'perisajdr.; dP-.lMbV 9 Hnn. ..HWKr mwmmv -per jo:. iDH .iwt, sp.wjj www gde;oKe, 26 to 16c, lb; pmckac coffee, 16c lb. , , Rlce-Beat head rice. M?4c;sr tt; next grade, s 14c per lb. SaltCoarse,. 80c per 100; table, '$230"pef100. Flour, B. B., $3.40 per bbl. Flour, Walter's, $3.40 per: bbl. 8klns, Hides rlVlB. Portland, April 3. Sheepskins Rhnnrines. 1520c: ihort wool. 260 35c; medium wool, 30060c; long wool, 60c$l each. .Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 1 ponads an A itn 1Ri?D11.JAr nor nound: drr klo. Nn 1 R to IE nounda. 15c: drv calf. No. 1, under 6 pounds, ,16c; dry ea ouiis ana buibb uue-uuia nc uws dry aint; salted hides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and! over, 89c; 50 to .60 pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound. 55c; MPi.souna, id to au pomqi, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; jsalf, vojund1 under 10 pounds, 8c; mun. iinimHfiill. 1 c nernound less: Culls, one cent per pound less; horse hides, salted, each si.buz;. cry, each $ll-50; olta hides, each, 25 50c; goat skins, common, each, 103 15c; Angora, with wool on, each,25 $1.00. - Pelts-r-Bear sklas. as t size, No. 1, each $5320; cubs, $25; badger, ,each, i040c;,wlldcat,, each, 2680c; house cat, 510c; fox; common gray, 3050c; do red, each, $1.6002; do. cross, each, $6315; do silver and black, each. $1000200; fishers, each. $506; lynx, each, $23; mink, strictly No. 1., each 30c1.25; mar ten, dark northern; $612; marten, pale pine, according to size and co lor, $1.6u83; muskrats, large, each, 510c; skunks, each, 25030c; civet or polecat; each, 6 10c; otter for large prime skins, each, $57; pan ther, with head and claws perfect, each, ,$2.006.00; raccoon, for large prime, SO35c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.60 6; wolf, prairie (coyote) with head Derfeck')eacbv.406Qc; wolf, prairie, (coyote) wUhouthead -perfect, each, afltfSSKn! wolverine, each S47: beav er, per skin, large, $56; do medium, $34; do small, $11.60; do kits. ttUKPYOC. ft' t &IJefiTONEAGHBORHOpD. Death.jof " Mrs, .Sarah A, .HayesTo iwkrt.i Dalrylani Creamery Near Weston. jphe East Oregpniam Is Indebted to toWoaton Leader ;for the following Items: Mrs. N, Loverldge Is seriously slclj. at her homje ln this city. ' O. A. It. McOrew left for Portland Wednesday j.p a.Uend..tho demoa-atlc siattf coevetioB a, .Wwton'a member i ! ' -I. CONGO', of the. Umatilla. ' county delegation, vice BL' M. Powers, who "was unable to go oil account of .sickness. lHrs'. jamiys JKlrkpatrlck left for :Walla Walla. Thursday to visit her .son, Kester, who Is In Dr. Cropp's 'hospitat theref suffering from acute Bright's disease. Xate reports are that the Patients condition has ma, terially improved,' which, will be good news to his many friends. A. B, Loveall, who formerly resided in Weston, and, moyed to Sherman county about three, years ago, died last Frjtiay at his home near Kent, ln that county. He left in bereavement a widow and one stenson. Clarence ShrlVer. The remains were interred' at Mora. Dr. Best had a runaway accident Saturday which for a few seconds af forded plenty of excitement and dan ger. He was returning from Simp son's place, on Wild Horse, when one of the horses became playful and by kicqing broke the tongue. It was on a steep elope down which the horses plunged and finally, breaking through a, barbed wire fence, which stopped them. One wheel .collapsed, throw ing the doctor upon a wire, which caught him under the chin, inflicting a slight gash. The, fact that he, grab bed at the wire with one hand les sened its force on his throat, and saved him from a serious and per haps fatal wound. One horse was quite severely cut and the buggy de .mollshed. Wild beasts seem to be again quite numerous In the. mountains, near, Wes ton. Peter Narkaus, who, lives on Wild Horse ' mountain, about 4 nine miles from Weston, appears to be quite an expert in trapping them. Since last Christmas'' Mr. Narkaus has caught in a single trap one red and gray fox, one coyote and one wild cat, and last Monday He found tnat a care less brown hear had been captured therein. The singular feature of bruin's fate was ihat he had become ensnared in a comparatively small trap, such as is usually used for coy otes. Mr. Narkaus at once retreated to his home and procured a gun, with which he speedily ended the bear's existence. It weighed exactly 100 pounds. Mrs. Sarah A. Hayes, for many ,years a much respected, resident of Weston, died at Spokane April 3, 1902, while an inmate of the Deacon ess home, of that city. MN. Hayes was 70 years old at the time of her death, and had long been an invalid She was the widow of the late Geo, Hayes, widely known as one of Wes ton's earliest settlers and business men, whose death occurred about 12 years ago. She leaves two brothers and one sister to mourn her depart ure, who are John A. Winter, of Jef ferson, Or., Jerry Winter, of Prino ville, Or., and Mrs. Rose Cothrell, of Idaho. Among other kinsfolk of Mrs Hayes, residing in this vicinity, are William Powers, of Weston, Dick Powers, of Adams, nephews, and Mrs. Maud Stanfleld. of' Adams, a nfece. The remains were brought down from Spokane' and interred ln the cemetery at Weston, in the pres ence of relatives and many friends of the deceased. C. W. Courtney, a brother of Mrs H. N. Greer, who comes from Idaho, and haB been investigating this part of Oregon, was so well pleased that he decided to locate and recently pur chased the George Waddlngham place on Wild Horse creek, four miles south Of Weston. Moreover, Mr, Courtpey Intends td engage in an enterprise that ought to prove of considerable value to this section and proit to hiinsejf, Ho will start a, dairy, begin- n ng with about 25 cows, ana is now absen.t on a trip to Cloyer qreelc, Ida ho, to secure the animais, wnicn win he sjijpp'edi to, this point by, rail. The plac.e purchase by Mr. Cpurtpey cori' si$ts pf j.40 acres, pf hHPCjigrass pas tiire and .26' ftcres of farm $fd,, Mr. Courtney intends tq plant .alfalfa and brome. gra,s, and it Is, belteyed that the latter will find Ideal, .conditions here for its growth-. Separators will be pulj in at. the dairy and tjbe cream shipped tho creamery a,t MjitonwOC Walla .Walla, .A, 'skimming; station jW.puld,, be. established ,,at wston by tue creamery peopie, n is saip, inu product pf,4pp cows is guaranteed. Oassifted Adveriisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE TVVO LINES. 1 time 2 times 20 1 week ' ' Extra lines: ,10'centa each a Wlllson's Juvenile Minstrels. As nn ovldonco of watm apprecla ,tlon. In w.hlch this really truly re- marKauio gainoring is npm in uio es tlmntinn of the conI6 whoretor shown, tr. Willson has recplycd uk-g- ent cans rof retupi dates, .uogetnor the , performance ,s oho bt vthe most finished erer? put oh the stage, ami Is surprising .lnthat'lho little, folks ex- nioit ,an amount oi laioni uiat wouiu do credit lo ol-tlmo professionals. hqw'arq VllUiju With Wllison'a Minstrels. The older people are just as much amused and Interested In the talent of the youngsters as those of tender years. At Fraser's opera house Frl day arid Saturday nights and Satur day matinee. .Reserved seats at Fra zier's book- store. f meke Panollator)- Boquat Clgaraw 1. lu. Ray iSb Co., Buy and sell Stocke, Sonde and Grain for cash or on margins. Nsw York Stock JSxctiaage. Chlcsgs Stock Excbsngt. Chicago Beers' of Trade. TRANSPORTATION LINES. "BEST OF EVERYTHING" .In a word this tejls of the passenger service via rtThe North-Western Line" . S trains daily between Bt Paul and Chicago comprising The latest Pullman Sleepers .Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars 'Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train THE ORTffWESTERIf LIMITED . run every- day of the year , FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO, CHICAGO BX PAY LIUHT day train running between Bt. Paul and'ChleagrfVla'the Short Line; con nections from the West made via The Northern Pacific, iireat JNortuera, anq v. i . n YiPPaclll9,Rya, This Is the best line between Omaha, St. Paul and Minnesota. AU agents! BU-r4e- VlA 'Ttte-iNoUwie Line," W, H,(MJ8AJ, ,,L, BISLER, u BsBaBaaaBBaaavBBSnfBf xBVSMsbbbbbh i jSSBHBSSHBJHHBSftSfMH "IsHBBnBvfrBBMin ..3BBBBBbUSwbVj( ifBtSSSBMBnaBBBBBBBBB Xvvw7sBBaf.ra s WORDS TO THE LINE. THREE LINES. 1 time ,... 2 times 4... SOA 1 week V'.m week; 25 cents a line permenth. tljTjON,HN. OREGON 1 bbbbbbbbbbT natl'iV rtlk.ea4al4 Aaaras roa Proa Psr.ileton rsosi : 1 li ' Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver. 1 Ft Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan Special BMClty.-8t Louis, Chi- lata. m. saopm cagoand East via Hunt laston. AtlaaUs Ball -lAktc (Denver. Ft. Express Worth, Omaha, Kan 5:ti a. m. saaCUr,StLoula,chl-11:10 p. at. via Hunt- cago aad East lngton. St Paul Walla Walla, Lawlston, Fast Mall Spokane. WaIlace,PuU 8.15 a.m. man, Miaaeaaells, St SAO a. sa. rla Paul, Dnluthj Mil waa Spokaas. kee, Chicago and East Ocean aid River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. AU sailing dates subject to change. 8:00 p. at. 'For San Pranelsoo 4 p. at. Ball every & days. bally except Columbia River Sunday taaa 8 p. m. To Astoria and Way Bands I Saturday Landings. 10 pi m. 1 - Willamette River Boats leave Portland dally, except Saaiaay. (stage ol water permitting) for Willamette sm Yamhill River points. , R$arta 4Ma. m. Dally KxeptMos Lsavs Lawlstea 7 AS a.' at. KxcptWaa Saaks Mlver RlparU to Lswlstoa. F. F, WAUSLKY, Agent, Peadletam. RUWS Pullmatt Sleeping Car Elwgamt DinlMg CKrs Tourist Sleeping Cars f BT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKS OROOKBTON 7 WINNEPEQ HELENA and LBUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points East and South Through tickets to Japan and .Oh las, vis TacoBia aad Northers Pacific Stesauaht Oa and American Una. TIMK SCHIODLK. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Saaday at 6 DO p. m. For further Information, time cards, mass, and tlckeU, call on or write W. Adams. Pes? dleton, Oregon, or A. D. OHAKLTOW, laira ana aoniHti aw., rutwnm, um Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thfs route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kan aaa Cfty, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Pertlaad and jsslats ea the Sound TIME OAKD. ieave Pendleton, dally except Baudays at 10. pm. . . ..... Arrive Pendleton Monday. Wednesday Friday 11:55 am. A r jive Pendldton Tuesday. Thursday Leave waiia walla asuy, easttwaaa io mo ma, Arilyf Walla Walla daily wet,bound $6am, For Information rajrardlns xataa and MKiawoas, can on af aaaras s rilBIAUB. Ill dUbbargM, laflAaiHistlpaa, IrrltatioBs or uleamHeai V.. W H V I, l AP Id 1 u 1 4;t jbbb ouiuum as aim'HA .aawa t laa asa.