-1 . '1 i- " ;- ii TV ANNOffljpEMENT ,; Having "purchased' the Cleaver Bros. Dry GooiJa Company's buginws, I desire to take this oc casion to thanfctte-patrons, of the store for the liberality fhbilmvne during my connection with the cpm,fiiy.rnd to extend to them a cor dial invitationoall and see me. It will be mv earnest; i&ffi, to please you and sup ply you with the best merchandise at the low est possible price. , , LEE TEUTSCH, Successor to Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1902. PENOLETOH WON "INDIANS" played between them and the Helena team during week after next, but so far the datts have not been set. The tram rs that are 'known to data In which the "Indians' 'Will participate are: Yellow Kids" and Indians, Athena, KIDS." Friday, April 18. 1 1 . it - . iiinv . Indiana ana Buruuwicroi. No Sensational Plavs In Game. But Pendleton. Sunday. April 20. Th.r. wm Em ftair on Both "Yellow Kids 'and "Indians,!.' FCttv i aieion. sunaay. a urn liven, v11iir KMn" ami "TnritniW Ph dleton. Sunday. June 1. ''India' and "Sharpshootersj" Walla Walla, Sunday, May 4." 2.r b uni t a . k. ta waw that riiA flnm4 i rinniHi" Mnn "n n Hrim inmLHrn j DEFEATED THE "YELLOW About fVfc at Side Honors Were But Pendleton Won. Athena, 6. Pendleton1. 10. This was the way that the. name i'lndlaae" and "Sharpshooters; stood between the Yellow Kids" and Walla Walla, Monday, May 6: KT.Ji.n.'' of (do nines nf tbn "TniHann1' and "Sharoshoot UIO iUUiailO l wuvr - " - game on the Alta street grounds Pendleton,. Friday, May 23? Thursday afternoon, and to use the Athena vs. Whitman.. general expression that was neara on ThG Wal,a Wall statesman, says tne street auer tne game, renaieiou m6ch ls tBUea by bwe. "Qian t ao a tning 10 luvux. hn,i ..v.v In thn rntnlnc hft- The game was called promptly at wflAn 4) A than a "Vol tn-ar K Irlo! nrtrl' 3 o'clock and Athena was first, at the tno whitmans, which will be pWe , . n Dt.nmn n1 TirlMorvl warn . .. .' . . - Then bat. O. Brown and Willard first ud and they both fanned Shea, called "Beef" Shea by the Pen dleton rooters, because ot his "beef ing' and Roi Brown, who followed him, made a run. These runs were made, however, because ot ' errors on the part of Pendleton players. Game LoLoked Bad for Pendleton. These two scores for Athena and the errors, of the locals made It look quite serious for Pendleton and rals were f 4li s1r errttA)e MATT, Kall r- day. The Whltmana? are deteemtned toi retrieve the laurels wrested? from 4Vhm Km iYttk VAu ti. turn, dudm nt qualities, took the bat, and ho Atnena; Wo weeks-ago. The Athena team is just as determined) to keep the Whitman scalps.- as, ft memento of the first game ot-the aeasoa. The result will be,.taat the- crowd attend Ing the game will se something worth going a long way- to 'witness, Sunday the "Yellow KW'fc will stack up against Manager Sharpsteln's bat " "r"lZZ wlelders again at the park. This will t?U lue uopco ui mo , . orv,tt 4K ovl Tti local team is rather sore over the BREVITIES. Toman a Howard, farm loans. Attend Rader's clearance sale of furniture. Wanted Woman to do general housework. Address P. O. Box 37. Furnished rooms for light house keeping for rent, Inquire at 301 South Main Btreet. When you buy vegetables at Haw ley Bros, you get the freshest and best in the market TJndnr t.hft furniture man. must have room and will reduce his stock by a sweeping clearance sale. Hawley Bros., up-to-date grocery mon linvA nnlv comnlete line of Helnz's fancy goods In the city. Wanted Acents to Introduce the rhemlral nil naintinas. Good oppor tunity for right persons. Inquire at Golden Rule Hotel. For Sale All klnda of city and country property, part cash, balance in yearly payments, wiu Duy you a home, you pay for It by the month. Houses rented, collections made. Rl horn & Cook, room 10, over Taylor illllllllllllllHMHIIIII WE HAVE The Latest Tie Newest Tie Prettiest Sash Buckles J In the town. Just In Prices fromMiMBV $t.25 to $3.00 L. HUNZIKERJ Jeweler and Optician I Next door to R. Alexander's tH""" MIIIHIIMIIIIII See Lee Teutsch for hats. Cold lunches all hours at "Gratz, We are cutting prices on Clothing at St Joe store. Ht .Tne store will sell best cane sugar, per sack, ?5. Go to "Gratz's" for the beer that made Milwaukee famous. Lee TeutBch, successor to Cleaver Bros.' Dry Goods uompany. If you want best "goods for least money, trade at the St. Joe Btore. The nobbiest line of men's shirts in Pendleton can be seen at St. Joe store. Just received, a fine assortment of hair switches and rats, at Mrs. Rose Campbell's. St. Joe store will have a big Teduc tlon sale Saturday and Monday, April 12th and 14th. Just inr bock beer, the first of the season, is on tap. at the omce baioon Ed Besthorn, proprietor. If you want fine meats, go to Shcwarz & Greulich. They handle the best there is to be had. Money to loan at lowest rates on town or country property. J. R. Dick son, EaBt Oregonlan building. The only way beer ls allowed to be drawn in Germany Is by liquid gas The same method used at "Gratz's." Booms In the Bast Oregoalai? build ing for rent Steam heated, tot ana Mill water and Bath room is coaaetv tleau ' A shiDment of Ideal shirts just ar rived at Lee Teutsch's, successor to Cleaver Bros.' Xry Goods uompany, See display in north window. Take a look at the appetite teasers on display in the window at Martin's Family Bakery and Grocery.' You'll see some regular palate ticklers. Oh, my, but they are nice! Those select Swift's Premium) hams and ba con. Just the thing for your break fast. At Martin's Family Bakery and Grocery. "Longing as only a child can long," is mildly expressing that desire of old and young for Dutton's choice home-made chocolate cream candy. It's pure and wholesome. Alpha Assembly No. 9, United Ar tisans, held a very delightful social Bessidn in the Hendricks hall Thurs day evening. This was an open ses sion and several Invitations to out- slders had been sent out with the re Bult that the hall was well ' filled, more than 100 being present. The" features of the entertainment were burlesque numbers and dancing. A lunch was served and all present en Joyed the evening Immensely. who yelled until they were hoarse. Pendleton "then -went to bat and four tallies were made, one each by Brown. Ziegler, Clemens and Cor nell. This put a damper on the enthusiasm of the "Yellow Kids," and the latter's rooters could not be heard above a whisper, but the enthusiasm of the Pendletonians was shown by the filling of the air with yells, and this was continued all through the rest of the game. Athena did not make another run until the seventh inning, when Lieu alien made a tally. By this time Pen dleton had seven and the local sports were beginning to feel eaBy. In the eichth Inning, however, the "Kids" result of the game last Sundayand is going to make a try and even up matters. An excursion train will ar rive, in the city Sunday morning from Athena, bringing a bunch of rooters for the Kids, Basiball Notes. Charles JI. Elsey, first baseman, has been chosen captain of the Spo kane team in the Pacific Northwest League. He was formerly captain of the Bloomlngton team. Portland's baseball season will open next Sunday with an exhibition game between the professionals and the Monograms. By that time the It Pays to Trade at the Pebf fe ..DRESS , GOODS.. Black Phituellas, Black Melrose, black Eshmines Colored Estantiaes,, Suitings for tailor made gowns, Suitings for tailor made skirts Suitings for rainy day skirts. When you are look ing: for anything in Dress Goods, whatsoever kind, please re mBmbertha even in a town that has such gpod stores as Pen dleton they must of necessity ba one that is BEST, call and see oursv yeu u not oe in aouui as iu wiu (uidvuux STORK i. ' No trouble to show geotfe ' .1 Wdi lio-RlliNB In Pnrilton, (hp., April 21-22; For the next few days wo will give a Discount of tO pet ceat ' on all of out TatfotMade Suits ALTERATIONS MADE IN STORE WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. Agents Butte r-Ick'a Patterns ID Dl UUPU !! 11 MEN'S OUTFITTERS run Order Pfomaf ly Filled. Samples j raised their score to six, and the lo- entire Portland team will bo in the cals did not feel so easy for a few city. minutes. It appeared for a while as though the visitors were going to The Great Dismal Swamp, catch or possibly, go ahead ot tne of Virginia is a breeding ground of "inaians." rne iavorame ouuouh. u- Malaria germs. So is low, wet or vived the sinking hopes of the visit- marshy ground everywhere. These ing rooters and they were again in germs cause, weakness, chills and Magnolia Cologne The new imported perfume- It's the sweetest and most fragrant Perfume we haye:ever been' able to offer. 1 50 cents an once- r a special price for this lot j ,Come early, pur supply, is limited KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 65 Steps fro Mate Street Toward the Cort Hodie M box t tk I Laxative nrenin TTnieiir m evidence with their clamor. But the tune soon changed, when Pendleton went to bat in the eighth they scored three runs, which made 10. Athena in the first half of the ninth did not make a tally and Pendleton did not nlay its half of the inning, Errors were plentiful on both sides, although more so on the side of the "Indians." They had 11 errors mark ed up against them and Athena bad eight. In spite of the errors the game was a Dretty one and was greatly en joyed by the 700 or 800 people that witnessed it The day was Ideal and there was none of the disagreeable features U.at sometimes mar a game jangling among the players. No Sensational Plays. No sensational plays were made, but several meritorious ones that caused the rooters to cheer were credited to the men ot both sideB. Not a home run was made during the game and but two double playB, one by each side, and only two two base hits were made by each side. Wilner, Pendleton's pitcher, gave one man a base, hitting- him with the. ball and one was given a base by Saunders, pitcher for Athena, in the same way. Wilner struck out seven of the "Kids" and Saunders only has three to his credit. The Score. Athena ABB, HPOA fever, aches in the bones and musc les, and may induce dangerous ma ladies. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malar lal troubles.- They will surely pre vent typhoid. We tried many remedies for Malarial and Stomach and Liver troubles," writes John Charleston, of Byesvljle, O., "but never found any thing as good as Electric Bitten' Try them. Only 60c. Tallman & Co, guarantee satisfaction. For Sale. One Stevens "Acme Wheel" reclin ing chair. Cane seat and back, rub ber tires, and cush'Ionfull length of chair. Is nearly new. For particu lars address Mrs. D. A. Richards, box 172, Athena, Oregon, WONDERFUL MEDICINE mm. FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sick Headache. Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach. Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. G. Brown, ss 5 0 Willard, 3b . 4 1 Shea, c 5 1 R. Brown, cf 5 2 Cartano, 2b 4 1 Saunders, p ..... . 4 0 Chapler, If 4 0 Lleuallen, rf 4 1 Vaughn, lb 4 0 Tolals ...39 6 Pendleton AB R Brown, c ....!. .... 5 2 Ziegler, 3 5 3 Knox, cf 4 1 Wilner, p 5 0 Clemens, ss 5 1 Cornell, If 4 1 Barlow, rf 4 0 Cornford, 2b 4 1 Hartman, lb 4 1 8 24 13 HPOA 0 7 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 Totals 40 10 9 27 21 11 J. T. McCarthy, of the Pacific Northwest League, whp is signed to play with Tacoma this year, umpir ed the game with his usual level headedness and his decisions were so accurate in every instance that rot a dissenting voice was heard against any of his decisions. Mir. McCarthy left on the evening train for Walla Walla and will leave there Sunday for Tacoma, where he goes to prac tice with his team for the season, which .opens on the Sound the 29th Inst Charles A. Maakrey, for Pen dleton, and Doc Osborn, for Athena, were the scorers. Came Scheduled. The Pendleton "Indians" are tryr ing to schedule more games than have been arranged for so far, and Jn addition to those given below it is expected that two games will - be Kearns vs. Fitzgerald. Boston, Mass., April li. Tlnl Kearns and Willie Fitzgerald in a 12 round bout is the attraction offered by the Criterion Athletic Club to its patrons tonight. Fitzgerald, though comparatively unknown, has made something of a record for himself as a hard hitter and .clever boxer and is expected to give a good account of himself when he faces Kearns. The occasional ad is one of the very best methods by which to squander money. Continuous advertising, on the other hand, will bring ample re turns for the money Invested. Bug- gestloBk. ..MORE.. DOUGLAS and GLORIA $3 30 SHOES tow txoft SIX MUUON Bmx ew Aimmm. rit,fti mi, by the Prfritor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. tteteM, Bagtaad. old Everywhere, In Boxes, lOc. and 25o. U. S. A. Dmt. 369 Cvui Btntt, Nw Tarfc. Better See Them Before Yo Bay WORTH $5.oo Boston Store s Groceries... v Green or otherwise. You can't excel our stock J in freshness or variety. In vegetables we re ceive daily tender lettuce, onions, radishes, etc. 8 which are delicious. Try Peacock Flour, pure as the driven snow, nutrituous and wholesome. Pit for the family loat or finest cake. Users ot Peacock Flour always have excellent bread, Cheese, all the delicacies in this line are at our store. Hi s Hii ten i Bin R. MARTIN, Proprietor Q 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 BYERS BEST FLOUR To make good bread use Byert'- Bf si Floar, It (oak Ant premium at the Chicago World's Fafr oyer a epaMtl lion, and gives excellent latUfsetioa ' wherever aied. Every sacE is guaranteed. We have the beet Steam Boiled Bailey, Bead Bye and Beardless Barley, PENDEETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BITERS, Proprietor. 4 r- ' ' 1 'tl!