idles Look Ahead weather, of' the spring and summer and MER DRESSEb j 4 W J , . Towards Oxfords...! UC ,vfllv Tan Batiet with IsiiW jftlipsBJ. our line or nne-cww'g'iu'u I :. J 5 c i U colors in Organdies OC ua fiats in plain and polka dots ZUC X a large line of KaJ Kai and Pongee Silks. gander Dept. Store 1 11, ! I I llll II II I II HI IIH-M Makers of Happy Homes Low" prices, coupled with Car pets I and Matting of known high quality, prove attractions irresisti-' ble. '" ' The question of Carpets and Mattjng? where best' obtained, is set tled with' promptness .In our stock, where good style and real worth make low prices so emphatic! BAKER & FOLSON flake re of Happy Homes PROHIBITIONISTS HOLD COUNTY CONVENTION Candidates for Legislative and Coun ty Offices with Exceptions of Asses sop and Coroner; Pendleton Men for State' Senator,1 Sheriff and Treasurer. The prohibition, county conven tion; was held in Athena Saturday, April "5tfcJ The convention was called to order by J. L, Vinson, chairman of the county central committee, and af ter elected I. W- Berry chairman, &r& W. C. Hopson secreta'ry.'the business was transacted In a quiet orderly manner Nominations. State Senator Rev. G. W. Rigby, Pendleton. , Representatives I. W. Berry, Free waterahd S. S. Parrlsh Athena. 4 Sheriff M. B, Scott, Pendleton. Clerk G. W. Ingle, Milton. Recorder W. C. Hopson, Milton. TreasurerThoinas Chandler," Pen dleton. Commissioner H. L. Frazler, Mil ton. . Surveyor R. E. Beck, Athena. Joint Senator Rev. R. A. Copple, Pendleton. Representative J. J. Adklns, Heppner. Platform. Believing that the liquor traffic is morally, politically and financially the greatest evil existing In our coun try and .realizing the Impossibilitytof securing its removal, except by a ,po- and pledged to that' end,, we Invite all and pledged o that .;nd, we invite all who in this degree, to unite with us on the following Jplat'o m. "nesolved, That while there are many other reforms regarding which we hold firm -convjetions, we bglieye it to be the part of wisdom to con centrate, our efforts, upon .the one Is sue which clearly" outweighs In Im portance all other Issues combined the prohibition of the manufacture, and sale of Intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes; and that the par ty thus created will be endowed with the requisite wisdom, patriotism, courage and ability to take up and speedily settle all. social, financial, economic and industrial questions that may present themselves." unnin onus iv act.i.a ECZEMA State of Washington for the First Time has a Surplus. Walla Walla. April 11. For the first time In several years the state of Washington "has grain bags to sell after the close of the period during which the superintendent of the state prison is authorized to accent offers for bags at his office In this city. The demand is not strong enough to take the product of the prison, estimated at 1,400,000 bags, with a price fixed at $5,35 per 100. Last year many buyers were turned away, this year there was not enough to take all the product offered. It will be a few' days .before the exact condition can be made public, but it has been given out publicly that not over 90 per cent of the nroduct of the Jute mill has Taeen purchased for fall delivery. The price of the Calcutta bag on the lo cal market Is a little above that made hy the board of control for the "state product. ? Shot in His Left Leg. For all kinds of Bores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve is a sure euro. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never falls in case of piles. Cooling and healing. None genuine but DeWitt's. Beware of counterfeits. "I suffered for many years by a gunshot wound in my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of remedies jto no purpose until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes cured me. Tallman & Co. and Brock I & JMcComas. . 1 is due to the retention la the system of Uric Acid or other inflammatory noisona which find thf-fr way into the blood,, and, are forced by the circulation through the glands and pores of the skin, causing it to burn like fire, nnd the incessant itching allows no rest night or day. Eczema appears in n great many different forms, beginning frequently as a mere redness of the skin, fol lowed by little blisters or pimples, from which n clear or straw colored , mm mmm mm matter oozes, forming intosores, scale SJkLT RHEUM or scnbs this is weeping Kczcma, W commonly called Salt Rheum. These acid poisons sometimes dry up the natural 6ils and the skin becomes hard and dry, of ten. cracking and bleeding and causing intense pain and fearful itching. This forhi of Eczema is known as Tetter, and oftenest attacks the hands and feet. Unsightly eruptions MM M M Fm9 in the shape of pimples and blackheads break out - upon the face, neck nnd shoulders as a result of polluted blood, and this humiliating disease is called Acne. Local remedies afford but scant relief. The blood and system being saturated with l1mh mm mm thepoison,thedi8easecannotbercachcdwithwashcs,salves, m CNE P0wter8 or other localhpplications. S. S. & restores the - deteriorated blood to its normal condition, stimulates the sluggish organs, nnd all the waste matter lsehmmated through the proper channels. S. S. S. makes the blood rich and strong, nnd under its tonic and invigo rating effects the general health improves, and the skin becomes soft and smooth strain. S. S. ,S. contains no minerals but is guaranteed purely vegetable. . Write us if you need medical advice; this will cost you nothing. Illustrated book on. skin diseases sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, ta, MANTELS! In different styles, Buch as will prove objects of utility and beauty In any house. Catalogue of Mantels Free Electric ilxtOres, lamps, shades, chandeliers, globts, etc. VERY LOW PRICES Will furnish original designs for til ing, wood work or mantles free. Spe cial designs for fitting up saloons.D Ks tlmatcs furnished free. The John Batrett Company SK J 30D FRONT ' You Are Invited . . . On Saturday, April 12 TO ATTEND "Have sold the two properties decribed below. Have others equally as. good." . canv n ilpsp-rwint" mnn RiinftRHS. kla'cl, might fall. Our chare pg your apparel what it ought taaiatii in kuaninc vmir linen and fcarables in fine shape, bo far as una ironing them is concerned. a, our work, our style, our DOMESTIC wm on, Prop. Pendleton. Also four lots and new cottage; $1,250 Two lots and house, $i,ooo, part- cash, reasonable time on balance, or wilLselLon installments., ee ANSFER, UCKIN'Q, OR AG E. m )WNER BROS. lEljISfliONK MAIN 4. fa Not i Pss a pleasant even ing playing Pooler -Uiards at Wen Rule and Billiatd a'3 Court Sic. FR t' CLOPTON, MOVEP TO JUDD ' BUIDDING. LaFontaine & Garrison Proprietors Old Dutch Henry Feetf Yard. Cavalry Horses for Sale, BEST OF CARE TAKEN OF TEAMS OVER NIGHT Q1VE. US A CALL. A Feast at The Fair This wifl be the greatest feast lot bargain hanteis that has eve been offered to the buying ptibKc of Pendleton. On SATURDAY ONLY we will place og sale on out bargain counters, CLOTHING, SHOES, HOS IERY, MILLINERY, GENTS FURNISHINGS, LADIES' FURNISH INGS, UNDERWEAR, Kitchen Hardware, ktc. Don't miss this sale for you will stirely find a great many things on otr Special Bargain Counter that you need and the prices quoted below will convince you that you can buy them here at about half what others ask. Clothing.- 12 Bovs suits. - 6 to 14 10 Boys suits, 6 to x4 12 Boys crash suits 4 Jp 10 1 7 BoysBuits,1:' . 12to:0 15 Men's Baits worth form $6-60 to 10, sale price per suit $ 1.00 1.25 .40 3.75 5.00 TEE French Restaurant COSYROOriS llLjniH f- fieSt 25entMtal8 PYTDAS Aug Ligs, Eastern andu Olympla Men's Furnishings. 25 men's dress shirts mostly large sizes, worth 75o and 1.00, today only 39c Men's ties, tecke, four-in-hands and bows, worth 25c, sale price 15c. Men's. socks, regular 6o values, sale price 3c pr. Men's black striped shirts, regular 60c kind, sale price 35c Men's bib overalls, to-day 35c. Dry Goods, etc. Good grade house lining Fine grade LL Saturday only Not more than 100 yards to one customer. 300 yds calico at "( 200 yds gingham at i 200 yds madras or dress gingham . j All shades of Japanese silk, per yd ' 200 yds bleached muslin Not over 25 yds to one person. 100 yds 8-4 bleached sheeting, heavy grade; not over 10 yds to one person, per yd (Ji-ash toweling 5o value, to-day White and ecru curtain scrim, 10c and 12c grades, to-day 3Jc 4Jc 8c Ladies' andChildren's Furnishings. Misses sleeveless undorvests 3o Ladles sleeveless undorvests 4(5 Chlldreus ribbed hose worth auywhero 12Jo pair, to-day 70 Ladies cotton hose good value at 12jo, today 8 Ladles underskirts $1.00 grade to day 60o Ladles underskirts $1.76 grade to day $136 Ladies shirt waists, now 250 Ladies wrappers worth $1.00 and $1,25 for to day only Job lot of rlbboiiH all bIzch.up to and lnclud HngNo. 7 Job lot'of ribbons, wider Job lot of shoes, oxfords worth from $1.00 to $2.50, to day 76o 50o We quote above some of the bareains given to our customers an this Bargain Day, but we will have a great many more on room io list Don't fail to call on Saturday and get your share of them. Come early in the day, .,r rnnntPM that we have not room tO list. L0n .t iail lO Cail UU o-UUiuay uu yuu. o... " i . hold eoods on our counters at the prices quoted.apove. so vou will oe sure io nuu wnai uu Remember the Date and Place day, April 12th u Where Whole Families Can Trade. 1 9M b iiMk PrlofOUnala.CIirti "P 3 at - i