-ill Ml Ideas in Shifts of Stylish Colo Shifts" Pfopedy Made Shirts That Fit ... , A correct combTnation Is found 'in the above and here are!tbepricesthat speak for themselv.es IGoIf sWtslffODipcHo $1.50 and all rare bargains? Negligee Shirts from 50c' to $3j aft bargains; Working Men's Shirts in black and striped from 50c to $1.25j big money's worth. EVery Shirtinew and of this season's, patterns. Every day a bargain day, ' One Price Clothiers, Turnwlicrs and Ilatters, Pehftletbn. HOTEL ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, ATRIIi 11, 1902. GENERAL NEW8. 'Lord Roseberry is, going to South "Africa to study the situation there, "with a view of submitting his Ini 'pressibns and advice to King 'Ed ward. , , ' ,M!r. Steyn, the ex-president of the . .. prange Free State, who is taking part j'Jn the peace negotiations in South ' : Africa, is suffering from severe op thaimia and is threatened with total blindness. Figures given out by the state con troller of New York show that col lections of the last .fiscal year under Uhe inheritance tax law were ?4,085, !000. Of this amount Greater New York iurnished .13,394.000. Representative McNamee has Intro educed in the Ohio house a resolution for the acceptance by the state of Ohio of the two scholarships In Ox ''ford University! bequeathed to the -state by the"late Cecil Rhodes. Lee Gallagher, paying teller of the First National Bank, of .St. Joseph, fjiMo.p was arrested on a charge of ienr oibezzHng.tunds or tne oanK. .rresiaeni -rr Jacob. Ford swore to the complaint. The specific sum is alleged to be 2, 000. Mrs. Elizabeth Whittler Pickard died at her residence in Boston Wed nesday. Her father was the younger brother of John Greenleaf Whittler, and at an early age she became a member of the poet's household at Amesbury. The rise in the price of meat in England is attributed more to the prohibition of Canadian and Argen tine cattle than to the operations of the American beef combination. During the first quarter of this year more than 8000 fewer cattle were im ported through Liverpool than in the corresponding period of 1901, and tho South American dead meat trade has failed to compensate for this short age. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS The details of the A. O. U. W. celo bratlon to bo held in Portland when tho supreme lodge convenes there in June are fast taking definite shape. Lot, Chief of the Lower Spokanes, is dead. The funeral was held Wed nesday morning at his home on the reservation. Ho was CO years of age. General Passenger Agent Miller, of tho bouthern Pacific, has recolved no tice tlat the Harrlman lines had de termined to take independent action in applying tho homeseekers' rate to Western Oregon points. A. B. Morris, a pioneer of 1862, died i,t his home near Knox's Butte. Linn county, Tuesday night, of heart ulse&e, at tho age of 70 years. Ho wus ua inman war veioran, and a member of tho Christian church. Ho left u wife and nlno children. D. C. Hamilton, a well wnown resi dent of Hoppnor, committed suicide Tuesday morning by shooting himself In tho head with a revolver. Ho had been drinking heavily several days and ;t is tLought that ho was mental- ly deranged. Ho loft a wife and four The Pendleton. W. F. Klein, Chicago. Charles Hammon, Portland. Edwin J. .Bnrke, Hartford. A. E. Gist, Portland. ' George W. Sherwood, Tacoma. D. E. Brockbank, San Francisco. George Harris, Portland. A. S. Heartfield, Spokane. George C. Mowatt. San Francisco. H. P. Smith, San Francisco. H. S. Smith, San Francisco. A. J Powell, Portland. A. Rv Grant, Portland. D. Shults, Portland. F. L. Richmond, San Francisco. Mrs. F. C. Hlndle, Dayton. Andy Nylander, Portland. L. ,E. Carr, Chicago. J. W. Stewart, Baker City. The Golden Rule. Mrs. H. Olcott. Ford Wright. W. H. "Wilson, Spokane. Miss Jessie Haum, Helix. Mrs. It, E. Thorn, Umatilla. Mrs. R. I. Yerxa, Umatilla. T. Ji Amspaqer, Reed City. Charles Carroll, Spokane. Bert Applegate, Spokane. W. R. -McRoberts, -Spokane. C. H. Rinker, Spokane. J, A. Nelson and "wife, Athena-. Wi L. Campbell, Mitchell. T. Sunda, Cayuse. A. Kudard, Cayuse. Robert Eakin, Union. J. H. .Barton, Union. G. W. TCeptum. O. C. Wildis, Denver. Mrs. Angle McCain, Iowa. Mattlo Abbott, Ontario. H. C. PIttinger, Vinson. H. Hendrick, Detroit. James McDonald, Baker City. William Hosklns, Walla Walla. B. A. Gaze, Seattle. M. Rice. H. Epstein. F. J. Gardner, Portland. WOODMEN BxiTxor Ohio, City or tolxdo i liUUU COUMTY. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he lithe cnlor partner oJ the arm of F.J. Cheney & Co., doing bmineM In the city of Toledo, county and auto aforeaald, and that said Arm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannotbe cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my micjuuc iuia oiu uaY oi vecemDer. A I). 1885. A. W. GLEA80K, Knt.rv PiiKIIa Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ui mo system. Benu lor testimonials, free. . K; J' C,HKN-?Y co- Toledo. Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. tin. j ' Purchased Bio Stock Ranch. W. T. Rigby has purchased of C. B wade, what is known as the Des pain ranch, consisting of 4000 acreB in Union county, near Hot Lake, for the purpose of using it as a stock ranch. This is quite a valuable add! lion to the already large land hold Ings of Mr. Rigby. He now has 200 head of cattle and that many horses, and they will be ranged on the Union county place this season. Mr. Rigby is one of tho large farmers and stock men or Umatilla county. He has 3, uuu acres or iarm land on tho reser vation, 2000 of which is in wheat this year. Ho says that his prospects for a crop aro not so good as usual, but umt WUn a TOW daVS Of Rlinflhlnn sunn wjh uo an ngnt. At bedtime Itake a nlenRanr hnrh drink, tho next morning I feel bright my complexion is bettor. Mv and - l nr 1C .1 n fn itain O'Connor was if E , ??s y. 08 known steamboat T , ' k t, .V"' . ul reaicino. ti ... . i'uniuy medicine ninven Mm W. bo K t o' waters of '',owcls ,eac,h da'- lie Cclu.Hhln ' lor 8310 hy Tallman & Co., solo children. Cantain John J. O'Connor ,Hp,i at'?"??ay tlmt !t- a.c sontly on the his homo in .Portland Tuesday night , ' ,laa Vfl!l0yf. P s aftor an nois whlnh imnn ri.. v.""" " maue irom in March. Cni: one of tho best men on tlio Columbia the Blanche Walsh, tho noted actress ' wx.w4rstaJ TI0 Atte,nt,on utfl-Ro,,crs- fiorious accldont at Now Whatcom 'pT? "snwr mcotlne of Pendleton Was... While walking from tho IS ' SL,4,1 Woaotlmen tho World, door pf tho theater to her carriage . f, he Oon ,Sfttuay at 8 p. m she stepped from tho sidewalk and ?u,oty haU- Membew fell a distance of 20 feet. She can- B vern tho"selves accordingly, celed her dates at Everett and North1 Atw. t r ltr?i,P4BAnL' c ' ' Yakima, and is now under tho doc- Mt J- p WALKER, oiork. tor's care at the Spokane Hotel. 8moke Pendleton BoqMt am f THE WOfILD INCORPORATION OF TEMPLE OF WOODCRAFT ASSOCIATION Special Edition of the "'Pacific Echo" jW'dcly CirculatedThe Great Log moiling, -April 21-22 Head .Consul Falkchbtirg Expected. The incorporators of-the Temple of Woodcraft Association have called a meeting of stockholders to be held in the, camp hall, April 28, .at 2 p. m. Accompanying the call .is a detailed statement of the incorporation of the association and a carefully arid con servative estimate, of the probable earnings of. he capital stock of ?25, 000. It is clearly pointed out that 10 per cent clear can be reasonably expected on this stock. Tlie opportu nitv to subscribe for Temple Assoc! ation stock, will be given members of the local camp and circle first. Should any remain, which is very doubtful, then non-members may have an opportunity of securing some of these Ellt-edged goods. That the stocjc will be quickly snapped up is proven by the requests already made. With the announcement that the movement was under way, and before the arrival of the incorporation pa pers, nearly ?5,000 worth had been solicited. Several business men. who are not members of the order, but, realize a good thing when they see It have made requests for an op portunity to subscribe. A Splendid Advertisement. A special edition of the Pacific Echo, the official organ of the Wo-' men of Woodcraft, has been issued on account of the April 21-22 log-rolling. It is a splendid paper. It is profuse ly illustrated, and is bound to cause widespread interest in the great movement Ten thousand copies were printed. Among other good features which it contains is a write-up of Umatilla county, as the banner wheat section of the world. Pendleton, as the head quarters of the great log-rolling, nat urally comes In for prominent men tion all through the paper, thus mak ing it a strong advertisement for this city and "vicinity. A copy of this paper was mailed to each newspaper printed in Oregon, Washington and Idaho; a copy to every member of, the Woodmen of the World and Wo men of Woodcraft in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, a copy to every Woodmen paper printed in the' United States and Canada, and a copy to every'lodge of" each" order. Pendle ton and eastern Oregon will thus be advertised by reason of this great log rolling, as it haa never been before: Mr. Rogers Returns. George K. Rogers, chief organizer, oi ine wooamen. returncti irom Port land yesterday, whither he went to consult wun railroad officials with reference to special rates. He stated that reduced rates would apply over all railway lines, and that announce ment or same would be made in a very few days. A SDecinl train from Dayton, or Pomeroy, to accommodate tne crowds attending from Washing ton points, was now practically assur ed. Mr. .Rogers stopped over at The Dalles, where great interest Is being displayed. A large attendance from that city is expected. Head Consul Expected. It Is now almost a certainty that the head consul from Denver will be present Mr. Falkenburg is lionized by the membership, and the mere statement of his coming will attract greater attendance than any other event or combination of events that could be announced. The entire board of grand managers, some of whom are from Colorado, the grand clerk of Leadvllle, Col., tho grand physician, of Eugene, and tho grand banker, from Portland, will all be present Pendleton Plans. Locally, everything that can possi- niy oo done is beinir carried nut The Furnish wnrehousB la imi ovated for tho occasion. t?Ir,i nnnto win us extended around Ua niiioa nn,i Provision Dlfldfl fnr nanHni. nl.r... onnn " - Mx.t.v.ut UUUU at a time, The entertainment com- umiee is working very hard in the manor or making provision for visit ors; tho uniform rankB of tho local camp and drd.S1jSf TJSZ wch win refl7ct credit nn their respective lodges and thera selve They .are going to prove an mmenso surprise to eveiybodj. and Pendleton Can well be proud of si cn Silently drilled bodies The , t form ranks of Athena camp and clr cle are considered, from reports re ceive. , as being most formidable com pcUtors. Like the ball team from Athew. they are away up in G, and rtrilt take the laurels back -to- their town., if such a thing. Is possible. 'Committee Meeting Tonight 'There will be a meeting of tho gen eral committee tonight in thtfofTicea of Stillman & Pierce. It is very Im portant that there be a f u 1 attend ance and reports of all sub-commit tecs. The committee from the Com-. mercial Club will also be in attend-. i .,.1 n'tlllnr to helo in tfvory manner which will be possible . 1. A 1 1 .. . r1 n tor uiai uuuy iu uu. Wants to Help Others. "I had stomach trouble all my life," says Edw. Mehler, proprietor of the Union .Bottling Works, Erie. Pa., "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent consider able money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dys pepsia Cure cures all Btomach troub les. You don't have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas Steers for Sale. A drove of 123 2 and 3-year-old good crade Durham and Shorthorn steers, 'half fat, same good for beef now. In quire Nick Taltingers rancn, tnree miles south of Adams. PIMPLES PREVENTED BV The most effect! ya sV in tin r I f yt( n r. n .1 1, tlryingsoap, as woll us purest and sweetest, lor toilet, bath, and nursery. It strikes ot tho.couse of bad complexions, red, rough :haad, falling hair, nnd'baby blemishes. Viz.. the cWipi! li-rltit).! i..n.. 1 worked, or sluggish Pokes. v,,SrWrM Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars. In all stages of nasal catarrh there should be cleanliness. As experience proves, Ely's Cream Balm is a cleans er, soother and healer of the diseased membrane. It Is not drying nor Irri tating, and does not produce sneez ing. Price B0 cents at druggists or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, New York. Upon be ing placed into the nostrils It spreads over the membrane and relief is im mediate. It is an agreeable cure. Smoke Prid of Umatilla Cigar. Watch and wait for the HEW DRUG STORE F. W. SCHMIDT &C0. Reliable Druggists Association Block. El Principe Degales Henry The Fourth La Flor Stanford Sauches & Haya El Telegraph 0 U Mia Charles The Great 2 for 25 cents Maloy. THE BIG B O. S:.T:o JffaJEfc They' AreSt "4,""4 4 4 4 jgi: npull ggl ."'ill" NEW" SPRING inland 44 4 This line ,add4;jj 'line of Knox, SlefoJ Gordon Hats rriaiesl complete line of.hats j empire. Get Yof Spring Hat in tfie Now Is the Time. To3ky. Boston Stoi Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than a beautild Now is the time to get your LAWN MOWER We have the best values from $4 up. U'High Grade Garden Hose at Low Pricee, Thompson Hardre 1J JESSE PAH Art. ulvi .cARPUiisH FESTIVAL IN CAR wll lantlv describe the i floor noverines diSDlaye where ;an elegant YaxWlB patterns in every kind, hm to Armlnsters and ,wuw pleasure ot -those who,(i nish their rooms ecos hoaiiMfnl. Trio lnrp-fiHt. stock ,STI Eendletpn and the cWj Bowing machines irom "! les, etc., for all machine, i Wall Paper at con. AMERICAN PLAN. $3 00 per Day and Upwards. ln it' THE PORTLY a.. PORTLAND, 0)RGOM. j. fo tourlU. V Eastera 0rKa vliltlog rXSM io tourists and commercial traveli H.C.B9T5 SEL"!. strength and Poydore Moens, Proprietor. (I