East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 10, 1902, Image 2

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    'St '
Chic Ideas in Shirts
Shitts of Stylist Color
Shifts Properly Made
Shifts That Fit ... .
A correct combination is found in the above and here
are the prices that speak for themselves
Golf Shirts from 50c to $t.50 and all rare bargains;
Negligee Snirts from 50c to $3; all bargains;
Working Men's Shirts in black and striped from
50c to $X.25; big money's worth.
Every Shirt new and of this season's, patterns. Every day a
bargain day,
One Price Glothiers, Furnishers mid Hatters, Pendleton.
A Boer colon' may be established
along the line of the proposed Denver-Salt
Lake Short Line in Colorado.
The republicans of the Eleventh
Ohio District renominated Congress
man Charles IT. Grosvenor by accla
mation. Vhitelaw Reid, head of the special
embassy to represent the United
States at the coronation of King Ed
ward VII, has declined the tender of
the British government to become its
guest during the ceremonies.
The machinery of the Canadian Mi
litia department has been set in mo
tlnn onlistine a contingent of 2000
men for South Africa. This, the
fourth contingent from the Dominion,
will consist of four regiments of ouu
men each.
Governor McSweeney's declaration
that the Jeffries-Fitzsimmons fight
Rhnll not he nulled off in South Caro
lina, has cast much gloom over the
Fltz8immons quarters on .Long island.
Fltzsimmons manager now says the
fight will have to go to California.
The Tennessee Derby, at a mile
and . an eighth, valued at $6000, wai
won Tuesday by George C. Bennett's
Hanover colt, Abe Frank, by a neck,
from Lou Wood, In 1:57&. Buccluth
finished third, a length away. The
weather was bright and clear, the
track was fast and about 15,000 peo
ple were present.
Colonel John McKee, the wealth
iest colored man in Philadelphia, If
not in the country, is dead. His es
tate Is estimated at about U.500,000.
At one time he owned more than 1,
000,000 acres of land. He conducted
a Vestaurant in that city until 18GC,
tjtfVion ho rpHrpil nml pnirnirert In rpal
estate operations. He was 81 years
Major-General W. R. Shatter,
United States army (retired), is a
candidate for governor of California,
and his name will be presented to the
republican state convnetton. Shatter
will, it is stated, leave his ranch at
Bakerfleld for San Francisco, from
which city he will announce his can
didacy In a letter addressed to the
people of the state.
The Pendleton.
A. Semlor, Portland.
William Malier, Portland.
F. M. Henley and wife, St. Louis.
Edna Stewart, Portland.
E. A. Beales, Portland.
C. S. Broadwell, Portland.
A. B. Galloway, Portland.
J. C. Murray, San Francisco.
W. W. Rickman, Detroit.
W. R. Glendining. Portland.
George Stevens, Spokane.
U. "S. G. Kuhn, Omaha.
P. C. Kettle, Salt Lake.
A. E. Kerr, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
A. Stevenson. Portland.
W. E. Brock and wife, city.
C. E. Dickey, Baker City.
D. S. Rosenfield, Portland.
Ira Powers, Portland.
George F. Roberts.
Bruce Brier, Portland.
R. H. Caston, Spokane.
A. W. Ruhrman, Cleveland.
F. W. JackBon, New York.
Emil Weil, New York.
A. G. Prouty, Salt Lake .
The Golden Rule.
Charles Sander, Spokane.
J. W. Root, Spokane.
F. L. Walker, New York.
L. C. Jackson, New York.
W. S. Hyde, Portland.
W. A. Ames, Denver.
James McCarthy, Walla Wall.
G. D. Gallej-, Portland.
C. Cunningham, Spokane.
John A. Stow, Seattle.
Thomas Balding, Kansas.
Nora Privett, Colfax.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
A. J. Vaughan, Spokane.
Mrs. Halstead, Echo.
W. J. Hlslop, Spokane.
R. Eaxton.
Mrs. Rothrock.
J. Deacon and wife, Denver.
W. C. Woodward, Dayton.
W. C. Stacey, Walla Walla.
B. H. Crisp, Durkey.
T. Simda.
T. Keyes.
Lee Cunningham, Portland.
Juvenile Minstrels.
What comes to Pendleton next in
th UatSont Hne is the tnt o j
the season, If one may JujBt from
past performances of l"3011 '"T,d'
nile Minstrels, an a?ercgation of c ni d
talent, much abovethejtanddn
The sprinkling wagons have not as
yet started up in Walla Walla, and
the consequence is that the citizens
complain of dust in that town.
Mrs. Charles Staley, aged nearly 50
years, died at her homo at Hillside.
Deceased has been a resident of
Washington county for 25 years. She
left a husband and 10 children, all
living at her home.
J. S. Sparks, aged 77 years, was
burned to death In his cabin at Spar
ta, Baker county, Tuesday night
The place caught fire whou the old
gentleman was asleop and before
help could reach him he perished.
James P. Nunn, a brother of City
Marshal Bert Nunn, of Cottage Grovo,
and who resides near Goshen, in Lane
county, was struck and killed by a
freight train in Eugene, Tuesday eve
ning. He was deaf and was on the
For his murderous assault upon
Frederick D. Sharp with a razor,
Eastor Sunday night, Fred Stuart
pleaded kullty at Spokane to a charge
of assault with intent to commit
inurdor and was sentenced to servo
ten years at the Walla Walla peniten
tiary. George E. Horner, the Viola, Idaho,
farmer, who was recently convicted
of perjury in swearing that Miss
Mary Spray was "over 18," after ho
had cut the figures "18" in the sole of
lier shoe, In order that Bho might be
granted a marriage license to wed
Horner's brother-in-law, was sentenc
ed to serve 30 montliB in the penitentiary.
Btat xor Ohio, City or Toledo j
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is the
lentor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Co.,
doing business In the city of Toledo, county
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannotbe cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this 8th day of December, A.
D. 18S6.
Notary Public.
Ilall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intnmnltr nr.A
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
i. j. uiiE.MSi & uu., Toledo. Ohio.
Bold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pllia are the best.
A Large Number of Cattlemen Ex
pected Here to Attend the Sale on
April 21 and 22.
The Hereford cattle sale to occur
on the 23d and 24th instants, will he
ui.i o 'nii'iiMi TTfinrv'R feed yard, on
West Alta street. It is expected that
quite a large number of people nm
be In town at the time for the ex
nf seelnc these cattle
and buying, if they are found satis
This band of cattle are from xne
herds of several of the leading mem
bers of the American Hereford Breed-1
ers' Association, who believe that the .
cattle men of Oregon and the North-(
west will appreciate this opportunity
to supply themselves with cattle from
some of the best bloou ot tne ure-
ford breed. The Hereford cattle,
while known to some and being bred
by some of the cattle men, are not
so well known, and their good quali
ties appreciated as much as they
should be, and It is to acquaint the
people with them that these sales are
being mnde over the country.
As a grazer the Hereford is pre
eminent. No other breed of beef cat
tle will give as good returns on grass L
diet as will the Hereford. Tiie narui
ness, the splendid constitutions, the
rustling ability, the early maturing
qualities of the breed all go to make
the Hereford the most profitable beef
nnimnl. and all that is asked by the
breeders who are consigning cattle to
these sales Is that you buy the bulls
offered, give them a trial, and they
will cheerfully abide by the result.
Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Following are the terms and condi
tions of the sales which will be strict- j
ly adhered to:
Each lot will be sold separately to
the highest bidder, without reserve,
if more than one bid Is made for the
The auctioneer selling will settle
any dispute as to a bid. if he cannot
adjust the same otherwise, by declar
ing all bids off and then re-offering
the lot in question.
Each lot will be at purchaser's risk,
as soon as sold, but will not be de
livered until settlement has been
made for the same.
After sold, the animals will be
fed and cared for until the next day
after the close of the sale, free of
charge to the purchaser, but at his
risk of loss or Injury, and will then
be turned over to the purchaser or
loaded on the cars for shipment as
he may direct.
A tabulated pedigree and a certifi
cate of transfer of ownership will be
supplied to the purchaser of each lot
sold immediately upon settlement for
The animals to be sold being young
and most of them untested as to their
usefulness as breeders, It is to be
understood in this sale that the sell
ers do respectfully warrant the pedi
gree of every lot they sell and like
wise the productiveness of each there
of under reasonable conditions of sub
sequent treatment, to this extent,
that they will repay the purchase
price, to the purchaser, or give him
another animal of like value, on re
turn to them of any lot purchased at
this sale, the pedigree of which is
shown to Ie materially erroneous or
which subsequent events show that
the animal Is barren.
The terms of this sale will be cash.
Board of Trade Meeting.
Walla Walla. Anril 10. T. C. Elli
ott, elected as delegate from this city
to the meeting at Portland to organ
ize the Columbia River Basin Board
of Trade, left last night for Portland
to participate in the work of organiz
ing nn association to as3ist in encour
aging lmmlprntion and promoting the
interests of the section of country
tributary to Portland and tho Colum
bia river. The Walla Walla finmmnr.
tilal Club sent but one delegate, It be
ing Inconvenient for a second busi
ness man to attend the meeting.
At bedtime Itake a pleasant herb
drink, the next moraine I feel bricht
and my complexion is better. My
doctor says that it acts contlv on tho
stomach, liver and kidneys and is a
pleasant laxative. It Is made from
herbs, and Is prepared as easily as
tea. It la called Lane's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 25c and 50c.
ior sale by Tallman & Co.. sole
Petitions hIimipiI hv nvor inrtu
sons wore presented to the board of
uhu commissioners at Salem, asking
that all fishing on the upper Colum-
mu nvcr uo proniuitea. Mastor FlBh
Warden Van Duson was directed to
acknowledge receipt of the petitions
and to aBBlire the nntltlnnnrn that ti.
. . ... I
matter will receive earlv
'tion of the board.
Unsolicited Testimonials Tell of It's
Alf. K. Kelloy, residing at 2195
Devisadero St, San Francisco, Cal.,
writes the following:
"When I first purchased Herplcide,
I thought, like the majority of hair
preparations, It would prove a fake.
I am happy to stato that, on the con
trary. it Is all, and even more, than
you claim for it. Quite a number of
barbers throughout the section in
which I travel have called attention
to the now hair sprouting out on my
scalp, and inquired of me what I
have been using. I tell them Herpl
cide;' also give them my name and
United States District Court.
Walla Walla, April 10. The jury
session of the United States district
court will convene in this .city May
C, with a grand and petit Jury, Judge
Hanford presiding. The docket will
likely be a short one, no cases of im
portance now being on the list. The
docket is made up just at the time
court convenes hence important cases
may yet he tried.
. 14 . " iiHtf1
THE J) 1 juwj-vxi a xj
Linnie Love.
criticizing these little folks they do
nnt vrnnt vou to be anv way lenient in
considering their age. but treat them
st as you would grown-up profes
sionals. Though this show is given
by children, it will be impossible to
find one child sh action throughout.
At Frazer's opera house Friday and
Saturday nights and Saturday mati
nee. Reserved seats on sale at Fra
zier's book store.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If it fails to cure
is. Yi. urove s signature is on eacn dox. -c.
They Are Here
4V . ... rtT-Ti "-iimimi il
4' 4 4 4 4
jpigr If AWEj
Jaw sj i
(STTW$ 3.1
ALW mm mm . -m aaaa
Attention Log-Rollers.
The regular meeting of Pendleton
Camp No. 41, Woodmen of the World,
is now held on Saturday at 8 p. m.,
in Secret Society hall. Members
please govern themselves accordingly.
J. P. EARL, C. C.
Attest: J. P. WALKER, Clerk.
Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigars.
Watch and wait for the
& CO.
Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
4 4 4
This line added to
line of Knox, Stetson,
Gordon Hats makes then
complete line of hats mi
l inland empire.
Get Yout Spring Hat in the Spi
Now Is the Time. Today.
Boston Stoi
Nothjng is more pleasing to the eye than a beautilul-j
Now is the time to get your
We have the best values from $4 up.
"High Grade Garden Hose at Low Pricee.
Thompson Hardware Coi
ill) LlJ
-.,.11 lo.,H,r .lour-rlllf" the SUV
floor coverings displayed ill
i M
where an elegant vbtkjm
nnHoms 1n ovfirv kind, tfim
to Axmlnsters and wiltottj
pleasure ot those wno uo
nlBh their rooms w
The largest stock eyerj
Pendleton and tne tur
sewing machines from '
les, etc., for all macaws
Wall Paper at Cost
;$3 00 per Day and Upwards.
Steers for Sale.
- A drove of 123 2 and 3-year-old good
grade Durham and Shorthorn steers,
half fat, same good for beef now. In
quire Nick Taltluger's ranch, three
miles south of Adams.
The nostoftlce at Palouse. IS mna
east ot Colfax, eastern Washington.
was robbed a few nights ago. Bur
glars gaineu an entrance through a
rear window, blew open the safe and
secured $800 cash, leaving .stamps,
checks and drafts on the floor. The
work Is believed to be that of experts.
In -1 Its 8tAa toero
should bo cleaniiofcts.
Ely's Cream Bain
cleanses.soothea ami iic a)s
llio diseased mciaorane.
It cures catarthan'ldi.
away a cold la the hud
Oreum Holm Is placed Into hc nojtriJs, spreads
oyer the membrano and Is absorbed. Relief U im.
mediate- and a cure follows. U is not drying-does
not produce sneezing. Large She, so cents at D-iii.
tilts or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by malL
ELY BHOTIIEB8. M Warren Street. New York.
to tourists and commercial ,tovtorii.
wtnitlne Ptf!25i
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Urink
a . . .
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.