)FESSION8 AND TRAPtS ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANQEP. FOR SALE. ; t0 si0?-" 30. Kant Orenon- . nl in.-,. - 8 u. autnn. t-TTKRW CHICAGO TVl'EWRTT board, flrst class ma- ! Tkb nrMranlSH Otsce. ' It. rrfwk PHYSICIANS. -r.p. OFFICIO IN JUTD Frf m. Telephone 77. C and correcw fceHag. rrTTTT OFFICR OVER THH t SMITH, Trieobone 80: feton 8;n -i ' telePauu " rbniwinp-,.Te,;?n0B iiaence. ; rTnnnBR. PHYSICIAN and tJn!2. Residence Phone waa. ! ..nu it iaVll. Telephone Main 83 ; resl- Itppone. imWffil A HI fir TIENDKKBI'ni .-..- frost. v'"-r tone Mam IpTtHIC PHYSICIANS, ukb. ft Jieyes. - - Store. "OPP Hotel PdiSon. cor. Water titln Bts" Pendleton. Ore. Phone JHITECTS AND 'BUILDERS. HOWARD. ABOTOTCT, AKO SU- m nnvfrTfirmilft AND oU. B.tlmate fnrnUbed, on .ehort Shop on Bluff street, near Main MAX . CONTBACTOE 'AND Pot masonry, cement wta. etc. rimers can 00 - blan office. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. .iy."" i-w; r 1SI0CK, eiecincum. r.-- ' supplies. House, stores wired liter llKDtS. Dei IB or icictuwuw ST .11 kind. Get mr prises, Ke- rork a specialty. ON ET.FCTRICAL WORKS. C. F. KINE 1 ana dcu wiring " , ? lii L.V OiTe 111 a trim, aji woth ERY AND FEED STABLES. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA WILD wnnd Cimn. No. 2t!3. meets second and iourth Tuesday In each month In Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs Ida HoicomD, oracio; Jtrs. settle Robblnt, Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, KO. 27. K. O. T. V. Meets In Secret Society Hall. Mroaj and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis iting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S Kees, Record Keeper; B. D. Estabrook, Commander. REDMEN OM AH ALES . TRIBE, NO. 18 Vixf everr Tuesday nleht In Hen- drlcks Hall. Roy W. Rltaer, Keeper of Records. PRNnT.TCTON LODGE. NO. 52. A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month, visiting orjearen wironw. 1. J.- Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. i;arlCM, Sc. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 23 T. C Taylor, H. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month in Masonic nan. PKNrtT.ICTON rOMMANDERY. NO. 7, E chert Forster, E. C, W. K. Carter, Sec retary. -Meets first and .third Friday of each mo n lb in .muobic ow. 1-IONEKRS OF .THE PACIFIQ-rWIL-Ham Martin Encampvent, No. 1. Meets Mrs. L. F. Lampkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. -4. KNIGHT S OF mti.Y.rr, v. nf W A 8. Meets evrnr Monday in secret Bocwcy naii. MODERN .WOODMEN 0F .AMERICA Tntalua camp, no. sm Meets am ua third satnroays 01 eaca monta ai noa drlck's Hall. Oeorge -A. HassbUa, Co' sal; G. A. BohMaSi Clerk. wnnnmnv np THE WORLD RKQULAR ' .meetings of Pendleton Camp No. 41, W. U. W., are new in uecrei eocieiy amu emj Batarday erenlag. Visiting neighbors are always welcome. J. r. waiter, v,iers, P. Earl, C. c. BANKS AND BROKERS. Oregon. Capital, $50,000; surplus and profits, SoUUU. inieresc on uun uepoaiva. Collections promptly attended-ta Henry C. Adams, president ; T. 3. Kirk, Tlcejwres- ident; E. 1 .Bamett, cashier: Vi B LeCfrow. assistant casnier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, 1889 ; capital, .50,000 ; surplus, 890,000. interest aiiowea on iime unwiu. - change bopgbt and, sold oa.all principal hntnta. fioeclal attention aiven to collec tions, W. ,J. ' Furnish, preaddent; 3. N. Teal, Tice-preeiaenx ; x. j. morn, humum THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON, nMkkniM. tvVnW , . .I fMAlnl. Collections promptly attended to. IL. jamSPOB. . prCMMM, T. Tlca-prealdest ; -fciere.'nsaier ; J Price. O. -D.-Graw.-J.-F. KHgorc Robert lamesoB, u. t. i iuvh.iii. W.VBAOMSB Tl... fsamiV A4 ttnarMn. Alt Until ut. Competent driTem OpporlU Bo na. eron. xeiepntaw xo. T TTTwn v tWMri A WT S A lfjir.fl J.lu atnota . aft mist .diAnflUk rUICSJ. I. II B I 1 1 UBSBB SlU ,3L4r,H , ' or all occasions. 2T Cottinwood St , Main 70. EtIIu Craig, rrop. BTARLBS, T. W. ATEBS. PROP.. y, feed and. boarding, xne uesi In th rlt. 41 ta St.. between and Cottonwood Sta. Phone, Main iO. Atf vt a tt to rwt 1nVW1Y.W run iijEdi' i aai'i t a xfV'AAVAVK J. fipelftl care isrlren hones leftwltfe m neuD flireei. mono neu wi. CAB8 AND CARRIAGES. f 0AB LINE. ERWIN" BAKER. PROP. wuono main 19, at me uepoi UTery DENTISTS. VArjOTTAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN oniiaing. MANN, DENTIST. IN ASSOCIA block. over F. B. Clapton's eflce. RE8TAU RANTS AND CAFES. I0E0R0B RESTAURANT. PTUICTTjY pi cioBti. w. w. ransrivn. Prop. Meni" pnrs. C0IMa1n8t. Tel. wBln 1061. PHOTOGRAPHER8. BOWMAN. T.H!ATIVn pwf.Tr.raRA. Mr of the city. Harvest views. Indian if T Bale- finishing done Cor ima Main St.. near bridge. Phone, Red TORNEYS. wERftm RA.T'BT. ATTORNEYS AT swOfflce In Savings Bank building. IN 4 LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT m nll 14 Asssoclatlon block, Pen- tT 1 T r tj... - . . add hniiii awxbh. OFFICE IN I. bn'l'ng. Pendleton. Oregon., 1FF , ATTORNEY AT LAW. UVC 111 Aflonoln tU. si i nrt St ViIjX A liAW. ill &d2ESD$L.-ATTORNEY Ar CJW, hdMIn KEB' LAW OFFICE IN JDDD L liwN cftERCIV ATTORNEYS to n.ti ' Sttiinjan has been admit F'MoVk. 10, n' Associ. WANTED. te t for ,nIfi.ino tl.8 or, ier' to r to V.r "omethlng that bobm ntw i ,na fia7 heed In yonr' bualnes. M wkh ! ?tr br that yon b h.Vl cw or Mela. Want If'. Have the COW mnA u.fc4iassBml FIRST NATIONAL jJBANK F pltN DLE- change and telegraphic transfers sold on UBIcago, nan rrasoacvi .-juw .iwBrwra Snncipai poiau in w uiRnt. rawjj on y.CUna. . Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasoBable teems. Levi Ankeny, president: W. F. Mattock, Vice-preen oenp : j. jo. tw - oaernsey, nssisTSBi owwn , HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. YOU CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAB- ket price lor your nioee, .peiui, ana . an i j jr. .H w .n.tt mWk.. .mm. nrw UUUI l Jul., sum " . ' " . ? per, lead, sine, rags and bottles. Iron pf all Unas a specialty, xoo 50 cents worth of old rags or ship In a it., k.m. nw.n TIT. "V n wa RIM TA itay. oive us a cal and yon will be satbv ea. Lt. enana a vo., owce mu wcu.u-o next to -Eastern Hotel, Pendleton, Ore. Telephone. . Red t21 , Classified ' COUNT' SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. TWO LINES. 1 time 15c 2 times 20o 1 week ..30c THREE LINES. i time .....i....... kiwii 2 timet ..30o 1 week 45 Extra tinea; .10 centa each a week; 25 cents a line per month. "A MESSAGE FROM MARIS." 8ECOND HAND DEALER8. GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND nana gooas oougm nuu unu .w k,.. Opera house block. Call and se; me. V. BTROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything yen seed In new or second hand furniture, stoves, granite ware and crockery, call and get bis prices. No. 212 Court St STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE STOCK. holders of the feivUeton Woolen Mills that a meeting will be held Tuesday.May 6tti, I902,at the office of the company, in JPendleton, Ore- gon, at 4 p. tn. E. Y. Judd, president, F, B. lopton, secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE STOCK holders of the Pendleton Wool Scouring & Packing Co., that a meeting will be held Tues day, May C, 1902, at I he office of the company in Pendlteon, Oregon,, at 4 p m E. Y. Judd, president, F. B Clopton, secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. K ELLA It BROTHERS, PLASTERING AND cementing. Cement walks a specialty. Es timates furnished free. .Work guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley's & Znhner cigar store Maln.street,P,O.box.01. FOR RENT Rooms In the East Oregon Ian building for rent; steam heated, hot and cold water and bath room. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, op shelves, walla, or for wrap- Clng purposes. Old newspapers In large undies of one hundred 'each at 23 rents a bundle at -the EAST fOBEGONIAN office, Pendleton, Oregon. '' CBMMERGE-TRhDE Lscal .Ma-kot Pries. Tha folIbwlnJc shows Um Mloes paid ob the loom! Bwwket: TurHlps, vfcc per bwcjl. FursmliM, 7Sc pr sack. CaJjbajie, 4c lb. Cheese, per lb., 20c Onions, per cwt, $1.50 to f 2. Green onions, 25c dor. Beets, per lb., lc. Potatoes, per cwt, t.50L7. Apples, per box, $1.60. Horse ndtoh, HHc lb. G-rllck, 12c lb. Sweet potatoes, 5c per lb. Sauer Kraut, 40c per, fallea. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, .per doz., $3.5004. Roosters, $3.50 to $4.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per don., $3.5. .Ducks, per doe., $3.75. Pigeons, per j&oz., $1.50. Eggs, 15c In trade.. Butter, 50 65c per roll. Choice beei cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4. Hogs, live, 6c Hogs, dressed, 6C -Calves, dreBsed. 7 to 8c Pendleton Retail Grocery Prises. Rnear Cane eranulated. best. $4.90 per sack; do., 16 lbs $1; best granu lated,-$5.25. per sack; dp., lb id, si. Coffee Mocna ana .lavaeest, v per lb; next, grade, 36c lb; flower grades coffee, 26 to 16c lb; package coffee, 16c lb.. . , Rlcer Best head rice, 13c per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Salt Coarse, 0c per 100; table, $2.20 per 100. Flour, B. B., $3.40 per bbL Flour, Walter's, $3.40 per bbL Skins,. Hides and Pelts. Portland. April 3. Sheepskins Shearings, 15 20c; short wool, 26 35c; medium wool, 30060c; long wool, 60c$l eac.h. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pouads and up, 1601l.4xC per pound; dry kip, Wn I K tn 1R Tvniinrla. 15c: drv calf. No. I, unler & pounds, 16c; dry salt ed bulls and stags one-third Jess than dry qint; salted bides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 809c; 60 to 60 pounds, 78c; under 60 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 56c; Lip, sound, 16 to SO pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound under 10 pounds, 8c; green Xunsalted), 1 c perpound less; culls, one cent per pound less; horse hides, salted, each $1.6093; dry, each $101.50; olts hides, each, 25 60c; goat skins, common, each, 10 16c; Angora, with wool on, each,26 $1.00. Pelts Bear skins, as t j sizev No. 1, each $5020; cubs, $205; badger, each, 10040c; wildcat, each, 25030c; house cat, 6010c; fox, common gray, 30060c; do red, each, $1.5002; do, cross, each, $6016; do silver and black, each, $1000200; fishers, each, $506; lynx, each, $203; mink, strictly No. 1., each 30c1.25; mar ten, dark northern; $6012;, .marten, pale pine, according to size' and co lor, $1.6v,3; muskrats, large, each, 6010c; skunks, each, 25030c; civet or polecat, each, 5010c; otter for large prime skins, each, $507; pan ther, witL head and claws perfect, each, $2.0005.00; raccoon, for large prime, 3p35c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.60 6; wolf, prairie (coyote) with head perfect, each, 40060c; wolf, prairie, (coyote) without head perfect, each, 30036c; wolverine, each $407; beav er, per skin, large, $506; do medium, $304; do .'small, $101.50; do kits, 50 075c. BABBITT METAL. BEST IN THE world, In bars. Price .1 per bar,- at the East Oregonlan office. FOR SALE JiT THE EAST OREGONIAN oAce, large, bundles of .newspaper con taining over 100 big papers can be obtained .for t25, cents a bunjHe. r, . fc MEDICAL Pill FHtlJUasfluMM irui MHfci euro VJU Wsyvn- wwvw absorbs tbe tumors in v taut kamhst mm ABtmransaaymVrin U km. JTer Sale br Tailman Ce., PsBsUete. CRr' REVIEW. CUTTLE IIS. SHEEP STOCKMEN THREATEN WAR IN GRANT COUNTY. Sunshine Needed. ' Walla Walla, April 9. Farmers are clamoring for warm sunshine and real spring weather, that : the' grain and vegetables may .have a chance to grow, as is usual. at. this season. So far, but little growing weather has been had here, and everything is late Jn consequence. The recent rains have furnished, the npis,ture, and now with a few days'of bright weather, everything will take on the appear ance of spring.' Grain needs warmth badly, and "but ! little growth will come before the soif is" thoroughly warmed. The gardeners are also needing buu shine as vegetables, are "ate, and tho market is -very str.ong'Juit sow, with prices high. Director Beats Refers to the Condi tlons Hereabouts. In the crop review issued from Portland, Director Beals thus refers to conditions in this region: In Mjorrow and Umatilla counties considerable wheat was winter-killed. and the damaged areas were re-seed ed in March. In this section the fields now look Tather spotted, but the crop is growing nicely and is in as promis ing a condition as could be expected under the circumstances. Consider able gardening and potato planting has been done, and the farmers arc beginning to prepare their land for corn. Hop vines have just started, but it is too early yet to tell how they are coming up, Grass in the mea dows and on the ranges Is now grow ing rapidly', but it is unusually slow in starting and cattle had to be win ter fed longer than usual. The cat tle in the west sections are Just be ginning to 'find feed enough in the pastures, and in the east sections most of the Btock is still on the win ter ranges. liamblng Is about finish ed, and the increase in the flocks has been up to the average. Peaches, ap ricots, cherries and early plums are in bloom and fruit has as yet suffered no damage by frost or cold rains. The peach trees in Wasco county are reported to have been damaged by the cold spell in mld-wlnter and re ports are .that only half a crop will be gathered this year from that coun ty. ... Residents of Greenhorn District Give Notice to Sheepmen, Which Must Be Heeded or There Will Be Trouble. Word comes from Northern Grant county to the effect that tho war be twonn alieon and cattle men of what Jb. called tho Greenhorn section, has again been renewed. For tho past several years a bitter flRht has been nn hotwnnn the rancors of the sheet) and cattle country and where tho trouble will end ennnot bo foreseen. The cattle mem have declared that no sheep can run at large in their tnrrttorv and they have Issued tho following notice, which they declare they will not deviate from: "We, the undersigned minors and roaldnntfl of the Greenhorn district. situated In Grant county, do solemnly refuse to let Bheep graze on saiu ground." This edict is said to bo against every hoof of sheen and does not simply mean that people of other parts of tho country cannot bring In their sheen and rango on tho cattle mon'fl tnrrltnrv. hut meann that not a single sheep will he allowed to run at largo in tho territory that, this notice covers. Not oven the man who lives in tho Immediate section' will bo al lowed to range his sheep off his own land. The notice Is said to be slKned by rnoBt of the cattlo men In tho Green horn country and trouble will certain ly result If they undertake to carry out the order. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm. IPsSS&i aaoimoN Pacific Shot in His Left Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to It at once. Never falls in case of piles. Cooling and healing. None genuine but , DeWitt's. Beware of counterfeits. ''I suffered for many years by a gunshot wound Jn my left leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind. "It would not heal and, gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of remedied to no purpose until I tried DeWJtt's Witch Hazel Salve. A, few boxes cured me. Tailman & Co. and Brock & McComas. SHEARING IN FULL BLAST. Shearing Crews Start Work in all Sections Wool Clip Will Be Excellent Sheep shearing has begun in many places in Umatilla county and by the 20th of this month lt will be in full blast all over the country, The shear Ing from now on will be mostly ewes. In the sand country, on the Colum bia river, general shearing began first and from there It- will spread up Into the Immediate territory of Pen dleton and from here Into the Interior country by the last of the month. The bucks were shorn early for the, reason that they are more hardy than the ewes and then tho sheep men claim, to take off their wool early gives them a start, their wool being longer in the fall, when lt commands a better sale. It is aslo claimed that the early sheared bucks will get fat earlier. Many shearing crows have already organized and started out. The price being paid this season Is 7 cents per sheep. There has been no effort among the shearers of this county to raise tho price, as reported from other parts of tho state. It is also said that the clip this season will bo longer and of a bettor texture than usual. Lambing Has .Commenced. Lambing is now in full blast over the county. The early lambs begin to make their appearance during the last of March and this lasts all through April and into tho first week .of May. Few Josses have hepn re ported and the sheep men nre haying good luck with their lambs. Very few of the earliest ones were, lost una hut little complaint.' has bpim heard. Nights now are getting warmer and conditions are favorable. i1 .Wields a Sharp Ax. ' Millions marvel at tho multitude of maladies cut off by Dr, King's New Ufe Pills tho most distressing, too. Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouhlesT DyspepsJa, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, BillJousness, Fever, ivfalarla, all fall before Jbes'o wondpr workers. 25c at Tallinan. Po's drug store Smeke Penilletbn Roquet Cigar. -a DtrART Time Schedule Amaifa roa From Pendleton raoa Chlcago- Bait Lake, Denver. Ft Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan Special saa Vlty. Bt Louis, Chi- 8 3)8 a. m. 5:30 p m cago and East, via Hunt ln,ton. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Express Worth, Omaha. Kan Silo a.m. saa City, St. Louis, Chi-UUO p.m. Via Hunt- cago ana East, lngton. St, rani WtUa Walla, Lswlitoo, Fast Mail Spokane.Wallace.rnll 8.15 a. m. man, Minneapolis, St. 530 p. m. via Paul, Duluth, llllwan Spokane, see, Chicago and last. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All tailing dates subject to change. 8 S p. m. For San Francisco 4 p. m. Sail every 6 days. Dally except Columbia TRIver Bnmlay 4pm 8 p.m. To Astoria and Way Bandar Batarday Landings. 10 p. m. Advertising. We may live without poetry, musle unit art We may live without conscience and Hva without heart: We may live without friends, and live without fads, But business today cannot live with- nut ftrln. The Country Merchant Willamette River Boats leave Portland dally, except Bandar. (stage of water permitting) for Wlliamstteasm Yamhill River points. Leave Rlparla 4:05 a. m Dallv Kxcpt Mon Snake River Rlparla to Lewlston. Leave Lewlstea 7tfXla..m. Daily Excptke F. F. WAMBLEY, Agent, Pendleton. 1. L,. Ray 6b Co., Buy and sell Stoclca, Bonds and Grain for cash or on margins. New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Bxckaage. Chicago Beard ef Trade. art miro. JlltM. Or. TRANSPORTATION LINES. "BEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word thjs tells of the passenger service via "The North-Western Line" 8 trains dally- between St. Paul and Chicago comprising The latest P.ullrnau Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED runa.every.day of the year FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Electrlp' LJghted Steam Heated TO CHICAGO BY DAY LIGHT rrim nwtur Htat Hx-nreM. the finest lav train .rnrm In ir between St. Paul and Chicago via the i Short Line; con nections from the West made via The Northern Pacific, ureal in or mem, ana Canadian Paclflo Rys, rriilu la itlin lwint' Una lvntwann nmalim. St. Paul and Minnesota," AH agents sell tickets via "The Northwestern Line." W, H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, a ran a U. A. X.. A, 248 Alder lilt,, Portland, Ore. iii RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cart, -Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DDLTJTH FARGO TO 1 GRAND FORKS OROOKBTON WINNEPEQ HELENA and L BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points East and South Through tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Paoiflo Steamship Co, and American Hue. TIMK SCHBDULK. Trains leave Pendleton daily excepl Sunday at dS p. m. ' For further Information, time oards, maps, and tlokets, call on or write W. Adams, Pea. dleton. Oregon, or A. D. OlIAKLTON, Third and Morrison fits., Portland, Ore, Washington & Columbia River Railroad Ta)ce thfs route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kan Baa City, St, Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points ea the Seuaef TIMK OAItD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Sundays at 6 MX),' pm, Arrfva ivnriltitmi Uondav. Wednesday and Friday JUWam. infra pAndleton Tueidav. Thursday ul Saturday a 156 ami Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound lOtCOpm. A rrlva Walla Walla dallv weat bound fl AS am. For, Information .girding rates and aceesg modatloni, call on or addres W,ADAMg,AtU a nauivruui w sjeawmu B-B'PKBw!uaQal&,W,, aBJSHT QuiftaueJ m JM cut ilrUturt. f-4Prif.au toot.. Ion, ltjBm cmcmiitTi.a smPBV'Fi . ... w CURE YOVRIElff I Dm BU tor,iasiinl discharge, lutt.lamatkiaJ irritations or ulceraUossi i , M tUVUJWIInMati i, gent or poUonoss." am sy or cnt lu plain wrasse. (JironUr uf o MmmV