East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1902, Image 3

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    sr jf
S3r"? '? "liilMilllSlfe TOfirl
The economical housewife will pay particular atten
tion to this item. All our Swiss curtains one-tlrrd ofl
Off 1-3
Some in Plaint Si with Dots, Spmertth
Corded Edge, and many otner styles, imi
and see them. We also have a fall line of
Fine Lace Curtains.
lexander Dept. Store!
X .ft'
-Low prices, coupled with Car
pets' and Matting of known high
quality prove attractions irresisti
ble. -
The question of Carpets and
Matting, where best obtained, is set
tled with promptness, in our stock,
real worth
ftakers of Happy Homes
i manv a deservinc man sncceBB.
, ill-clad, micht Jail. Our chare
kakiigjoar apparel what it ougbt
tcoDMBtuin keeping your linen ana
fr wearables in fine shape, bo far as
Eug and ironing tbora is concerned,
tried our work, our atvle. our
. Bobinson, Prop. PendJeten.
'Have sold -the two
properties decribed
below. Have others
equally as good."
Aso four lots, and- new ..cottage,
- $1,250
Two lots ancfhouse,. $i,ooo, part
cash, reasonable time on balance,
or will sell on installments. See
Mayor Johnson's Good Work In Be
half of the People of the City le
Appreciated Other Cities Go Re-.pusl'lcan.
Monday was election day in a nurru
ber of Ohio cities, notably Cleveland
Cincinnati and Toledot Only la
Cleveland was there a democratic
avalanche and a republican Waterloo.
The republicans were victorious lr
ine otner ciues, out m uieveiana mey;
were no match for the hosts of Tora
Johnson, the greatest democrat of the
i "-j The Election Returns.
The .reports to the morning papers
were as follows:
Cleveland. O.. Aoril 8. A cold rain
fell ,ln this city throughout the "early,
. i . - . i
morning uours, causing a iigni voie
to be cast in most of the nrecincts. A
feature of the contest was the womeii
voters, more, than 15,000., of whom reg
istered. Aside from the interest man'
ifested In the school directorship, thev
main fight hinged on the election ot
councilmen, Mayor Johnson having
made a strong fight against candl
dates not in sympathy with the 3t
cent car fare movement. The follow
ing democrats were elected in this
city today:
Starr Cadwallader, school director,
defeated 'Hi P. "Sargent, by 3000 lu
rality; H. D. Cofflnberry, city treas
urer. defeated W. F. Hoppensack, re
publican, by a like plurality; three
members of tho school council; J. L.
Reilly, Justice" of the peace; six out
of 11 new councilmen.
The new city council' will be com.
posed of 12 democratsjind 10 repub
licans. Mr. Cofflnberry was tempor
arily appointed to the office of city
treasurer, upon the recent death of
George P. Kurtz. Mayor Tom Johu
son took an active part in the canv
Toledo, O., April 7. The republi
cans have elected their city ticket,
headed by Frank Van Loo for street
commissioner, by an average majority
of 1100. They also have 10 majority
in the board -of councilmen and two
thirds majority in the board of' ald-v
men. This is a complete political reversal.
Columbus, O., April 7. The munici
pal election in Columbus resulted in
the re-election of Edward C. Fraas,
republican, for clerk of police court,
and L. D. Andrews, republican, foi
justice of the peace, by 600 and 400
majority, respectively. The republl.
cans also retain control. of the coun
cil. electing 11 out of the 19 mem,
Cincinnati, April 7. W. H. Jack
sori; democrat, for superior judge,
was- defeated; for re-election by How
ard Ferris by over 16,000 on a total
vote of 42,000, which, is about one-halt
of the total vote registered last November.
pass a pleasant even
ts fbyfag Pool or
Billiards at
rfden Rule
W and
ai3 Court
:rmers Custom Mitt
LaFontaine & Garrison
Oft! Dutch Henry
Peed Yard.
Cavalry Horses for Sale.
French Restaurant
Best 25 cent Meals
Saved Many a Time.
Don't neglect coughs and colds, even
if it is spring. Such cases often re
sult seriouslv at this season just be
cause people are careless. A dose of
One Minute Cough Cure will remove
all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at
nncfi. Sure "cure for coushs. colds!
croup, grip, bronchitis, and other
throat and lung troubles. I nave
used One Minute Cough Cure Beveral
vears." savs Postmaster C. O. Daw
son, Barr, 111. It is the very best
cough medicine on the market, it
has saved me many a severe spell of
sickness and I warmly recommena it
The children's favorite. Tallman &
Co. and Brock &McComas.
Steers for Safe
A drove of 123 2 and 3-year-old, good
grade Durham and Bnortnorn steers,
hnif fat same eood for beef now. In
quire Nick Taitinger's ranch, three
miles south of Adams.
New School Building.
nnvton. Wash.. Anril 9. Yesterday
afternoon plans were accepted for the
ow crhnni tmiidine to oe ereciea
here. The successful architect was
J. tC. Dow, of Spokane. The estimatr
ed cost of the Duiiamg is d,uuu.
Hosts ef Democracy Gathering in
Portland Convention Assembles
Thursday Morning, April 10th.
Portland, April 9. The democrats
are here in groat numbers from all
parts of the state, preparatory to
taking part in tho state convention,
which assembles in the Catholic For
esters' hall, in the Hibernian building
at 11 o'clock tomorrow.
Aside from the nomination for gov
ernor, which has been conceded to
George E. Chamberlain, and those for
secretary of state and state treasurer,
for which State Senator J.W. Mor
row and Frank Durbin seem to have
tho Inside track, thero will be some
lively races. C. E. S. Wood and J. H
Raley are both mentioned for con
gressman, and there Is some talk of
Pennoyer, although ho has positively
announced that he will have nothing
whatever to do with any nomination
except that for supreme judge to
which he attaches the privilege of
running on bis own platform.
A. D. Stillman, the well-known Pen-
dletonlan, Lark Bilyeu, who has been
a figure of prominence in the legis
lature, Judge Bennett, a former can
didate for congressman, and J. H.
Smith, of Clatsop, are all candidates
for the attorney-generalship, and each
has reasons in abundance to show
why he should be nominated.
Ira Campbell, of Lane, L. A .Long,
of Washington, and Charles Nickell,
of Jackson, are all willing to be
named for state printer, and M. C.
Reed and E. E. Bragg are In the field
for the democratic chances to land
the office of superintendent of public
Instruction. In the first congression
al district the only man who is willing
to make the race' against Congress
man Tongue is J. K. Weatherford, the
Albany lawyer and politician.
Sam White on Guard.
Sam White of Baker City, chair
man of the democratic state central
committee, is very busy nowadays at
his headquarters in the Chamber of
Commerce building, receiving calls
from local and visiting democrats and
mapping out a plan of campaign. Mr.
White says the state convention will
have no slate, and that the race will
be open to all entries, the only con
dition imposed being that they are
good democrats.
- Morrow County Democrats.
The democrat county convention
was held in Heppner Monday. De
legates to thei state convention; C
E. Redfield'. J. W. Morrow, J.:X Wool
ery, all for George Chamberlain for
governor, m ne county .ticuet is : ,
Sheriff J., J. McGee.
Clerk J. A. Woolery.
Commissioner Frank H. Wilson.
Treasurer George Noble. ' " 1
Assessor H. Olden. r
Surveroy Julius Keithly.
Coroner J. L. Yeager.
"Butch" is a Candidate.
Tho Hatter Citv Democrat, in an
editorial nominates W. F. Butcher, of
that city for congress on the demo
cratic ticket for the second district.
Mb-. Butcher stated that, under cen
tain conditions, he would exvept tho
nomination. He Is an agresslve cam
paigner and ranks as one of the lead
ing members of the bar in that part
of the state. Wltnout douut jur.
Butcher will have the support of a
laieo numlier of the democratic del
egates to tho state convention from
eastern Oregon. Mr. uutcner is a
member of the Baker City delegation
to the state convention.
Delegates From Umatilla.
Tho fnllnwlne TImfltllla county del-
ppatfts to the state democratic con
vention, which meets in Portland to
morrow, left last night:
w. F. Matlock, of Pendleton; A. u.
Stillman. of Pendleton: Joe N. Scott,
of Athena; R. Ml Powers, of Weston;
G. W. Skelton, of Pilot Rocki ,James
ijiine nf Pendleton: C. A. Unapman,
of McKay; T. A. Lieuallen, of Adams;
D. B. Watson, of Pendleton; John
Heathman, of Pendleton; M. '.loner,
of Cottonwood; James Nelson, of Vin
son; William Atkinson, or Moaonara;
William Forrester, of Helix; William
Hilton, of Pendleton; A. J. Dillon, of
H will take every particle of dust and dirt from your floors and
woodwork makes them as cloan as a whistle, neat as a pin.
Nothing so good for washing clothos and dishos.
Chiesco, NswYork, Boston. StLouk. Maker ot OVAL FAIRY SOAP. B
Florida Medical Men Meet
Will Take Part In the Amateur Ath-
letic Union Meet at Baker City.
Tho Pendleton high school Is pre
paring to again take part in tho an
nual Eastern Oregon Interscliolastlc
Amateur Athletic Union field track
meet this year, which is to bo held nt
Baker City, May 10. A team has
been practicing for the past month,
and the boys say they are going into
the field in bettor trim than they
ever have before. They have won
tho "Tribune" cup. for the past two
years and if they Win it at this year's
meet they will then be entitled to
keep it as it will bo tho third time.
The features of the meet will bo
running, jumping, vaulting, throwing
the hammer and other athletic sports
which are usually carried on during
a meet of this kind.
Tampa, Fla., April 9. Tho twenty-
ninth annua! meeting of tho Florida!
Medical Association was opened hero
this morning with an attendance of
ending physicians and surgeons from
many parts of tho state. Dr. G. H.
Altreo called tho meeting to order
and, aftor an offering of prayer by
Rev. W. W. Dollart, D. D., Mayor F.I
L. Wing delivered the address of wol- J
como, to which responso was mado '
by Dr. J. Harrison Hodges of Gaines
ville. Tho annual address of tho I
prosldont, Dr. A. J. Wakofiold of l
Jacksonville, followed, and tho re
mainder of tho morning session was
occuplod with routine business con-'
nected with tho affairs of tho associa
tion. Tho reading and discussion of
papers on topics of interest to tho
profession wns begun this afternoon.,
Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars.
Cool the Blood
f . t Mr V
In n
White ClMMter.thc Ski mm4
Scalp with hot btkj CUTI
Seven. Devils Railroad.
. Lieutenant Edward S. Farrow, well
known to old-timers in Pendleton,
has written a letter to O. L. Wilier at
Baker City sayjng he will be at Baker
before the end of the month prepared
to start work on the railroad from
that place to the Seven Devils. It
is understood that a party of
surveyors will be put in the field
about May 1, which will be about aa
early as they can work to advantage.
The distance from Baker to Ballard's
Landtag, the present proposed term!-
ua mid . la 90 miles. The
iradee are very eaay and there is
very Jlttie rocn worn v "
that if the work of construction can
be started by the 1st of July, traisw
will be niBBlBsT by the end of the
TkW eeewfeal 4 M mm t ik reey
beet isetM 7 wMck
mrirr ' OeeftsMew aeVrettlais. .
Ue etker UmA, will fcrte aa4e re
tarae fer Ue wumtj IvumUL
Mercury and potash
They hide its repulsive form, and this serpent disease,
stupefied by these drugs, lies dormant until the effects
have worn off or treatment is discontinued, when it
breaks down the mask and becomes as full of life and venom as ever.
Mercury and Potash may dry up the sores and eruptions, but at the same
time they drive the poison back into the blood and system, where it feeds
upon the tender tissues, membranes and nerves, finally breaking out ia
most disgusting sores and even destroying the flesh and bones.
Mercury and Potash cannot accomplish a radical and permanent cure.
They have a palliative butrnot curative effect upon this treacherous snaUe
like disease. These drugs produce mercurial Rheumatism, destroy the
teeth and corrode the membranes of the stomach and bowels, causing inflam
mation and dyspepsia, nervousness and general derangement of the system.
S. S. S. is a Specific for Contagious Blood Poison, and theonly antidote
for the peculiar virus that spreads so quickly throughout the system,
corrupting the blood and infecting every organ and fibre of the body.
t. o, o. destroys tue acrpcni, uuu cnmiuu;o
every atom of poison from the blood, it makes a
thorough and radical cure of the disease, and at the
same time builds up the general health. S. S. S.
contains no minerals of any kind, but is a purely
Vegetable remedy and we offer $1,000 for proof to tie contrary.
Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise
without charge. Our "home treatment book will be sent free to nil who
desire it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, AtlaBta, 6a.
Tn diilerent styles, such aa will prove
object of utility and beauty In any
Catalogue of Mantels Free
Eleetrlo fixtures, lamps, shades,
chandeliers, globes, eto.
Will furnish original designs for til
ing, wood work or mantles free. Spe
cial designs for fitting up saloons. Ka
tlmutos furnished free.
The John Barrett Company ,wffl5iUig.
To Mke good bread see Brers' Btat Floor. It took first
resBiam at the Obisao Wod4 Fair ever all eoapeU.
tiea. and elves excellent aMiMaetioa wnerever aeea,
Kvery seek is fsaraateed.
We have the beet
Soiled Belief, Seed Bye aad Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
uu A
Vmtmm OlflM.