East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1902, Image 2

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in Shirts
Shirts of Stylish Color
Shirts Properly Made
Shirts That Fit . . . .
A correct combination is found in the above and here
are the prices that speak for themselves
Golf Shirts from 50c to $.50 and all rare bargains;
"Negligee Shirts from 50c to $3; all Bargains;
Working Men's Shirts in Black and striped from
50c to $f.25; big money's worth.
Every Shirt new and of this season's.patterns- Every day a
bargain day,
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Haticrs, Pendleton.
Washington Jfc table
v tarn table. The O. R. & N- we ,
i,v nd chained, so that
niintr(wi to nlay ia luoi
SiU ThViit Oreian greatly ,
Screw the substitution c the O. R.
VJf , j.r 1L and asks
.tmrt rtr rAT f ATI! P
9urri.i wr "i . " , tit a. n
' "" EXHAUSTED n.rf ,J,j
pa sound isssis ssssni.'i
to Bay Their Supplies in This L,nc alitrsins one, and such a danger-1
in California Demand Is Strong, 'jd ponderous implement of de-j
Most all of the lat beef cattle hare f struction as a turn ' ble bi
been shipped ont of Umatilla county! be eft free for children to play wua,
and have already been slaughtered or j or upon, j
are in the pens of the Paget Sound i
dealers awaiting their turn, which , Wants to Help Others. (
will soon come. In speaking of thei ctnrnfil.h trouble all my life.".
pmW. Afphlflr. proprietor of the.
cattle and sheep supply a few days
ago a prominent aeajer saia. .frw, Tinttlinc "Works, Erie, fa.. .
"It is almost impossible now io ge.i dg f reraedies. went
any more beef cattle or mutton sheep , " ' " d t consider-
in this country and Umatilla county i ?nr tt t a moments
is cleaned out leaner than I havablemoney Jryin Dvg.,
known It for several years. The cat- peace, rm k
to my great satisfaction. I never found
, . its. pmial for .stomach trouoie ana .
a dealers win again "-- - wnTna 5t ,n that I
have -to turn to California for their , oin sufferers. Kodol Dys-
.supply or mutton, but most 01 mem n stonach troub-i
tare cattle enough to supply f H YoudonYhave t0 dIet. Kodol.
ouuu - n riirti; -what von eat-
i Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas
-in A
-ll imns nnil th!f arf no I i'iK"
sheep left that are ready for raarket-
I think that Sound dealers will a
Fifty thousand people spent their
vacation in Colorado last summer.
At least the -railroads report that
many thousand tickets sold.
California has the record, among
her many big things, of having the
longest electric power transmission
in the world, over 200 miles.
Mary Edwards Beale. widow of
General E. F. Beale and mother-in-law
of John R- MsLean. of Ohio, is dead
In "Washington, aged years.
The exploring expedition of Cap
tain J. E. Bernier will sail from Van
couver, B. C this year. Captain Ber
-nier savs he expects to reach the
north pole in 1906.
A total of 175 cases and 13" deaths
from cholera were reported at Manila
Monday. The natives are making
great efforts to break up the quaran
tine established, and in so doing one
native has been killed
The London Board of Trade returns
for March show the remarkable de
crease of 5,525,195 in imports and
2,640,055 in exports, compared with
March, 1901. This is attributed main
ly to the abnormal clearances of last
year, in anticipation of the new
Announcement Is made of the ap
proaching marriage of Miss Sne Clay,
daughter of Cassias Marcellus Clay.
Jr., and niece of Henry Clay, the
'great commoner, to Dr. Goodman, of
London, England. She met the doc
tor while sick in England. Miss
Clay's home is at Paris, Ky.
All the employes of the Santa Fe
general offices at Topeka, Kan., were
ordered by General Manager Sludge
to stop work until further orders. The
office building is stated to be in im
mediate danger of collapse, and the
departments will remain closed until
the defects can be remedied.
Joseph D. Cavanaugh, a well-known
native son, aged 29 years, is dead at
his home in Portland.
Charles "W. Howell, an old soldier.
usea e- years, niea in tne county
hospital in Portland Monday.
Mrs. Alvah Brown, of "Walla "Walla,
was called to Silverton, Or, by the
death of her father. B. A. Davis, of
that place, of fatty degeneration of
the heart.
John Barrett, commissioner general
for the Louisiana Purchase Exposi
tion to the Orient is on his way to
Portland from St. Louis, en route for
the Orient.
Franlt Buffham, a 15-year-old boy of
Condon, has been missinc from (b
nome since March 17. The bov do
accompanied him. He is described
as having brown hair and dark blue
The body of the 2-year-old son of
Joseph a. Strain was found in the
iouctset river, near Dayton, Sunday
nignt. me little follow wandered
away from home on Sunday and fell
into tne river.
J. 0, Johnson, a Spokane capitalist
wno nas invested largely in the Mal-
neur oistrlct. Bays that the prosjwets
iur iinaing petroiauni there .are even
Detter than they wore in California,
where there are now big producers.
Robert Mays, a well known citizen
of The Dalles, died suddenly Sunday
of organic heart trouble. The deceas
ed was born in Tennessee in 1830 and
Jn lSo2 he crossed the plains by ox
team with his family, settling in Lane
county. In 1658 he removed to Was
co county, and during the past 30
years has been a resident of The
Dalles. A widow and eight children
fiurvive hint
The Pendleton.
TV. S. MaxwelL
Dan Arnold and wife, "Wyoming.
E. C Smith, Portland.
Edward A. Beals, Portland.
H. Hanssman, San Francisco.
J. M. Alexander. The Dalles.
Ed Blackburn.
Sig Kiederberger. Chicago.
George McGillvery, Spokane.
J. Z. Gerald, Portland.
Si? L. Cohn. Minneapolis.
Alice C. Luce. Miles.
Mrs. E. J. Dockey, Boise.
Hellen Caston. Boise.
E. H. Clarke, city.
G. 3. Youngman. Portland.
F. E. Pamsey, Portland.
M. P. Sailors. St. Louis.
S. A. Garber. Des Moines.
E. C Warren, Omaha.
R. B. May and wife, Portland.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
J. W. Batson.
A. Sinshiemer.
The Golden Rule.
A. Romanoff, Portland.
J. P. Yankirk and wife, La port e.
F. L. Walker.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
T. Hartman and wife, Colfax.
J. H. Shadrln, Kentucky.
J. X. Scott, Athena.
P B. Cunningham and family, Ka
Charles Carroll, Spokane.
JL B. Hayhnrst. Portland.
J. G. Helfrich, Spokane.
C. B. Brown. Milton.
A. Thatcher. Portland.
Miss McCullough, Echo.
T. Kubo.
K. Smida.
Henry Wolfe, San Francisco.
A. McPherson, Boise.
O. F. Reibel. Spokane.
Mrs. 3. X. Coe, North Takima.
Jo. Kowala.
C. J. Fraker.
them with a few grass-fed cattle.'
' Take the Butter creek country, one
of the most extensive cattle countries
In the county, and there is not a hoof
left that will make beef. When feed
ing time began last rail between 4000
and 5000 cattle were placed in pens
and fed for the winter and spring
market and these were snipped most
ly to Seattle and Tacoma. Fry. Bruhn
& Co.. and Carston Bros., both Sound
dealers, bought most of these, al
though a few went to the Union Meat
Company, at Portland.
Every year Umatilla county furn
ishes more cattle for the Sound than
the year previous and as this indus
try In the different parts of the coun
ty grows the outside consuming world
recognize it and send their buyers in
here to get their supply. Xot a few
of the cattle that were fed In the
Butter creek country went to Seattle
and from there were shipped north to "
i .i . -i j i . i settlers
An Old Lady Injured by a Defective
Sidewalk Will Obtain Redress.
Walla Walla, April 9. A jury in
the case of Mary and William Edris
vs. the City of Walla Walla and J. D.
Lamb, returned a verdict for the de
fendants after being out 20 minutes
yesterday. The action was for SBOOO
damages alleged to have resulted,
from a fall on a defective sidewalk'
last autumn. Mrs. Edris. an aged,
lady, ell and broke her arm and re
ceived serious internal injuries. A't
claim for damages was presented to
the city council and refused. Then j
the action was commenced. Mr. and i
Mrs. Edris came from the Willamette
f valley last year, where they were old
They Are Here
4 4 44 4
vctir Tr ivr.
4 4 4
This line added fo M
line of Knox, Stetson
Gordon Hats makes thei
complete line of hats n'i
JJWyNGyErBY inland-empire.
Get Yotir Spring Hat in the S
Now Is the Time. Today.
Boston Stom
In all stages of nasal catarrh there
should he cleanliness. As experience
proves, Ely's Cream Balm Is a cleans
er, soother and healer of the diseased
Now iB the time to get your
were tied up in Alaska for the winte;
Xot only have the stock men of The Great Dismal Swamp.
Umatilla county furnished cattle and . Of Yirginia is a breeding ground of
sheep for the Sound markets, but : Malaria germs. So is low, wet or
other parts of the Inland Empire marshy ground everywhere. These
have been called upon for supplies. ' germs cause, weakness, chills and
Following: is what the Walla Walla ' fever, aches in the bones and muse-'
SteshTPmentlS: t0 red & "d ST 'XeTnevt i Nothing is more pleasing to the eye thin a beautiluli
Frye & Brubm, Seattle stock deal- fail to destroy them and cure malar-1
ers wno nave in the past few weeks ial troubles. They will surely pre-
nongnt several carloads or beer cattle , vent typhoid. We tried many remedies
in the Walla Walla valley, all being for Malarial and Stomach and Liver
shipped to the Sound over the W. & troubles." writes John Charleston, of
x.. k.. ciosea a Dig deal in i.ewiston Byesvflle, O., "but never found any-
baturuay wnereoy they bought .00 thing as good as Electric Bitters"
neaa at an esumated price of 540,000. , Try them. Only 50c. Tallman & Co.
iKe xneir w ana alia purchases, guarantee satisfaction.
tne animals were stall-fed and are
in prime condition for butchering im
mediately. The sale in Lewlston
was made by Hank Timble, who re
cently shipped a big train load to
eastern points, netting him a hand
some profit. Frye Bruhm's agent
is still in the Walla Walla valley, se
curing cattle for the Sound trade.
Attention Log-Rollers,
The regular meeting of Pendleton
Camp No. 41, Woodmen of the World,
is now held on Saturday at S p. m..
in Secret Society hall. Members;
please govern themselves accordingly. '
J. P. EARL, C. C.
Attest: J. ?. WALKER, Clerk.
We have the best values from $4 up.
gTHiGH Grade Garden Hose at Low Pricee.
Thompson Hardware Coi
Neglect Means Danger.
Don't neglect biliousness and consti-i
pation. Your health will suffer perma-
CU . . . ,. . ....
It Is not crying nor Irri-', 4f. 1 ' a' Vlts 1Jtt,e
a.. , i.r Kisers cure such cases. M. B
Price 50 cents at druggists or it .n' f,r , B&r Dfi-
Stat xor Ohio, crrr or touedo (
Sre.i aHe4 by Ely Bothers" V s "UfleM niM the!
doinr bu3insa In the rilx of Trillin mnMr Wftrron ctwwt Von- tt v. .most Satisfactory pills I ever took
SeHXuleSSj teti ihe nostrils it spread , " us? Tall-' '
ererj cm of ctirrh uj enno:be enwd br over the membrane and relief is im- " an Sroclr & McComas. rJW'm i
I Charles Broadway Rouss, the late
Swom to before me nd rabaeribed In my i
"HAll'i CUrrh Cure Is Uken IntenuOly nd , a . " ,.
a dt-tctlr on the blood tnd aneooi inrtieei , urvas- . Hantord, Leadi
oi ijnem. sena lor tMllmo al&li . tree.
v .inn' . . . . .
millionaire, made
after he loat his sight.
bold br drnreisw. Tie.
ilir P11U .re the Uii.
Miss Timberlake Escapes From
Paul's School, Walla Walla.
ng Man In
"Taming of the Shrew."
In the early stage of his career
Charles B. Hanford. who is now re
cognized as America's most famous
Shakespearian star, was leading man
in the company of the famous trage
dian, Edwin Booth. Hanford artl
as Booth's understudy and on several
Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigars.
in oi j waKP d(
wil laptly describe the
floor coverings displayed:
where an elegant variety c
patterns in every kind, -ami
to Axminsters and wiltoaM
pleasure of those who de
nlsh their rooms ecoo
The largest stock ever !
Pendleton and the cheP
Bewing machines from z0 1
ies, etc, for all machine.
Wall Paper at Cost.
The schools of Sorbest, Austria,
bare adopted a singular fad to teach
erery pupil to play chess.
Walla Walla, April 9. Miss Lola occasions appeared in the great ac-
imneriake. a student at St. Paul's wrs Ptace when the latter was ill
chool for girls, disappeared RnHrtn. n several occasions he snhsHim?
ly Monday night, and yesterday she for ilr- Booth as Petrnchio In "The
was nearfi rrom In Portland, where am'ns oi the Shrew."
it was said she was with friends. ! Toung Hanford. in Booth's estimn-
Miss Timberlake came from Lewis-1"013. combined all the qualities ne
ton. Idaho, to enter the school, and sary for the many sided personali
ties been in this city several months, i Ues of Petruchio. This season he
Without saying a word to anyone, she 13 appearing at the head of his own
left be-- room Monday night and fail- comPanJ in an elaborate revival of
ed to return. The matron of the;,,The Taming of the Shrew," and
school discovered the absence of the ' wnere"er he has appeared the critics
girl, but could get no trace of her. have "ntted" in saying that it is the
Miss Timberlake is about IS years of : Sreatest success of his career,
age, and rather pretty. i Miss Helen Grantly, whose pictures
Mrs. Timberlake. mother of the!bare extensively appeared In the
missing girl, recently visited ! thi . leading publications
city, and soon after her denartnre th ' faer beauty as well as her
girl "became lonesome, appearing de-'talent' be seen In the role of
spondent at times; N'o other rtsnn Katherine. The sunoortin- rnm..
can be given for the sudden disap- ,s io be of strong calibre while
pearance. the scenic embellishments
tumes are reported to be on a lavish
The homliest man In Pendltnn nc scale. Mr. Hanfonl -ui
well as the handsomest and other this city at the Frazlr nn t, ir.. :
are invito in r-aii nn j '
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's , WAS W. & C. R. TURN TABLE. '
wiaam IOr tne throat and lungs, a: j
remedy that Is cuaranti j Not o. n jt u . . . I
rp u :r.vu"' a.uu " ncpnw n tucs-
S3 00 per Daj and Upwards.
Relteves Dandruff
and causes tUi. glossy hair to snp.
plant thefjrmer thin.briitlegro wth.
Newbros Herbicide
perfonns s yrork on t he principle
"Destroy tne cau.e, yoU reniovc ne
S VT a ""oently it reach,
ana kiils off tLe evKr.hr,- t:.
which is responsible f..r ail icalp
and falung hair imrKaible, and
promote a luxuriant rx wth of hair
that soon becomes the pride of the
owner. Even on bald spota it soon
prod noes hair as thick andlururiant
as anyone could wish for.
OwbSttfewfll COBTtlKft that h k thu
only Lur twWKMUi rwiStojiS
For Sik by all Fmt-Cliu Drug Stortj.
relieve aU chronic and acute coughs
asthma, bronchitis and consumption!
Price 25c and COc. For Bale by Tail
man & Co sole ageata.
day's East Oreqonian.
Owing to negUgent typesetting and
more negUgent proofreading, the East
iwM80n,,an ,of Taesds7 sported that
UUe Ella Hamlsch was maimed for
use on the O. R. & turn table. The
!X!,e8 Copr was corre and It
shoald have appeared la type as the
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : : :
PolydorcMoens, Proprietor.