fflt If tf mi SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1902. Special Sale on Ladies' Slippers Three Days '...only... April 7, 8, and 9. Indies' Pat Vamp Estelle 16.00 at $4.75 Patent Leather 3.00 at 2.fi0 Patent lieather 2.60 at 2.00 Kid Suppers 8.00 at 2.60 Kid Slippers 2.60 at 2.00 Kid Slippers 2.00 at 1.65 Kid Slippers 1.60 at 1.30 parish and strangers are cordlallr In vited to these services. CHRISTIAN CHURCH All of the rfisnilar services tomorrow. The meet- Ines nre hold in the court house. All are welcome. R. A. Copple, pastor. WORK PERSONAL MENTION ALL ARE IT THE WORK OF CLEANING PENDLETON HAS BEGUN James and Charles Nelson, of Athe na, are in town. Misses Nettle and Leota Cannon, of Athena, are In town. H. E. Hendryx, of Lawton, Is regis tered at Hotel Pendleton. Misses Lulu and Oracle Ray are in the city from their homo In Weston. Prank Ried and wife and Miss Ru by Cook, of Adams, wore in town Fri day. Council's Order Has Hearty Obedi nn Pram the Citizens and Busi ness Men In Every Quarter. Everywhere one looks today, pco nln can be seen cleaning up their back yards and tidying things around their nrcmlses. The announcement In the East Oregonlan that the city council had instructed the police and ntrppt commissioner to look after these things and see that the town was nronerly cleaned up and kept United States Marshal Zoeth Hons- Zli.Taecent, has caused every res,: is in town today from his home in J man tQ begln t0 Dindinger,Wilson & Company BacoMKn to Clearer Brother!. Pkomt Black pi SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS FIRST BAPTIST CHHRCU There vlll be held the Sunday school ses sion and the regular morning preach ing service at this church. It is hoped that all the membership of the church will be present at the morning serv ice. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH Sunday school, 10 a. m., I. E. Earl, superin tendent. Preaching at 11 a. m sub ject, "The Woman at the Well." Preaching 8 p. m., subject, "Vanity of Vanities, the Wall of a Sin Sick i Soul." Epworth League at 7 p. m. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER -Divine service tomorrow at hours as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Litany, sermon and celebration of the holy communion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and address at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. John Warren will conduct the morning service and assist in the evening. The rector will hold serv ices nt Weston In the morning, but "will return for the evening service at Pendleton. THOMPSON STREET METHO DIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. Junior League at 3 p. m. Quarterly lovefeast at C:30 p. m. Presiding El der Morrison wll preach at 7:30 p. m. John Uren, pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m.; Reading the law and the Installation of two elders; 3 p. m., Junior "Endeav or; 7:30, Sermon: The Great Invl tlon. A hearty welcome awaits all who come and strangers are specially ly Invited. Robert J. Diven, pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Junior En deavor at 3 p. m.; Senior Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.; preaching services at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, of Spokane, will preach both morning and evening. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ladies' Missionary Society on Thursday at 2:30 p. m., at the home o fMrs. Lowell. All members of tho er Portland. J. Simon, proprietor of Hotel Da cres, of Walla Walla, is registered at Hotel St George. Deputy Sheriff T. D. Taylor, who Is democratic candidate for sheriff, visit' ed Athena Friday. Matt Mosgrove, the "Mark Hanna of Oregon," is in town looking after his political affairs. John Slatter, a prominent citizen of Walla Walla. Is the guest of M. F. Kelly, at the Golden Rule hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCabe, of Walla Walla, accompanied by Miss Olive McCabe, are guests at the Ho tel Pendleton. J. H. Robblns Is In town again from his home In Sumpter. He Is democratic candidate for representa tive from Baker county, Rube Wilson, of Athena, who had the misfortune to get his right arm broken several weeks ago, Is in town He is now able to get the arm out of a sling, but cannot use it yet. W. H. Hawloy, of Hawley Brothers, returned this morning from a trip to Portland, and points In the valley. He visited, nmong other places, the pret ty school town of Monmouth, which is his old home, enjoying a day or two with relatives and friends of other days. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis, of the Butter Creek country, wore in town today, buying supplies for ranch and home. Mr. Davis recently married Miss Hosklns. at Pullman, Wash., a former Umatilla county girl, and have settled down on Butter creek, where Mr. Davis is engaged In the stock bus' iness. Alfred Holman, of the Portland Morning Oregonian, arrived in Pen dleton this morning, and will remain here for a couple of days. Mr. Hoi man is assistant to the editor, H. W. L' n 1 1 C 1.1 - . . olull, ui uiu uregowan, anil is a look around them to see If there is any rubbish that the police could tahe nvpflntlnns to. They have begun to clean up before he gets to them and has a chance to ask them to do so. Not only has the council asked that householders should clean up auout their places over the residence part of town, but the business men have been requested to make a special "f fort to look after the half of the street in front of their business places and see that no undue amount of trash and rubbish congregates and remains there. In many places along Main street, at the edge of the side walk, continually stands a dirty pool of water and the street commissioner has begun to haul gravel and place In the low places and a Bpecial effort will be made to fix It, so that this water will run off, Instead of standing to stagnate and menace the health of those compelled to pass by them. Men nre out cleaning up the streets and scraping all the refuse from the surface. When this Is done and the gravel Is placed In the low places, it Is hoped to keep these stagnant water pools from standing and so Increase the looks of Main street. When once clean and leveled up, It will only be a small matter to keep them clean. With the assistance of each business man, If he will take the proper pride that he should, Pendle ton will soon look like a different place nnd instead of the streets look ing like a pig pen they will be a credit to the town . horirr nf the county. ff,flSBo$40 years of age and has been a sufferer from' cancer for a nbumnber of years. agolie Walla in the hopes of gett ng aid from the physicians, but all that SSI bfdoL'could not stay the com- lng of the grim monswr u loaves a wife, but no children. Attractive Women. All women sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health, because It Is the outward man Ifestatlon of Inner purity. A health! woman Is always attractive, bright and happy. When every drop of blood fn the veins Is pure a beauteous flush i on rho cheek But when the blood i immiro mnroseness. bad temper and a sallow complexion tells the tale of sickness, all too plainly. And wo men today know there is no beaut without health. Wine of Cardul crowns women with beauty and at bv making strong and healthy those organs which make her a woman. Try Wine oi uaraui uuu iu a month your friends will hardly know you. May Lengthen Ball Season. Syracuse, N. Y., April 5. The mag nates of the New York State League have gathered here in anticipation of the schedule meeting to be held to- . . 1 A S morrow, uesiues arranging uwt iu. the coming season, the meeting will have other business to transact. One of the important matters to receive attention Is the proposition to have the season extended two weeks. A majority of the club owners seem to be in favor of having the champion ship contests cease the latter part of September, instead of on September 6, and the change will probably be agveed upon by the meeting. GAVE THEM PLEN I OF BASEBALL PRACTICE. Town Picked Team Showed Up Wall Against the Regulars-Dupuls' Fine Work. , , -One of the best exhibitions of sci entific ball playing that been witness, ed 1 1 Pendleton this season was the p a t ee game yesterday afternoon between the Pendleton nine and a 5 eked nine from the town," said a baseball enthusiast this morning who witnessed the game on the. local diamond Friday, when a picked team fro mthe town played Captain Zleg ler's team. At the close the score stood 4 to 0 in favor of Zieglers teanl. Ed Dupuis pitched a fine game. TO ATHENA TOMORROW. Fair 1b 75 Cents for the Round Trip, Either Train. Are you going to Athena tomorrow to see the ball game between Osborn's "Yellow Kids" and Sharpsteln's "Sharpshooters?" The O. R. & N. special train will leave Pendleton at 1 p. m., or you can go on the regular train in the morning If you like. The fare will be only 75 cents for the round trip. Furnish us with a disatUiji fee user and we will paim on a concocticH oats, bariey,etcCilaa them "Owl Sm.ru t. i The approval of all v. JJ It fa a fclend of uSMH and two. other wt2 TM makes all horse-feed rmtn l1 packages, take a TRYJT ONCE-You lUul- Owl Tea Cheapest place in Oregci China's foreign trade does not amount to ?1 per head; Japan's for eign trade now exceeds ?6 per head, or J300.000.000 against less than $1 per head 30 years ago. . ...WANTED... Energetic people to sell ourt date publications in ear i ship. We furnish books , able agents on a credit sys&jl wrue xor terms and deacritf circulars. CONTINENTAL BOOK. I uooanougn nag., Pqrtfc IN ALL WALKS OF LIVE. Herplcide is Used to Cure Dandruff, E. H. Lyons, of New York, N. Y., says: "I am very fond of Herplcide and enjoy using it. It Is refreshing." Dr. J. A. Bush, Toledo, Ohio, writes "Newbro's Herplcide has given better writer distlriKuished anmnc rhr nows. satisfaction than anything I Have liiipur men or ine west. He has re cently returned to Portland from San Jose, Cal., where he owned and con ducted the Daily Mercury, which he sold before coming to Oregon. I Attention Log-Rollers. The regular meeting of Pendleton Camp No. 41, Woodmen of the World, is now neiu on Saturday at 8 p. m., in becret Society hall. Mombors piease govern themselves accordingly. J. P. EARL. C. C. Attest: J. P. WALKER, Clerk. ever used Mrs. Borkey, of Chadron, Neb., says of Herplcide: "It cleaned my head of dandruff and stopped my hair from falling out. It is the best remedy for dandruff ever used, and I have used a great many." R. S. Coleman, Ann Arbor, Mich.. says: 'I have usea two bottles of Hernl- clde and derived benefit therefrom." VICTOR HUGO THE THEME. Woodmen Rolling.,. Log- April 2 i and 22 Spring, is here. Purify your blood by .taking JF. & S. Sar saparilla compound, greatest of all blood purifiers. TALLMAN & GO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS I Free! Freel Free! ' " uratz will furnish you with free Rainier beer, between 9 and 10 ociock tonight, In new La Fontaine uiock, zz jualn street. Thursday Afternoon Club Reviewed His Life and Works. The Thursday Afternoon Club held one of the largest meetings of the year at the home of Mrs. James A. Fee, on Thursday. The French writer, Ttnnma in n . t . r runcn writer, lng for rent aSS W1' ?ulId: Ylc Hugo, .was discussed r .rent 5?ea? heated, tot and The narlors wrf. fWntp,i win, ,w cold wRtnr nnrt h, I P"un, were uecoratea witn uat- H0n luum lu ,UDBBr- fodlls and the French national tri color was displayed. mis. Colesworthy read a critical an. alysis of the author's works, which deserves special mention. Tt mi beautifully worded and evinced care ful study and discrimination. Mrs Sturgis gave a synonsis of "NlnoK-. Three," telling the story briefly, sup plementing with extracts from the woric. Tiie superb romance, "Les Mlserables," was reviewed by Mrs. Burroughs, who brought out many of the salient points. Several of the poems were rend and a discussion on French celebrities followed. The u, ?,eeuns will be on Thursday, with Miss Raloy. ' ' FOR GOLF R ASH HoatUash, inflammations, Itching, irritations amlchailnga.unduo oroltcnslvo perspiration, and many other sanative uses, nothing ho cooIIiik, purifying) and refreshing as a bath with Ckticuua Soav, followed in tho severer forms ly gentlo anointing with Crncpju, tho great skin cure andpurest of emollients. .vu.IlcFi- 8o"". li fnl H doubt th mot ,ff,etit ana or toilrl. Ulh, n.) aihtty. nM threiih' cut Ih. world. 1'UTTK I)KIU AHtt Chmi iC.Wj Prop., Hiton. " JIo- to Hare nautlCul Man." frVeT Young Orators Contest. Grafton, W. Va., April 5. The pres ence of many students and other vis itors is evidence of the interest mani fested In the annual Inter-state nor mal school oratorical contest, which is to be held in the public school aud itorium here tonight. The contest ants will include representatives of each of the six normal schools in the state. The contest Is for prizes offer ed by A. J. Wilkinson, of this city. It will be the fourth contest of its kind. The first was held at Parkersburg, the second at Falrmount, and the third nt Charleston. The contest to night promises to be one of great interest. ST. JOE STORE! Special Sale fo this Week.. 3 f We will gfvc FREE with every Gerift Suit of Clothes, ONE NICE HAT , Ji With every Child's Knee PantSuit we will give abstf lutely free n Nice Cnp. All of our Ladies' $2.50 Shoes will HnnX.tiD fill 1 . yu hi, jj). j jus is a rare chance to get good Shoes ver cheap. Five hundred .yards beautiful Wash Silks at a Casi'l jibcount oi iu per cent. Just received the nobbiest line of J went s onirts ever shown in this city. Come and see us; THE LYONS MERCANTILE CO, We Advertising, may live without poetry, music and art, , We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends, and live without fads, But business today cannot live with out ads. The Country Merchant Steel Shod Shoes iot Boys Give more days hard wear than nny other eboe made. Tho price range is A $10.00 SHOE If not properly fitted is not worth 3oc. As it not only injures the feet, but does not wear. Our Shoes at $3 and $3.50 Are worth donhi u . they fit and onB Sff The Pendleton Shoe Comp any 64s ruin Strtt . 1 JOLLY CLUB'S 'JOLLY DANCE. m xxi r-. . 11 . . , .. .. runciion Atter the Lenten Sea; son Closed. The Jolly Club ontertalned their numerous friends Friday night with one of-their, dancing parties. Ver unique souvenir invitations ,had been printed nnd sent out. In response. 75 couples assombled at the LaDow Mu- tliYn ?ml ,began trInPis the light fantistic to the strains nf ,inn sie furnished bv Klrkmnn'a n., t .1.. . - viicaliu. Co . , most S0C'nbIe times that uvVn u m fenmeton for many a day was Uiq verdct nf a whQ r u.wnmie enough to attend. Tho 7 I, . u,nueu ironi u to 12 o'clock at which time a bountiful !,., ' cnrvo.l mu. . " nua ' i-u. J WHR Tho nai J wic uiunn season closed. JAMES KIRKLAND DEAD. I Cancer Was the Malady Burled T aay in Milton. James Y. Klrkln wngandwn8 bl,r,e(1 ,n Milton today ri".tt? favorably known all $200 TO STAMEIDBYEXCELLENCE HO BACKED BY EXPERIENCE.. SfiS " . t11comefrom, the Carrier is to have the best that hfni o 1 i "? experience can produce. .Our hats are de i 0 I,ua(leiwi'h the demands of the buying public more popular nnd late in design as ours. 9 9 CARRIER MILLINERY Comfort Shoes for Laidaes 9 Peoples Warehouse. We are Headqtates Seeing is fcelieving Carpets Carpets Carpets Fvtnitttte Futnitate Fistnitute CATARRH the gleanhing anjd healing CURE von CATARRH 18 Ely's Cream Balm Ey and pleuant to UBS. COIltlllna nn l lurlonidHS: ' IlUqulcWjrabwtbed. , Olvw relief at once. " Opens and Gleantes ,' u rawages, llayi Inflammation. Heala and nmuvi. i.o !..' .nil n.e.orTMte'indBmeK"? I tltot M. A. RADER. ..... "lrtin and We Streets Pendleton, HOGS, HORSES, POULTR Lee's TI c u. . ' . . ..tit stock Food for hori:0g R,emedy swiqe plague. In"; Kow Knr f M ?5e? and caJtle- Linseed Oil Meal for yotfftjj w iixiii'.ii rmtin t . . . .Mir mi CT?nt -"-"-wa. romtry loods and tonics, SEED SPELTZ jupvy im v' , C F. COLES WORTHTPf . tlSV riMl. i n ' j . ..f. - WU4ULIUU I'linnrif ii M J 4T1U was at at Drui KLY tw j J I vai aaiii nil I n '5Uii - 9 East Alta Street. . . Penl lin