East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1902, Image 5

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    losing Out Sale Continues
;ARGAINSj-note folloSges
25 yards Prints . . $t 00
20 yawls Amasfceag Gingham t 00
20 yards Bleach Muslin ' 00
25 yards Ooting Flannel . . V 00
JOc and i 5c Lace, per yard 05
75c Corsets for 39
leaver Bros. D.Q.C0
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1903.
nes A. Howard, farm loans.
100 to $1.60 shirts to close, 49c.
tar Bros' Dry Goods Co.
Ir Sale A few good fresh milch
Inquire of Platzoeder & Mln-
dies" Mcintosh $2.35, regular
$6.50. Cleaver BroB Dry
is Co.
ockmen Intending to purchase
salt should write the Standard
lery for prices.
ke Standard Grocery can sell you
ranch eggs cheaper than any.
in Pendleton.
bney to loan at lowest rates on
i or country property. J. H, Dick-
East Oregonian building.
st Sunday, ladies' rain cape on
between Pendleton and Jesse
school house. Finder please
at East Oregonian office.
Ir Sale All kinds of city and
try property, part cash, balance
parly payments, will buy you a
b, you pay, for it by the month.
les rented, collections made. Ri
fe Cook, room 10, over Taylor's.
mm in i ii hi a i !
The Latest
Tie Newest
Tie Prettiest
ash Ruckles
in the town.
Just in
rices fromMV
$1.25 to $3.00
f $ ?
Jeweler and Optician
fext door to R. Alexander's
Broom grass seed at Hawley Bros.
Follow the crowd to the St. Joe
Sugar corn, per can 10c, at St. Joe
Best 60c overall in Pendleton. St.
Joe Store.
Fine tomatoes, per can 10c, at St.
Joe Store. t
22 pounds nice beans for ?1. St.
Joe Store.
20 pounds granulated sugar for $1.
St. Joe Store.
Nicest candy in the ci'y. Dutton's
Ice cream chocolates.
Wash silks for waists. All styles
and prices at St. Joe Store.
For Kent Five-room furnished
house. Inquire of J. P. Walker.
The St. Joe Store is giving away
with every man's suit, a nice hat.
With every child's knee pant suit
we give free a nice cap. St. Joe
The St. Joe Store Is showing a nob
by line of men's shirts. Go and look
them over.
If you want fine meats, go to
Shcwarz & Greulich. They handle the
best there is to be had.
The Standard Grocery has JuBt re
ceived another large shipment of the
Walla Walla Health Foods.
Ask to see 4111 black hose. We
are selling them at 25c; worth 40c.
Cleaver Bros' Dry Goods company.
Wanted Indian curios and arrow
points. Will pay cash. Write Froh
man Trading Co., Portland, Oregon.
Hawley Bros., the up-to-date gro
cerymen, have the .only complete line
of Heiry's fancy goods in the city.
Our stock of millinery is still com
plete, notwithstanding our great East"
er sale. Come and see us. Miss Rose
For Sale Five-room house and one
lot, four blocks west of Main street,
between Alta and Court. Inquire at
Bowman's photo studio.
Order your dressed chickens, let
tuce, green peas, cauliflower, in fact,
we hace everything that's good for a
Sunday dinner, at Hawley Bros.
Danner & Lubken, Pendleton's new
photographers, 118 East Webb street,
Indian pictures, landscapes and Butter
creek l'abbit views for sale. Copying
and enlarging a specialty. Call and
see us.
The Woodmen log-rolling committee
will meet in the office of Stillman &
Pierce tonight. All are requested to
come as important business is to bo
transacted. By order of Chairman J.
P. Earl.
Magnolia Cologne
frnev1i,mportedPerfuie. It's the sweetest and most
"Hgrant Perfume we have ever been able to offer.
f 0 cents, an o nee
a special price for this lot Come early, onr supply is limited
!5 Steps bom Main Street Toward the Court House
ThU signature U on rery box of tho gennln
Laxative Brotno-QuinineTubietfl
the remedy that hm w cold la one 4jr
City Ablaze With Bunting and Flags
Every Business House Was Dec
orated Preparations for Reception
Were Regardless of Party Affilia
tions. To receive William J. Furnish, can
didate for governor, the people of
Pendleton are ready to turn out en
masse this afternoon, to meet him
at the 6:15 train, and tender to him
their hearty congratulations upon the
distinguished horior that has "been
conferred upon him. The business
houses of the city are decorated
without exception, and there is a dis
position to sink party feelings for the
time, and acknowledge the compli
ment to Eastern Oregon and Pendle
ton that was conferred by the state
convention on Wednesday.
As one looks clown Main and
court, there is a bewildering mass
of flags and bunting, and the streets
are filled with people who await the
incoming of the train. It. is fnmmnnlv
remarked that the town is more gen
erally aecorated than It ever before
has been. The desire to loin In Mm
expression of enthusiasm over the
event or Wednesday seems to be so
general tnat there are no exceptions.
It was remarked this afternoon that
it was perhaps like a return of a Ro
man conqueror from his victories in
distant lands, only that there -will 1.3
no captive princes or military char
acters to be dragged along the high
way in abject humiliation. Pendleton
and the surrounding country is for
once united in one common senti
ment. The Program.
The band will be playing lively
airs as the train pulls in at the sta
tion, and the public school and Pen
dleton Academy students will be pres
ent in a body, together with hundreds
of others.
L. B. Reeder. sneaker of the house
of representatives in the last ses
sion, will deliver an address, and
there will be hand shaking and
The Helix band and a delegation of
citizens are here to take part in the
'Received in The Dalles.
The Dalles, April 4. When the O.
R. & N. train reached here yesterday,
bearing the two republican candidates
Furnish, of Pendleton, for governor,
and Williamson, of Crook, for cong
ress a great crowd was at the sta
tion to meet them, with 'a brass band
playing lively music as the cars stop
ped before the Umatilla House. An
ovation was tendered them in the
most enthusiastic mlanner. and both
were made the recipients of congratu
lations from the populace. Mr. Furn-
lsn remained here for the day, and
left for home at noon today, where
he would arrive at 5:15 o'clock this
and that ho was 111 for a long time
thereafter and endured great pain and
suffering, to his damage in the sum
of $2000.
That by reason of the Injuries re
ceived, he was unable to attend to his
usual work or to do any work at all,
except such as was of a very slight
and insignificant character for a
period of two months and a half, and
that up to the present time plaintiff
has not been able to do his full
amount of work. Ho has also been
compelled to expend considerable
sums of money to physicians because
of said injuries and all to his damage
in the sum of $600.
Therefore, plaintiff prays for judg
ment against the county In the sum
of $2600 and for costs and disburse
ments .of suit. Carter & Raley arc
Delegates Return to Pendleton.
Among the delegates and visitors
to the republican state convention at
Portland who returned last night and
this morning were: James A. Fee, J.
J. Balleray, C. E. Roosevelt, T. P.
Gilliland, Thomas Thompson, Horace
Walker, B. F. Renn, H. C. Adams, T
J. Kirk and,L. B. Reeder.
People Going to Democratic Conven
tion Will Have Low Rates.
Colonel E. D. Boyd, member of
the state democratic central commit
tee for tliis county, has this relating
to cheap fares to the state conven
tion: Portland, April 3. "We have made
arrangements with the Southern Pa
cific and O. R. & N. to give delegates
to the democratic state convention a
reduced rate of one and one-third fare
for the round trip to Portland. To se
cure this they must take a receipt
from the agent for the full fare going,
buying the usual ticket to Portland.
See that the receipt states that the
purchaser is a delegae, or is on the
regular blank form furnished by the
company. These receipts must be
presented to the secretary of the con
vention in Portland and certified by
him, and then will be good for return
trip at one-third regular fare, not
later than one day t.fter the conven
tion. "A failure to have the receipt and
to get It certified in proper form, will
deprive them of the reduced rate.
"SAMUEL WHITE, Chairman.
"Headquarters democratic state
central committee."
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples War ehotise.
Royal Worcester Cor
sets Just received u full line of Koynl
Worcester QlrJlo Tape Corsets 11.25
down to
New Straight Front Corsets from
13 down to
Black Peat de Sole
Aiiyljcwy wanting n Blnck 811
Frets here's vourclmnce. 12 BUtt
Pcbu do Sole
. 10 Foulard 811k, very nice lor
light weight Summer Dress
Woodman Log-Roiling
in Pendleton, Ore..
April 21-22.
A Large Assortment
of Dress Skirts
Pedestrian Skirts ll.'.W to $10. New
lino ot Skirts In all colors and blnck,
flare and flounce effect, nicely trim
med, 3 98 to $20 . Plain bUik Mf o
skirts from $3.75 down to
Children's Wash
A largo assortment of Chil
dren's Wash Dresses In Percales,
Scotch Ginghams, Madras and
all the New Wash uoods. Why
waste the time making Dtesics,
when you can buy them for
e Peiils IB
iy Filled.
Send for
Prima Facie Evidence.
The late Lord Morris on one occasion
gave a characteristic illustration of the
meaning of "prima facie evidence."
"If," he said to the jury, "you saw
a man coming out of a public house
wiping his mouth, that would be prima
facie evidence that he had been having
a drink."
The Lady Did any one call while I
uvas out?
The Maid No, ma'am.
The Lady That's very strange. I
wonder what people think I have a
day "at home" for anyway. Indiun
spoils Nevs.
A Narrow Kucape.
"Bingle tells me that he had two
horses killed under him in one of the
battles of the lust war."
"That's right. A railway car he was
riding In backed Into them Cleve
land Fluin Dealer.
Alleges Defects in Road Near Helix
Caused Him Severe Pain and In
W. A. Banister, of Milton, has filed
suit against Umatilla county for
?2G00. This action is brought as a
result of being hurt last fall near He
lix by driving his team off a bank
after dark and receiving slight in
juries. He claimed that the county
was responsible for the accident and
consequently is beginning suit to col
lect damages.
The allegations are that on the
evening of November 30, 1901, plain
tiff was lawfully traveling upon a le
gal hlghay seated in a vehicle
drawn by a team of two horses. That
he was going from the residence of
A. K. Flnley to the town of Helix, and
that the road at a place about three-
quarters of a mile from Helix was in
an unsafe and defective condition and
had been so for many months prior to
the accident and defendant negligent
ly and carelessly permitted said high
way to remain In such an unsafe con
dition, and that Its agents and serv
ants allowed it to remain so, and
that plaintiff was driving along said
highway without any knowledge of
any defect and without having been
warned of any dangerous place or
hole ,in the highway and without any
negligence on the part of plaintiff and
that because of the defective charac
ter of the road the team and vehicle
In which plaintiff was sitting, he fell
into a hole In the road, so that the
vehicle was wrecked and plaintiff vio
lently thrown out. By the fall, ho
was mkime'd and injured to the ex
tent that two of his ribB were broken
and his chest crushed In, and was
otherwise bruised, injured and hurt,
We are just in receipt of
the largest shipment of the
That ever came to Pendle
ton. NEW . . .
FOR 1902
Boston Store
IS f
That's what we are having in our new store
Do You
Wonde Why?
It is becadse we keep things neat and clean,
we give special attention to quick deliveries.
We receive daily all kinds of early vegetables,
such as radishes, green onions, lettuce,
turnips, etc.
Come and see our new store and give us a
We are Sar e to Please Yot
lis 11 teti l Bin
(i) '
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed : : :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or.
1 jgwwMWWwiaawwiwwi
MAIA HA f I expect peeple to know what
nvW UJ I vU you have to sell If you ien't
The new store can never be A f" E? T"I G ETO
known unless It advertises r VJ V d is I Iv71 F