East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1902, Image 3

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    - - -
. - .
TliP economical housewife will pay particular atten
tion to this item. All our Swiss curtains' one-th'rd off
Off 1-3 Off
Some in Plain, Some with Dots, Some with
Corded Edge and many other styles. Call
and see them. We also have a fall line of
Fine Lace Curtains.
Alexander Dept. Store j
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
togs manv a deserving man success,
Ibo, ill-clad, nut-lit fail. Our chare
making your apparel what it ought
beconsiBtait) keeping your linen and
her wearables in fine shape, ho far as
iBbiDg auu ironing ttiera is concerned,
er tried our work, our style, our
F. Robinson, Prop. Pendleton.
1 1. Ray & Co.,
Bay ana lell
Stocks, Bond.
"Have sold the two
properties decribed
below. Have others
equally as good."
Iso four lots and new cottage,
"0 lots and h
Pn reasonable time nn halnncp.
will sell on installments. . See
What you buy
m us.
Bid Stock of
W do...
icking & Transferring.
tfc Bros.
Miners Custom Mill
Frad ur-i
1. uAopM(1 tM, etc., Mwm
and Grain
(or cash or 6n margins.
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange
Chicago Board of Trade.
FHtoa, Or.,
LaFontaine & Garrison
Proprietors '
Old Dutch Henry
Feed Yard.
Cavalry Horses for Sale.
French Restaurant
cosy Roons
VM1 Lighted and Steam Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
ib the City.
Frog Legs, Eastern arid Olympia
Council's Order Is Positive and It will
be Enforced, Say the Officials of
the Town.
Now oil will have to clean up
your ba'lc yard. Not only will the
back yrd have to be looked after,
but the i'ront yard and the rest ot
your promises will have to be kept
looking half way decent or the
health officer will be around to see
It is now spring time and is the
time of year when everyone who has
the proper amount of pride about
himself gets the cleaning up fever
and the effect of It has touched the
city councill. At their meeting Wed
nesday night, at the suggestion of
Mayor Hailey, the council Instructed
the s.pet commissioner to see that
the strpets are cleaned up, and not
only tlic streets, but every business
man along the business portion of
the cit'- will be asked to sweep his
sidewalk and keep all trash off the
walk in front of his plnce.
Not only will the sidewalks along
Main and Court streets have to be
kept looking neat and clean, but the
walks all over town will be attended
to and every house holder and resi
dent will be asked to look after the
walk in front of his property or place
and see that dirt does not congregate
on the boards until it becomes un
sightly as it has at times in the past.
The council has concluded to act on
the suggestion of the 'Commercial As
sociation and are going to see that
the town is kept as clean as possible.
The mayor says that an offi
cer will go all over the town during
the next few days and investigate
every back yard and place where re
fuse might congregate that does not
look good or would in any way en
danger the health of the community.
Each man will be required to clean
up his yard, haul off or burn all the
trash and make it appear neat and
In the residence portion of the
town the citizens will he asked to
make a special effort to see that trash
does not accumulate in front of their
houses and .lots, for the street com
misioner cannot get all over town as
'often as rubbish might gather, and
clean it off. If all will do their part
toward "this end, Pendleton will soon
be known far and wide as one of the
neatest and cleanest towns in the
Not only should the town be kept
clean and neat from a sightly stand
point, but it is necessary from a san
itary standpoint. If the people will
allow no unsightly pieces or piles of
rubbish room oc their places, there
will be less fevers and other ailments
that come along with spring of the
The. Woodman log-rolling is to-be
in .Pendleton on the 21 and 22nd inst.
At this time several thousand people
will be here from other towns and
the country for many miles around.
Following this will be the fine Here'
ford cattle sale that will bring others.
In May the Adventists for Oregon,
Washington and Idaho are to hold
their annual campmeeting here, and
at that time two or three thouand
peole will look over the town. Other
events are coming, so that a special
effort should be made to clean up.
It is urged by the mayor and council,
as well as by the business men, that
thjngs be kept in a condition to cause
the visitors to go away with the
everlasting impression that the peo
pie of Pedleton have some civic
over to the court. Plnlnttff rjivs thnl
he has searched diligently for heirs
of the deceased, but he had ho family
,and all his brothers and sisters are
dead except the plaintiff, therefore he
prays that the court issue a summons
directing the heirs, if any there bo,
to appear and prove their claims, and
if none apear, that plaintiff be declar
ed the rightful owner of the $857.15.
Stillman & Pierce are attorneys for
Saved Many a Time.
Don't neglect coughs and colds oven
if It is spring. Such cases often re
sult seriously at this season just be
cause people are careless. A dose of
One Minute Cough Cure will remove
all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at
once. Sure cure for coughs, colds,
croup, grip, bronchitis, and other
throat and lung troubles. "I have
used One Minute Cough Cure several
years," says Postmaster C. O. Daw
son, Barr, 111. It is the very best
cough medicine on the market. It
has saved me many a severe spell of
sickness and I warmly recommend it."
The children's favorite. Tallman &
Co. and Brock & McComas.
ORTON WANTS $857.16.
Residue of an Estate Object of Some
Nathan S. Orton vs. the heirs of
John N. Orton, deceased, is the title
of a suit filed at the court house
Thursday. The allegations are that
John N. Orton died intestate Decem
ber 30, 1897, and left considerable
valuable property in Umatilla county.
Plaintiff, who was a brother of the de
ceased, was appointed administrator
for the estate and the property was
sold under the direction of the court
and the proceeds used for paying the
debts against the deceased. When
everything was paid, it was found that
$857.15 was left, and this was turned
Baby's Bath
-v.. Ata nhnAnir. rAlnAfl. and rouorhneas
of the skin, soothes Inflammation, allays Itch,
lng and Irritation, and whou followed by gen.
tlo applications of CUTifiUHA Ointment, tho
croat ekln.curo, speedily 'cure all forms ot
skin and sculp hunore and restores the hair.
Walla Walla Discovers the Second
One During Last Few Weeks.
Walla Walla, April 4. Yesterday a
case of smallpox was discovered at
the Mission, a boarding house near
the center of the city, where a man
from Prescott, a small town 20 miles
from Walla Walla, had been taken
down and the disease was well devel
oped. The man's name is Stevens,
and he is the father of the young man
who recently went to the pest house
here, loung Stevens appeared at a
drug store for some medicine. There
it was discovered that he was suffer
ing from smallpox. He was allowed
to leave the city and return home,
only to be brought back to this city
and given care at the pest house. The
father contracted the disease from
the son. It is feared that others will
suffer from the disease, as it was
spread by both father and son.
Woodmen Rally.
The Woodmen of the World and
the Women of Woodcraft gave an
open meeting last night to a number
of their friends, following a musical
program with a dainty supper. Neigh
bor Williams, a prominent organizer
for the orders, made a brief address.
Gave Himself Up.
John D. Murray, who was paroled
from the penitentiary a few months
ago, was returned to the prison yes
terday, having been surrendered by
his friends.- Muuray was sent up for
stealing hogs. He made a model pris
oner and was paroleu, finding employ
ment with Weed & Thomas, stockmen
of Ellensb.urg. It is stated that he
frequented saloons and. became reck
less, hence his surrender to Superin
tendent Catron. He will now serve
the balance of his time.
Water Famine Threatens the Town
of Prescott.
Prescott, Wash., April 4. "Unless
something happen, to give us more
water, there is a great likelihood of
Prescott experiencing a water famine,
especially in so far as the mill is
concerned," said H. H. Leonard, man
ager of the Prescott flouring mill yes
terday. The Touchet river is the low
est it has been known for years and
'lich is owing to the small amount
of snow that fell in the Blue Moun
tains, tributary to Its source, during
the winter. There is also a shortage
of water for the farmers and the out
look for crops is not what it Is usually
at this time of year. A great deal of
the wheat had to be resown this
spring and unless a goodly amount of
water falls from now on for the next
three months crops will certainly be
short in this part of the country.
Says the Convention Was Wise In its
Action and Selected Good Candi
dates. 1
There is no certainty about poli
tics, yet the ticket nominated Satur
day at Pendleton has tho brightest
of prospects to win, and if it falls
the political game may be looked up.
on as fruitful of nothing but Burprlsost
says the Weston Leader.
The convention did nl lthat could
be expected of it by tho most exact
ing and critical of party supporters.
It was doubtless assisted therein by
the wisdom of recognized lenders in
pointing out the most expedient
course of nctlon. but the delegates
hull not been elected at boss-ridden
nrnnarics, and were free to choose
for themselves. If they freely and
voluntarily cla .the work cut out for
the convention, and rejoiced" in r. it
merely lollows that the work is con
and creditable to the best and bright
est brains of the convention.
Tho ticket throughout is one with
which tho democratic party may trust"
fully and proudly go before the citl
zens of tho county and ask for uu
qualified approval. In no single par
ticular does it need ap'ology. Tho
convention was singularly happy and
sagacious both In its choice of men
and in its geographical selections. It
does not appear at this time that the
ticket could have been rendered
stronger at a singlo point. It is the
party's best, and should defeat bo its
portion It will be because there are
too many republicans In Umatilla
county republicans eager to follow
and honor an ambitious Moses whom
the democrats are doubtless sorry
they uplifted from tho bullrushes of
obscurity when a puny infant in polit
ical power.
The candidates are men worthy of
the highest confidence and respect r
voters. In tho legislature they will
command attention from the solons ot
Oregon; in county offices somu of
them have already proven tholr worth
and the others can be safely trusted
with the affairs of tho public. One
needs but to read the ticket to assure
himself of the excellent character of
its personnel.
It is the duty of voters to compare
tho rival candidates presented by tho
rival parties, and to cnrefully consid
er by whom their Interests will bo
best safeguarded. If tho selection la
dispassionately and Intelligently
made, there Is llttlo fear that tho
work of Saturday's convention will
not be Indorsed at the polls.
Some ItemB From the Leader of tho
Past Week.
Hoy MeCaw, formerly ot Weston,
suffered a severe accident recently at
Lowden station, near Walln Walln,
Bays the Leader. Ho, with n Russian
helper, was baling hay. Tho Husslan
tlrovo tho team while Hoy looked after
tho derrick fork and the Husslan, not.
knowing, started the team. Tho youth
was drawn Into the nir, his hand be
ing badly bruised nnd crushed. Tho
Russian thought he was practicing an
athletic feat, and left him for somo
moments dangling In the air.
Mrs. T. Purcell leaves next Satur
day for Portland to keep house for
her children. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sha
ron, during their absence In the E.ist
attending the supreme lodge, I. O. O.
l Professor and Mrs. V. 11. Hawcs
will occupy Mrs. Purcoll's residence.
Hen F. Ogle, a well known stock
man and oxtenslvo land ownor of tho
south end of this county, has bought
the Rlohnnfs estate at Athena, con
sisting of It" town lots, some of them
very valuable, and 10 acres of farm
land. Mr. Oglo expects to movo soon
to Athena.
L. C- Preston arrived homo Satur
day from Cnllfomla, accompanied by
his son, Willie Preston, M10 has been
attending school nt Pomona during
tho winter. Tho lntter Is getting
somew'hnt better nftor a serious ill
ness, having devoted himself too
closely to study.
Miss Lulu Spanglor, who takes Miss
La Bane's place In the fnculty, ar
rived In Weston last Friday evening.
Miss Spanglor is a contralto singer
of ability and culture.
A Nearly Fatal Runaway
Started n horriblo ulcer nn fhn lair
of J. B. Ornor, Franklin Grove, 111.,
which defied doctors and all remedies
for four years. Then Bucklln's Ami.
ca Salvo cured him. Just ns good for
Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, CornB,
beams, Skin I3ruptIons nnd Piles. 25c
at Tallman & Co a drug store.
Triplets born recently to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Moses Barber, of Atlanta, wero
named Rockefeller, Morgan and Car
negie. The family Is in great, poverty.
An M
Means bad air and whether it EnBntV tO HBIth
es from the low lauds and
marshes of the country, or the filthy sewers and drain pipes of the cities
and tpwns, its effect upon the human system is the same.
These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lungs and taken up
by the blood, and the foundation of some long, debilitating illness is laid.
Chills and fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid and enlarged liver, kidney
troubles, jaundice and biliousness nre frequently due to that invisible foe,
Malaria. Noxious gases nnd unhealthy matter collect in the .system becnusc
the liver and kidneys fail to act, and are poured into the blood current until
it becomes so polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally break through
the skin, and carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers nnd vnrious eruptions of an
indolent character appear, depleting the system, and threatening life itself.
The genus and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body nnd destroy
the life-giving properties of the blood, rendering it thin and watery, must
be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to
get rid of Malaria and its effects.
S. S. S. does this and quickly produces an entire
change in the blood, reaching every organ and stimu
lating them to vigorous, healthy action, S. S. S.
possesses not only purifying but tonic properties,
nnd the general health improves, and the appetite
increases almost from the first dose. There is no Mercury, Potash, Arsenic
or other mineral in S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy.
Write us about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you by
their advice to regain your health. Hook on blood and skin diseases sent
free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G.
$100 Dollars He ward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there 1b at least ono dreadful disease
that science bns been able lo cure in all Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional treat
ment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its Work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Tukannon Is to Be Brought a Distance
of Fourteen Miles.
Pomerov. Wash.. AnrJl 4. Pomeroy
is again experiencing a boom which
Is due to the proposed bringing or
the Tukannon creek a distance of 14
miles, to furnish the town with the
proper sewerage system that It needs
and for drinking purposes. An elec
tric Ugh plant is also tainea 01 a&
one of the possibilities (or tho near
We may live without poetry, musle
onri art
We may live without conscience and
live without heart;
We may live without friends, and live
without fads,
But business today cannot live with
out ads.
The Country Merchant
Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars.
Cleveland and Crescent
Come and See Them
JAS. B. WELCH, Agent
East Oregonian Building
gonian for a free cat
alogue of them A full supply always kept in stock,
wn Boquet cigar.