East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 02, 1902, Image 2

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    New Neckwear...
We have just received our 'spring line of Neck
wear. T. ere are fir more new styles and combina
tions in colors this season than any previous, we
have a choice selection of them, all at the follow
ing prices:
.New four-in-hand toe, 35c nnd 50 cts
New Imperials 35c, 50c aud 75 eta
New Ascots SO j and 75 cts
New Shield and Teck Bows 25c aud 50 cts
New Hand Hoa-a "c and 50 cts
New String Ties 25c, 35c and 50 of
New Tecks 25 cts to $1 25
E.& W. Collars, Golf Shirts, Suspenders and Sweaters in
large variety.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton.
The senate nnssed Snn.itnr Poster's
bill appropriating $25,000 for improve"
ment of the Mount Rainier National
Park by construction of roads, bridges
and trails.
It is the purpose of the interstate
commerce commission to employ
every means within its power to se
cure an absolute observance of the
provisions of the interstate commerce
Sheriff James Davis, of Blackfoot,
Idaho, captured near Missoula, Mont.,
Charles Carey and Charles Irwin, no
torious horse thieves of Southern Ida
ho. Their pursuit had been kept up
since August.
At Hot Springs, Ark.. Manson M.
Johnson, of Anderson, Intl., who is al
leged to have fonied naner to the ex-
tent of $100,000, was arrested at the
request of Cashier Marker, of the An
derson National Bank.
While no definite nromlses hnvn
been made, there seems to be quite a
general understand ne that the Nlea
ragua Canal bill is coming up as soon
as the Chinese exclusion bill is out
of the way, and yet the Philippine
government bill reported yesterday,
may be used to antagonize the Nioa-
ragua measure, on the ground that it
is necessary to put through a Philip
pine bill at an early date.
The house committee on interstate
commerce favorably reported four of
senator f oster s lighthouse, bills re
cently passed by the senate, as fol
lows: Appropriating $15,Q00 for light
house at Burrows Island, Rossario
Strait; $22,000 for lighthouse at
Mukileto Point, near Everett; $6000
for fog signal at Battery Point, nnd
$32,000 for completing lighthouse at
Brown's Point, Tacoma harbor.
Senator Mitchell, who was authoriz
ed by the senate committee on inter
oceanic canals to confer with the re
publican steering committee of the
senate, reported to the canal com
mittee tnnt lie had been in conference
with the members of the steering
committee, and had been led to be
lieve that unless there is change of
plan the Nicaragua Canal bill will be
placed on the senate calendar as the
unfinished business ntter the disposal
oi uie unmese exclusion bill.
The Pendleton,
John Fleming, Portland.
Theo Galland, Spokane.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
U. S. G. Kuhn, Omaha.
A. S. Heartfleld, Spokane.
Thomas J. Smith, Portland.
Phil Berg, Portland.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
H. B. Cornell, Portland.
J. A. Vallen, Milwaukee.
William H. AEcClintock, Portland.
J. H. Kloekman. Portland.
William Chambers, Spokane.
The Golden Rule,
Airs. C. Mallen, Lo Lo.
Mrs. William Hughes, Lo Lo.
Charles Sanders. Walla Walla.
P. Mitchell. Tacoma.
J. L. Warla, Portland.
E. A. Churchill, Condon.
George Rohrman, Milton.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
Sam Lee, Portland.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.,
A. H. Brown, Waitsburg.
Rose McPherson, Ukiah.
L. W. Given, Boise.
Thomas N. Smith.
Patrick Lanatau.
H. C. Hunter, St. Louis.
G. JL Rowland, Gurdane.
H. W. Vogt, city.
R. E. Porter, Meacham.
Lucy Ryan.
J. W. Sawyer, Walla Walla.
W. W. Beach, Pomeroy.
F. H. Lain and wife, Spokane.
James M. Bliss, Tipton.
Rogue River Valley orchardists
have begun a united nnd determined
campaign against the codling moth..
Many holders of desert land claims
In the lower valley north of Yakima
river, have petitioned congress to pass
a law allowing them an extension of
time in which to prove up.
At North Yakima the Relclol-Allln-ger
Company, which opened up an of
fice a few weeks ago to do a coin
mission business.
ing" a number of farmers and others,
mm u,is vanisneu into thin air. G W
Allinger, a
was all that was known of the com
At the 35th annual commencement
'If'ses of Uie n,e'leal department
"ummeite university, the gradu
ates were: Doctors nf iniiini.,i.i
E. Beauehamp, Walter V. Bruce, Or-
iami u. uean, James W. Thomas
Augustus E. Tamiosle. Nurses .Miss
Llda L. Thompson, .Mrs. M. jr. Pat-
While no price for salmon has vet
been fixed by either the llshormon'or
cannerynien. it is generally under
stood that the price will open the
same as last year-5 cents per pound
for the smaller fish and C conts nor
torla Fishermen's Union will hold a
meeting at which the price of nsh
will be agreed upon.
Saved Many a Time.
Don't neclect couehs and colds e.ven
if It is snrincr. Such cases often ro.
suit seriously at this season hist he.
cause neonle are careless. A rinse nf
One Minute Couch Cure will remove
all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at
once. Sure cure for coughs, colds,
croup, grip, bronchitis, and other
tnroat and lung troubles. "I have
used One Mkuite Cough Cure several
years," says Postmaster C. O. Daw
son, uarr, ill. It is the very best
cough medicine on the market. It
has saved me many a severe spell of
sicuness ann I warmly recommend It."
The children's favorite. Tallman &
Co. and Brock & McComas.
L?vr-1I0?.ro?ulnlno remove lh u,e
.. W . Grove'iilsrutureon every
What It Is.
Advertising Is the life blood of the
business world today, and well direct
ed advertising Is like the powerful
searchlight of a river steamer, thrown
upon a distant cottage on the bank,
cutting it out like a picture painted on !
a black canvas. The timid buyer and
the nrosnective Industry tein fniinn-!
the rays of the searchlight nf mihiin. i
ity, Just as surely as will the eyes of
the steamer's nassene-ers fniinnr I
light thrown from their vessel. They
will not search the an
for objects of interest when a beauti
ful nicture Is cl
- . . Ml. WIT U uutuic
them. Prospective hnvers win nt '
search the surrounding doom fnr
your competitors If the searchlight of
nllblicltv R tnrnari nn " i
of business. Canastota (N. Y.) Bee.
Some Fashionable Gowns Worn at
Weddings In the East.
New York, April 2. However fre
quently the fashions change, there
are certain events to which their influ
ence extends which are as fixed as the
seasons of the year and for which the
modistes and milliners make elabo
rate advance preparations because of
the rush which Is subsequent to the
arrangements for those events. Just
now, for Instance, It is the spring wed
dings, which follow close upon the
Easter season. The old superstition
that May Is an unlucky month In
which to marry grows less popular
every year, and this season the May
Queen will find herself compelled to
share huu its with many n charming
A fabric which Is coming proml
nently to the fore as a 'fashionable
wedding-gown material Is peau tie
sole. Among many designs to which
fashion chroniclers have been accord
ed a view are models of this silk.
They are trimmed with appliques
of rich lace. Their distinguishing fea
ture being their elegant simplicity
A particularly charming wedding
gown has a train four yards in
length. The design is en prlncesse,
but instead of fastening in the back
as is usually the custom, it closes in
visibly in the front. The skirt opens
at the side of the front and the bo
dice Is draped. The entire gown Is
built upon a foundation of exquisite
satin, with a slight suggestion of a
cream tint.
The uodice has a gamp of lace and
the sleeves are extremely long, tight
fitting, entirely covering the fingers
so that no gloves need be worn. Econ
omy is delightfully blended with fash-
on here In that the gamp can be re
moved, and, if desired, the gown worn
later as an evening dress.
Another pretty design is made with
separate skirt and bodice, the skirt
having a close fitting hip yoke of real
ace of whitish gray tint. The fasten
ing is effected at the side. This is
done so that the back may be left
plain, as it Is considered the most
conspicuous part of the gown. Around
the foot of the skirt there is a deep
graduated flounce of chiffon, the
greatest width being at the front.
As the flounce nears the back It be
comes very narrow and is continued
all around the flowing train. The
chiffon is edged with a tiny niching
of point lace, making the trimming
an extremely expensive one.
I flare around the feet and there is a
though the auuuionui iHb'
general hang of the skirt can scarce
He noticed. The bodice Is rnade
over a close fitting lining, hut the
outer material Is laid in accordlan
plaits. At frequent ntervals there
are applicated bbx plaits of the graj
lansdowne. The sieves are puffed to
the elbow where they are gathered
into an elbow-deep cuff of gray silk
overlaid witli lace. The neck W finish
ed with a high stock also of silk over
laid with lace and finished at the ex
treme outer edge with a simple fold
of white satin.
The hat accompanying the gown is
composed of gray velvet leaves em
bedded In a crown of the same shade
chiffon. Around the flaring urim. on
the verv edge, is a wreath of white
ostrich "tips. The effect is decidedly
novel and the idea is exclusive, such
a combination, so far not having ap
peared in any other design. At a pink
and white wedding to be celebrated
in the merry merry month of May, the
bridesmaids are to wear frocks of
shell-pink chiffon over slips of the
same color of taffeta. The skirts,
which will be extremely girlish, will
he shirred over the hips, and trimmed
around the foot with insertions of
white chiffon liand-pairtted in Dolly
Varden pink roseswhich are very
The bodices are to be made very
much after the same fashion, being
shirred over pink silk and trimmed
with insertions of the hand-paintea
chiffon. The entire scheme of the
dresses is noticeable principally for
the absence of any lace trimming, and
for the woman eseking a fashionable
departure, the idea is worth "borrow
ing." A dainty blouse is to be includ
ed in the trousseau of a spring bride
who, is a debutante of the season,
as well is of palest blue chiffon trim
med with white lace. What simulates
an underblouse Is in the chiffon laid
in fine lengthwise tucks. Over this
is a round bolero of the plain chiffon,
edged all around with the lace. Round
the shoulders is draped a fischu with
deep lace frill for finish.
The bodice is laid in very narrow
box plaits which are applicated half
their length with bands of laco scal
loped on the outer edge. The sleeves
also have applications of the last and
are finished very simnle over the hand
with a scolloped riple of silk edged
with lace. Although the expensive
lace veils are the fashion, there are
others of tulle which are verv nrettv
and as freauentlv used ns the .
pensive nets. A fad of the season will
be to have bridesmaids wear immense
mack hats with gowns of light, cling
ing materials. Not that the white
hats will not be fashionable; only the
seehers ot novelties prefer the black
ones because the strlkinir contrast
between the hat and gowns is more ef-
Bridesmaids' gowns are bewitching
in their beauty. A material much
useu is lansdowne. This has the dou
hie advantage of being extremelv
fashionable and serviceable. It has
the lustra of silk, the softness ..f
crepe ue enme and the delicate col
oring of the nastel tint a onmi,i.i
- J v.uiuuiiiru
with the durability of which comes of
ja comoinauon -u- men an 1 silk as a
foundation. A pearl gray bridesmaids'
frock has the skirt tucked in groups
of seven tucks each, the tucks be gin
ning at the end of a shirred hip voke
about nine inches in dep.h.
At the front of the fischu and holer0
meet upon the bust in a big chou. Be
low sags the underblouse over the
belt. The sleeves end at the elbow
in a frill of lace. There is a stock of
folded chiffon circled with three rows
of narrow velvet in black, ending at
the front in a rosette with long loops
reaching almost to the waistline.
Knots of velvet reappear upon the
sleeves. Another dainty included in
the fashionable bridal wardrobe is the
shirtwaist. Among the most captivat
ing materials for this all important
summer article of dress are granite
crepe de chines, soft-finished taffetas,
brocades and polka-dotted pannes. The
latest shirt waists, made in the more
expensive materials, do not seem to
boast as much trimming as formerly,
but they do show a very pretty out
line In the popular "Gibson" effect,
which throws the shoulders back very
erectly by extending the shoulder
seam well over the back almost on
an even line with the back of the collar.
!)? 1
Peach Pints-Geen Greens
Baby Blaes-Royal Reds
Shirts with C tiffs attached and Caff detached
Boston Store
We have the best 50 cent overall that comes to '
"The tucks expand into a graceful
A Nearly Fatal Runaway
Started a horrible ulcer on tho I
of J. B. Orner, Eranklln Grove. 111.,
which dolled doctors nnd all remedies
for four years. Then Bucklin's Ami
ca Salve cured hfm. Just as good for
Bolls Burns. Bruises, Cuts, Corns.,
Scalds, Skin Enmt
at Tallman & Co's drug store.
H Luxuriant'
or liair,
Notice to Ownen. of Dogs.
All nerSOnR nwnlll! ilnno .!.!.! .
if., i. . .. H ""urn me
limits Of the Citv nf Penillot
hereby notified to call nn m, u..
treasurer at once nnd pay the amount
of tholr dog license, and got a recelot
tlierefor, unon nresontntinn of
to the recorder, they will be given "a
dog license tag. Persons
within the city are hereht- i,.o T .
opportunity to pay their license before !
the dog catcher is put out. I
Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars.
tlio chiei adjunct
ft-'Ach of rrv ntrt
" means of ewbro,s Hcrplclde. a
new scientific Utcovcry that ctfoc
tiully dottroys the microtis responsi-
.. V. . . . v.. . ; V. 1 J.
it not only makws dandruff and fall
up hair things of the past, but fnvig.
iaies the hair root. cauing a toft,
thick growth to supplant the old thin
ami brittle one. Hero Is what oue
happy woman says:
Pmiirsiit so, JI0.VT..I.1V. so.'w.
Alfalfa Q Clover
Get Out Prices
Yoti Buy.
Garden Seeds in
or Package.
Thompson Hardware Company 6fifk
Yofir Money Back
if you do not like anything
J'ou buy from us. b
We Are Cleaning Oat...
?w lnt.er cSrPta t0 make room for our
m2 .Sptlnf Stock-" a sweeplcg reduc
ioUD f.V3' t0?: an(1 tne wise houso
thCr nm d0 wel1 t0 take advantage of
tOGUl. Pnmn rintc nn,i mni.A . b . .
, T - : " " wuac jour Beiection
of Lace Curtains, Portiere, itGgs, etc Clos-
SMI Ed'WlSr. H&'lgrSS.
Sewing Machines of All Kinds.
S3 00 per Day and Upwards.
Finest Hotel
ili hn PaelflOi
Sn.ui r... PORTLAND, ORRnniw
lo touri;S .nH'5aJt.er?P'-eon people vlaltln, Pud. Headou
ucrciai travelers. T. C. BOWERS, Mf" 3
Mynalrw-ucocmne out verr rapUllT.and
niU'?".fUn b struiKlr rcomnKaJfct
J,ifrr,If"e,owt'alul ""re ortourap
rucatlum my hair jtopiva MUni, aud U
Wx.7r i uu.ui wmcii i am cured.
for Sl at all rir.Klus Drug Stores.
C A M 14 1 J (- ,
..cairn, strength and fl
Pleasure Drink II
I ' H 'Lt 'LV ' ' 'If