East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 01, 1902, Image 8

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w 1
TUESDAY, APRIL, 1, 1902.
Reduction Sale
Ladies' Kid Boxed Vesting
Top, Lace $2.50 Shoes now $2.
Kid Boxed, Black Serge, Top
Pat Tip $2.50 Shoe now$2.
Fine Kid'Shoes, sizes 31-2 to
7,-old price $2; reduced to 1.50
Spring Heel, Kid Button
Shoes,?2.5o values, now $1.75-
"Broken Lines of Ladies' Fine
Kid Shoes, ranging in price
from $2.50 to $2.72, price re
duced to $1.75.
& Company
Successors to Clearer Brother.
Pfaooe Black 91
Perhaps a Special Train Will be Run
From Pendleton.
On Sunday next Sharpsteln's Sharp
shoooters. of Walla Walla, and Os-
toorn's Tellow Kida, of Athena, are to
meet in Athena for their first contest
of the season. An excursion .train
goes from Walla Walla, and it is pes
sible that, Jf the Pendleton fans do
Eire it enough to warrant the expecta
tion that a train from here would be
needed, the 0. R. & Jf. will arrange
io run one. Something like 100 por-
fions should go to Induce the com
pany to run the special.
Last Sunday the special that went
to carry the people who saw the Pen
tUeton-Athena game was short of
coaches. It was the subject of com'
plaint by many who were on the ex'
4:ursIon, and this will not occur again
Xiast Sunday, there was no reason
(why there should not have been
plenty of coach room. The conductor
was ready and authorized to connect
all the coaches needed, but, judging
from the number of tickets sold at the
ticket window, ho thought he had
enough cars. Numbers boarded the
train with no tickets, and alter leav
ing the station it was found that the
train was crowded. Two coaches
nvhlch had been attached to the train
were cut off, and these would as well
lave been taken along if it had not
neon for the misundorstnnding on the
part of the conductor.
E. H. Clark left this morning for
Dr. A. W. Botkin, of Athena, was
In town today.
E. J. Libby, of Walla Walla, is re
gistered at Hotel Pendleton.
Sheriff William Blakley left this
morning from Portland on an official
Dr. C. J. Smith, of Adams, was re
gistered at the Golden Rule Hotel
last night.
W. H. Hawley, of the grocery firm
of Hawley Bros., has gone to Port
land on business.
Soloman Hardman left this morning
for Waltsburg, his old home, to be
gone for several days.
J. E. Beam has been appointed by
County Recorder J. W. Moloney to act
as his special deputy In place of W.
H. Fowler, who resigned. Mr. Beam
entered upon his duties Monday morn
ing. M. A. Dunham, an old friend of
Chas. Wilkins. Umatilla Indian agent,
spent last night in town on his way
from Boston to his home In Pomeroy.
He was summoned to Boston as a wit
ness in the trial of a green-goods
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kemler have re
turned from their extended trip east.
While gone they were in Illinois,
Ohio, Pensylvania and other middle
states. Mr. Kemler says that every
thing Is lively where he was and that
times are as good or better than they
are in Oregon.
1 rt
Election Was Hot Today
Over Local Issues.
nhlraco. Anril 1 The voters of
Is Xot Good nfsfifmk nn
Vol De Feil In Exce.
One reason why farmers do not real
izt more from their poultry, I believe.
. immune they rnnke corn the main
nMcr tninr mfit ballots for thirty-1 ... -. i nRldered by them to be
six members of the city council, bring-, cheflpcst feed and the handiest to
ing to a close one of the most interest-1 feed for by throwing It out on the car
Ing aldermanic campaigns of recent t he hcag n'r0 glv.en more or less exer
years. Bitter warfare has been waged , c)ge Jn p,cktng K 0ff ; hence the owner
bv the clean government organization tbp ,nbor of scattering grain
agalnBt the so-called gang candidates, mer for thc fowj8 to scratch
particular attention being paid to , l haTJJ ttIe faltu n this plan
"Bath House John" Coughlin who now j ,gl nnd fecding fowls. With
represents the richest and toughest farmers corn Is probably
ward In the world. He was opposed Boou ths dcpend8
by David Frank, a prominent business V t on the season of the year,
man. To prevent fraud. Frank had jome fl wbetber the bens bavo
posted at the various polling places. - Mt In cold leather
college athletes. A heavy vote ww!" c fed qult0 liberally to lay
cast early. In adltion to the aldermen corn m , tQ
the referendum question was voted i & lo- but
Oil, tlllU lut? jJiuiJuoiuuuo w v "
ship of public utiliUes by the city
and the nomination of city candidates
by a direct primary vote.
W. & C. R. R. BRIDGE.
Notice to Owners of Dogs.
-All persons owning dogs within the
limits of the city of Pendleton are
hereby notified. to call dfl the city
"treasurer ai once and pay" the amount
of their dog UcenBe, and get a receipt
therefor, upon presentation of which
to the recorder, they will be given a
jdqg license Jag. Persons owning dogs
frlthln thc city are hereby given on
opportunity to pay their license before
the dog catcher ib put out.
For a First-Class article In
Office and
Go io
Contractor Shorr Begins Work on the
Concrete Piers in East Pendleton.
Contractor George Schorr, who has
the contract for putting In the con
crete foundation work for the new W.
& C. R, bridge across the Umatilla
river, In the eastern part of town, will
begin the concrete work at once for
one of the piers. The work will nofl
be pushed as fast as possible until
the foundation is complete and then
the massive steel structure, that is de
signed to stand for the next century
and hold the weight of the W. & C. R.
trains that cross on It, will be placed
and It is hoped to have It finished be
fore fall. Up to the present the work
has been somewhat Impeded by the
high water, but that Is not expected to
interfere hereafter.
Martha Stewart, of Helix, Was
Adjudged Insane.
Mrs. Martha Siebert, of Helix, was
adjudged insane Monday afternoon
by Dr. D. J. McFaul and ordered sent
to the Insane asylum by County Judge
Hartnian. Mrs. Siebert Is 42 years of
age and a widow. She has been in
the asylum at Salem before and was
discharged as cured. She says that
her neighbors nre trying to "Do her
up and they pour things around that
knock her out," to quote her own lan
guage. SJjp also says that the black-
Smith's hot irons atfect Ker hrain.
Sheriff Blakley left wjth her thh?
morning and will place "her in the
charge of the asylum officials.
in Miownv that many feed It, oy
spreadlnc It on the ground before the
hens three times a day, all they will
eat, I believe that It Is expensive hen
feed. s
Verv many attribute the Increase of
eggs to corn, when in fact the corn has
produced eggs more by keeping the
hens warm than through the supply of
Pigments nfforded. Eggs cannot
be made to any great extent by corn
nlone, or for a long time, ror me reasuu
that a hen fed nothing but corn will
be unable to supply the mineral ele
ments of the eggs, and while she may
hr ontini? lnrpplv of corn find sufficient
are a total of $55,000,000 Interest on j nitrogen for fln egg. she will sooner or
uonoB, io,uuu,uuu. ucuiiuiiub , )Wome excessively iui nuiu iuu
Billion-Dollar Steel Corporation's
Enormous Gains in a Year.
New York, April 1. At the meeting i cf,g elements nfforded
of the blllion-uoiiar steei irusi iuib
afternoon the annual statement show
ed the net earnings for the year were
$111,000,000. The regular quarterly
dividends were 1 on preferred, and
1 on common. The -declared dividends
and $15,000,000 for depreciations and
reserve bonds and the undivided earn
ings for the year are nearly $24,500,-000.
J. T. Hinkle Returns to Pendleton.
Joe Hinkle has arrived in Pendleton
from Milton. Mr. Hinkle says that h
has turned over his law practice In j less thnn any other food that I have
much carbon. A very economical aim
gool feed for winter egg production is
a mixture of clover, cut in half Inch
lengths and scalded, with cornmeal
nnd bran. This Is a very complete ra
tion on nil the elements necessary for
okcs. It supplies bulky food, promotes
digestion, affords a variety and costs
efeller has given to the University of
ChwT e 'SfT wealth doesn't
urge contentment-and many people
nre sure that poverty doesnt
ThP first postoffice in the country
was that of New York established by
the act of parliament n ljl".
The United States is the fourth
power on the globe In population. In
all other respects It is first.
The 2000 Mormons In Germany are
total abstainers from alcohol, coffee,
tea and worldly amusements.
When a man's wife tells him to
"wait just a second" he can form, some
Idea of what eternity is like.
When a hen takes it Into her head
to be stubborn she doesn't care a cent
for the law of supply and uomanu.
A Baltimore engraver put the alpha
bet on the head of a common pin. Thc
work took only an hour and a half.
Many people behave themselves be
cause the town in which they live Is
so small.
In France there Is a tax of 10 per
cent on all theater tickets sold. The
money thus raised Is used for the sup
port of paupers.
The King of Italy has asked to have
his salary reduced. No wonder the
other European monarchs refused to
be neighborly with him.
The state of Washington has 444
lumber mills, sawing over 9,000,000
feet per day, turning out 20,000,000
shingles, and employing 24.000 men.
The largest church edifice In the
world is St. Peter's in Rome, which
will accommodate 54,000 persons. St
Paul's, In London, will hold 25,000.
us with a disatisfiedv iw '
ice user and we will not:
paim nii a concoction of
oats, barley, etc., put Up
in packages, but will give,
them "Owl Special," x
coffee that
The approval of all who trvlt
It is a blend of Mocha, Jt. 'i
and two other coffees ihZ' v
uioira mi jjuidc-iccu, put mj U,
packages, take a hack seat.
TEY IT ONCE-You will antte
Owl Tea Hons
Cheapest place in Oregon.
Pendleton-Dkiab Stage
Hastes Caraty, Prep'a.
Leave Pendleton every day at 7 o'da
except Sunday, for Pilot Rock. N
Ridee. Alba and Ukiah. ctfZ
commodationB. Reasonable freight 7
City office at TaHman & Co'a iJl
Milton to Clay Bordon, a recent ar
rival from Texas, who will attend to
the business there and he and his
wife will come back to Pendleton to
remain. They will move about the
JOth instant
Biggest Coke Plant
.Birmingham, Ala., April 1. This is
the date set by the Republic Iron &
Steel Company for the- blowing of its
new blast furnace at Thomas, near
this city, and the lighting of fires In
Its 400 new coke ovens. This is the
largest single coke plant in the
United States.
Supreme Court Will Hear It Next Sat
Yesterday was thc day set by Su
preme Judge Bean for the appearance
before him at Salem of City Recorder
McCourt in the city recorder case,
but by motion of defendant, time was
extended to the 5th. This was in the
case of J. E. Beam vs. John McCourt,
In which the district court, with Judge
W. R. Ellis on the bench, ordered that
Beam vacate the office of recorder,
and ho did so, turning over the para
phernalia to McCourt. The suit was
then taken to the supreme court for
the state of Oregon. Mayor Halley
will represent McCourt at Salem Saturday.
A Record-Breaking List
Now York, April 1. Tho steamor
Batavla arrived today from Bremen,
wun Jbus Bteerage passengers, said
to he the greatest number ever
brought by one vessel.
British Steamer Sunk.
London, April 1. The British ship
Chnmbrlan. Prince, sank In a collision
this morning near Nab Lightship, with
the steamer Alma. Eleven of the
Cambrian Prlnco'a crew wore drown
ed. The Alma urrived In Southamp
ton In a badly damaged condition.
A $10.00 SHOE
If not properly fitted is not worth 30c.
As it not only injures the feet, but does not wear.
Our Shoes at $3 and $3.50
Are worth double the price in actual value because
tiiey fit and consequently give excellent service.
Tie Pendleton Shoe Company
64s ruin
Street . ;
Horse Show at Hot Springs.
Hot Springs, Ark., April 1. Hot
Springs' annual horse show, the first
of the southern circuit, opened to
day under the most auspicious con
ditions. The weather was perfect,
and societ wis well represent'?! at
the opening hcur. There are nearly
fifty classes nnd prizes aggregating
several thousand dollars.
Six Day Walk in Detroit
Detroit, Mich., April 1. A six day
(twelve hours dally) go-as-you-please
walking match opened in the Light
Guard armaiy today under manage
ment of H. O. Messier. The" contest
ants Include well known pedestrians
from many sections and It is expected
to be the most notable of its kind ever
seen In this part of the Country.
A Philadelphia Tragedy.
Philadelphia. April 1. Mrs. Ella
Forbush, aged 40, and her daughter,
Madeline, aged 10, were shot and kill
ed in their home today and another
daughter, aged 7, was seriously
wounded. William Lane, aged 24, em
ployed about the house, Is suspected.
Mrs. Forbush had secured a warrant
for his arrest on a charge of larceny,
been nble to cet.
When n I i lenves corn for other
feed, it means that she wants some
thing not fully supplied by corn,
without exception the best "results
may be had Jfrom.a, varied diet, and,
while a ben may" dovery well on corn,
she will do better on n variety. It is
not an easy matter to make up a per
fectly balanced ration for a laying
hen. While she is producing eggs she
will use a vast amount of raw mate
rial, but if she stops laying n corn
diet will soon ruin her. A concentrat
ed food for hens should be avoided.
Milk added dally to other food assists
Inrgely in supplying many needed ele
ments not easily obtained from other
sources. Clover, vegetables, milk, meat
and corn or wheat are better than any
single article. V. M. Couch in Poultry
A Little About Everything.
Philadelphia was the first city to
Issue a directory, its first edition com
ing out in 1785.
The total amount that John D. Rock-
Indian Land Leases in Effect
Washington, April 1. Commission'
er of Indian Affairs Jones gave formal
notice that the new leases of the 480.'
000 acres of the Kiowa Indian lands in
Oklahoma, bordering on Toxas, take
effect today, as originally proposed.
An effort was made to have the date
postponed, but without success.
Stratton Ready for Action.
St. Paul, April 1. Attorney-General
Stratton, of Washington, expects to
go to Washington, D. C, tonight to
make application for leave to file in
the federal supreme court an action
against the Northern Securities Com
Captain Mead's New Duties.
wasiungton, April 1. Captain W.
W. .Mead, of Kentucky, reported for
uuty today as a member of the board
or inspection and survey.
Master Mechanic Resigns.
Grand Junction, Col.. Anrll 1. Ale
Struthors, master mechanic of the Rio
urando railway In this city, resigned
Heltfeld Opposes Oleo Bill.
Washington, April 1. Heltfeld, of
Idaho, addressed the senate today In
opposition to the oleomargarine bill.
Old Diogenes came up the street
rubbing his hands and shaking his
head. "Hello, Di," we called out,
"how do you And. Chicago?" "Don't
tell mo about Chicago," mumbled the
ancient philosopher. "While I was
searching for an honest man some
one came up and atolo my lantorn." j
Special Sale fo this Week..
We will give FREE with every Gent's
Scrftof Clothes, ONE NICE HAT
"With every Child's Knee Pant Suit we will give abso
lutely free a Nice Cap. All of our Ladies' $2.50 Shoes will
go at $2. This is a rare chance to get good 'Shoes very
cheap. Five hundred yards beautiful Wash Silks at a Cash
Discount of 10 per cent. Just receive'd the nobbiest line of
Gent's Shirts ever shown in this city. Come and see us.
Give more days hard wear than
any other shoe made. The price
range is
Comfort Shoes
for Ladaes
animals have been taken tin y. r."1i,t,'
.halandwlllbejold at the eiplratlooj 5
days tot cosu and expenies. ' '
In pound, one bay home about 6 years old
?"All'.?Ier,Leaf n right1 hip and'
left hind foot white, weight 800 pound? '
One bay horse about six years old wMm
nbout SM pound;, brand K with a bar rXwk
on left hip, right hind foot white. 11
Dated March 'sLlftii CUy Mahfl'-
All Umatilla county warrants reclitorprt
In March, April.Vuy and June, iwo wilfbcftLId
at my office at the court house 'n mSSEiV!
"KUSSi!" Publication":""
Styles that Bear
The Stamp of Fashion. That is the sort
of Hats that make up our line. You will
find no better styles, no better materials,
no better workmanship, no better prices
than we offer you. Our reputation is the
result of Sixteen Years in this one line and
we are proud of our .reputation for honest
We arc
Seeing is helieving
Mam and Webb Streets Pendleton, Ot
Tmutt of DmatlUa Cocaty
T.pp'o TT C TLT T- . . . TtAMIatl
citniTT? a , "emeay ior swine plague.
Stock Food for horses and cattle. Linseed Oil Meal for young J
ivow Kure for M Wc.h ,c c..n.. t j j : many1"!
CTTUTN com tt i w M
i my, urain ana rM.
187 and 129 East Alta Street. - - pendletor