East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 31, 1902, Image 8

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    MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1902.
Reduction Sale
Ladies Kid Boxed Vesting
Top, Lace $2.50 Shoes- now $2.
Kid Boxed, Black Serge, Top
Pat Tip $2.50 Shoe now $2.
.bine Kid bhoes, sizes 31-2 to
7, old price $2; reduced to $1.50
Spring Heel, Kid Button
Shoes $2.50 values, now $1. 75.
Broken Lines of Ladies' Fine
Kid Shoes, ranging in price
from 2.50 to $2.72, price re
duced to 1.75.
Hereford Cattle Sale Attracts General Attention of Stockmen
in Pacific Northwest.
& Company
Succession to Cleaver Brother!.
PfcoBe Black 91
.Hnne fnr n errand
extensive preiiu"" ,,, ,.
time and those attending will be roj-
. i
any entenameu.
T. J. Doyle, of Arlington, Is in town.
G. A. Smith, of lone, was in town
. t. it f Athann Is rflclE-
ureat preparations are Deing made by tne Pendleton Lommer- t d at Hotci Pendleton
win, fiasuujauuu uianc uic iiciciuiu udiurj nidi iu uc iicic
under their auspices April 23 and 24 a success. F. F. Wamsley,
acent for the O. R. & N.. has received a letter from Col. R. C.
j - 1 - 1 j All XJtjIl I l- J iitio 1 tivu
Judson, industrial agent for the O. R. & N., in regard to the sale, his visit to his old home in Missouri
wnicn says in pari:
"1 do not believe there is a live stock man of any importance in Pr. 0f Helix.
Oregon, or Washington, northern Idaho, northern Nevada, part of St. George last night
Montana and 29 breeders in British Columbia, but have received Born, Friday night, to the wife of
dodgers for the coming Hereford sales. I do not apprehend that V, M. Goedecke, of Bush street, an
! k i : ; u t xjr..L' -il.nnnnrl linv Mnthpr mid child v.re
dninir well.
Will A. Leathers has given up going
Georee H. Kramer, of Walla Walla,
Is registered at the Golden Rule.
t ir Tinntlpv has returned irom
. t it, lnrlco march-
fhe Redeemer, where they were join
S'bf the bo'ys1 choir. Then they
marched to 'the Presbyterian church
where the services were held and the
Episcopal choir helped to furnish the
wtir to Owner of Dogs
All persons owning dogs within the
... r Tlnnillntnn a rn
limits of tne cuy ui
i..t. rMnoi! tn cn I on me
... . . nnrl tin TM llllllllllll.
treasurer ai una "
of their dog license, ana gei a receim
llnrnrnf tltintl UrTSeiUUUUll Ul nuiv"
County Commissioner Horace Walk- o the recorder, they will be given a
was resibiuicu a. ""muok license waw --
there will heanv ritfficultv in hrinrrinfr thf hiiirrc from 'Wnchinrrtnn
j J - "MD,"D "TW
and Oregon to that point; those from Spokane, Colfax, etc., all want
to go to Pendleton. Are you sure that they can take care of from
500 to 1000 people in vour citv. without a committee to secure rnnms
at private houses? Of course the parties will pay for their rooms.
" .. J bu,"b lu " immense gdinciiuj;. Adams Advance- Pat KIne, of Pen-
Now if your city put up decorations for the Woodman, kindly suggest d,Gt0 waB ln the city vesterday and
tO ttiem tO leave them UD and also makp thp rippnrafinnn nn a cr-nln ' i...i nr,tr.mnr,l r,t lint-c Ho
to Heppner and taken a position in
hf St. Jon store, at the corner of
Court and Cottonwood streets.
Adams Advance: Pat Kine, of Pen
decorations on a scale
I shall try to come up
to them to leave them ut and also malrp thr
commensurate with the people of Pendleton.
iuul y ""1 wccjs. - Deputy Sheriff C. P. Davis visited
It is readily seen bv the wav Col. ludson talks ahnnr thn salpth: t his wife, who is still in the hospital
he expects a large crowd and the Commercial Association will make ln Walla "Walla, Sunday. He says that
all the necescarv armncrpmpntc tr nntorfn.'r, nil ti, ,u Mrs. Davis is getting along as well as
J - ..0w.-Mw -w nil illBL WUllJb 1U1 iilC
occasion. Several car load; nf thp finpet HprpfnrH fnttl tUnt -or. .
rppplvpd n nnnsienment of hoes
paid $4.50 per hundred for them.
Deputy Sheriff C. P. Davis visited
Mrs. Davis is getting along
could be hoped for.
UnrA,. : i, :4.- r A. O. Schubert, of Athena, was
cntrl nf hnrt, ;.:n i" :' " .T: '::r, .u" 'b "town on -Saturday from his father's
hr rnr-VVTi 7.i UW " cercainiy De me ranch near Warren, where he is plow-
best chance that the stock men of this country have ever had to sup- ing summer fallow. Mr. Schubert
pi tiiemselves with blooded animals, and mav h thp nn 1 v rlnrp nf e,.- fn v.nA t.nc.Tt- nil thatr
..aw var waMUWV I OUJO lllUt IUV ' UUU IU lJlH Cfcll Clival
its kind for some time to come. The cattle will be brought rieht wheat and It is now Just coming
here and may be seen before purchasing, so that all will know what through the ground. He says
they .are getting.
Un nttf nro hnrpliV ClVen
opportunity to pay their license before
the dog catcher is put om.
Funeral of James Wilson.
Thp funeral of James Wilson, who
mot dpntli under the wheels of a lo
comotive on the 0. R. & N., near Hll
gard Friday night, was held at 2:30
CmtwIhv nffornnnn In M A. Tinflnr's Un
dertaking parlors, in this city, Rev. R.
A. Connie, of the Christian church.
conducting the services. The remains
were interred In the OIney cemetery
in the evening.
All Elks Take Notice.
The Elks' social has been postponed
until April 17.
1 . . J iT
" will .
oatc. r,arl.. -""-"ntf.
coffee that
- WW
. a
and two other coS iP
makes all horse-feed9? ?
packages, take a lfflp1
xx ax uiUi- VOU flll '
Cheapest nl
Was 17 Years Old and Was a Pendle
ton School Boy.
House," Is dead.
Mr. Robins received a telegram to
day Irom T. P. Page, who Is at Phoe
nix, Ariz., stating that his brother died
there this morning.
Jtay Robblns as only 17 years of age
and will be rememhprprl hv mn nf
for summer
Now for free delivery!
You need not wonder any more what has become of thr nm;.
tion to give Pendleton a free mail delivery system. Almost a venr
ago Pendleton was promised this treat and her people went ahead
the young people of Pendleton. whPrn ano numbered the houses and got things ready for the establish no
te grew up and attended school. He 01 "!e delivery, but no move was made by the federal authorities to
was a favorite among the young peo- Put 11 mto working order. People had begun to wonder what had
pie and was an athlete until n vpnr become nf thp thinrr
ago this winter, when he contracted letter, which was received this moraine bv PostmapV will ? g
SU'SJfS'JS.nS Was!'.irnfto' i-rp'-o7: " 6 by Pos,raas'er Fe",rm
to Arizona in the hopes of regaining . .,..le Postniaster general has this day issued an order for the
his health, but this did not stay the establishment of the free delivery service at your office on Tulv
dread hand of death that had fastened I92 with two carriers and one substitute. '
, luuurcui0S,sM uc civu service commission has been reauested to takP th
mua wnicn was tne cause nf hia ,i
. ..bbaaaiiy j,iei,a iu urbanize ine civil service I
w,urtiiuu ui appuuunis ior tne position of letter carriers As
soon as the examination is lipid anH u- t , '- . .
h IV ' 1 cugiuies is mrnished
by the commission, the postmaster general will select the carriers
Assistant Superintendent T. W.
prior to July ist, and assist you in layinc out the carrier m..f-B 2
ground is in fine shape
W. H. Wallace, who has been vm-
nlovprt with tho Clpnvpr Rrns . In thnlr
dry goods store, has resigned his po
sition and taken a similar one with
R. Alexander, in the clothing dena-t-
ment. He takes the place of A. E
Linn, the latter taking Wallace's
with Lee Teutsch, who has purchased
the Cleaver Bros.'s interest in tne
Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars,
PmAlmm IIL.'.L n.
Li6a Vfi Fdnri I ntnn n. i
. - JICI HBVaftT.I
except Banaay. for Plln
commodatlona. Reasonablli hifi
City office at Tallman 4 (v.,
tore. W)'
Black Cross Degree
Held Services.
Pendleton Knights Templar confer
red the Order of Knighthood de
gree on one candidate at their meet
ing Saturday night. Rev. J. R. N.
Bell, of Baker City, state grand chap-
board a, your office, for U' fflSr"!:
Lee, of Baker Citv. and Levi Antar
of Walla Walla, were present and as
sisted in the ceremonies. After the
degree and other work was completed,
a Danquet was served.
Sunday afternoon the Command
ery held their annual church Rprv.
ices in the Presbvtorlfin nhnmh i
For the Complexion.
The complexion always Buffers from
W lllnltnn nnn a I . v
"A"?"" Superintendent
tics from the body appear in the p . 0 Jul' ist' and assist yo
form of unsightly eruptions. De Witt's locating the street letter boxes.
.Little Earlv Rlunrti b-onr II- Tn r,..: u i r .i , . ..
howels in healthV TonditTon and 7. bear in" S Tit i notZ intern of the J'U wiU the'esMeTi unchurch a
deHvery serWcrto'ou S ii30, R- Bell speaking
titti1' ; .... J' BuyB: 1 wok town x J -.iULu iiuujuns oi rne maBonry. mis was said to have
DeWitt's Little Early Risers for MI- t. , . ' been one of the best sermons or ad-
I10U8ne8S. Thev vera .ot t 'j-etter boxes. DOStal Strarx; and c3rr-r,olr 1 l , . . rlrpaonc that I j- . .
t ;: ...'""' nuaL 1 tJ, . ; j r r r "avc ueen ordered of ... uccu ueuverea in
ST vea vJ,ni.MKern?ttan ;J c m, , .y r two belore e service is to be innirn renaiclon on rnalism for mr ,
fl 7t. or msiress. win nave me boxes located Have thp jr,rL-
-ft McComan. w BDQ Pended, so that the certificate mav be sent tn tp
I flirt - 1 1 . . .
c triers ana suostitute carriers are reouired tm-.
nXf i luuciuuujr tuiupames Which have complied with thp
S nAs.. approved August x3, :894, a list of Sich S here!
Exln S1 s k ;"3LL-h.le ' -1 FOR EASTER
such changes as you 6d necessary Jo submit a I Jrfk?"1,"
ce tor approval. You will see that no udnewsTarv 3 5
, "w "irtii wiin twine, or to use rnhhpr !,,, t
-Hooma In the East Oretrnninr. .n
teg : for rent Steam heated, Lot and
cW water and bath room in ronnat.
Fof a Flrst-CIass article In
Office and
THE LEAWNfi nonnmcTe
in all the modern shapes
and leather
Special Sale iot this Week..
c wm give rxuic Wltn every Gf
Scitof Clothes, ONE NICE HAT
iui every uinki's Knee Pant Suit wa xriii .v..
r :y r aieLCap- A" of ur Lie8' $2.50 sh0M 3.
fe-v T-. -imajs a rare chance to get cood Shops v
cheap. Five hundred yards beautiful W.S ffilE. -T. S
discount of 10 per cent. Just received the nobbi in7
0 ouu" In tins city. Uome and see us.
Styles that Bear
Jf HatP.0fF,ashi0D- That is e sort
fin? ats'hatmake P our line. You will
no bnetteretter ;ty,eV better mateS
than ffWrkmanSh,P' 110 bett Pri"S
esult Tf ?5L7OU-v Ur- rePtion is the
w are nrnnH f YEARS in this 0ne line and
dealing Ur rePutatin ior honest
-- ww r-j
Services Were Appropriate to the Day
in music and Otherwise.
Easter Sundav
the holding of services ln several Pen-
uiaiuu cuurcnpB with oiuui.i .
of music In ."'"Iroe.ms
Church of thP Bo,,n,n. . .. AHe
.ioD .... vsi Uuu iour ser-
""i win excellent mnni of -i.
nn 1 ... . eauu
uiiu unnrfl anmo .
collected for t "
church thp r 00 Street MethodIst
the hu.ld.ng was-crowde and " 2
Program rendered hr o..ine
vuu niiimiiT'
If not DroDerlu fittp : .... ..
, jo 4iui worm 30c.
As it not only injures the feet, but does not wear.
Our Shoes at $3 and $3.50
Are worth Hnnhi. i .
onSnoe Company
?2 as !xcellent- The collections
M.c u, iur nome and foreign mis
Blons amounted to $170.
64s lain
Street . $
His Father Puts Up $150 for His Son'i
Saturday evenlne- Aivin
vn.m .... " "uc, lUtJ
WHO Bnot w am Harris
near Pilot Itonk PriHo ri ",H'
nrr.nlo " . C,CU,UK, Was
Hi in l tt ,,mcea under !50 ball.
S, f!,h?.Menry Wa. put up the
-. u vuo juung man Is now free to
so about h s rintipc ,,n.n "11 1 10
t.rV: L0,""16. l? .? into court and
tV. "f.na". rerd to the
hp ,uh . :r"r "".1"."niains that
tiTot V "uui ai wade at all and
that he had nnt tr, ...ana
thp , :;; vt'c"luuu le me of
terV 1 n ,r.r ?lam) ln Sis-
rpmn.;7'; ''.""fr? ne.ls kely to
fth ;;',r .aay? nef0re he is
1 t,;p , Ul aiinough the
nut curious.
Fine Kids in Forns and
$2.50 and $3.50
Patent Kids and Patent
$3.50 and $4.
Some very pretty Shoes
ior the little folks.
Plaid Shoe Laces
The latest eastern fed with
all shoes bought this week.
Invitation to Pe",, Neighbors
Go Up There.
Thp 1 i .
mp"".'"""' camp and circle. Wood
dc nf nh:i0r 1 a . Women of
dial iuvlts i very cor-
bers to h rfc"u l"H Ainena mem
ing at thi; : .lomo even
SSe6 1Q -SstS
Orand On
Manager StiCZ IS "r.8dn11' Head
nent memberp , ulHer Prml
slrprt are Eo!nS and it Is de.
We are
Scing is believing
u iuua, one bay ho . ..
ff7.i "J" ni loouider two iS. "'' nu"
Main and Webb Streets
Pendleton, Orego'
j j-wuuua, urand it with a
Wp. right hind foot whit?
1 Mlrfh J
Dated March 3
oriebShA""?' rp'fhtscopoucd.. ""'":u ee's U. s w t-. . 7"
xur rvinch cows. p..h V V1 "1C. iU &di:.
nav aim ifain x-iw
.vuiena neighbors have made
- 9 East Ah slfa'a, , .
"eet. . - . Pendleton,
ft my office at the court hn, J w"1 bt1l'm