losing Out Sale Continues ARGAINS: N0 "?gBBs 25 yarfs Prints . . . $t 00 20 yards Amaslnag Gingham 20 yardx Bleach Mtolin 25 yards Otfttng Flannel . . iOc and 15c Lace, pet. yard 75c Corsets for 1 00 i 00 i 00 05 39 4 4 4 leaver Bros. D.G.Co CLOSING OUT MORE NOMIHKTING CANDIDATES FOR JUSTICE, CONSTABLE AND SUPERVISORS BREVITIES, . i IV. Tm-mm' com uwwmv 4 I 3 I MnMMVMHA lit should write the Standard for prices. Standard Grocery can Bell 70a ranch eggs cheaper than Any In Pendleton. rou noticed Mrs. Campbell's . 1 1 111 TH A. children? ipn a f n in nn FPnprn .1 t J 1 "T" . at Hotel St. George. to loan at lowest rates on acr 1 ratrnnian mil something fancy and first in ask for Heinz's goods, the mplete line found In the city iej urub. & Lubken. Pendleton's new pictures, landscapes and Butter 1111 llll 1 1 II III! II i HAVE 1 1 he Latest 6e Newest he Prettiest ish Buckles ! in the town. Just Ju bs from $.25 to $3.00 HUNZIKERf weler and Optician aoor to R. Alexander's I Frazier's Hen is. cackling. See first page. L00 to ?L50 shirts to close, 49c Clearer BroB Dry Goods Co. There Is always something doing at ? Fraziera. See our ad on first page, Heinz's bottled goods are the purest and best on earth. Call at Hawlay Bros. For Sale A few good fresh milch cows. Inquire of Platzoeder & Min ger. Ladies' Mcintosh $2.35, regular price, $6.50. Cleaver Btob Dry Goods Co. Go to "The Missouri" blacksmith Bhop for all kinds of repairing, horse Bhoeing a specialty. If you want fine meats, go to Shcwarz & Greulich. They handle the best there is to be had. The Standard Grocery has just re ceived another large shipment of the Walla Walla Health Foods. Ask to see 4111 black hose. We are selling- them at 25c;. worth. 40c Cleaver Bros' Dry Goods company. For Sale All kinds of city and country property, part cash, balance m yearly payments. Will buy you home, you pay for it by the month. Houses rented, collections made. Ri horn & Cook, room 10, over Taylor's. The committee on arrangements for the Vereln Eintracht dance, which takes place tonight at Armory hall wishes that all those intending to at tend would secure their tickets before the dance if possible. Tickets are on sale at Joe Ell's, V. Stroble's and Joe Basler's. Sheriff William Blakley left Sunday morning for Salem with William Woods, who pleaded guilty before Judge Ellis Friday to the theft of 20 sacks of wheat from' the warehouses of Will More on the reservation Woods was sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary. i Left-Handed Social. The "left-handed" social given in Hendricks' hall Saturday night by. wildwood Camp No. 2333. Royal Neighbors of America, was a grand success. A large crowd was present and the program was carried ,out to the great delight of all present. Every one was required to have their right hand tied behind them and were allowed to use but the left hand until after suppper. After supper an hour or two was spent In dancing. For Sale. Twelve building lots In block 14, on the north side of the river in Raley's addition. Fine location and well grad ed. Inquire of N. W. Potwine, Pendle ton. Or. lagnolia Cologne fSlmntr&5orted Pc,?ume- Tt'8 the sweetest and most "agrant Perfume we have ever been able to offer. peats an ounce . a special price-fbr this lot Comeearlv. onrsuDolvis limits X)EPPEN'S DRUG STORE teps from Hafn Street Toward the Court Hock Tbta rteaaMira la m every box of the geaaltxe Laxative Bromo-Qukine Tbiu' tbe rea4x Ul mum a'cxtM la mm tajr. They Were Nominated on Saturday Evening The Committeemen. The names of the weclnct candi dates nominated by the democratic county convention Saturday evening, are as follows: Adams T. C. Reld, justice of the peace; F. W. Wilks, constable, and C. C. Darr, road supervisor. Alba J. W. Galloway, road super visor. Athena, North Orange Chamber lain, justice of the peace; J. S. Smith, constable; W. H. Booher, road super visor. Athena, South Clark Walters, road supervisor. Echo John Dora, justice; J..G..MC- Clallen, constable. Encampment G. D. Hllgard, Jus tice; J. B. Baker, constable; G. D. Hil- gard, road supervisor. Milton, North A. S. Pearson, jus tice; George W. Horton, road super visor. Milton, South W. W. Dorothy, road supervisor. Mountain M. E. Roach, road super visor. Pendleton A. W .Nye, justice; John Wilson, constable; Henry Smith, road supervisor. Uklah Josh Clark, justice; H. H. McReynolds, constable; Alonzo Downs, road supervisor. Vansycle E. O. Casey, road super visor Weston J. A. Lieuallen, constable; W. S. Price, road supervisor. Committeemen. Following are the committeemen ap pointed for tke various precincts for the ensuing two years: Adams J. T. Lieuallen. Alba James Lindsey. Athena, North G. C. Osborn. Athena, South D. Taylor. Cottonwood Samuel Drumheller. Echo W. H. Boyd. Encampment S. S. Osborn. Fulton H. J. Taylor. Gilliam C. H. Hudson. Hogue iW. H. Ca'rgill. McKay C. A. Chapman. Milton, North J. -W. Burgess. Milton, South V. H. Chastaln. Mountain W. H. Gould. Pendleton S. S. Darnell. Pendleton, North A. D. Stillman. Pendleton, East A. C. Haley. Pendleton, South T. F. Howard., Pilot Rock S. P. Barton. v Prospect H. C. Branstetter. Reservation Robert Kirkpatrlck. Ukiah W. T. Sellers. Umatilla J. R. Means. Union W. R. Campbell. Vansycle Robert Dunnington. The Resolutions. We, your comittee on platform, beg to submit for your consideration the following county plmorm: We reaffirm the time honored prin clples of the democratic party. We favor the adoption of a const! tuional amendment providing for and establishing the initiative and refer endum system of law making. We demand from the national gov ernment such legislation as will ef fectually protect our laboring classes from) competition with Chinoso and Japanese laborers; and that will pre vent labor immigration from Asia. We demand that the tariff shall be levied only for the purpose of raising revenue and be so adjusted that cannot be the support and succor of mfonopoly and a sustaining arm for the trusts. We denounce the ship subsidy 'as another method of despoiling the peo pie to enrich the few; and as having in view of the erection of another most gigantic trust to prey on their sub stance and to control the legislation of the country. We denounce the policy of the re publican party in fostering trusts and Ignoring the vital interests of the masses; the result of which must in evitably be to revolutionize our pys tem of government Tand make of this government a government of the trusts, by the trusts, and for the trusts, instead of a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and which tends to the cor ruption and imperialism. We point with pride to the efforts of the present democratic officers to reduce the expenses of administrating our county affairs, and we favor the most rigid economy In the admlnis tration of municipal, county, state and national affairs. We pledge our senators and repre sentatives in the legislature to do all in their power to sucure the placing of all .state officers upon salaries, and the payment Into tbe state treasury of all fees received from any source We favor the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. We favor the enactment of a law by which the assessment of real property shall be made only once in three years instead of every year as now. Whereas, it is claimed by some of the regular republicans of Umatilla county, who have stood so long by their party, and are now set aside, that the republican party in this county is dominated by a political machine operated by a boss, Jn the porson of a rcnegado democrat, and whom they are not recognized, and are not permitted to participate in the councils of their party, and there fore, the republican party, as such, has no county ticket and is absolved from the Bupport of the machine ticket; it is apparent that it la the duty of all true republicans to re buke the methods they thus condemn, and' we therefore invite them to bup port the ticket today nominated by this convention, as the only means they have of acompllshlng this end and purifying their party. Wo feel that wo can confidently ap peal to all classes of voters, that val ue their rights and Interests as' citi zens of a free country to come to tho support of tho principles we advocate and vote wUh us. Resolved, That, whereas the tariff upon sacks imported from foreign countries Increases their cost to the raisers of wheat and the growers of wool to the extent of from two to five cents per sack, by enabling com binations to control all sack importa tions, for their own benefit alone, and which has proven a heavy burden to the producers, especially of tho Paci fic Coast States, and protects no in dustry, we demand the absolute repeal of all duties upon the same. Respectfully submitted, . . E. D. BOYD, J. T. LIEUALLEN, v C. A. CHAPMAN, J. P. SAYLOR, M. TONER, H. J. STILLMAN, V. H. CHASTAIN. Political Notes. C. W. Fulton was nominated by the republicans of Clatsop county Friday for state senator. He is also a can didate for the United States senate to succeed Joe Simon. Portland democrats are casting about for a candidate for mayor. The timber from which they will choose is Robert D. Inman, E. C. Robertson and John Lamont, for starters, with several dark horses, such as ex-Governor Sylvester Pennoyer, Dr. Wells and Dr. John Welch and there are others. The Simon forces in Portland are in a bad mood. They are back of a movement for the formation of a non partizan citizens' ticket of city and county offiners, to be voted for at the June election. As the situation now stands there is no doubt that such a ticket will be named. The democratic convention for Crook county, at, Prineville," Thurs day, some strong resolutions were adopted in opposition to the leading of the public ranges. A resolution for the grazing of cattle on the for est resefve in the county was adopt ed. i-P i Z?-'Z-T t4 The convention also went an record as favoring drastic Chinese exclusion laws. The following county ticket was named: Judge, W. A. Booth; sheriff, C. B. Smith; clerk, A. J. Smith; as sessor, J. D. Mellll; treasurer, M. H, Bell; commissioner, C. B. Allen; sur veyor, Knox Huston; coroner, Joseph Crook. Delegates to the state convention were elected as follows: E. White, J. W. Robertson, J. W. Hen derson, P. B. Doak. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchi tis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minuto Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and llqui fies the mucus, draws out the Inflam mation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for It," says Justice of tbe Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros by, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family.'" Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas. We are just in receipt of the largest shipment of the Celebrated DOUGLAS $3 00 AND 50 SHOE That ever came to Pendle ton. NEW . . , SHAPES STYLES LASTS COMBINES LEATHERS ' SPRING WEICHT FOR 1902 Boston Store i It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warthotfse. SIX GREAT SPECIALS Kid Gloves 25c Ladles' Hose 1 9c a nice line of LISLE THREAD HOSE at J 9c 25c Hose for Children 7c WAYNE KNIT and BLACK CAT HOSE He 5c Ladies Belts 15c Ladies' Belts in Leather and Satin from 15c to $1.50 'fli.25,Ladics Kid Gloves. 89c ; These - Gloves are, nicely made, just the thing (or Eas ter. Shitt Waists 50c In all the latest styles, nicely tucked, in all colors 50c Neck Ribbons Fancy Wash Ribbons, new effects, pretty styles at J 5c, 25c, 35c Agent Butter ick Patters e Piles fail MEN'S OUTFITTERS run Orders Filled. Send for Samples S: &)S0(S(9099 B i r t n fl nir n i w ill Gram l Sid A BIG SUCCESS That's what we are having in our new store Do Yott Wonde Why? i it H Q It is because we keep things neat and clean, we give special attention to quick deliveries. We receive daily all kinds of early-vegetables, .such as radishes, green onions, lettuce, turnips, etc. Come and see our new store and give' us . j$l trial. j. We are Sate to Please Yot lis mi ten l leu (S G BUY THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. For line shafting and all .bearings of machinery of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : ; Made from Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or. LifNlJlf r"N VM I expect people to know whit nVVV UJ I J Li you haive to sell If you don't The new etore can never be A f" r "TP" I Frt known unless It Advertises MU VCn I IwCr 4h V. ''.pi.: r