5" J' Business Cards and Societies Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANGED. FOR SALE. "oTTk GASOLINE !5'lNE. WITH .P to six hono oo-wor. ISM.iml-ni In tie nee Inn office, Tendteton. TTujSNBW CHICAGO TYPRWRIT FOIt sMll,f, keT )oar1, first c nss ma- ""K loon nt ItV Thirty doIUra l!m h,.v It. Enst Orcgonlan office. m.O on shelves.' walls, or for wrap. onrpciH E,n!fH.J5I,?!fn9oM htinTed enennt Mr-nts". hiind e at the HAST OREOONIAN office. Sintnn. Oregon. PHYSICIANS. I"? nfflrP Honrs, m to 12 a. in.; mil''""'" ninhntin 77. 1 to n n. in. i - 3 ' " nnrt corrects eve troubles catar treats nnd correti bearlnc. rbnl correctly flttcd for rcl!rtictlre cr- Glasses rori. , nwtniTT OFFICE OVRIt -TRK DPenlcton Bnvlnw' Ttank. Telephone 80; iMlflence telephone Rl. JTTt"tfiirj.n M HOMRTATrt- BVB rW an nnrt RnrWm. ' Offle In jdd , Telephone:-Office, black '71! ; residence. blncK -.4. Z. 7,'tt t T v at MOUSE. PTTY8TCIAN AND Dri.Hri'IAnfflre room 20 Judd Hulld- log. Phone' Main 72Kesldcnco Phone Red 23 nn T PMTATTL. ROOM 17. ASROCIA tion Mode. Telephone Main 03 ; real dence telephone, black 101. nn T jr. HENDERSON. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Specialties eye. ear. nose and throat? Office In Saving Bank build In?. Phone Main 83. OSTEOPATHIC Keves Keyes. Boiton Store. PHYSICIANS. DR8. Office one block wtst o DR. LYNN K. RLAKESLEE. CHRONIC and nprvotis dUensea nnd dlsuas.'s of women. Opp. Hotel Tendleton. cor. Water and Mnln Sts., Pendleton. Ore. Thope Red 27.1. WANTED. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns. If yon have omethlnR you havn no use for. offer to trade It for somethlns that some other body mnv have nnd hove no use for, some fiiinc thnt you niny need In. your business. You mnv have nn extra horse that you mlpht wish to trade for n cow or n' vehicle. Bomcbodv may have the cow and vehicle and wnnt the. horse. A fifteen or twenty five cpnt wnnt ndd will probably do The business. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. . F noWARD. ARCHITECT AND SIT- ncrlntendnnt. mnKrn complete nnti reu- ! We plnni for bnlldlncs In th city or eonntry. Room 17, Jndd building. enEEK & POLE. CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates rurnisiied on snorr. notice. Job work a speclnlty. Prorant laervlce. Shop on Itlnft street, near Main II). A, MAY . CONTRACTOR AND bm der. Estlmntes furnished on an Ifclnds of masonry, cement wnllts, stone IwallB, etc. Orders can be left at the Hast lOreconlan office. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. JAI'LE IHIOS.. COURT STREET, LA Dow Tl bok. electric nns. dealers In olec- Irlcnl supplies, nouses, stores wired for llMttle llRlits. bells or telephones. Eloctrl- m nxiures, ail Kinds, uet our i)rics. ne wt worn a specialty. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. UfJfnnfTAr. statit.k n w rmnrwTfl 1 Prop. Llvprv fpeil nnil Ttnnri'llni?. All kinds PrnOllts Pnmnnfnnt ripltrni-a Onnnaltn Rn. il Pendleton. Telephone 10. IRPOT LivprtY. iruiRn ANn KAiMi'a Htnbles First elass iln-!? rnd dimble for ir nil ownslons. 027 Cottonwood Rt Mnln 70. Evlln Crnlg, Prop. none, ITT RTAHI.Rfi rp w ircino Tiii-r- Mvery, feed nnd' hnnrdln.T Thn hi.V Irnnnts In the eltv. ltn St.. Iwtwoon nnd Cottonwood Sts. Phone, Mnln 0. RK0ON' FFPD YART), W. T. ROYNTON Lower Webb street. Phono Red 201 . n ii.fim nnrn L'lven Mnrns inrt. witn CABS AND CARRIAGES. ienhnno Main 79, at the Depot Ltvery DENTISTS. ,iViAT.7;nAN DENTIST, OFFICE IN d building. "on block, over F. B. Clapton's office. RESTAU RANTS AND CAFES. 0F.0ItGEmrtE8TATmAHT. PTRICTLT vt. rnng.ii'n, nrop. Mn.i hours, 004 Mnln St? Tel. Mnln 12, TORNEY8. ER i RALRV. JlTTftTivinvH irr Office In Savings Bank building. LOWRTiTi livrnnunro im Oregon A"S8citlon block, Pn- i niViP' &AWYER. OFFICE 1 building, Pendleton. Oregon. IN lS2kR?.BLPT. . ATTORNEY AT LAW. m Association block. HOYTV invn RRnnnn . . odle on. n;'iwwr,,UI Ai (tiding. 21tV5,'ir,jtr uHl &N , !PBBCIi: ATTORNEYS - - - - - v. sir r BOWUAM at., Mr FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL KKIGHnOIlS OF AM1IUICA wild Wood Catnp. No. meets soc- ond nnd fourth SatnrdnyR of oac'i month, In llendrJclc's Hall. Mrs. Ida llolcomb. UMATILLA TRNT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M iieers in secret Hociery nan, se,onj and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis iting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. 8. Kecs, Record Keeper; 10. D. Estabrook, i..uuiuiiuiuer. nnmrrcv mr.nAt.p.9 tthiiu j- m - w -------- - - I j 41 u. AO Meets every Tuesday night in Hen- uricKs unii. uoy v. mtner, Keeper ol uucurws. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. fil!. A. 17. nml A. M., meets first and third Mondays of ench month. Visiting brataran wel"orne. T. j. j. weeny, v. jh., Joe 11. l'uri:si, sic. PENDLETON CHAl'TER. NO. 2m T. r Tnylor, H. r F. P. Wamslev, Secretary." Meets first and fourth Friday of each uiuuiu in masonic nan. PENDLETON COMMANDERY, NO. 7., nouuii rorHier, la. j v. ix. uartor. sec rotary. MeetB first nnd third Friday of eacu montn in aiasonic Hnll. HONKERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL Mam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Heudrlck's Hall Mrs. L. F. Lauipkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF rythias. J. F. Nowlln. C. C: U. W Fletcher, K. of R. .& S. Meets evrry Jionuay in secret Mociety nan. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0309. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month at Hen- dricit's Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con huI; G. A. Robbing. Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp No. 41, W. O. W., are held In Odd Fellows' hall every Tuesuny evening visum? neighbor are alwnys welcome. J. P. Wulker, Clerk, J P. Earl, C. C. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, ?50,000 ; surplus and profits. $0000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-president; E. L Harnett, cashier: F S LeGrow, assistant cashier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1880; capital, $50,000 ; surplus, $00,000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex change bought and sold on all principal polntu. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vlco-presldent ; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank ing buslnex8. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptlv attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebatel, vice-president; J. R. Kllgore, cashier; di rectors, G. A. Hnrtman, M. M. Johns. T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, Q. W. Proebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital $70,000; surplus, $85,000. Transacts a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections ou reasonable terms. Levi Auken.v. nrestdent: W. P. Matlock, flce-prcsldent-; C. B. Wnde, cashier; H. C. (iuornsey, assistant cannier. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. YOU CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAR ket price for your hides, pelts and all Lklnds of Junk, such as rubber, brass, cop Pper, 'lead, zinc, rags and bottles. Iron of an Kinds a specialty, xou can oring in SO cents worth of old rags or ship In $500 worth of hides nnd will be treated In the same way. We have come here to Slav. Give us a eal and vou will be satis ed. L. Shank Co., office and warehouse next to Eastern Iiotoi, I'cndioton, ure. Telephone, Jted 221. SECOND HAND DEALERS. GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND band goods bought nud oui. Court fcr. Opera house block. Call and fin? me. V. BTRORLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new or second hand furniture, utoves, granite, ware nnd crockery, call and get nis prices, wo. court St MISCELLANEOUS. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU wnnt to subscribe to magazines or nova papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the east ukeuuniaw the net puniishcr's price of the publication you desire, and we will linve It sent you and assume al lthe risic oi tne money being lost in the mni's It will save vou both trouble ni d risk, If you .are n subscriber to the EAST ORE- UliKlAN, in .remitting you can deduct ten per cent irom tne pumisners priro &a dress EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pen dlcton, Oregon. KELLAR BROTHERS, PLABTERINO AND cementing. Cement walks a specialty Es timates furnished free. Work Kusrneed. Leave orders at BadleyV & Zahner's cigar store Ainin mruoi, i'. u oox lui. IN POUND-THE HEREINAFTER DE described stock has been .taken up by the i;uy marsiini ana win no soio at tne expiration of ten days for costs and expenses. One bay mare, ono year old, branded circle P on icic snouuier, weiu'iit aoout uw pounds Dated March 21, lttS. JOE BLAKLKY, Marabal. BABBITT METAL, BEST IN THE world, .In bare. Price fl per bar, at the cast uregonian omcc. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN office, large bundles of newsnaners. 'con- Utlnlng over 100 big papers can be obtained cor so cents a nunuie. FOR RENT Rooms In the East Oregon fan. buildlBtr for .rentr steam Jieated, ot and cold 1 wirtef asd bath rooa. . ' M EpiCAL IT YOUBOIAIB 18 TDRNIKQ GRAY, ' Uk .... DON'TPULLT.OUT.. JT, jBURtaj fGry - hairs a ara hnnnrahlo. thnnili MMirrworftuveotsiisirdye) itrompt- UwlTlUlTlrtMi.te every fall plat bottle, all A CO . , Ble. ProM, J Pi B W. , Igio, 5, mm i 'i i Your Majrsty, 1 find that this wretch Ilokopoo has devoured the prisoner "AH right; servo tip Ilokopoo, he wor't need tinv stufllpg." COMMERCE T There is no change in the local wheat market. Fifty-three cents per bushel is the highest mark that this cereal has reached for more than a month and there is no indication of it going higher. None has been sold recently and farmers who have little dabs left absolutely refuse to lot go at this figure. They may have to hold until the markets open for the 1902 crops, for the condition of for eign markets and the world's supply tend to foretell that no change may be looked for for some time. Other things on the local market remain about the same as a week ago with a few exceptions. The coming into the market of green onions have caused the old sup ply to drop in price as the demand is not so great as. before. They are now quoted at ?1.50 per hundred, when a week ago they were ?2. -Chickens have also dropped a notch. Seven days ago they were quoted at $4 and $5 and could not be had at that figure. Today theyj are ?a.&u and ?4. This tall cannot be attributed to any cause by the dealers more than the fact that the farmers are beginning to sell off their hens, ridding the farmB of them, since eggs have dropped, until there is no profit in this product, as they are only quoted at 15 cents per dozen and the market is glutted. Sugar remains at the low-water mark it reached several weeks ago $5.25 per sack but wholesalers have raised 12 cents in San Fran cisco and this foretells a raise local ly within the next few days. Local Market Prices. The following shows the prices. paid on the local market: Turnips, 75c per. sack. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 4c lb. Cheese, per lb., 20c. Onions, per cwt., $1.50 to $2, Green onions, 25c doz. Be(.'ts, per lb., lc, . Potatoes, per cwt., $1.501.75. Apples, per box. $1.50, Horse radiBh, 12c lb. Gsrliek, la3c lb. Sweet potatoes, 5c per lb. Sauer Kraut, 40c per callon. . Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $3.50(54. Roosters, $6.50 to $4.C0. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 15c in trade. Butter, 50C5c per 'roll. Choice beei cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4. Hogs, live, 6c. Hogs, dressed, 6c. Calves, dressed. 7 to 8c $3.50. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sack; do., 1C lbs $1; best granu lated, $5.25 per sack'; do., 1C lbs., $1 Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c lb; lower gradcB coffee, 25 to 15c lb; package coffee, 15c Jb. ' Rico Best head rice, 12c per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Salt Coarse, '$1.35 per 100; table, $2.20 .per 00. Flour, B, B., $3.40 per bbl. Flour Walter's, $3.40 per bbl. ; Portland Wheat, Portland, March 27. The Commer cial Review says: Wheat continues weak and spirit less, with nothing on the surface to indicate the slightest; improvement. All Europoan countries h'ave good .supplies, either at hand or engaged .ahead to' more than, meet any calls 'likely to transpire, e(ind1 as there Is nothing In present status of growing croDs to indicate anr deficiency in the yprld's supply, f (cereals for fbe pres- Ad to onerata forward In any exten sive scale, There aeemo no jreVdM'to doubt qiattSe.'' eHompH" amofat of wheat in sight in America Is the weak spot in the trade, and the al- most Imperceptible decrense in Amer ica's total from week to week causes apprehensive on the part of buyers who are therefore very cautious in their trades and work to a limited ex tent on distant business. Quotations are: Club, G3c; bluestom, C4c, and valley, G3c per bushel. State Grain Inspector Wright, of the state of Washington, has received news from the Palouse grain district to the ef fect that 300,000 acres of fall-sown wheat has been frozen out in the re gion north of Snake river. San Francisco Grain Markets. San Francisco, March 27. Wheat easy, barley dull, oats dull. Spot quotations: Wheat Ship ping, $1.10; milling, "$1.11(5)1.13. Bar leyFeed, 9295c; brewing, 97& $1. Oats Red, $1.2201.42; white. $1.27 1.46; black, $1.15 1.30. Call board si okca sales: Wheat May, December, $1.07; Barley Dull. Decom Corn Large yellow, easy, $1.08 cash, $1.10. ber, 77c. $1.371.45 Liverpool Wheat Receipts. Liverpool, March 27. Receipts of wheat during the past three days, 237,000 centals, Including 194,000 American. Eastern Livestock, Chicago, March 27. Cattle -Re- ceipts, 4000. Market steady; good to prime steers, $G.7O(0)7; poor to medi um, $4.25,J.40; stockers and feeders, $2.505.25; cows, $1.405.50; heif ers, $2.50G; canners, $1.402.40; bulls, $2.C00; calves, $2.505)G.25; Texas-fed steers, $5.50 0. Hogs Receipts today, 40,000; to morrow, 35,000; left over, 3000.. Mar ket, steady; mixed aud butchers, $G.30G.05; good to choice heavy, $G.506.70; rough heavy, $G.253G.40; j light, $GG.45; bulk of sales, $G.35 G.50. Sheep Receipts, 18,000. Sheep, slow; lambs, steady; good to choice, wethers, $55.50; fair to choice mix ed, $4.255; Western sheep, $5.25 G.25; native lam',bs, $4G.05; Western lambs, $5.25G,80. Boston Wool. Boston, Marcli 27. With the set tlement of the labor troubles hero, trade in the various industries has returned. The wool market is now on a steady basis, but operations are quiet. The call for territory wools has been moderate, but lots available on the market are held steady. Pur chases of new wools made in Arizona that are coming in cannot bo sold at within several cents per scoured pound of what they cost, and the gen eral feeling among dealers hero is that too high prices were paid, and it now looks as though the new terri tory wools will open high this year. Fine territory wools are firm and command on the scoured basis of 4850c, while fine, medium territory is quoted at 44045c, with good staple lots higher. Medium territory wools are quotable at 338 to 40c, scoured, with occasional fancy, lots going high er. Medium territory woqls are quot ed at 38 to 40c, scoured, with occa sional fancy lots going higher. Fleece wools are quiet, but hold steady in price. Australians are coming in quite liberally, but arrivals are largely on manufacturers' account. The maiket for good quarter-blood Australians is quoted on the scoured basis of 4042c. Portland, March 27. Hops 12 13c per pound. Skins, Hides and Pelts. Portland, March 27. Sheepskins- Shearings. 1520c; .short wool, 250' 35c; medium wool, 30G0c; long wool, G0c$l each. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 15ltc per pound; dry Kip, No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds. 16c r dry calf, No. 1. under .6 nounds, J6o; dry Bait ed bulls and staxs one-third less man dry limt; salted nicies, sipers, spuno, W pounds and oyer, bkppc; ou to w pounds, 7(S8c; under 50 pounds and COWS, vc; sikb ,nuu puum, yuuu, f6Hb; Lip, souBd,'16 to SO pounds, 7c; vealBotind.'lO to 14 pouBds, 7c; cair, souna unaer iv puunuu, 00; green (unshlted), 1 c perpouad lesa; culls, one cent per pound leas; horse bides, salted, each fl.60C2; dry. each.$ll.0; olts hide, each, 250 SOc';, got.kins, common, each, 10 lKcrngjira, wlil ob on, each.25 TWO LINES. time ..15c times ...,20c week 30c Extra lines: 10 cents each a each $5tlt20; cubs, $25; badger, ench, 1040c; wildcat, each. 2530c; house cat, BiQilOc; fox, common gray, 30550c; do red, each, $l.C0(fl2; do, cross, each, $515; do silver and black, each, $100(3)200; flshors, each,' $56; lynx, ench, $23; mink, strictly No. L, each 30c1.25; mar-" ten, dark northern; $G012; mnrton, pale pine, according to slro and co- ior, $i.ouj; musitrnts, largo, oacn, 510c; skunks, each. 25 30c; civet or polecat, each, 510c; otter for largo ptimo skins, each, $5 7; pan ther, wltl. head and claws perfect, each, $2.005?)5.00; raccoon, for laro prime, 30H35c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.50 5; wolf, pralrlo (coyote) with head perfect, each, 40G0c; wolf, pralrlo, (coyote) without head perfect, each, 3035c; wolvorino, each $47; beav er, per skin, large, $5G; do medium, $34; do small, $11.50; do kits, 5075c. TRANSPORTATION LINES. "BEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word this tells of the passenger service via "The North-Western line" 8 trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago comprising The latest Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Curs Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED runs every day of the year FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAGO BY DAY LIGHT The Badger State Express, the llnest day train running between St. Paul ami Chlcatro via the Short Lino: con nections from the West made via The Northern Paoillo, Great Northern, and Canadian l'aclllo Rys. This is the best line between Omaha, St. Paul nnd Minnesota. All agents sell tickets via "The Northwestern Line." W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, G. A. T. A. 2-18 Alder St., Portland, Ore. CO YEARS EXPERIENCE ttxriSttK Thade Marks rnwii Copvhioh rs &c. Anyonoounilli.it ;i ul.cU h nnd -ci i"i"H muj qdlcttly nrpcrtnui nir i mu free wlii-ilier tin liiventlou 1 prohnMy .iitcni i i. c'lmiimmii n tlonifitrlcclycoiiliilpoff.d, Handbook tin I'liti-nla siiiitdeB. (Jldent nu-uncy for Heruriiitf luilonlii. I'atuutl tiUon Uir..uli Muim A, Co. ri)clu $pccial r.attct. vrlttmut cnnri'e, lit tuo A hanrtsomfly lliudtrjtf ! iwkly. Lnrtreft clr tulution of my folcntllJc J'luriiul 'iviihi. rj a vpuri our month tl. rkilit byall nwiilMjiltr. Jlrd'-ti 'II' The Time Sellers Renters Buyers Servants Houses HAVE BEEN FOUND THROUGH AN ADLET IN THE CLAMIPIKV COLUMN OF THE EAVT OREGON IAN WHEN ALU OTHER MEANS HAVE FAILED, THESE QLAMI FIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRUM RESULTS AND DO NOT COST BUT A TRIFLE. Many's THREE 11NES. 1 time 206 2 tlmc3 30o 1 week ? 45o week; 25 cents, a line per month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Shot line mvm Pacific mm DKrAHt j Tlmo Schedule ambits fok , From roi.dloton from Chicago. Salt Uko. Denver. Ft. Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan Bpeclnl rhi Clty.Ht Louli, Chi- 80 a. a, 6:30 nm cagoandKMt. via Hunt luiton. Atlantlo Bait I.ko, Donver, Ft. Kxprcti Worth, Omaha, Kan. 5:15 n. m. tnsCltr. Ht. Louli.Chl- 11:10 P. H, via Hunt- cago aud Kait, Ington. 8t. I'Mil, Walla Walla, Uwliton Fait Mall Bpokane.Wallace.Pull 8.15 a.m. man, Mfnueapolli, Bt. S.-Op. m. i via Paul, Duluth, Mllwau Bpokauo. kee, Chicago and Kait. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM I'OKTLAND. All tailing date lubjeet to change. 8:00 p. in. ForBan Francisco i p. m. Ball ovory & dnjri. 1)ftlly exuotit Columbia River Sunday I 4pm 8 p. m. 1 To Aitorla and Way Bunday Bnturcuy LamllURi. 10 p. in. I Willamette River Iloatn lenvo Portland daily, except Sunday, ((hko of water permitting) for Willamette and Yamhill Hlvor polnti. Ixavo Leave Lowliton 7 :00 a. m, Dtllr Kxcpt Mor lllparla 4:0A a. m. Daily Kxupt Mon Snake Hlvor Riparla to Lowliton. K. F. WAMRLKY, Aguut, Pondloton. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Girs, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Qtrs 'ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKS OROOKSTON TO hWlNNKPEG HKLKNA nnd L BU'rrn, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADKLPHIA NEW YOUK BOSTON and all pointH East aud South Through tickets to Japan iid China, via Taromh and Northern Puciflo Htearuiulp Co, aud Amorlonii lino. TIMU SCIIKDULH. Tralui leave Pendleton daily except Bunday at 6:00 p. in. For furthor information, time cirdi, ruapi, aud tlckcti, call on or write W. Adami, Pen dletou, Oregon, or A. D. CHARLTON, Third and MnrrUon Bti., Portland, Ore, Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thfs route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Loula, Kau sua City, St. Joe, Omaha, aud All Points East and South Portland and polats or the Sound TMK CARD, Leave Pendleton, dally except Sandayi at 1:60. pm. Arrive Pendleton Ifondav. Wednaadav ui Friday II Mara. ' Arjfve Pendleton Tneedsr. Tkundav mA satardayBsaaai Leave Walla Walla dally, eait boaad 100Ha. Arrive Walla WslUdalfywMt bound tswS. For lalomatloa iMaidin raUa and aeeam modatloM, call ou w addrea a ft, 9, aAl'DXitHKAD.Q, P. A., ' SUM YMMSEirt um , tor uasal dUofcarsM,', InSamauU irriiHUiu or HKN1WM BnBSSSk'i flBMB i i w. v JHBF 'OunalMl niilTtMt la MrteMrt.1 S-jrnmit ili. 1 .ITUfEuiuafhituiAii n. Uir,. eniilMk(BMBa S l