East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 26, 1902, Image 3

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    at Is the Secret?
t. t i ; i- .1 !i - Tu- , A
f..l! I ....:,. nl Uaun tharhaanocf." fnf.
H ....11 nli..rn-ir.. mn r cm a min MQC Hi fl
. . . . , i-i n m.
not the cheapest. In every department it is our
to give the best, value that the money you have
buv. How.many people want the cheapest thing
i -riii nn tunc curr .! St imn
nt better ones the store is full of them.
...Just Received...
x 1 1 l -J a4 -v T - T7" r 4 itrn ol oil 1 r
lain and fancy Pongee. Our lino of Grena- t
k rmEurDusseu. t
ander Dept. Store
an who does not have
rrnished by the Domes-
had better stay out of
ssion. t Jur work is
appreciated by the best
because of its acknowl-
jrior finish, which only
cpenence can give.
m, Prop. Pendleton.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIQ Stock of
Eth dwelling and barn,
seven rooms, bath,
irood house, city water,
on stone foundation
lots and new cottage,
End house, $i,ooo, part
jnable time on balance,
on installments. See
17 Main Street.
M of Unlla'oiparsT
...We do...
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bros.
1. -L,. Ray & Co.,
Bay and soil
Stock, Bonds
and Grain
tot own or on margin.
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Beard1 of Trade.
art ?, Faiatam, Or.,
French Restaurant
cosy Roons
Wl Lighted and Steam Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
ia the CRy.
Kiyg Logo,
Baotetn and
$92,247.65 TURNED
Total Amount Due Is $135,000 Con
siderable Has Been Collected and
Not Yet Turned Over.
The sheriff's offleo Tuesday after
noon turned over to County Treasur
er S. K. Yates the sum o $92,247.65,
which is the ilrst of the 1901 taxes
that has been turned over since the
commencement of the collection the
first Monday In March. This Is only
a part of the amount paid in under
the provisions which allowed the tax
payer a rebate of 3 per cent if his
taxes were paid prior to tho 15th
Instant. Three clerics were kept so
busy during the 15 days that thoy did
not get time to keep the moneys-
checked up and have .not yet caught
up and turned all that was paid in
over to the treasurer. While they do
not know the exact amount collected,
it is estimated that ?150,000 will not
overstate the amount that has been
received by the sheriff's office.
The taxes turned over are almost
half of the entire taSes for the year,
as the total levy is only $195,000, and
the amount still due is $46,000. This
will come in slower now, as there is
no rebate as an Inducement, although
all the taxes that are not paid in by
the first IMbnday in April will become
delinquent and a penalty of 10 per
cent added and the tax will also draw
interest at the rate of 12 per cent.
No taxes paid now will receive a
rebate, but no penalty will be attach
ed if paid prior to the first Monday
in April. If the tax-p'ayer does not
feel that he can pay all his taxes be
fore that date, if he wishes he can
pay one-half and then the other half
will not become delinquent until the
first Monday in October. Then, if the
latter half is not paid, it becomes de
linquent. Another thing that should be re
membered by the tax-payer Is that
if at least half of your personal prop
erty tax is not paid by the first Mon
day in April, it becomes delinquent
and. the sheriff is compelled to levy
on the property after the first day
of May and collect the taxes with all
panelty and costs.
The largest amount of taxes paid in
fron one corporation during the time
was $24,831.51, after the rebate was
taken off, and was the taxes of the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany on its property in the county.
Lincoln county, March 28.
Douglas county, March 29.
Jackson "county, Starch 29.
1 ane county. March 29.
Sherman county, March 29.
Union county. March 29.
Yamhill county, March 29.
Democratic Primaries.
Wallowa county, March 26.
Mhlhour county, March 27.
Union county, March 29.
Gilliam county, "March 27.
Baker county, March 29.
Dougles county, Marcli 29.
Grant county, March 29.
Klamath county, March 29.
Lane county, March 29.
Linn county, March 29.
Marion county, March 29.
Sherman county, March 29.
Wheeler county, March 29.
Jackson county, April 2.
Polk county, April 4.
Democratic County Conventions.
Crook county, March 27.
Benton count;.-, March 29.
Umatilla county, March 29.
Wasco cou-iiy, March 29.
Coos county, March 29.
Harney county, April 2.
Linn county, April 2.
Wallowa county, April 2.
Baker county, April 2.
Grant county, April 3.
.Lincoln county, April 3.
Malheur county, April 3.
Multnomah county, April 3.
Union county, April 3.
Wheeler county, April 4.
Gilliam county, April 5.
Jackson county, April 5.
Klamath county, April 5.
Lane county, April 5.
Marion county, April 5.
Polk county, April 5.
Shernwin county, April 5.
Douglas county,' April 8.
State Conventions,.
Republican Portland, April 2.
Democratic Portland, April 10.
Congressional Conventions.
Republican First district, Roseburg,
Aprl 2
Republican Second district, Port
land, April 1.
Miscellaneous Conventions.
Linn county People's, March 20.
Polk county Prohibitionists, April J.
Republican County Conventions.
Baker county, March 2C.
Clackamas county, March 26.
Coos county, March 26.
Harney county, March 26.
Linn county, March 20.
Malheur county, March 26.
Marion county, March 26,
Wallowa county, March 26.
Gilliam county, March 27.
Multnomah county, March 27.
Washington county, March 27.
Benton county, March 28.
Clatsop county, March 28.
Failed to Do for Miss Mabelle I.
XaMonte What Was Accom
plished hyLydia E. Pinkliam's
Vegetable Compound.
"Deab Mhs. Pinkiiaji: X was in
an awful state for nearly three years
with a complication of female troubles
which three physicians called by dif
ferent names, but the pains were all
the same. I dreaded the time of my
To accommodate those who are
partian to the use of atomizers in ap
plying liquids into the nasal passages
for catarrhal troubles, tho proprie
tors prepaTo Ely's Liquid Cream
Balm. Price including the spray till
is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail
The liquid embodies the modlclna
properties of the solid preparation
Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by
the membrane and does not dry up
the secretions but changes them to
a natular and healthy character. Ely
Brothers, 56 Warren street, Now
monthly periods for it meant a couple
of days in bed In awful agony. I final
ly made up my mind that the good
doctors were guessing : and bearing
from different friends such good re
nnria of Tvriifl. "PL Pinlcliam'a Vcnr-
eteblo Compound,'1 1 tried that. J
bless the. day I. did. for it wa6 the
dawninir of a new life for me. I used
-five bottles before I w.as cured, but
when they were taken -J was a wen
wnmnn once more. Your Comnound is
certainlv wonderful.- Several of my
friends have used it $ipce,apd nqthing
Inif. fhn Vxst. do I ever henr from its
.nsel"- burs, MATbixle L. LaMonte,
aaa nr.nJ ! I' '. Til ' - -
J6SO d.' OIBb .OL, VillCBJfU, Aii. fOUW
fwftttif pboee- tttlmeitial tt ixtt gtnutn. '
If Lydlft E. PJRkhaw's Tefire-
table.CtomMUB .could, cure Mis ,
iLaMonte why hot you ? Try it .
Bd8eeforyouMli.r ,
aaea fre. Addrcse, Iyatt, Mf,
Question as to Property Situated In
This County.
A suit was filed at the court house
Tuesday afternoon with the Security
Savings & Trust Company, a corpo
ration, plaintiff, and W. H. Goltra, ad
mlnistrator of tho estate of Hugh
Fields, deceased, Dora E. Fields, Ef-
fie A. Rhea, Anna L. Leasuro, the
Pendleton Savings Bank and Uinatil
Ia county, defendants.
It Is to foreclose a mortgage
against certain real estate situated
in the city of Pendleton and to re
cover judgment against plaintiffs for
the sum of $453.71 and interest at the
rate of 8 per cent from tho 22d day
of March, 1901, and for the further
sum of $250 attorneys fees.
Tho complaint allegos that Hugh
Fields executed and delivered to
plaintiffs his certain promissory note
for $2000 and on tho 22d of June,
1S97, which was to fall due six
months after date and that none of
this amount has bjeen pafd except
?04b and interest up to March 22(
1901, leaving the amount due for
which Judgment Is asked. It also al
leges that Hugh Fields died intestate
in November, 1901, In Linn county,
leaving no heirs except Dora E
Fields, his wife: that on Uie 3d of
December, 1901, W. H. Goltra was ap
pointed administrator of the estate
of the deceased and that the other de
fendants claim interest in tho prop
erty, on wmcn tho mortgage was
given. Umatilla county claims Inter
est, by virtue of a tax sale on a cer
tain portion of the property, but
plaintiff alleges that this interest Is
not valid. Tho Pendleton Savings
Bank claims Interest on other parts
of tho property by virtue of a judg'
mont given them, out of the court for
Umatilla couuty, dated September 4,
1899, for $564.26 and costs taxed at
$35.0.8, but plaintiff alleges that this
judgment has long since been paid.
Whereforo plaintiff prays Judgment
against W. H. Goltra, as administra
tor of tho estate of Hugh Fields, do-
ceased, for the amount yet duo on
note, and for decree to foreclose said
mortgage and directing sale of the
real estato; for a decree directing the
canceling of protended tax sales to
county and tho claims of, tho bank;
for a decree against Dora E, Fields,
Efflo A. Rhea and Anna L. Loasuro,
barring them: rom all Interests In the
mortgaged property, or any part
thereof.! and .for such other relief as
is meet In the promises.
Dolf, Mallory. Simon. & Gearln,
of Portland, and Carter & Raley, of
this city, aro attorneys for plaintiff.
"iMt thm GOLD DUST twins o your work,"
will clean anything cleanable clothes and dishes, pots and pans,
floors and doors in fact, anything from collar to attic.
GOLD DUST lightens labor, lessons care.
Chicago. New York. Boston, St Louis. Makers ol OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
Hnrdman Is to
F. m Waitsburn-
Soloinan Hardman says a Waits
burg correspondent, one of tho old
est pioneer 'n this sectifii an? c ty
and the man who started tho first sa
loon :n Waitsburg, has gono to Pen
dleton to reside. Ho nnn unces Hint
he has give . up the saloon business
for go d and nil and that he probalily
will never i .er business of any kind
again. Durl .g the time !io was hove
ho amassej a considerate fortune,
and ai the time of his deiuh this .Hll
bo distributed among his heirs. Ho
took with iim to Pendlo on all nla
household v oils and prl' ita records
of which la-ter there is ir imme.iso
Cascades Rich, Says an Expert Pros
pector. Seattle, March 26. "Why," said
Martin Markeson, a mining prospec
tor of much experience in Alaska -uul
various Patlflc Coast places, "(he Cas
cades aro alive with ores and there
Is no reason why lots of men, willing
to rough It for a while, should not be
come rich. Not a great deal of capi
tal is required; at least not so much
as In tho cold and desolato Alaska,
comparatively speaking. Particular
ly Inviting to tho prospector and
miner are the mountains In Chelan
county, Washington. I havo Just re
turned from there and feel safe in
saying that better prospects than
those offered there I never saw on
all my extensive travels."
Mr. Markeson brought sovoral sam
ples of ore taken from ledgc-H In the
district around Lake Chelan, on tho
Great Northern about midway be
tween Seattle and Spokane and about
200 miles from Portland. Some of tho
specimens ho left in the office of the
permanent exhibit, 246 Washington
street, for exhibition. The samples
wcro from the liolden mines and as
say from, $75 to $80 per ton in gold
and $200 In copper, according to Iho
statement of Mr. Markeson.
They Arc Bringing In More Applica
tions Than Come Through the Wo
men of Woodcraft.
Pendleton Camp's meeting last
night was a "hummer." Every seat
was lllli'd and everything from tho
start to ailjournm'eiit went with a
snap that betokened enthusiasm
such as theso "choppers" are noteJ
lor. Twenty-five more acceptable ap
plications woro entertained, making
12S since the bunchgrass campaign
begun. This dlstuwcH tho Womoii
of Woodcraft by considerable. In the
beginning, tho ladies tairly led tho
Woodmen and In tho oxhuboranco of
their dollght mndo several little, wag
ers with the Woodmen that tho latter
would bo outdistanced. The camp's
members accepted the challenges and
havo hIuco been showing the circlcrs
how to interest people in Perfected
Woodcraft in a manner which has
fairly taken their breath away.
Twenty to 25 applications per woch
In the camp has sot tho ladles guess
ing, and as ono Woodman, who has
an Easter bonnet bet against a now
hat, said today, "Tho girls nre rattled
and w.ll ha. the O A. 11 3. D on
April 21."
The circle meetH tonight and the
enmp will meet again Saturday night
in their now quarters.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be rocoivod up to
noon, March 29th, 1902, for erection
and completion of a ono-story cottago
for William Roberts, to bo built Just
east of county bridge, in East Pen
dleton, l'6 miles from court house.
PJana and specifications at Thompson
Hardware Co.'s store.
Surgeon's Knife Not Needed.
Surgery Is no longer necessary to
euro piles. DeWItt'H Witch Hazel
Salvo cures such caaos at onco, re
moving the nocosslty for dangoront,
painful and oxponslvo operations. For
scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, brulsor,
sores and skin diseases It Is unequal!
od. Uowa.ro of counterfeits, Tall
man & Co. and Brock & McComas.
Breeding Jacks for Sale.
I offer for sulo two oxtra fine breed
ing Jacks of fino disposition. Wilt
sell ono or both to one party, on easy
terms for t'o not thirty days Cn
bo soon on my stock farm 10 mllt.-t
north of Iloppnor. Surely a bargain,
B, V. Swaggart, Hoppnor, Ore.
Smoke Prldo of Umatilla Clgaro.
Blood Poison
Is the name sometimes given to what
is generally known as the BAD DIS
EASE. It is not confined to dens of
vice or the lower classes. ; The purest
ami best people are sometimes
infected with this awful malady
through handling the clothing,
drinking from the same vessels.
using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with persons
who have contracted it.
It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling in the
groins, a red eruption breaks out on Tan yenrs aK0 x oontraotoa ft bad 0BM
the 'body, sores and ulcers appear of Blood Poison. I wan umior treatment
in the mouth, the throat becomes ofaphyloiauuntillfouiidtnathaoould
ulcerated, the hair, eye brows and g ?""!j' h" tkln
, . ' .1 j i a. a. a, X commenced to improve at once
lashes fall out: the blood becoming d in a vnrv timnaii m
more contaminated, copper colored the dlaease dlkuppeared. ItookalxboU
Splotches and pustular er uptions and nd today am sound and well,
sores appear upon different parts of WftU Morri.town,
the body, and the poison even destroys the bones.
S. S. S. is a vSpecificor this loathsome disease, and cures It even in the
worst forms, It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes
uie uiooa apu penetrates to ail parts of the system.
Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will
ruin you, and bring disgrace and disease upqn
your children, for it can be transmitted from parent
to child. S. S. 8. contains no mercurv or notosh.
but is guaranteed a strictly veiretable compound.
Write for our free )iome treatment book and learn all about Contagious
.Blood poison. If you wan medical advice give us a history of your case,
ana our pnysicians wm xuruisu ail me niiormauon you wish without any
charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, A, ' .