East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 24, 1902, Image 3

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hat Is the Secret?
ow is a successful business built up? The woods
e full of people crying: 'l Have the Cheapest." One
an can sell the cheapest suits; one man has the
eapest waists; another advertises the eheapest
irts, and so on. This Is NOT the Secret. The secret
buildinc up a successful business is to give The Best
d not the cheapest. In every department it is our
r 1
im to give the best value tnat tne money you nave
n "buy. How many people want the cheapest thing
ey can ret in any line? Very few we can give you
e best TAILOR MADE SUIT in the city for $10 and if you
ant better ones the slore is full of them.
..Just Received...
Another large shipment of Kai.Kaiwash silk,
lain and fancy rongee. Uur line ot urena-
is unsurpassed..
lies, don't pass the store without seeing
ander Dept. Store
ian who does not have
furnished by the Domes-
had better stay out of
:ssion. uur work is
appreciated by the best
jecause of its acknowl-
jerior finish, which only
Experience can give.
an, Prop. Pendleton.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small, lots or
You get
What you buy
from us.
Bid Stock of
viih dwelling and barn,
s seven rooms, bath,
wood house, city water,
led on stone foundation.
lots and new cottage,
and house, $i,ooo, part
eonable time on balance,
111 on installments. See
h7 Main Street.
mWi do...
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bros.
1. lv. Ray & Co.,
Buy and aeU
Stoclce, Bonds
and Grain
i p '
for each or on marglM.
Now York Stock Esckaat.
Chicago Stock Excbujce,
Chicago Board of Trade.
rt a)fft, JMklM, Or,
loeing a Specialty.
work guaranteed.
of Umatilla Clfom
Freoch Restaurant
WU lighted. aa Bteaw Boated.
Best 25 centMeafe
Pendleton Lodges Expect to Have a
Special Train From This Place.
Eureka Lodge, No. 32, Independent
Order or O.lt' bellows, met Saturday
night In regular session in their
loi'ge room and appointed a commit
tee of six to arrange for the visit to
Portland on the 2Gth of April, when
the Odd Fellow's homo will bo dedi
cated. This committee is composed
of John Lawery, William Fitzgerald,
Lee Toutsch, Ed Saw tell, John Dun
can and J. W. Maloney. Their busi
ness will be to see how many are go
ing from here and provide means of
transportation for them. The Ore
gon Railroad , & Navigation Company
has offered a rate of one fare for the
round trip if 100 or more tickets
are sold, but if les than 100 go one
and one-thl.'1 rate will hao to le
paid. This committee will get the
names of all that are going and if
they can get 100 or more a special
train will be run to transport them
to Portland and return. It is thought
that it will be no trouble to get that
number and from all Indications,
twice that number will go from
-Integrity Lodge, No. 92, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, will also
act on the matter at their meeting
Wedneiuuj night and it is expected
that they will appoint a committee to
confer with Eurtka Lodge committee
and arrange, for this trip.
In Saturday's edition of the Port
land Telegram the following was said
about the dedication of the home and
annual meeting of the order:
Representatives of the various Odd
Fellow lodges, encampments and Re
bekah lodges of the city met last
evening in the I. O. O. F. Temple,
lor tne purpose or arranging a pro
gram in connection with the dedlca
tion of the home, which will take
place April 26, the 83d anniversary of
the founding of the order. Odd Fel
lows from all parts of the state will
be here on that occasion, as the
grand lodge will assume charge of
the dedicatory exercises, and it is
planned to mae it a red letter day
for Odd Fellowship.
In connection with the dedication
of the home, which will take place
during the forenoon, it Is planned to
have a barbecue or refreshments in
some form, and in the evening there
will be a love feast of Odd Fellows
in some largo hall in the city. The
trustees of the home and the grand
lodge Invited the city lodges to ar
range the program for the day, and
Portland will give the visiting broth
ers and sisters a royal welcome.
The dedication of the home will bo
conducted personally by the grand
lodge officers, all of whom will be in
attendance, and the exercises will be
delayed until 11 o'clock in the morn
ing to await their coming.
Rader said he told many ot them
that this was an erroneous Iden and
that good land wns all taken up and
held at high figures. Ho said that
many of these people were really
surprised, when he told them thoy
would not be able to go out hero any
where, within a few miles of some
good town, nid find a quarter section
of good farm land that they could
homestead and make a living on from
the very start. How those people
got ouch Ideas, Mr. Rader says Is a
mystery to him, but they have them
and it is impossible to convince them
different. There is an old adage that
runs thus: "Experience is a dear
school, but fools will ltam In no
other." They will learn yet.
Could Not Breathe.
Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchi
tis, other throat and lung troubles are
quickly cured by Ono Minute Cough
Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not
a more expectorant, which gives only
temp'orary reliefs It softens and liqui
fies the mucus, draws out the Inflam
mation and removes the cause of the
disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at
once. "Ono Minute Cough Cure will
do all that Is claimed for it," says
Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros
by, Miss. "My wife could not got her
breath and was relieved by the first
dose. It has been a benefit to all my
family.'" Tallmim & Co. and Brock &
Settlers Expect to Find Plenty of
Government Land to Toke Up.
D. O. Rader, uncle of M. A. Rader,
the furniture man, of this city, ar
rived Saturday from Wolcott, Ind.,
and left on the belated train for
Walla Walla, where he goes to visit
a daughter. Mr. Rader landed in
Pendleton just a year ago today and
remained here three weeks, return
ing to his home, but after the visit
here was not satisfied with his old
home and has come back with the
intention of buying a place for him
self and family. He does not yet
know whether he will settle in Ore
gon or Washington. He wants a good
farm that he can get possession of
immediately, and if he finds that, he
will return home and bring his family
this spring. If he buys a place that
he cannot get possession of until fall
he will not move here until then.
iMr. Rader says that on the train
was a large t number of Immigrants
who were looking for homes. One
car was loaded with a colony from
North Dakota who are going to Port
land. They are looking for homes
and many of them are like many
others who are coming to the Pacific
Coast. They had the Idea instilled
In their heads that they could pick
up good farming lands here "for a
song and sing it themselves," Mr.
Last One Was of Low Temperature
for This Season.
The weather of the week ending
Saturday night, the 22d Inst., as re
ported by Volunteer Weather Observ
er William Hilton, was as follows:
Beginning with Sunday, the Iflth. the
maximum temperature was .60; Mon
day, 61; Tuesday, 62; Wednesday,
56; Thursday, 66; Friday, 60; Sat
urday, 56; showing that the average
maximum temperature for the whole
week was 60.1. The minimum tem
perature for the same time was:
Sunday, 34; Monday, 35; Tuesday,
36; Wednesday, 36; Thursday, 36;
Friday, 34; Saturday, 36. Tho aver
age minimum being 35.3. The total
rain fall was .76. Five days out of
the seven were clear and two cloudy.
The wind blew from the northeast
one day, from the west five days and
from the south one.
Told Walla Walla Reporter Scott or!
Fulton Most Likely to be Senator,
tit.. ..... ....i.. 1 1 , . ..
i in my upniiim eiumr mirvey ocoii
or C. W. Fulton will be Oregon's next
representative in the United States
senate." While discussing tho politi
cal situation in Oregon. Judge Steph
en A. Lowell mndo the above state
ment to a reporter for the Walln
Walla Union.
' Tho defeat of Simon leaves poll
tics In rather a chaotic state nt tho
present time," he said, "and hns
placed a number of new men at tho
head of affnlrs. Just who will got
the nomination for governor is a hard
matter to decide and wo will bettor
In.1 w 1. w t , tl-at qiivstloi Af
ter ihe comcntlon. In all there are
about 250 delegates to tho stato con
vention. Multnomah county, with her
67 delegates is practically In control.
"The chances for the gubernator
ial chair aro favorable to William M.
Cake, present county judge of Mult
nomah -county. However, tho carry
ing of his own county, Marion, by
Governor Geer, will greatly aid tho
latter, and If a majority of tho Mult
omah delegation stand for him ho
will no dqubt get tho nomination.
Ono, thing, I think, Is almost certain,
tho republican nominee for governor
will not bo nn eastern Oregon man.
"The political aspect of the stato
is largely a geographical one. What
Portland and the Willamette say
counts for much. Tho people of the
valley do not recognize tho Import
ance of the eastern Oregon counties
as they should. Tho east and south
is still sparsely settled and necessar
ily the residonts are not in touch with
the situations as aro tho Wobfootcrs.
Portland as the business nnd political
center, therefore, exerts moro influ
ence that she is justly etltlcd to."
Disfiguring Humors
Itching, Burning, an Scaly
Eruptions of the Skin and
Scalp with loss of Hair
Complete Rxternal and Inter
nal Treatment by Cuticura
r.M ,"TJie St $j.25
CoasUUngof Cuticuiu Soap (25c.), to cleanse
the akin of crusts and scales and ton tlio
thlcjtouttd cuticle, CUTJCDju (Hutment (80c.),
to Instantly, allay ltclilnir. Irritation, and in.
-BUBilpn,,Aud eooUieaiid lieal.-anrf Cinr
w (que.;, w cool and cicanM
tbo blood. A dingle not Is .oftonjmflLrtent to
W", M.c , Jnoftfi tojturintr, OMflrlngi skin,
ovuip, oiiii uiuuu iiuiuuio, rABiicB, iiciiingo, wnn
Irritations, with loss or hair, wlien tlio lent
phynlcluim and all otlier remedies fall.
Pom Dnio D Cubu. Corp., 6ol Prop., Bottoa.
How lo Cure Kvry Hklotnd Blood llumor,"frt.
A Housewife Passes Along a Bright
It is probable that the average wo
man thinks she knows how to sew on
buttons in the right way, but the
chances are she never heard of the
best way, so this little story Is given
to enlighten her:
"When I get a good idea I always
want to pass It along," said a thrifty
housewife as she was watching a
young girl sewing. "Do your buttons
ever come off?
"Ever? Theye're always doing it.
They are ironed off, washed off and
pulled off until I despair. I seem to
shed buttons at every stop."
"Make use of these two hints, when
you are sewing them on and see if
they make any difference. When
you begin before laying the button on
the cloth, put the thread through so
the knot will be on the right side
That puts it under the button and
keeps it from being Ironed away and
thus beginning the loosening process
Then, before you begin sewing, lay,
a large pin across the buttons bo that
all the threads will go over tho pin.
After you have finished filling the
holea with thread, draw out your pin
and wind the thread round and round
beneath the button. That makes a
compact stem to sustain the possible
lulling and wear of tho button hole.
It Is no exaggeration to Bay that my
buttons never come off, and I'm sure
yours wont if you will follow my me
thod of sewing."
The Vice of Nagging.
CloudB the happiness of the homo,
but a nagging woman often needs
holp. She may bo so norvols nnd run
down in health that trlflos annoy her.
If she I s melancholy, excitable, troubl
ed with Iosb of appetite, hc-dacho,
sleoplessness, constipation or fainting
and dizzy spells, alio necdn Eloctric
Bitters, the most wonderful romody
for ailing women. Thousands of suit
ercrs from female troubles, nervous
troubles, backache and weak kidneys
have used It, and become healthy and
happy. Try it. Only 50c. Tnllman &
Co. guarantee satisfaction.
Can't Keep it Secret
The splendid work of Dr. King's
New Life Pills is dally coming to light
No uch grand remedy for Liver and
Bowel troubles was ever known be
fore. Thousands bless them for cur
ing constipation, sick headache, bll
Uousness, jaundice and indigestion
Try them. 25c at Tallman & Co.'b
drug store .
Mr. Cohen Names Those for the En
suing Year.
President Leon Coheji, of tho Pen
dleton Commercial Association, has
appointed tho following committees
for tho association, the appointments
to bo conferred at tho next meotlng
of the association:
House Committee J. A. Borie,
F. Johnson and C. E. Roosevelt.
City Interests C. J. Smith, W.
Jones nnd J. F. Robinson.
Public Policy R. Alexander, E.
Boyd, and F. W. Vincent.
Roads C. S. Jackson, C. B. Wado
and E. C. Allen.
Library IL C. GuoniBoy, Roy
Conklin nnd E. P. Dodd.
These committees are to hold for
the ensuing year and report anything
now that may come up that needs tho
attention of the association in their
respective lines. Tho first named on
each committee Is tho chairman
Meeting of Democrats.
There will be a meeting ot demo
crats of the four Pendleton precincts
held at the court house, Monday,
March 24, at 7:30 p, m., to nominate
delegates for the county convention.
All democrats are earnestly requested
to ne present.
J. H. RALEY, Chairman.
A. C. HALEY, Secretary,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received up to
noon, March 29th, 1902, for erection
and completion of a one-story cottage
for William Roberts, to be built just
east of county bridge, In East Pen
dleton, 1 miles from court house.
Plans and specifications at Thompson
Hardware Co.'s store,
Breeding Jacks for ale.
I offer for sale two extra fine breed
ing Jacks of fine disposition. 19111
sell oae or both to one party, on easy
tonus for' 'hp ncit thirty days CaU
be seen on my stock farm 10 mllcc
north of Heppner. Surely a bargain.
B, F, Swaggart, Heppner, Ore.
Smoke Pries of Umatilla Clfwnt.
Practically 8tarvlng.
"Aftor using a few bottles of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per
fect and permanent relief from a Be
vere and chronic case of stomach
trouble," says J ,R. Holly, real estate,
Insurance and loan agent, of Macomb,
111. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure Bhe could not cat an ordinary
meal without intense sufforlng. She
is now entirely cured. Several phy
siciana and many remedies had fall
od to give relief." You don't have to
dtet. Eat any good food you want,
but don't overload tho stomach. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure will always dl
gest It for you, Tallman & Co. &
Brock & McComas.
Woodcraft's Willing Workers.
Daphne Clrclo, Women of Wood
craft, will meot tonight. The attend
ance will undoubtedly bo very largo,
as full reports from all sub-commit
tees in connection with the log-roll
lug aro expected. The general exec
utive committee itself will meet in
the offices of Stillman & Plerco this
evening, A special report from the
ball and grounds, committee will bo
made, and a decision reached op that
very important part of the program.
It is desired that there bo a full meet
ing of the committee, as this and
other matters of great Importance
will come up and a full expression of
opinion is desired,
To accommodate those who are
partian to the use of atomizers in ap
plying liquids into the nasal passages
for catarrhal troubles, the proprie
tors prepare Ely's Liquid Cream
Balm." Price, including the spray tube
is 76 cents. Druggists' or by mall.
The liquid embodies the mqdiclnal
properties oi me sona preparation,
Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed by
the membrane and does not dry up
the secretions but changes them to
a natular and healthy character, Ely
Brothers, 56 Warren street, rfew
York. vi
Figures Furnish Was a Big Element
In Portland Fight Possibly . a
Democratic Governor.
Tho Salem Journal, favorable to
doer, says:
"Tho Multnomah republican coun
ty convention, hold todny, will ninlco
political history In Oregon.
"As tho Journal understands tho
situation, Mr. Furnish and his friends
who nre largely administration re
publicans, have carried the light
against a hard fight put up by Mr.
"Mr. Simon is making his own
light through tho regular republican
central committee, of which O. P. If.
IMummcr Is rhnlrnmn.
"Mr. Furnish, nnd his friends havo
carried a majority of the primaries,
and that wns undoubtedly accom
plished by a grout expenditure ot
"If that Is true, they will demand
tho enforcement of the mnjorlty rule
and will force their claims to n solid
delegation for Furnish for governor,
and against Simon for senntor.
"Tho managers of the antl-Slmon
republican faction have picked on
Editor Scott for sonntor In place ot
Simon. Portland will also aak Willis
Dunlwny for state printer.
"Can Portlnnd got Scott for sena
tor nnd Dunlwny for state printer?
Well, hardly.
"It may be that. Corbctt and lllrnch
will have some delegates In the con
vention and may throw thorn to Si
mon; may namo Corbett for governor
and throw tho scnntoruhlp to Simon
or Fulton.
"If Furnish goto the stnto delega
tion Williamson will bo congressman
and Dunlwny stato printer.
"If Geor Is not nominated, Frank
Wiightman will go on tho stnto tick
et for attornoy-gonornl.
"The Journal does not bollcve that
Furnish has clear sailing for tho gov
ernorship, or that ho will got it solid
delegation from Multnomah county.
"Tho situation warrants tho saying
that C.oer and Simon hold cards in
tho game that makes it very uncer
tain who will bo governor or senator.
But tho Portland convention will
clear up tho situation, or inako It
moio uncortnln than ovor.
"If Multnomah does not take deci
sive action ono way or the other, for
Geor or Furnish, tho stato conven
tion will break In two.
"It will bronk In two If It nomi
nates a candidate for sonator to suc
cood Simon.
"Dr. Plummer nnd his county com
mittee will claim to hold the regular
"Out of nil this chaos It In posslblo
to elect a democratic governor. Tho
political tradition of tho state 1ms
boon unbroken thnt no republican
govornor hns succeeded himself."
Therefore he Cannot Run for the
J. II. Robblns, snys tho Baker City
Herald, president of the First hank of
Sumptor. treasurer of tho $3,000,000
Red Boy, Concord consolidated
mines, president of tho $1,000,000
Oregon Monarch company, mayor ot
Similiter, holdor of a $300,000 option
on tho Golconda mine, heavily Inter
ested In Colorado oil lands, and gen
erally a mighty flno man personally,
is In tho city today accompanied by
his wife. Thoy nro qunrtered at tho
Golser Grand, Mr. Robbinu is being
boomod for stato roprcsontatlve on
the democratic ticket, but tho Sumpt
or Miner says that "horo, again, It Is
proven that tho loving, Jealous mis-
trass, mining, brooks no rival in her
warm ardont affections;" that Mr.
Robblns has "been down the road, so
busy landing another big mining deal
that ho hasn't even had time to veto
thoso salary reduction ordinances
much less wasting precious moments
monkeying with a Jim crow Job uh a
democratic member of a republican
legislature that has a United States
senator to elect. If Mr. Robblns
can't be Induced to run, it Is qulto
within tho provlnco of the possible
that Rev. J, R. N. Bell will bo the
man selected to defeat somo good
Ropresontativo Tongue presented
to the prosldont Jefferson MyerB, of
Salem, hla wlfo, Broymau, of Salem,
her daughtor, Mrs. Praol, of Portland
and slater, Mrs. White, of Tillamook
county. As thoy were shaking hands
with the president Mrs. Whlto re
marked that sho and her Bister cross
ed the plains to Oregon In 1854. This
aroused the president's interest and
he reopened the conversation, chat
ting for Borne time with the pioneer,
and expressing his admiration for
tho people who settled the West, and
particularly Oregon.
We may live without poetry, musts
and tart,
We Bqay live without conscience and
live without heart;
We may live without friends, and, ijys
without fads,
But business today cannot 4lJywHlt
out ails, " "
Tas Cowtrjr If sfohaaL