East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 22, 1902, Image 3

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    IOll MlllltlMHMtllMHIHI
hat Is the Secret?
?w is a successful business built up? The woods
6 full of people crying: l Have the Cheapest." One
In can sell the cheapest suits; one man has the
sapest waists; another advertises the eheapest
rts, and so on. This Is NOT the Jecret. 1 he secret
nuldmg up a successful business is to give The Best
; not the cheapest. In every department it is our
ta to give the best value that the money you have
h buy. How many people want the cheapest thing
by can -Pet in any line? Very few we can give you
best TAILOR MADE SUIT in the city for Sio and it you
it better ones the store is full of them.
..Just Received.
iother large shipment of Kai Kai wash silk,
lain and fancy Pongee. Our line of Grena-
lies, don't pass the store without seeing
ander Dept. Store
iwnarT'siB7 wry wrm
in who does not have
rnished by the Domes-
had better stay out of
ision. uur worn is
appreciated by the best
scause of its acknowl-
rior finish, which only
jenence can give.
in, Prop. Pendleton.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on. Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every' day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIQ Stock of
dwelling and barn,
seven rooms, bath,
od house, city water,
on stone foundation.
)ts and new cottage,
id house, i,ooo', part
Inable time on balance,
.on installments. See
17 Main Street.
iShop for
of Plow,
and Carri-
g a Specialty.
brk guaranteed.
IONK afATK'' "
of Umatilla ClfMv.
...Wc do...
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bros.
1. lv. Ray & Co.,
Buy and veil
Stocke, Honda
and Grraln
t or eMk or ob auoguu.
New York 5 tack Ezckaate.
Chlcaga Stack ExckaBfc.
Chicago Board af TraaV
French .Restaurant
WU Lighted and B team Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
Lags, Eastern and
lots," but will havo n float In tho pa
rade ami will bring their brassband.
Mr. Rogers will address a meeting at
Helix tonight in tho interest of tho
Wlelders of the Axe Aro Hearing
Pleasing Reports.
Brass bands, uniformed degree
teams, floats and designs will make
the Wjbodmen parade which is to be
held on April 21 and 22 memorable,
among great demonstrations" of tho
Inland Empire. The Woodmen have,
already secured three brass bauds for
their log-rolling and as .many uniform
ed drill teams. They now freely
prophesy that there will be no polit
ical meeting during the forthcoming
campaign which will equal in brillian
cy and spectacular effect tho mam
moth gathering of choppers and
friends which will gather here.
Reports of Committees,
The general executive committee
met again last night in Stillman-&
Pierce's offices. Reports of the
various committees were carefully
gone over.. The hall and grounds
committee asked for three days more
time iu which to complete their re
port and the same was granted. A
special meeting of the general com
mittee will be held again Monday
evening, when this committee will re
port and flnnl action will bo taken.
The committee on entertainment re
ported that the city had been district
ed and that, assisted by several neigh
bors, would tomorrow commence a
canvas of the entire city, secure every
available room and would ascertain
from all parties the prices for board.
It is the intention of this committee
to be prepared well in advance for
the entertainment of the thousands of
guests who will be present.
The parade committee reported that I
it was actively fulfilling Its part; that
a communication had been addressed
to every merchant in the city, Invit
ing them to place floats in the parade
and requesting that each one dress a
window typical of practical woodcraft
during Woodmen week. Also to dec
orate their stores with bunting.
Reports of Lecturer Williams.
Several letters were read from
Grand Lecturer Williams, who Is tour
lng the camps throughout Eastern Or
egon and Southeastern Washington in
the Interest of the log-rolling. He is
exciting great interest, and his trip
is proving to be the very best adver
tisement. Miss Sumer Returns.
Mrs. Bertha M. Sumner, of the Wo
men of Woodcraft, has returned from
Ukiah, where she instituted a splen
did local branch of that great order.
She was present at the committee
meeting, and stated that the camp
and circle at that place were thor
oughly alive to the great affair; that
.the question of a float from Ukiah
camp would come up at their next
meetln, with every prospect of car
rying. In fact, she felt sure that
Ukiah would be so represented. "It
is," she stated, "a splendid camp,
made of great whole-souled chop
pers, who are not willing to allow
anything to stand in the way of any
movement whjch has promise of good
to Perfected Woodcraft."
Milton Enthusiastic.
General Organizer Rogers visited
Milton camp and circle at a union
meeting on Thursday evening. He re
ports finding more enthusiasm there
to the square Inch than he ever
dreamed were possible. He was met
at the depot by a carriage and taken
up to the hall, where a splendid pro
gram was rendered and which was
followed by a sumptlous banquet.
The Milton brass band in full uniform
rendered concert music for the occa
slon. Mr. Rogers stated that Milton
is not only coming "In wholesale
Insane Colored Man From Pendleton
Grows Violent.
Henry Shorter, tho colored boot
black, who was adjudged insane and
sent to tho asylum from this county
in December of last year, has been
discharged as cured and returned to
Pendleton, where he has again taken
up his old trade. Shorter said that
James Washington, the colored man
sent from here last summer, la in a
critical condition with no chances for
recovery. Ho says that ' Washington
has had tho best of treatment that
could be given any man and that in
stead of getting hotter ho has gradu
ally grown worse and is continually
making troublo for tho attendants.
He has got so that ho wants to flght
tho other inmates and one night got
hold of a fellow and nearly choked
him to death before ho could bo con
trolled. Another timojio began fight
ing with an inmate and tho guards
tried to take him away, but in tho
scuffle that ensued he struck his head
against a clothes rack and put out
his lett eye. Since that he 1ms con
tinually been kept In the violent ward
and Shorter says that it will only be
.a question of timo until Washington
will die. For a darkey, Washington
had many warm friends in Pendleton
and they were in hopes that under
tho care of competent physicians he
would regain his reason and roturn
cured, but this is now out of the ques
tion. For a whilo after being sent
to the asylum he wanted to return
and see his friends, but now he Rays
that he docs not want to over see
Pendleton or any one from hero.
New Schools in Cuba.
Since tho American occupation of
Cuba 3,600 new schools have been
opened, and many reforms have been
brought about in their educational
system. Some idea of their work
can be obtained from their exhibit
at the Pan-American exposition, for
which they were awarded five gold
and four silver medals. This is cer
tainly a wonderful record, and ono we
should all be proud of. There is also
a wonderful record behind Hostet-
ter's Stomach Bitters, tho famous
American remedy for indigestion,
dyspepsia, flatulency, billlousness
nervousness and insomnia, u you
are troubled with any of these all
ments we should urge you to try it
It is also a splendid blood purifier
and should bo in every household
Our Private Stamp is on tho nock of
the bottle.
Are Especially Invited to. Write to
Mrs. Pinkliam For Advice Regard
ing Their Health. All Such Letters
Are Strictly Confidential.
School daya aro danger days for Amor lean girls.
Often physical collapso follows , ami it; takes years to rocovor the
lost vitality. Sometimes it is nover recovered.
Perhaps she is not over-careful about keeping her feet dry;
through carelessness hi this respect tho monthly sickness is usually
rendored very sovere.
Thon begin ailments which should bo it moved at oneo, or thoy
will produce constant Rufi'oring. Headache, faintness, slight vertigo,
pains in tho back and loins, irregularity, loss of sleep and appetito, a
tendency to avoid tho society of others aro symptoms all indicating that
woman's arch-enomy is at hand.
This need not bo so if mothors would have a thought for tho physi
cal condition of their daughters, and seo to it that they havo proper
Lyrtia -E. Plnlchain's Vcjrotnfolo Compound has helped many
a young girl over this critical period. With it they have gone through
their trials with courage and safety. "With its proper use thoyoung
girl is safo from tho peculiar dangers of school years and prepared for
earty womanhood.
If there is anything you don't understand writo to Mrs. Pinkliam
at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful.
Voters Rather Slow in Going Through
the Process.
You will have to hurry to avoid the
If you haven't registered It Is timo
you were doing so.
Up to last Saturday night 1825
voters had regisetred at tho court
house and since that timo only 123
have affixed their names to the regis
tration books. This Includes those
sent in from the country precincts on
blanks. The voters of Umatilla conn
ty will have to get a different move
on themselves to this If they all get
to vote at the coming' electlou. Less
than two months remain in which to
register, as tho books close the 15th
day of May 20 days nrlor to the day
of the election which is on the 5th
of June.
North Milton leads all tho precincts
in number registered, the bookH now
having 227 names on them from that
precinct. Next comes North Pondlo
ton with 174. Encampment precinct
has the fewest voters registered, there
being only five names from thoro.
Cottonwood is next with six; Bing
ham Springs next with seven and
Umatilla has only nine.
Soak tho hands thoroughly. On retiring, jil
a hot lather, of- Cutiouba Soap, the most
effective skin purifylnK soap, as well as purest
and awootest for toilet, bath, and nurfcery.
Dry, anoint freely with Cuticuka Ointment,
tno ureat sic'.n euro anu purtvi. ciuuiucmo.
Wcarolilelovea during nltfht. For 6ore hands,
Jtchine, Cumins; palms and painful huper
ends, this one ntflltt treatment Js wonderful.
Sold throushoot the world. I'nTTiB p. avd f.CoFr.,
Prop., ttottoa. " Uow to lia Peautlta llJintlt." free.
In J its 'Stages thsro
thoald be cleanliness
Elf Creaiii Bnlw
cleanses, soothes iyil licsls
the diseased tncmur.iue.
1 1 cares catarrh and drU es
away a cold in .the head
Cream Balm Is placed Into ihe nostrils j spreads
oyer tho membrane and' is absorbed, lie) lei Is im
mediate sad a euro follows. It la cot drying dots
sot produce snoezlng. targe Site, 60 ants at Drug,
gists or by mall Trial Bias, 10 ceU by soaU.
SLY WOTUXSa, M Warns 8tnet, New York. .
Children?' Party Given on Friday
A pleasant surprise party was glv
en Friday evening In honor of MJbb
Jessie Andra Rust, at her home on
Ann street. The Burprisers met at the
home of Miss Flora Sheek and from
hero they went to the home of Miss
Itust. Games ' -and. other kinds of
amusements were Indulged in by the
guests, and dainty refreshments wore
served. Prizes were given, tho flrBt
being won by Eva Hult and tho booby
by Nat Kimball. Those present
were: Flora Sheek, Eva Hult, Una
Smith, Lotta Livennore, Myrtle Dun
nington, Mabel Cameron, Nora John
son. Ruth Gibson. Vivian Bailey, Bes
sie Rush. Hazel Sheek, Jessie "Rust,
Roy Ferguson, Roy Morris, Edgar
Smith, Lyndon Garretson, biiermnn
Kunkel, Na Kimball Hob Uruunr.n.
Rob Jones. Bert Campuull Oswold
Glerllsh, Geo. Arnspigor, Ralph Bol
lerman, LJnden Vincent.
f .
Breeding Jacks for Sale.
I offer for sale two extra flno breed
ing Jacks of fino disposition, Will
sell ono or both to onp party, on easy
terms for next thirty days Cp i
be Been on my stock farm 10 mliur.
north of Heppner, Surely a bargain.
B. F. Swaggart, Heppner, Ore,
Smoke -Pendleton. Boquet Clflr.
How Miss Wilson and Her Sister Were Cured.
' Deah Mns. Pinkiiam: Your Vogetalilo Compound 1ms dono myself and
sister so much good that if I can possibly help sonio suiroror by sciidimr.vou
a testimonial for publication I fool as though I ought to do so. For several
years I suffered with painful menstruation. Tho pain would sometimes
begin ten to twelve hours boforo menses appeared, and sometimes not until
that length of time after, and for u day or two I would bo weak and exhausted.
I tried many doctors and other remedies and had about given up hones of
bcinir any better, but thought I would give Liydia J3. Piiikiinin'N vege
table Compound a trial.
" I have taken six bottles and am so much bettor I can hardly bellovo I
am tho same .person. My sister is also much pleased with your medicine."
Mauel E. Wilson, Attica, Ind. (Oct. 13, 1000.)
Owing to ilie fact that tome skeptical peopla
have (rom lime to lime questioned therenuint-
neu oi ma ieannioiii.il jenera we are coiuianur
be paid to any person who will show that the above testimonials aie nol
rmblUhlnn we have denoaltedwlth the Nations
City Hank, tt Lynn, Alias., $!,oao, which will
genuine, or nsr publiahed before obtaining the wiltera' ipecUI permit
slon. Lydla K. Pinkliam Mmlloliiu Company, Ljriin, Muss.
Serious Issues Confront Weston
School District Voters.
Weston. March 22. The people of
Weston school district aro In some
what of a tangle, and war and tho
rumors thereof are making tho atmos
phere blue, All of this winter of dis
content is about a stono wall that
som.9 of tho yeoplo wajit built in front
bf tho Bchool grounds.
in thn latter nart of January a
school meeting was called and tho
uueBtlon of building a wall on tho
east side of tho school groundB waB
submitted to tho neople, A resolution
was passed authorizing a tax af 8V&
mills to cover tho exponso of tho
school for tho ensuing year, and to
build a stone wall and make other
repairs and directing tho trustees to
advertise for bids for a stono wall.
The trustees, acting on theso diree
tions. proccoded to ralso tho funds
authorized and to advortlso for tho
bids; but when these bidH came in
ono of them was for a brick instead
of a stono wall, and this bid bolng
some $60 less than tho ones hanuoa
In for tho stone work, tho trustees did
not Ilka to assume tho responsibility
of letting tho contract without fur.
thor directions.
Yesterday another Bchool meeting
was held and by tho way ono of tho
liveliest school meetings that Weston
has Been for many a day and bo
mucji of tho former resolution was
considered aa referred to tho kind of
wall that was to bo built bo that It
should ho brick instead of stono; but
tho resolution did not montlon how
this wall was to bo hum, aa it was
silent about funds.
So tho trustees aro ordored to build
a brick wall, while the funds on hand
wore ralsod to build a stono wall. Just
what tho outcome will bo Is not easy
to dotormlno at tho prcsont writing.
Tho Farmers' Bank of Weston, is in
tho hands of painters tills week, tho
whole Interior Is to bo gono over, tho
improvement will, add much to the ap
pearance of tho building.
Tnylor & Jarman, of tho Fair Storo,
aro moving their stock of goodB to
their now quarters, In tho I. 10. Sail
ing building. '
A Clinical Preparation That Positive
ly Kills the Dandruff Germ.
A moBt Important dlacovory has
boon mado aftor a year's patient lab
oratory work aimed In a certain direc
tion It Ib Nowbro's Horplclde,
preparation that cures baldnoss, pre
vents falling hair, and apocdlly and
permanently eradicates dandruff.
These ovlls aro caused by a gorm or
paraslto that burrows Into tho scalp
throwing up dandruff, ns it seeks to
sap tho lifo of tho hair at tho root
Tlioro'H no baldnesB without falling or
thin hair, no thin hair without dan
druff, and no dandruff if tho gorm la
destroyed, Nowhros Horplcluo is
tho only preparation that will do tho
work. "Destroy tho. causo you re-
movo tho offect."
Lockjaw From Cobwebs.
Cobwebs put on n cut lately gave a
woman lockjaw. Millions know that
the best thing to put on a cut la Buck-
Ion's Arnica Salvo, tho Infalllblo heal
er of wounds, ulcerB, sores, skin erup-
tions, burns, scalds and piles. It cure
or no pay. Only 25c at Tallman &
Smoke Prldo of Umatilla Cigar ,