East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1902, Image 8

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    Pig!(a BRSEBRLL
FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1902
Children's, Misses' and
Outlook Is Good for the Season, Say
the Men In Command.
The baseball season Is drawing
Thursday nftcrnoon John I Sharp-
they will welcome you in the after-i
. . 1
noon, or a you cannot spare n wuum
or a half day from, your other duties,
an hour's work will he acceptably re
If you can get to the ground you
are requested to bring along a ham
mer. The baseball association has
adopted the plan of having vhnMhcy
term a "fencing bee." tomorrow, for
the purpose of fencing the ball
grounds. TJJie iiosts will bo set, hoards
Was a Settler of Oregon In 1880 Fu
neral Tomorrow.
Thnmns McFarland. a pioneer, of
and nails will be on the ground and (.Oregon, passed Into the great beyond
Tiiursuay atternoor uonn i aw friend .to the ball club "0 hls S0Ili w
stein manager of the Wa la alla f hourg Ume w, 0 n,s JLa
baseball club, and G. C. Osborn man- ' , stringers and f v, , p rlM
We have on our bargain
counter now a few broken
lines of Children's, Miss-
. es' and Ladies' Shoes,
which we offer you at
prices that will surprise
you. The prices are low,
but the goods are of the
best quality. You will
get the cut price on these
Shoes whether you ask
for it or not,
Bncccctors to Clearer Brother.
ncer of the Athena team, better
known as the "Yellow Kids," were in
Pendleton conferring with Leon
! Cohen, mannger of the Pendleton
Baseball Association, and arrange
i ments were made for future games.
An agreement was also entered into j
between them that neither team wasi
to try to get a player that was en- j'
j gaged with the other teams.- These j
and other baseball matters that are .
it is desired that every baseball en-jat 12 0'cock ast night, nt the home
t Mcr nnanu, who
ALanle street.
help to nail on the stringers and ir McFarland was G8 years. 2
boards. By doing this you will save ( montns ami 20 days of age, and had
the association from having to pay I ,JCGU nn nvnlid for the past four
out its cash for the work and what is ' years. When he was 15 years of age
saved in this way will he used to fur- j j,0 contvacted fever and from the ef
tlier the Interests of tho ball games ; fepts of tne fever a sore gathered on
of the season.
not yet to be made public, were
Managers Sharpstein and Osborn
are jubilant over the prospects for
the season's bnll playing ffnd express
ed themselves that the outlook for
bettor work and more enthusiasm on
the diamond this year than ever be
fore in the history of playing in this
The only drawback to the arrange
ments so far is that the games cut .
too far apart to suit -Fenuie.:n a
Cornelius Isaacs, of Helix, is in
his leg which has bothered hime more
or less all his life and this was partly
to blame for his taking away.
M.r. McFarland was born In Culpep
per county, Virginia, December -o,
.. 1 1 .i.,itnt nlmrph.
1 Jones, of the sown "
Saturday afternoon at -.30 0 ck,
innd the remains will be interred in
j the Olney cemetery.
! Advertising;.
I Wo mny live without poetry, music
and art, , .
We may live without conscience And
live without heart;
We mnv live without frlondB, and live
without fads,
But business today cannot live with
out ads. . ,
' m The Country Morcbant
- For Sale.
Partnership books between John
Seibert and myseir in a tailor shop, in
room formerly occupied by "Wheeler's,
photo studio, also a broken contract,
signed by John Seibert. See
Unknown Vessel Swamped.
:Pnrt Townsond. March 21.-
1 Lot Livermore went to Weston ' age his parents removed to Montgom-
this morning. ' ery county, Indiana. He remained
J. H. Roulstone, of Adams, was in there until he was of age, and married
town vesterdav. ! Miss Amanda Lee In 1S55. There
Dr. "Christie went to Athena on!"" "ved hn It
business this morning. , mo Califor"
, t t mnincd tliere until 1SSS, when thej
Doug Uelts., the sheep man.. Is in , 0regon settling where Pilot Rock is.
town from his Pilot Rock ranch. j Mr am, Mrs McFarland opened the
Wh "W. Glllett returned this morning nrst hotel in that place. . They re-
from a business trip to Portland. ' malned there until 188, when they I
Mjss Bessie Switzler left this morn-, came to Pendleton and again went in
bark Kate Davenport from Honolulu,
nnd when he was 1C years of 1 this morning, reports sighting 18
miles off Flattery an unknown vessel
bottom up.
In Florida and other suitable
waters, bods of sponges are now set
out, and marketable sponges are now
made from small cuttings, juBt ns veg
etables are raised In the same way.
though Manager Sharpstein 'houtdit ing for Portland, where she will visit ; to the hotel and boarding house busl-
. . ... ' - f I. 1 1. MntnliSfl 1tl Vile
Rose Coghlan Sustains the Difficult
Hole as fcveryone fcxpected. are in sicM novv.
The Jules Murray presentation ofi While Pendleton has been back
"Forget Me Not," with Rose Coghlan I ward In getting players booked and
in the character of Stephanie, was I in the field, it is expected that by
greeted by a small auJlence at thf ' Sunday Captain Ziegler will have all
Frazer on Thursday night. But the 1 his men together and will be in shape
email audience wns quite appreciat-! to give them a little practice on the
ive and Indulged ln the usual manl-; diamond and get the boys in trim for
friends. ! ness. which they continued unui ms
Judge Ellis returned this morning j health broke down and they had to
from Portland where he has been sev- abandon the business,
eral davs i To and Jtrs- JIcFnrlan" wore
" ' . , , !born seven children, five girls and
vm. .Harris, one m tne pioneers ui i . . a o , ,,,, MrK F. w.
Suhr. lives in Hazelwood, Iowa; one,
book more games than the ones Uir.f, , . , . . Mrs. G. J. Palmer, in Ritzville, wasp., ,
' -mrs. Li. a. Jiuarain arriveu inurs- Arr T.u-(c Mnrrnv In Port and: C.
day evening from Weston and is vis-1 'K McFarland, is Irrlhe Seven Devils
itlng her daughter, Mrs. B. B. Hall. Pnnntrv. aml three of the children.
that he "could not agree to piay often
cr and so fnr only the three towns'
learns have come together a
of arranging games. Howevj". l: is
to be hoped that La Grande and Baker
oity teams win enter in w ;i vu ; th, country ls in town from his
otner towns ana mae u i,j..ie i''hnm(1 P1Ior Rook
San Francisco leads the American
cities in the matter of telephones,
there being nn instrument to every
16 persons. Greater New York has
one to every 48 persons.
Says thumbs :dW
umwua uu WHen 11
nnti cntipnc r..
uiai vriucn sells at
Evcrj'thihg that has
.jiwuS at iuti price. ii
exquisite flavor all it,,
that imitators cannotlj,
bStTrv It Once.
Owl Tea Ho
Cheapest place in Oreg.
Pendleton-Ukiah Stafo
Must on & Cnrney, Pnfx,i
Leave rendleton every day att
except Sundny, for Pilot El
r)Jr. Ail. ni.:.i
commoaationB. Keasonable'ini
nrfseencer rates.
City ofBce at Tallman A Oft
the 19th inst., Rev. W. W. Stewart of- f ducted at the home of W. C. McFar-
fi elating.
Mx. and Mrs. J. H. RobDins left
Thursday evennig for their home in !
land, C33 Maple street, by Rev. E. B.
Frank McCandlass, representing : Mrs. J. M. LIghtfoot, Mrs. J. S. Gul-
the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., liford and W. C. McFarland, reside in
is registered at'Hotel TSt. George from j Pendleton. These, besides the wife
his home in Ellensburg. ', and many friends, are left to mourn
Charles K. Hoover and Miss Henri- the loss of a dear father, husband
-testation of approval of good acting the game that is to be pulled off hereietta Sapp, both residents of Milton, and friend.
by giving several curtain calls. It the 27th inst., between Whitman Col-1 were united in marriace in that city The funeral services will he con-
was a-distinguished honor for a Pen- ', lege and the locals. This is to be
dleton audience to pay, for Pendleton ; the opening game for Pendleton and
audiences seldom move out from a will give Captain Ziegler a chance to
lethargic listening attitude even when . see what his men are made of. After
artlstB of note come here
It needs no statement here that go to Athena and play the "Kids" the
I1bs Coghlan acted well. She always 28th and 29th.
does that, and for many years hasj Other games that are booked for
been recognized as one of the stars Pendlet m are:
of the American stage. She made Pendleton vs. Athena, bt the latlf
famous the part of "Lady Teazle" in ' place, on Easter Sunday, .1 ?Uth.
Sheridan's celebrated dramatic socl-i A return game will be p!4."l hero
ety study. "School for Scandal," a J between the same teams bi.-t-r. the
part demanding art of the highest . 7th and 12th of April.
playing her the 27th, Whitaan will , Sum ter after spending several days
quality, as Stephanie she was su-.
perb, attaining naturalness of manner
that is the highest expression of art
in acting.
The piece was somewhat emascu
lated, certain effective portions being
elnniuaied, but the presentation was
excellent, considering that a snm'Jcr
company must be carried to smaller
towns than can be maintained in the
larger cities. I
Her support was fairly good. i
here with Mrs. Robbins' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D.' Hansford, and other
A. J. Berry and wife, w"ho spent J
several 'years in the West and left
here last fall for their old home in
Ohio with the intention of remaining, ,
have returned and are going to make
their home henceforth In Oregon.
Word comes from Matt Taylor, wh(
aas oeen in I'oruanu several weens
Pendleton will again cri'3 bnls
with the "Kids" in Athena on April
" Walla Waila will play here April j under tlfe care of physicians, for the
20th. i stroke of paralysis he had here sev-
Athena are here again the 27th. j eral months ago, that he is getting i
Pendleton at Walla Walla May 4th along all right and expects to return '
home soon.
Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Walla Walla, i
was in Pendleton Thursday. He was j
called to consult with sveral of the ',
and 5th.
Athena here May 18.
Walla Walla here May 23.
Athena here June 1st.
This is as far as games have been local ,,hvslcians in retard tn the 15-
, " arranged and for the future or be-1 Vpnr-old " snn nf Mr nmi Airs a '
Theodore Roosevelt is the fifth tween times nothinc definite is I u ? , Ru I '
president who has held membership ' n. ' However effort will ft The bovTin Vs LusTon'
in the Phi Kappa fraternity, the ; ma(le t0 get game's with other teams '""JT.
Aaams, whlch will give Pendleton moreilecteil ,n the and an operatioil
Kaiucb u.uu u.e uucs uuw ou me will be necessary for his relief.
others being John Quincy
Pierce, Garfield and Arthur.
For a First-Class article in
Office and
Typew iter
La Grande Talks Ball.
W. H. Hawley, who last year was
one of the pitchers of the Spokane
team, in the Northwest league, is in
town en route home from La Grande.
Mr. Hawley stated that La Granders
are enthusiastic over baseball for
this season, and propose to place in
the field a good lot of players. Ar
rangements are not yet completed,
but the people there seem to think
that they need some good ball in their
1902 business.
I ft
Will Have a Nail Driving Bee To
row at the Grounds.
Can you drive a nail?
I If so, the members of the Pendleton
Baseball Association would like to see
you at the baseball grounds, in the
western part of town, tomorrow
morning at" as early an hour as It lf
I hs.bh- for you to get th : e. If ym
, cannot be on hand in tho forenoon.
Mrs. S. M. Zerung, who has spent
the winter in this city keeping house
for her son, W. M. Zerung, stenog
rapher In the O. R. & N. roadmaster's
office, left Thursday evening for her
home in Missouri. Her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. J. H. Zerung, of Portland,
met her and will visit at her old home
in Missouri. The latter will return
in the spring, but the former will re
main away until fall.
The Rev. William R Powell, of
Portland, Is expected on this after
noon's train and will preach at the
evening service at the Church of the
Redeemer. He will be the guest of
the rector of this parish over night,
going on to Baker City to hold serv
ices on Palm Sunday and Easter day.
Mr. Powell has been connected with
the church In the diocese of Oregon
for many years, and is a man of
scholarly attainments.
A $10.00 SHOE
If not properly fitted is not worth 30c.
As it not only injures the feet, but does pot wear.
Our Shoes at $3 and $3.50
Are worth double the price in actual value because
they fit and consequently give excellent service.
The Pendleton Shoe Company
Nice ones either
$3.50 and $4
-We will serve a-
at Our Store, Tomorrow, Saturn
March 22, from 12 to 4 p. m.
We kindly invite one and all to come and partake
of these refreshments with us.
Yours Truly,
A Fine Patent
Enameled Calf Skin
$5.00 .
You will noed them with those
New Easter Clothes,
Peoples Warehouse
Notice la hercbj given that a primary
election for the purpose of electing dele
gates to tbe democratic county convention
of Umatilla county to bo held at the court
house of said county on the 20th day of
March luOli, and that ouch primary elec
tion shall be held In tbe various precincts
of the county on Tuesday, March 25, at the
various ironing places, ana at the hour of
On ThU ligature lion every box of tbe gwaiaa
(O srSL Laxative Bromo-QiiiaMeraiur
Reserved Seats on Sale.
Leonora Jackson appears at Fra
zer's Wednesday night, March 2Gth.
She conies with a world wide reputa
tion as a violin player and those with
her have a national reputation as
musicians. Reserved seats will be on
sale at Frazler's book store beginning
Saturday morning, March 22. The gal
lery Is reserved for students of the
Pendleton public schools and the Pen
dleton Academy, at special rates. The
appearance of the Leonora Jackson
mm nnnv In PAnrllnit tn -i
ctuui. ui uiu Beuaon. me ramc or' '
' o clock p. m. in all precincts except the
precincts of Pendleton, East Pendleton.
North Pendleton nnd South Pendleton and
that In each of tbe said Pendleton nre-
and remain open until 0 d. m.. thJ
eral polling places in for bucu primary
North Pendleton precinct, corner of Wa
Styles that Bear
The Stamp of Fashion. That is the sort
of Hats that make up our line. You will
find no better styles, no better materials,
no better workmanship, no better prices
than we offer you. Our reputation is the
result of Sixteen Years" in this one line and
we are proud of our reputation for Jionest
uiss jacKson has transcended two
continents, and critics everywhere ac
cord her a high place among the
virtuosi of the world. The tenor,
Harry J. Fellows, and William Bauer,
concert pianist, are an able sunnnrt
for'so eminent an artist
Notice to Water Consumer.
All water consumers are hnrnhv
notified to clean their water meters
so that they may be easily read.
Clerk Pondleton Watojr Works.
Nearly 4.000.000 acma nf lami ora ir
rigated by farmorg In Colorado.
Eat Pendleton precinct at the court house
In rcudlcton nreclnct, on north ilde oj ,
ebb, be.
Mutimi ion precinct u delegate; In Northmen.
' ,njre'net ,elSte.Md fn South PeodletoS 7
delegate, to ald convenUon, and at mch 4 lection
U.e foUowinjr person, who are legal vote and
houMboMen In each of aald precincu hereinafter
e!ecDtTone en .elected a. Ju'dgea of Id?rim
MKun?.n,,Ietou-'E:M-L,on: 8 crt'i;
Jw.V l'end,eton-J' BarnlMrt; Will' Moore;
ariSrj'ohna,!dlto"U ' B,teak"rl'eo,on' "w.
DaUd thla fitii day of March, 1902
BtcreUry Petnucratlc CeutraLConnt Committee.
Wc are
Seeing is believing
Main and Webb Streets Pendleton, Or?
d-ee s U. S. Hoc Remedv for Rwin rilaeue. In,e
gtock . Food for horses and cattle. Einseed Oil Meal for youij
Kow Kure for Milch cows. Poultrv f00d and tonics, many'
Hay. Qrain and Pmmd.
i7 nd lag East Alia Stret. - PwdWc