FRIDAY, MiAJtCH 21, 1902 SEEDS! A II Kinds of Seeds, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broome Qrass, Blue Qrass and White Clover. Orders for any kind of Seed Solicited TAYLOR, THE HARDWARE MAN. Who Sells Field hence in all heights, as well as every variety of HARD WARE, Barbed Wire, &c WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W, C. MINNIS- SELLS BOTH. Kemerer Coal. First Class Wood Orders Promptly Filled. Telephone, Bed 401, or call on W. C. MINNT6, Office Main Street, Just opposite Hans ford & Thompson's hardware store. LaFontaine & Garrison Proprietors Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Cavalry Horses for Sale. BEST OF CARE TAKEN OF TEAMS OVER NIGHT GIVE US A CALL. SEALS! Notary and Corporations $3.50 to $5 Delivered Order of us and save money. Orders for Rubber Stamps also solicited. EAST OREGON! AN PUB. CO BEST FOR THE BOWELS M Ton haten't a rtcuUr, h.tlthr tnoTemcnt of Uu boweli etrj- Uy, jou're III or will be. Kwp toiu fcoweU opn. uil lx well, l orce.ln tbe iliapeuf io lntphrioor dMiReroiu. Tbs imooltv Mt.culeit. no4t perfect y ot kteplng ihe boU CANDY CATHARTIC EAT EM LIKE CANDY rUaMnt, I'oUtable. J'otent. Tule Good, Do Good rar Sicken, Weaken, or Uiipe, 10, , and M centi per box. Wrlie lor iree aajnpe, aud booklet on I P.. I .M. AUUIN. SdO I muiM must cMrixr, chicico r anr xeu. I MODERN DWELLING. Six noom llonne StiltnMe For Either Town or Country to Cost $2,St0. Copyright, by C. H. Venn. U West Twenty-fourth street. .ew lork. This house Is designed for erectloD on a plot of ground having a frontage of twenty-live feet nud Is adapted for either city or suburbs. ; The hall Is reached by a side porch, i The parlor has three windows and a corner fireplace. The dining room Is back of this apartment nnd is sepa rated from It by folding doors. Two large windows and a cheery looking fireplace make the dining room a very desirable apartment. A passage under the stairs connects it with the kitchen. rno.vr ELETATIO.V. which Is provided with a dresser, sink, etc The cellar can be entered from either yard or kitchen. A porch and stair lead from the kitchen to the yard. The hall In the second floor Is lighted by a window at the head of the stairs. ( There are two rooms on this floor, one large and the other small, connected with each other. In the rear of the ' back chamber is the bathroom, with I open plumbing. I The foundation is built of hard burn- ed brick walls laid in cement mortar. FIRST FLOOR FLA5. lit III KITCHW i mil : fJ oinint Koon I POKCHI 1 twelve Inches thick up to the grade line J ing turns at projecting these rings at and eight inches from grade line to sill, I a doorknob or some other prominent with concrete footings twelve Inches ' object, litringiug several of them upon thick. The cellar should have a Ihree - it before they melt nway nnd dlsap Inch thick concrete bottom. ' pear. If two of the rings should The frame Is of well seasoned spruce ' knock together in the air, they would or uemiock, sheathed with seven eighths inch thick surface hemlock boards, well nailed to every bearing and covered with building paper and No. 1 white pine clapboards. The bay should be covered with sixteen inch CHAMBER Cm Fl Chamber ii-Vxiw I IT BArAoflMinll EE j 5-ox9" U 11 in white plue shingles laid six Inches lo the weather. Hoof to he shingled the same as hay. The Interior of the house Is of white ,nt valIs-shotil(l be papered, tnrlr,r walls velk Taint the exterior walls yellow, with white trims, and the sashes red. The roof and the bay window walls should be sienna stained. Dimensions. Front, 1" feet; side, 40 feet. Height of Doors: Cellar. 0 feet (i Inches; first, 9 feet 6 Inches; second, t) feet Cost to build. $2,500. 3r Little GHOST RINGS. A Simple Trick Thnt la Effective nnd Ennilr Performed. Here is a trick that is a very effective one :.o use at a party, and, although It appear? very strange to the spectators when well ierformedt still it is most simple: Take a pasteboard hutbox und cut a circular hole four or five inches in diameter In they center of the cover. Get two pads of yotting paper, each composed of six or eight pieces. Place the box on a table facing the company and tell tliem that you are about to make some ghosts for them one for each. Take the pad of blotting paper Into Rnother room and then pour on one a HAP THE BOX SHAJinT OS BOTH SIDES. small quantity of muriatic acid and on the other a similar quantity of aqua ammonia, both of which you can get very cheaply at nny drugstore. Be very careful to keep the two pads from touching each other. Carry them into luc l"UUJ "u" 1,111 KW lue UUi oue on top of the other, clapping on the j coyer of the box at once The box will immediately become filled with a thick white cloud Now turn the box over so that the hole in the coyer Is pointed directly at ! one of the party. Tap the box sharply j uu uuiu niufs ui luh jjs uinn with j -our uiinds, and a ghostly white ring will come out of the hole and float di rectly at the person in front of it. By shifting the position of the box and aiming the hole at different ones you i can send one of these rings nt each person in the room. They will be greatly surprised and will dodge and try to get out of the way, as a general rule. ! By renewing the Bupply of chemicals 1 on the pads of blotting paper you can afterward amuse the company by tak- bend and straighten out again without losing their form, Just as nn elastic body of more solid material. New York Herald. TraTla of is Ioeberr From the regions around the north 1 and south poles there are perpetually j starting on Journeys, which may be 1 long or short according to the currents ! of the ocean, a great number of lce j bergs. Many of these Ice hills are of j large size nnd wander far before they ; tropical seas into which they have been carried. Bergs setting out from Baffin . bay, up Greenland way, have traveled 1 as far as the Azores before vanishing forever that Is to say, some 2,500 miles or even more. Sometimes they nre n source of serious danger to the grey , hounds of the Atlantic and other ves- 1 isels because they cross tne track of many of these Bteamers. It is no Joke t to run into a berg at dead of night, and 1 close wntch has constantly to be kept ' , at certain seasons. Bergs setting out I from near the south polo have occa jslonally reached close to the cape of j Good Hope ere disappearing, a Journey aimo3t as loug as that undertaken by some of their northern relatives. The thread on the cocoon of the silk. , worm Is not wound around and around, 1 as might be supposed, but irregularly ( here and there as the worm moved his neaa 10 ana rro within his self made house. Many Tarda of thread mv SHEER MATERIALS. Thrne Are the ulc For Honif and F.vcnlnc doira". Tucks, cordtngs and gaugings arc so rial of the evening gown l"""1 ,p,ron evening gowns that .Un is! Tl,e waist l,as poi s nce it is oniy uiu limp, soft fabrics which admit of this Bjs0 finished with these same lny ruf treatment. The silk and wool crape fles. The skirt is plain around ti c ihlps. comes under this description and is Unt lower down it Is trimmed 1th two ticscni'iiiiH ,ij Eollenne is soft, nr quite inexpensive. tlstlc and, like all the rrape goods, dyed HOUSE GOWN. In soft pastel tones. Lace Is the chief trimming employed on house nnd een ing gowns, but tucks and silk strap plugs are general. All semitransparent or clear mate rials are made quite distinct from the skirt or foundation, and in place of the darts on the hips there are grpup of lucks. This same finish is employed at the back. Monsseline brilllaute, which Is one of , . , V. i i?'. " gl Dlng,S"r:! iitce uuu (June lueui iwr 1 uuul-b, inns ; or trimmings, but it is not sufficiently soft and limp for draperies or gowns. I Is shown in the sketch. It is mad, of j ,nf flrc ""h'ng soothing and eneour ' soft Persian silk and dotted mull. ag'ng' tM conducive to reverie j The waist has a Louis XV. enVct, aud "wseQuently to meditation and I which is also carried out in the form of ! rf w 0Iueu " business "'e are be ll long panel reaching to the bottom of I to realize this fact, nud some the Rk-irt in Hip hnek. Tip rIppvpr rwieh ouly to the elbow, where they termi nate in two nnrrow cuffs and a fall of rich lace. The dress is made in one plece veB tbe effect of a full mull uderrobe wJth n Louis xv. npPer gnrment belte4 over It Tne beU , composed or two narrow velvet rib- bon8. Two pufflc8 of ,ace flnish th bottom of ,be mM UIlderrobe. Jcdic Chollet. EVENING GOWNS. Empire f tylea Drennea AVItb Artificial Berrlea. The empire styles hold their own for evening frocks, which are more beauti ful than ever. It is here thnt wonder ful embroideries, rich laces and rare patterns are seen at their best The daintiest and most Inexpensive little OP SPOTTED NET. empire tea gowns and dinner frocks for quiet occasions can be made out of inexpensive velveteen, with deep laco collar. Tbe crate for white continues. It is nearly always trimmed with black, which is, after all, most becoming near the face. In vivid contrast are the white gowns heavily incrusted with black lace and decorated with flowers and berries of brilliant hue. Berries and their foliage are not only popular on millinery, but I. IIP Rill 111. rown or uincK - - the lace being decorated with trails ind bouquets of bright red berries. White ring spotted not is me mui- rnnics, ami me buuh ,-. I nm iumvi uu -- I bands of ruffling. The dress is made up first over a plain net. then over a Ilk rounuauon. -i. ...... ETIQUETTE. If you disapprove of drinking, do not express your opinion, but turn down your glass. When calling upon one who Is ill, "To Inquire' Is -written across the top of the card. Invitations to balls should be given in the lady's name. They should be sent three weeks before the ball. Always look at the person you are addressing. Never converse on a sub ject you are not familiar with. A married woman's cards should never by nny chance Indicate her bus hand's profession. "Mrs. Judge," "Mrs. Dr.." "Mrs. Senator," 'are Incorrect. It is quite proper for a lady to grant n gentleman's wish lo correspond with him, but if he has not expressed such a wish she is subjecting herself to criti cism to open the correspondence. A woman should not speak of her husband by his Christian name except to his intimate frleuds. It is proper to call him by his title with "the" before It, as the doctor, the generul. etc. It is not necessary or good tnste to thank n man for merely escorting you home. It is presumed that it gives him pleasure to do so, -but it Is courteous to thank him for inviting you to a thea ter, a drive or such entertainment. The PIrturrMcine rirrpliipp. The picturesque open ilres that blaz ed benenth mantels half n century ago are so thoroughly replaced by steam coils and hot air registers thnt the pret ty scene of the family gathered around the grate Is fast fading Into obscurity. The nearest one comes to finding It to day is the gas grate or at best the grate fire built of coal. Although the modern methods of heating the home are su perlatively convenient, in one sense the passing of the open fire is a pity. Noth- ing could be more cheerful, and it Is said to be a great dispeller of that mal ady known as the "blues." A nervous, sensitive person finds a cheerful blaz- 01 Ult-"J "le "Pe" grilles put m- to their rooms, where they may enjoy the effects of the softly flickering flre these winter evenings after a day of nerve racking toll In store, otlice or stu dio. Detroit News-Tribune. The Dangerous Bare Lee Fnd. Bare limbs of children gratify the vanity of mothers, but they send raulti- ! tudes of beautiful children to prema- I ture graves, it would be safer to have ; the arms, feet, hands and legs warmly , npfiKfl In flnnhlr- tlilfkiiPRKCfi nt u-nnl. Trimuedf11 flunncl, with nothing whatever upon the body but an ordinary nightgown, In the autumn. It is especially impor tant to keep tbe extremities of children and infants warm for every second of their existence. Whether a child Is ill or well, when the hands and feet begin to get cold it is nearlng the grave, be cause the blood retreats to the Inner organs, oppresses them, causing pnln ful and dangerous congestion nnd in flammation, which often Induce death in a few hours, as iu croup, diphtheria, quinsy and the like. A young mother should never go to bed until she has noticed that the feet of her sleeping little ones are perfectly warm. To be assured of that is to know that croup Deiore. moruing is Impossible. Family Doctor. Footwear. Few women are sufficiently supplied with footwear. There ought to be boots and shoes for all occasions, but two pairs-one for common wear and the other for best-is tb6 usual supply. Often one pair does duty for all time. If you find it necessary to supply a par ticularly pretty and fine frock for even ing wear, there should be shoes to match. The care you bestow unon them ( will determine their time of usefulness. Frequent polishing, fresh strings once a week or whenever the old ones are shabby, attention to the heels when I they first show signs of uneven wear nna n thorough brushing after each wearing will keep the feet looking tidy and attractive, no matter what the size. A Yaasar Caatom. It is the custom at Vassar for each senior class to furnish a room on tho senior corridor as a class parlor, where seniors can receive guests. Each girl in the class contributes something, ei ther giving money or lending some choice picture or furnishing from her home, and the three under classes make some gift to the senior parlor. The whole charge of furnishing and decorating the parlor is put into tho baads of a class committee, and no one else sees the room until It is formally AfVAHA In a a ' v i HOTEL PETDLETOjH HEATED BY STEAM. LIGHTED BV ELECTRICITY. American Plan, rates 11.25 to flOOldij ! European plan, 0c, 75c, J1.00 Special rate by week or month, Free Bur fleets all Trains. Commercial Trade Sollclm Fine Smple Roomij i Special attention given Country m 11 &1 1 1 OEO. DARVEAU, 9W Rleo-antlv Furnished Steam Heti Block and ball tro 4tf- Siaili! Boom Ib connect Room Rate 50c The Columbia Lodging Hougf NEWLY FUBNIBHS3 BAR IN CONNECT IN CENTER OF BET. AliTA WEBB 8 F.X.SCHEMPP' VANDRANBR0S.T The Best Hotel in Pen and as good as any, ' Headquarters for Traveling , Commodious Sample Roonu. j Rates $2 per da Special rates by week or month. 1 Excellent Cuisine, Every Hodern Convey Bar and Billiard Room in Conntdi Only Three Blocks from Dqi GOLDEN ROLEli Corner Court nnd Johnion Btmu, Pendleton, Oregon, I M. F. KeUy, Proprietor. 1 ... J M