East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1902, Image 3

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mnmtniiiHi ininnini
at Is the Secret f I
;c a ciirrpcc:fjii hiisiness built up? The
n sell the cheapest suns;
one man nas tne
. r , t w a nnTCirricnc i in imii-miii.i
. and so on. This Is NOT the Secret. The secret
1 knrmncc tc tn mvr I hp HeSt
I ninD 1111 1 1 1 i r ii i ii i uuoiubiiij j v -i -
. .1.. i T n iiirn onnrtmpnt it IS OUT
ni ine uucaucaL. "
it.-, i t ..ni. li mnnpv von have
11 i v i : tii Ljwot - -
TT nr1 titnnf tho hpn nPQt tiling
-ri ran uii .iii n inn ruv mr htm i iiu 11 vuu
fVio clnrn ic full nf them
fLdtl1. WllvJ w
...Jtist Received...
. i a i' I v niii iruiuii w w-a.
1IV1 r v-sj
and fancy Pongee.
Our line of Grena-
don't pass the store without seeing
W. H,
causo a warm
region .of the heart.
During these seven
feeling to remain In tne i
day every
nstance of a Family Allured to the , army member will he expected to set
. r. . . n . . nsldo some part of the usual weekly
Coast by Extravagant Promises. ; "n n ,...,-,, tho on
.- S. -4M B tfT T
tin who does not have
rished by the Domes-
lad better stay out of
Sion. Ltir worn is
kppreciated by the best
:ause of ats acknowl-
rior finish, which only
enence can give.
an, Prop. Pendleton.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & eo.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plaDts on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIO 5tock of
Jith dwelling and barn,
i seven rooms, bath,
ood house, city water,
2d on stone foundation.
lots and new cottage,
nd house, $i,ooo, part
mable time on balance.
II on installments. See
fi7 Main Street.
l Shop for
Is of Plow,
and Carri-
tg a Specialty.
hvork guaranteed.
it of Umatilla Cigar.
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Brs.
1. 1. Ray & Co.,
Bar nd Mil
Stoclce, Bondl
eind Grain
tor cub or on mrglni.
New Yark 5tack Exckaaga.!
Chlcage Stock EzckaBga.
Cklcaco Board of Trada.
trt 0)tM( fmm.ltmm., Om,
He Came West to Have an Easier
Time, and Didn't Understand the
Still they come!
What are all the people that are
rushing Into Oregon and Washington
going to do for a living?
Every train from tho East brings
from a dozen to two or three hundred
people from tho East and Middle
States who are coming here, many of
them with the idea In their ncaas
thnt they can walk out hero anywhere
and settle on government land where
they can not only make n living, but
can make money from the start. This
Is a mistaken idea and unfortunately
the poor people coming who spent al
most the last cent they had to get
here, will And it out after it is too
late to do them nny good. Nebraska,
Missouri and Illinois are furnishing
the largest contingent of these home
seekers, although they are coming
from every state east of the Rockiesr
This morning the trains through
Pendleton were crowded with men,
women and children. Most of them
were going to Spokane nnd other
points along the O. IL & N. The tick
ets were purchased to Spokane and
from there they will branch out over
the country.
He Expected Too Much.
Among those looking for a place
where they could take up government
land and settle a large family where
they could make a living easier than
working in the factories of the East,
was a man by the name of w. H. car
ter. In talking to Mr. Carter this
morning he seemed to be a very in
telligent gentleman, but he was lino
the majority of those coming West.
He had been led to believe that a
good quarter section of wheat land
was lying near some town waiting es
pecially for him to settle ins tamny
on it and as soon as that was done
and the soil tilled by the strong arms
of his sons, it would blossom forth
and brhm fruit and grain in plenty
for the rest of their days. Mr. Carter
asked the reporter for the East Ore
gonian where he could got a report
of the board of Immigration and
where he could get information con
cerning the vacant land of this state.
He is a man of perhaps 52 or 63 years
of age, and he said he had put in all
his life at hard work for others and
recently made up his mind that he
had had enough of it, and wantet to
come West, where he could settle ou
a piece of government land and make
a living without working so hard H's
ticket was purchased for Spokane and
he stopped off here to Investigate a
little. This morning he left for Walla
.Wlalla, where he Is going again to
stop and Temain a short fcime and if
he finds nothing he will go on to the
end of his journey. He expressed
himself as being well pleased with
tne aimearance of the country sur-
Tounding Pendleton and said that he
Tesretted that he did not buy hi
ticket for "Portland instead of Spo
Vnnp.. However, he thought that If
he fbnad ndthlng to suit him in Wash
Imrton he would "drift" back this
Some Are Posted.
While all .Qie people coming to the
Pacific Coast have not been misled,
and are not of the class spoken of
aDove, the ;greater majority are. Some
of them have the right Idea of the
country and come with money to buy
land and are going tto settle down to
a life nf raising grain or stock for the
market. This smaller proportion of
the -newcomers are a class that every
Westerner "will welcome with wide
open arms, as there are vast re
sources In rthe Pacific States for the
energetic, thrifty farmer and there Is
plenty of room for all that come.
Some ot them come with money to
brancn out In business of some kind
in town, lauy town property and will
generally help It to build up and
grow, while others come with money
to buv farms, or stock ranches and
will make substantial citizens. They
are seeking larger opportunities and
a place where Ihey can spread out.
For these there Is no better place
than Oregon, and Umatilla county
has room for many. Ten men out of
this class will do more lor the rapid
development of the couatry than 100
of the former class.
Walla Walla March 21. "Papa he
stayed In Seattle. Wo are going back
home. Ho didn't have enough money
to come with us and so he Is going
to stay until lie can make some." A
bright little boy made that answer to
a traveler yesterday on a Northern
Pacific east-bound train.
Tho car was crowded with worn
looking women and children but men
seemed strangely lacking, nnd when
a pitssenger queried a little fellow
with: "Where is your papa, my son?"
the child gave a startling answer.
Filled with a desire to better their
none too enviame 101; ueiuueu in
land agents into the belief that noth
ing but prosperity awaited tho home
seekers in the West; a chance to go
to the country of promise at a cheap
rate, and father, mother, brothers
and sisters sold their little all, bought
tickets to the place of Joy and plenty
and departed to where, they know
oral fund of tho army.
For the Complexion.
TUG Complexion mwnys uuuura irum j
bllllouRnc88 or constipation. Unless
tho bowels are kept open tho Impurl-;
tics from tho tiody appear In th .
form of unsightly eruptions. DoWltt's ,
Llttlo Early Rlsors keep tho liver and
bowelB In healthy condition and re-
L'eutenant Farrow's Plans Likely to
Be Consummated.
Uaker City, March 21. Articles of
Incorporation are filed for the now
Seven Devils road, of which Lieuten
ant Farrow, of New York. Is the pre
lector. The nnmo of the company
move tho causo of such troubles. C. H. the Raker City and Snnke HIvor rn
Met Defeat.
Washington was reached. In the
nhlnr lnc.illtles there was no vacant
land and purchase by them was ut
terly out of the question. In the dis
trlcts thrown open to settlers all the
nvnilnble homesteads were taken. Tho
occupants were like themselves, poor.
There was no work. To the Sound
they drifted, the little stock of money
rapidly dwindling away. There, like
every other place, there was plenty of
work, but laborers were also in abun
dance, and a hand was over ready to
fall in where another dropped out.
Suddenly the father realized that
something must be done. A few dol-
Hooper. Albany, Gn., says: "I took,
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Rlsors for blh
lfousncss. They woro JuBt what I
needed. I am feeling bettor now thnn ,
in years." Never gripe or distress.
Safe, thorough and gentle. Tho very
best pills. Tallman & Co. and Brock
& McComas.
Here Is a Copy of Two Sections of
the Statute Governing the Matter.
The law of Oregon snyH you cannot
kill song birds. If you shoot larks,
you aro a law-breaker. Here is tho
Section 1. Every person who shall,
within the state of Oregon, after tho
passage of this act, for any purpose,
injure, take, kill or destroy, or havo
In .his possession, sell or offer for snle
any yellow-breasted chat, meadow
lark, robbln, song sparrow, lark finch,
variagated thrush, wood thrush, her
mit thrush, Amorican gold finch, blue
bird, snow bird, oriole, lazuli finch,
house and winter wren,- pine linnet,
California linnet, warblers, vlreo,
lars remained, but not enough- to carry i swallow, tanager, gross beaks, king
them all back to the old home in the
East, now grown so dear. Tho wife
and babies started back. With a
brave front he saw them aboard the
train, and with a sigh turned back
to frv the battle alone. He had lost,
but must try again for their sake.
Too Many Promises.
"It may not sound very pleasant,
and perhaps some may say that the
story Is overdrawn," said the traveler
who related tho tale, "but It Is true,
nevertheless, and that story of ono
missruided family and their hopes is
but the story of hundreds of others.
Many a man will not be able to send
his wife and babies back to where
they can be cared for, and destitute,
many a forlorn little group will re
main iu the great West.
"Now the Pacific Coast Is prosper
ous and' happy, but place several
thousand destitute people among
these well-to-do inhabitants and what
will be the effect? Every man can
answer that 'question for himself. A
boomed country is sure to s'uffer a
retrograde movement and in many
Instances It is left worse than at the
"The mistake of the age was made
when railroad rates to the West were
vnt. Quality, not quantity, should be
applied to settlers as with everything
lets, or horned lark, shall bo guilty
of misdemeanor.
Section 3. Every person convicted
of tho violations of any of tho provis
ions of this act shall be punished by
rond. nnd the Incorporators nre WW
Ham Tollman, L. Crablll. John Wat
tennnn. John Schmltz, C. M. Sage, a
L. Miller, P. Uasche, S. A. Hcllncr,
J. Patterson. C. L. Palmer, George
Stodddard, It. D. Carter and Edward
S. Farrow. The capital stock Is plac
ed at $2,500,000.
From authoritative sources it Is
learned that these Incorporators have
been given definite assurances of aid
from powerful sources in the con
struction ot the proposed line. Every
thing points to tho consummation, of
the scheme.
While nothing definite can at this
time bo said as to tho probability of
work commencing at an oarly day, at
I tin same tunc tne puunc may rosi as
sured that a rallwny from Hakor City
to Snake river, to traverse tho won
derfully rich Powder, Pine nnd Eaglo
valleys and to tap the wondrous min
eral resources of tho Pandnndle nnd
Hie Seven Devils, is ono of tho prob
abilities of 1003.
Sumpter-Bourne Road.
Seymour H. Hell, who is promoting
tho Sumnter-nourno electric railway,
which, when completed will bo ono ot
the best paying mining railways In
the northwest, leaves In a few days
for tho East to consumnte pending
negotiations for a formation of a syn
dicate to finance the line. Mr. lloll. In
his usually quiet and unassuming way
n a f i,.EO n,n JR. nnil not has promoted a number of successfn
-?n100, and, In default oMh. XS
mynen': ) "u "VC ooulnned by experience along those
imprisoned In the county jail of tho
county whoro the oitenso wns com
mitted, at the rate of one day for
each dollar of the fine.
Section two names tho same birds
and prohibits taking eggs from their
nests. Said a prominent Pendleton
man today:
"Lrst's have the law enforced nnd
protect the game birds."
Trust Those Who Have Tried.
I suffered from catarrh of tho worst
kind and never hoped for cure, but
Ely's Cream Balm seems to do ovon
thnt. Oscar Ostrom, 4G Warren nve
nuo, Chicago, III.
I suffered from catarrh: It got so
bad I could not work; I used Ely'B
Cream. Balm and am entirely well.-
A. C. Clarke, 311 Shawmut avenue,
Boston, Mass.
Tho Balm does not irritate or causo
sneozlnc. Sold bv driiKKiBts nt CO
cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers,
Warren street, Now York.
lines than any other man in Eastern
Oregon. The people of Sumpter nnd
the mine operators of Cable Cove and
Cracker creek are giving Mr. Bell
every encouragement in the promo
tion of tho Sumpter-nourne line, and
thnt It will be built this year is con
ceded by everyone who understands
how feasible the lino is from every
standpoint, and how Indomitable is
Mr. Bell's pluck and energy.
French- Restaurant
VM1 Lighted &u4 8 team Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
ia tka CHy.
Lags, Sas tern and
. My llttlo Klrl'jf Imlr did not grow. It waa
iuruli and (fry, uml would break olf, and lier
calu was full ot dry diiudi uil Hint i could not
comb out. A place around the back ot her
head was bald, ami on Uie top of lior bead the
faabr vca only two or tliroti Inches long. I
uaed CUTICUUA Boxv and some Cwticura
Ointment, and her hair ua come In thick and
MsoftUDtdlk. Alus.A.UOWSKy, Alfred, O,
Who thiol poo vitb Ci'ticuiu Poir nd light drtM.
lagi with Cnriotd, puiut of imUiol, will clear
tka Mlp aad htir ot cniiU, tcalo, (Ad lUcdruS, lOotU
UriWti Md Itchloj ntftu.
'Practically Starving.
"After using a few bottles of Kodol
"Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per
fect and permanent relief from a se
vere .md chronic case of stomach
trouble," says J .R. Holly, real estate,
Insurance and loan agent, of Macomb,
HI. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure flhe could not eat an ordinary
meal -without Intense suffering. She
3s now entirely cured. Several phy
sicians and many remedies had fall--od
to give relief." You don't have to
diet. Eat any good food you want,
ibut don't overload the stomach. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure will always di
gest It .for you. Tallman & Co. A
Brock & "McComas.
Period Is From April 6 to 13, and
Help Is Asked.
"Make naady for self-denial week!"
'That Is the war ciy and such
word of the Salvation Arnv al die
present time all over the country,
wherever a llttlo band of these faith
ful Christian workers aro located,
"Self Denial Week," or what is the
Lenten season for the followers of
tho red, yellow and blue, will take
place this year, beginning April 6
and last over rtho 13th. Circular let
ters have been issued and sent out
to all the army workers by Frederick
and Emma Booth-Tucker, command
ers of the forces of tho workers in
the United States, reminding them of
the time when they are to deny thorn
selves for tho benefit of humanity,
and raise money for thoir charitable
It is yet early to prepare for this
special seven days of self-denial and
work with the renewed energy for
tho saving of souls and raising money
to provide homes for the unfortunate
poor and feed them until they can
help themselves, but the local Hal-
vatlonlsts are preparing for tlio oc
cRslon and they will soon he out in
force and expect their friends to hel4)
them by donating as much money asj
they feel they can.
When you come across ono of these
uniformed collectors, think of tho
thousands of poor they have helper!
to feed and clothe this winter Give
them a good grip of tho hand and
leave something behind in it that will
Farmers Are More Cheerful Now,
After Moisture Has Fallen.
Walla Wlalla, March 21. Farmers
are looking moro cheerful today, tho
cuiiHti being found In the r.iin which
fell generally over the valloy yester
day afternoon, Tho ground had got
ten very dry, and It was reported that
tho grain was suffering severely in
places, but the heavy shower has re
moved all anxiety, and with a few
days of warm sunBhino tho young
grain will bo standing green and
strong. In some plncos tho ground
was so dry that tho seed laid dormant
and refused to sprout. In vlow of the
fact that much of tho fall grain was
winter killed, tho roluctnnco of the
spring Bowing to conio up and nt once
begin a steady growth, caused somo
discouraging predictions among farmers.
Could Not Breathe.
Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchi
tis, other throat nnd lung troubles are
quickly cured by Ono Mlmite Cough
Cure. Ono Minute Cough Cure is not
a moro oxpectorant, which gives only
temporary relief. It Boftons nnd liqui
fies tho mucus, draws out tho inflam
mation and removes tho causo of the
disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at
onco, "Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure will
do all that 1b claimed for It," says
Justico of tho Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros
by, Miss. "My wlfo could not got her
breath and was relieved by the first
dose. It has been a benefit to all my
family.'" Tallman & Co. and Brock &
Breeding. Jacks for Sale.
I offer for salo two oxtra fino breed
ing Jacks of fino disposition. Will
soil one or both to ono party, on easy
terms for Uu next thirty days Cnti
bo Been on my Btock farm 10 mllet
north of Hoppnor. Surely a bargain.
B. F. Swaggart, Hoppnor, Oro.
Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigar.
A Prominent Endcavorer.
Walla Walla, .March 21. John Wil
lis Baer, secretary of tho United
States societies of tho Society of
Christain Endeavor, arrived In the
city this morning, and Is spending tho
day us tho guest of tho local socie
ties. This evening a reception will
be tendered him at tho First Presby
terian church, This is tho first visit
Haiti, situated in nearlv the same
latitude as Cuba, will soon rival it In j of the head officer to this city.
Its production or nne grades or to-1 ,
bacco. Smoke Pride of Umatilla Clgara.
Por Billon and Nervous Disorder, such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache,
aiddlncss, Fulness and Swelling alter meal. DUzlncss and Drowsiness, Cold Chills,
l-lushlngs of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness oi Breath, Coatl veness, blotches oa the SWn,
Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, Ac, Thm
Fir mi Ommm wHI mlvm HrniM In TwrnMy Mliuitmm. .This Is no fiction. 6 very
sufferer Is earnestly Tnvlied to try one Itox of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged
to be "WORTH A tlUINBA A BOX." HEEQHAM'M HUM. taken as directed, will
Jiulckly restore Penile to complete health. They proaiptly remove any obttructloa or
regularity of the tystcaa. Por a
Wok sumach; Impalrtd Dlgistltn; Dltiriintf Llvir
they act like magic a few doges will work wondera upon the Vital Orguns ( Strengthen
ing the muscular system) restoring tho long-lost Coinplexloni bringing back the keen
edge oi appetite, ana arousing with tne mammmum mr Mmmttm mm awa rVMsif
ot tne numan irauie, 'inese are '-iaci-- aaramsu oy inousanus. inaji
Oearary oi
of society,
and one of the best u
Mmaafimm'm rw mmvm turn fa,
WrnrlUt Full directions with each box,
co ma ' mitt kuiwwih ur mwui.uui, ih mn vww
uarautees to the Kervous and Debilitated ia that
rawaf mmfm mr mmy rmtmmi
Prepared OBly by THOMAS BEECH AM, St, Helens, Baa., wad JJ CaaaJ New Ye.