East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1902, Image 2

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First Display of Our
Spring and Sum
mer Togs
SA Ml ' .iff
(din- i
5 Itlit JUM
Come and inspect the
things; all the late styles
are here in duplicate, but
without the big prices
you'd be asked elsewhere
S 9 9
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers
an J Hatters
1 Disposed of Walla Walla Meat Mar
' ket tp a Local Concern. !
GORMAN FOR DEMO- , p- Walla Walla. March 20. The!
CRATIC CHAIRMAN.! Ban gh trey Mat Company has som
I with -all stock and business to uib
' Proposition to Make the Maryland
Senator Head of the National Or
' ganization.
j Senator Arthur P. Gonnan. of Mary.
J land, for chairman of the national
democintic congressional committee.
and a tnmnaicn 1n which the silver
-n-oiio Wnihi Mftat Company, the con
eitiorntlnn beine $35,000. The busi
ness or the concern, will .be conducted !
as U branch, under 'direct manage '
inent or the old concern. In the (lea. ,
was transferred a tine lot of beef cat-.
tie, Mr. Daughtrey came from. the
Sound a few months ago and win re-
Thc significant feature of the new
development in democratic lines is
that the movement for the selection
of Senator Gorman to lead the con
gressional fight originated with sen
ators fioni t)u silver states and is
supported In it presentatlves and sen
ators from states that have been
' ..c ? 'f.y ' y M: Br : r ' ui
of his silver platforms. Mr. Bryan
has quite recently presented arguH
ments to show why Mr. Gorman
would not he acceptable as a demo
cratic candidate for the presidency,
ad the leadinc democrats in congress
lia-e answered his argument by ask-i
' ing Mr. Gorman to assume the lead
ership and management of the' con
gressional campaign that is a prelim
inary skirmish to the national contest
of ISO
The movement for the selection of
Mr. Gorman as chairman of the con
gressional campaign was started by
question will be ignored, is now theturn XQ looj. nfter extensive buinr?s
urogram oi tne minority m i-uu.m w. ; tmerests there. The Business man-
need bv him here had assumed large ,
- , 1 . , 1 1
proportions ann euipiojuu seit-uu
Was a Pendleton Man.
W. H. Daughtrey mentioned in the
foregoing dispatch was rormely a re
sident of Pendleton, being in the
meat business here with Robert
Adams. He left - this place a Teiv j
years ago for Taconia. whe"? he was ,
employed as a buyer, for the Paitfio!
Meat Company, afterwards going to
Walla Walla, airs. Daughtrey was J
Miss Rauch, of this place.
S 3V0 1
SlOO Dollars Howard. S100.
Tie readers of this paper will be pleaded to
learn thnt there Is at least nue dreadiul disease
that science has been able to cure inall.lu
stages, and that is catawh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is ine oniy pouuve cure now nuuni ic uic .
medical iraternitjr. Catarrh belnp a constito
tional disease require a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,
aptlncr dirpollvon the blood and mucous sur-
Dnbois. of Idaho, who left I aces of the system, thereby destroyine the
FRIDAY. MARCH 21, 1902.
With less than 2nu men idle of the
2t,00 who participated in the sym
pathetic strike in Boston, traffic in
ihe various trades affected by the 1
trouble has, resumed normal eondi-l
Convict Clinton Doton who is
awaiting the sentence of eatb. has
made a remarkable statement to Gov
ernor Toole, of Montana 'n Avhich
Tie declares his innocence of the two
murders with which he is -iharged.
Although the details of the pro
gram for the acquisition of the Danish
West Indies have not been perfected, I
the discussion of the subject by the!
-cabinet has indicated a purpose on !
the part of the president tr. erect a J
provisional government in the islands
at the outset.
among the bushmen iu Australia.
Joseph J. Gill, a son of of the late!
Thomas Gill, a well known Brooklyn
manufacturer, has been heard from
by his family, who have mourned him
as dead. Gill left home in 1SSC, and
in 1S93 his wife, believing him dead,
married again. - -
Messrs. Wolinarens and Wesselj.
the Boer envoys, sailed for Prance on
the steamer La Gascogne Mr. Wo.
marens in tiie course of an .nterview
said: "Since we have been in thia
country it has been said tl at our al
liance with the Irish has hurt our
cause. On the eve of our tvturrit" we I
most aeny tnat statement
The anthracite mluers of Pennsy'i
Tania and "Wast Virginia are on ihn
eve of another great strike, which, H
declared, will throw over l'.O ifOft meu
out of work. The operators and of
ficials of the eoal.carrying roads re
fuse to treat with the officers of tha
union in the matter of arranging a
tax appraisers, ating with the exeo
miners' convention at Shannkin is in
lavor of a strike.
The Pendleton.
A. A. Reardon, Portland.
C. W. Cattani Butler.
George Stenger, Portland.
A. S. Marlow, Chicago.
S. L. Jones, San Francisco.
Miss Rose Coghlan. New York.
C. Edward Innes. San Francisco.
L. B. Mack, Walla Walla.
Charles F. Maxwell, Boston.
T. B. Johnson, city..
G. W. Ashford, Portland.
P. C. Holland, Portland.
Mrs. J. H. Swart, La Grande. -W.
H. Fayle, Portland.
A. Welch. Portland.
R. W. Colson. San Francisco.
George Harris. Portland.
Andrew Xylauder, Portland.
Ed Blackburn. Baiter City.
A. S. Heatfield. Spokane.
Max Stiefel, Chicago.
Thomas J. Smith, Portland.
M. H. Patton. Spokane.
J. H. Kloeckuer, Spokane.
James B. Eddy. Portland.
James Hurley, San Francisco.
The Golden Rule.
Cornelius Isaac, Helix.
T. W. Schenck.
Mrs. E. J. Koltwell, Spokane.
Miss Anna Mickelson, Heppner.
William J. Moore. Spokane. ,
E. H. Burke. Spokane.
Edward B. Duffey.
J. H. Raulstone. Adams.
William Harris, Pilot U i..k.
Mrs. T. Bens, Butteville.
Roe Barton.
Fred Mart,en.
T. J. Birg. Walla .Walla.
D. Belts, PilotRock; -Mrs.
Taylor, .Elgin-
J. M. Berry, Portland
J. R. Schoonover and Av:te.
IV G. Van Vo-:ii
T. J. Gardner, Portland.
the republican party when the na
tional convention of St. Louis In 1S9G
declared for the single gold standard.
It is understood that Senator Rawlins
i of Utah; Senator Culberson, of Texasr
! and Senator Carmack.of Tennessee,
joined with Senator Dubois in the de
j cision to request Mr. Gorman to act
as the chairman of the party's con-
gressional committee. Several con
ferences were held among the demo
j cratic senatocs and representatives
j and a delegation was named to re
quest Mr. Gorman to accept the chair
; manship.
Faulkner the Leader.
Hon. C. J. Faulkner, former United
States senator from West Virginia
foundation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by miuauig up tne consuumon
and assisting nature in doing its Work. The
proprietors nave so much faltb'ln its curative
powers that thev offerOne Hundred Dollars for
anycase that it fails to cure. Send for list ol
testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY i- CO., Toledo, onio:
Bold bv Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Famiiv Pills are the best.
Walla Man Admits He's an I
Habitual Drunkard. ' j
Walla Walla, March 21.-i-William
Oswald by Judge Brents of the super
ior court was yesterday declared an
habitual drunkard and all persons in
Walla Walla county are forbade to
Drop in and see them when on the way fo
the post office. We will show them to you
quickly. Bettermade than merchant tailored.
Foot form Maior."
Widths A and B.
. 255 pairs more Douglas to a day or tiro
In this lina we have exceptional!
ings oT unsurpassed variety of
and material. The workmansE
the best and all guaranteed.
give "or sell him intoxicants under
who had been a party to the confer-1 penalty of the law. His name has
ences. ieaded . the delegation that been ordered nlaced unon the hnbitu-
called upon Senator Gorman at the al drunkard's list posted in every sa
' Arlington. There was a. long confer-1 looon and drug store in the county,
ence upon the proposition, and the! Oswald annenred in nnlire omirt
democrats interested, while not se- several days ago charged with hav-!
j curing a definite promise from Mr. j ing beeD drunk and disorderly. He Timotnv
j uurmau. if ei comment, mat ue wm
s consent to assume the leadership for
rf $coetleS Exceptional
. ue price xry a
Boston Stoi
the coming contest. Maryland is at
present without a representative on
the democratic congressional com-
I mittee, and Mr. Gorman will be se
' lected to fill that nosition.
Mr. Gorman stated this afternoon '
that he had been requested by a num- (
her ot democrats to allow his name to
was fined in the sum of S2a nnd na '
roled for a period of six months. Seeds
rearing mat ne couiu not Keep irom i
drink he yesterday appeared before '
the superior court and had himself,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received up to
be used in the election of a chairman , noon, March 2Sth, 1802, for erection
of the congressional committee, and
had taken the matter under advise-
and completion of a one-story cottage
for William Roberts, to be built Just
Get On Prices
You Bay,
vataen oeeas in
or Package.
ment. He declined to indicate what i east county bridge, in East Pen- j
his final decision would be, hut stated i dleton, 1 miles from court house.
that he was to have further confer- j Plans and specifications at Thompson j
ences with leading democrats before Hardware Co.'s store. t
he. reached a decision. ;
The fact that Senator Gorman has 1
not openly declined the position is ac- j
cepted bj; leading democrats as an
indication that they will agree to f
take the management of the coming t
.. : t 1 1 i 4t , v 1
t-ttuipaigu. me aeiecuuu wumu ue ; ,
looked upon as another step in the di-,
! rection of the union of the democrats j
and In final reorganization of the :
Thompson Hardware Company-
smoke Pendleton Boquet Cloar. JESSE FAILING P"
Trill soon be completed."
An ent,huElasUc meeting, largely at-
Would Smash the Club.
If members of the "Hay Fever Asso- Part-V "Oder a forceful leadership and
elation" would use Dr. King's New dls' ' Wltn tne adoption of a policy that .
covery for Consumption, the club would not be antagonistic to the '
would go to pieces, for it always cures i w'shes of the democrats of the East '
this malady and asthma, the kind ' Following the action of the Mississlp-!
that baffles the doctors it wholly ' democrats in declaring in favor of
drives from the system. Thousands of j an alliance with the Eastern democ
once Jktopeless sufferers from consump- rac' the proposition of Western dem-
tion, pneumonia, bronchitis owe their crats who have been considered wed
lives and health to it It conquers i de1 to tne free silver proposition, to
grip, saves little ones from croup and ' select Mr. Gornlan as their leader in
slonal fight, is con-,
indication of a re-'
the party throughout
at Tallman & Co.'s. tne country.
-tl inniiur wuicu is. 10 sup- whooping cQugh and is positively guar- me coming congres
PU water ior tne reclamation of 4.0U0 anteed for all throat and lunu i sidered a hopeful
acres oi land in the vicinity of Haines trmihlps kop $1 no ' organization of
Favors Gorman.
tended by representative ranchers. FK"WATER HAS Supporters of the Gorman
wsa held at Merrill Saturday in the
interest of the proiosed irricatine
BEEEN INCORPORATED , ent hare considered the effect of his
. cnairmanshlp of the coneresslonal
canal which is to tap Upper Klamath Town on the Eve of a Boom and Mat- campaign upon his efforts to secure ,
aa -wausr 400)00 acres of land ters Moving, Says Col. Raley. ' ine democratic nomination for presi-,'
lying swuth of Klamath Falls. Colone, j H who dent in 1904. They contend that his j
At Pullman Wash.. It is understood Frewater Thursdav to take a hand i? as.eme,nt of, the contest this year, ;
on the beat authority that John M.,n the swearing in of the new town iff?fl 01 ,e,ntlangerJng his chances;
HiU, present roglsler of the Walla officials and prepare their bonds and 1 1 , Presidential nomination would '
Walla land bfitce. Is an aspirant for that they were in legal shape, ' "Lf; ,ha f
the wardship of the penitentiary ss that Freewater Is now on the , , , ? t5e Leffect of the Propos
al Walla Walla, and that he has as- eve of a boom and its rapid develop- , le.ade.rstnln, M,r- Gorman from the
surancea that his nroepocts for the nient and growth is" assured. Sever- slanap.olnt 01 national politics, there'
appointment are bright al ordnances were drawn un for the' 7 iaauub way ine aemocrats
rogmauon of the citv envrnmin ' v.ulc ... aciive man
nc." "7 r" sr V'"1 cil fixed the Honor license at SSf.n organizers in the party.
tne action tif President Row v8iet In
appointing envoys to attend the coro
nation of King Edward as ,)atriot
Ic, and calling upon the Op" hi mem
hers of cousrts to oppose m:v appro
priation to that end.
wegou jMK-ialii.U' state tioknt is:
...in. :i . '
annum nnri i. ic , i , " 4Ui '"""ences mat would nrodiipn 1
a abort time until the little town of ZrLlt col,ec"on of campaign
Freewater wttl be putting on metro- co"trlbu"onB. so sadly needed by the
politan airs. part- The Proposition to name him
38 chairman of the committee 'has'
Surgeog's Knife Not Needed. bee" Yarmly ,n5or8ed by the domo-
crats In the senate and house, and
For go.ernaf.H. R. Ryan, ot Marlon - cu7e pUes DeVltt'a' Witch SzS tn 1Jtt,e 5QUesUn of h!s
eounty: tor wretarv of st... r w Ooi,. I.,. .. " s cn Hazel lection at the meeting on Fridav nfei.t i
uuiir i ii ; f- Niii'ii i ' : w c o t r r r .n t . . t
. & SON
Your Money Back
if you do not like anythhiK
you buy from us.
jWc Are Cleaning Out...
Our winter carpets to make room for our
, kw opnnB aiocK its a sweeping rcduc-
tion In prices, too, and the wise honno-
I keeper will do woll to take advantage of
, them. Come now and make your selection
I of Lace Curtains, Portiere, Itugs, etc. Clos-
j Ing out an elegant line of Jtope Portler.
j Matting and Wall Paper.
, Sewing Machines of All Kinds.
$3 00 per Daj and Upwards.
m Special gates to Eastera OrereM vumL eorflnad.
10 tourists and comaerctal travelcfs H. C. BOWERS.
I,e.re: of. .9lacka- Painful andxpenslve operations. For
TI - -".. iu, ui ouifb am:
rauaiy; ior UDer-finrt(int A
.1 1 t.
ii uiaeaaes u is unequall- woman lockiaw
Lockjaw From Cobwebs.
Cobwebs put op a cut lately ave a"?
t- . "wiuuu luu'rtjiiw. TV 1 1 1 1 ifin c L-nnn-
of public Wuctlon. are. vne, man t iT 1
al and atate printer, to he nii,t 1 .urnch McCoaaB. len's Arnica Salve, the lnfalllhi hi.i
sioie central oomraitte; for con- The hljfhwt mountain neak in Pni . ruaM' u,cera- sre8. skin erup:
gressraan. second district, D. T. Ger- orado is Sh-rraBlancJ 14 4S3 SS nS" l'Urn8' 8calds and Pes- cures
des, of Clatsop county. high. anca, 14.3 feet or no pay. Only 25c at Tallman &
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
631 nH