East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 17, 1902, Image 8

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AfONDAY, MAlUJIf 17, M02,
Children's, Misses' and
Wo luivo on our bargain
countor now n few broken
linen of Children's, Miss
, uh' mid Ladiofi' SIiouh,
wliich w; offer you ;tt
price!) that wilt mirprise
you, The prices lire low,
but the (,'oo1h are of the
hoiU quality. You will
,,'t the out price on these
Shoes whether you milt
for it or not,
HiKcotmtri) to tihmror llrotliur.
H. N. Htnnllold, of ICeho, In In town
U. H. Klnonnioii, of Pilot Itoolc, la In
tho city today.
Honntor (1. W. l'roobiilol waa Jn
town Hunilny from Woiiton.
I. N. Dfivlii mill wife, of Milton, avo
Kiientfi of the Ht. (luorKO liotol.
II, K. McCiiIIoiikIi , J. H. M'cOiiIIoiikIi
and ('. .1. Ward, of Helio, are In town.
.1. V. Mcrlhur, cashier of tlio bank at
im (Jranilo, Jh roKiHtorud at tlio llolol
Ht. GoorKo.
MIbh Htnlla Alexander him returned
from her extended vliilt to friends In
Dnhor Oily.
J. J. Unllorny rotuiod Hiinday from
I'ortluiul, where ho spoilt several
Oayn liuit week,
Oliavk'H .1. Itlllyard, employed In
Uyoro inlll, hi miftoiliiK with hlood pot
Hon In tho loft hand romilthiK from a
Minn Horn Lampldn returned on
Batnnluy ovoiiIiik'h train from Port
land, after a Hovoral wuoltii' vlalt with
MIbh Kuhy Mohr.
A. Wur.wollor spout Sunday with
It. Alexander, In thin city, on his way
noiiio to Joseph, after liolni; In Port
land several days on business. Mrs.
Wurawoller did not return with hlni,
havliiK koiio to California to visit
A Otcp Taken to Carry the Marshal
' shlp-necordorahlp Muddle to the
Buprcme Court.
Tlio nianihalHlilp-rcfiordorahlt) flBllt
In Pendleton, linn linen resumed. Thin
mortiliiK an order for tho atay of tho
niiindaniiiH, which wns granted hy
JiiiIko V. II. Kllla In tho dlalrlct court
lor lniatllln county, waa ierw:d on
Recorder Mr-Court, kIvIiu; him nollco
to vucato tho iilllclal chair and turn It
over with tho hooUa, wife, Icoys and
other proporty portnlnliiK to It, t" tho
old recorder, .1. 10, liean.
Tho order aorved this morning wan
Ifiiiued hy Kiipruiuo JuiIko It. H. Dean
upon tho ciiho heliu; prcaentcd to hint
hy .1, .1, Unllorny, attornoy for Uoam
et al. It ordeni that .ohn McC'nurt
ho prohibited In attempting to Inter
fero with plaintiff, who waa tho city
recorder until recently, when tho dla-
trlct court Ifiiiued a writ of perempt
ory maudanuia .ordering him to turn
tho olllco over to tho newly appointed
recorder. It also aslm plaluillr to ap
pear at Baloin, March .'list, to Hhow
ciiiiho why tho mandamiiB Issued In
tho ahovo entitled caae by .IikIko Kllla
aliotihl not ho recalled and all pro
ceedings bo ntayed until the final
liearlm; of aald caao In Die supronia
court, and uujolna tho plaintiff from
Interfering with plaintiff In hia duller1
an recorder.
Ho far thin order of tho aiipromo
court liaa not been compiled with nttd
Recorder McUourt haa refuaed
turn tho olllco back to ox-Hocordor
Heam, anawerlni,' the court's order as
directed to do by appearing at Salem
on tho date cited.
Will Do Guilty of Contempt.
Unless Recorder McCourt compiles
with tho order aorved thla morning
he will bo In contempt of court and
already papers have been drawn up to
take him before the aiipromo court on
tli In charje.
m m success
Anothor Annlnot J. L. Dlshcr and Roae
Dlohor Parish vs. Pariah.
Another milt waa tiled thla morn
Ini; ai?alimt .1. L. lllslior and wife, of
Alba. Thla la tho llfth ault that him
been brought against hlni In the last
10 daya to recover money on notea or
for Kooda purchttHod. Tho title of tho
hint one la W. S. Uyera va. J. L. Hlah.
or and Rosa Ulahor, and It Ib for JuiIk
ment for $115 alluded duo on Hour
and nhorta, purchased from plaintiff
by dofeudant, betwecjn tho lnt dr.y of
Hoptoinbor, 11)01, and tho lat day of
lanuary, 11)02. Tho complaint alao
aaka $1.85 Intereat and conta of no
tion. J. J. Halleray la attornoy for
lonnln M. I'arlah ban aned Milton
V. I'arlah for divorce on tho ground
of deaortlon and failure to provide.
Poior Went la attorney for plaintiff.
DurhiK tho recent maneiiverH of tho
French army, telegraph wires ho lino
that a nmn could carry on apoola four
tulles of It. wan auccosafiillv lnhi nt
ino rato or two ami ono-lialf miles an
For a First-Class article in
Office and
Go to-
Delivered an Address.
J. S. Williams, Clrnnd Lecturer ol
tho Woodmen of tho World, who Is
inakliu; a tour of tho camps and cir
cles In this pnrt of tho country In the
Interest of tho Pendleton loK-rollliif;.
addrosaed u very approclatlvo audi-
ouco at tho South Methodlat church
laat nlKht. Ilia .subject was "Tho Of
llco of tho Church Today." Mr. ')
llama proved hlmuelf nil that haa
been anld of him, an orator of rare
ability, llo wont, to Union thla morn-
lnt; nud will deliver a public addreaa
thero tonight, undor tho luisplcoj of
tho AVoodinon of tho World and the
Womun of Wooderatt, on tho work of
tho orders In Konoral and the groat
"lOK-rollliiK" in particular.
Time for Allowance of Three Per
Cent Rebate Expired Saturday, Out
Clerko Are Covered Up With Re
ceipt of Money and Checks.
Kor tho piiHt in daya thrco clorka
have been kept buay taking In nnd
receipting for taxea in tlio aherlffa
olllco. Iloglnnlng with tho flrnt Mon
day In March tho tax rolls opened and
tlio 1901 taxes became duo. Tlioao
who paid boforo Saturday night, the
Ifith, worojillowcd a rebate of 3 per
cent and there liaa boon a great
acrnmblo to take advantage of It.
Most of tho largo tax-payora hnvo
either been In tho ofllco and paid
their taxea In person or sent thomonoy
by mnll, nnd it will bo tho middle of
the week before tho clorka wilt catch
up with tho work, so that thoy will
know Just tho exact amount of ..axes
Hint hnvo been paid in. It will amoiin
to a largo sum, aa tho two railroad
compnnloB paid nearly $30,000, of this
the O. It. & N. paying over $2-1,000.
Tlio clerks do not anticipate a very
heavy riiBb of tax payers now for
wlillo, which will give tliom a chance
to catch up with their work. Of
course, thoy expect qulto a sum of
monpy to como In between this nnd
tho llrst of April, as all who pay by
that dato will not bo charged any In
terest, hut flioy will not be allowed
any rebate. On tho first Monday In
April tho taxes becomo delinquent
and nil tiiat aro not paid by that tinio,
to them a ponnlty of 10 per cent will
bo added and tlio taxes will draw in
terest at tlio rato of 12 nor cent.
There is a provision In tlio laws of tho
state of Orogon which nllow one to
pay one-half of his tnxea by the flr.rt
Monday In April, nnd if this Is doi.e
tho romalnlng half may run unt'. tho
llrst Monday of October. Thc.i. If the
remaining half Is not paid, tho tnxe3
necomo dcllntiuent nnd tho 10 per
cont ponnlty ,ns well ns tho 12 per cent
interest, will lie ndded.
On all porsonnl proporty ixoi. If
ono-liair la not paid by tho first Mon
day In April, the sheriff is compolh.!
lo levy upon and collect tho same
after Miay 1.
The Vonderful Work of This Afflicted
Not one person In 10,000 of those
who. will read Helen Keller's own
story of her life, when it begins in an
early issue -of tho Ladles' Homo Jour
nal, will have tho least conception of
tlio amount of hard work required to
write tho Story. First of all, MIrs Kel
ler puts down her Idens "in Ilraillo,"
as tlio blind express it; that Is to say,
in tho system of "points," raised on
paper by meaiiB of a stylus nnd slato
dovlsed to aid the blind; these
"points" being read afterward by
passing tlio sensitive fingers over
them. When all of this Uraille work
has been completed, Miss Keller goes
to her typewriter and uses those notea
aa a guide to the rewriting or tno
As soon ns a page of matter is type
written it is, so to speak, lost to i-.iss
Keller, who has to depend upon lior
faithful teacher, Miss Sullivan, to re
pent it to lior by spelling out each
scntciioo hy means of the hands. Ut
is a tedious task, especially as some
of tho pages have to bo read again
and again, with changes here and
there, before Miss Keller ia satisfied.
Then, when tho proofs nro sent to
her, all this slow process of spelling
word after word has to bo gone
through once more, so that each word
that Helen Keller writes goes through
her fingers at least flvo times. It will
bo a satisfaction to everybody to
know that tho publlahors of tho Jour
nal havo recognized in a substantial
manner tho extrnordlnnry ability and
pationco which Miss Keller has shown
in her work.
A Man Pardoned From the Penlten-)
tlary is Legally Dead.
Jim Younger wishes to marry. Ho
rannot, because legally lie Is dea l,
hence ho is unable to cater Into icy
pnnirnrt. Younger submitted the
finofitlon of whether or not he could
wed to Governor Van Sant, who hue
lnnkn.1 Into the matter with si:rpr:s
lug results. In Minnesota a man who
is' n life prisoner is civilly dead. The
anly way ho can make any binding
contract is through the board of con
trol, which is empowered to enter 1.1
to a contract for him. It is not pro
bably, howover, that threo members
of the board of control, separ.fiv
or as a whole, will agree to enter Into
a marriage contract with any woman
for tho benefit of the paroled convict.
Tho only way for Jim Younger to be
como a mnrrled man Is to get a pnr
don which will restore him to tho
rights of a living citizen. Another
phase of the law is that neither Jim
Younger nor his brother, Colo, if thoy
establish any business of their own,
as has been contemplated, can bo
held for any dobts which they may in
cur. In his application to tlio gover
nor requesting information as to his
rights to marry, Younger said noth
ing regarding his uroposcd bride.
rrnf tin in ,1-.
w.wi "an-KonefBii-
in uie stoniPfl.
01 coiieeandnn
Try Owl Spec
in the future. it,w
am in navor and
right to the spot.
Cheapest place in i
Connaught Princess is Sixteen.
London, March 17. Piincess Vic
toria Patrlclaorx of Connaught, cele
brated her 10th birthday today, hav
ing been born on St. Patrick's day,
1880. Her royal highness received a
legion of birthday gifts.
Last year Germany Imported 978,
078 tons of petroleum, S25.205 tons 'if
it from tho United States. There has
been little chango in tho annual con
snujpl.'on of oil by t Germany within
the last six years.
i vjiuiwiuii-unjcui OVwt
Huston & Carnev. P
i.oavo x-enuieion ovorv iin.
. . - ... " ' - Ann
Kiriirn a I nn ti i 11 t i i . . i
uuuiuiuutibiuiiH. xtennnnnhio I-;
, i . . ti: L mii .
w.vr ( Aailllllll iv III.
v. wi
Trust Those Who Have Tried.
I suffered from catarrh of tho worst
kind and never hoped for cure, hut
ICly's Cream Halm seems to do oven
that. Oscar Oatroni, -15 Warren ave
nue. Chicago, III.
I suffered from catarrh: It not so
bad I could not work: I used KIv's
Cream Halm and am entirely well.
a. u. uinnto, .Ml Slmwmut avenue,
iiohioii, iMiiss.
Tho Halm does not Jrritato or ennso
snoozing. Sold by drugcists nt 50
cents, or mailed by Ely Urothors, fiO
Warren street, Now York.
General Funston's Command.
Washington, March 17. Secretary
Root announced this nftornoon that
General Funston would be assigned to
tho command of the department of
Colorado ns soon as his furlough had
Smohe Pride of Umatilla Cigars.
Work Horses for Sale.
Will bo In l'ondloton on Wodnos
ilny, March 10, and will havo for sale
nt La Kontnlno Garrison's food
yard 30 or -10 work horses. Any one
wanting good work horses should not
fall to ueo them.
Tho Union Pacific la preparing to
mnlio uutraiico to tho Thunder Moun
tain country In Idaho, nnd Is sending
several surveying parties to soloct
tlio heat route. Klvo routos will bo
Miirvoyed from points on tho Oregon
Short Lino U'om Rod Rock to Wolsor,
A hill has boon Introduced In tho
THE LliADINU DWUOnK'.X I Vlrlnln loglslaturo permitting women
Grew Out of a Refusal of One of the
Men to Marry the Other's Daugh
ter. Sncramonto, March 17. V. C.
Hodge, a wood carver, fought a duel
today on tho Sacrninonto-Yolo bridgo,
with a blacksmith named It. C. WViods
with revolvers. Dodgo was fatnllv
shot and Woods wounded threo times.
but not seriously. It Is said tho shoot
ing grow out of tho refusal of Woods
to marry Dodge's dnughtor.
Arkansas Sunday School Teachers.
Van Huron, Ark., Mnrch 17. Mirny
visitors aro hero for tho annual Sun
day school Instituto of tho Arkansas
.Methodist Conference, which will Lo
rornmlly opened this evening nnd
contlnuo In session through Tuesday
nnd Wednesday. Professor II. M.
Hiunlll, 1). D.. of Nashville Tonn..
who Is lu clmrgo of tho gathorlng, has
arranged an Interesting nroernm. con-
slstlng of papors, addrossos and dis
cussion of great Intorost to those en
gaged In Sunday school work.
Off for Blttmore.
Knoxvlllo. Tumi.. March 17. Tho
agricultural classes of tho Unlversltv
of 'Tennessee leavo today on tholr an
nual excursion to tho famous Bltt
more farms of Mr. Geonio Vandorbllt.
nt Aahovlllo, N. C. Tho students
...FOR MEN...
f of
White Bros Alumina
Tanned,Box Calf Stock,
Soft, Good Style, Wear
Like Iron, Never Get
Hard . . .
A7 1 , ai. i . . ...
rl mm uiu m.-uauiiuuit! uiiu now minm
lllf fjriOMO I. t 1 1 ... . ---o-
woviu in trimicuH, uur Huiespeopio win ue glad
niiuw vuu oiirumniK! hniiiimn I'hiln imH ntr nou T..,.-...i
J . - r- 1 v. . r i.i j. AUiuui Lrii m
iwna. rmi) ruicKmen. na r i nt inn u..i.. t..i
... . J ' - ...... "-Jt'kHII AJIUUdUBKn
iuuiij. uiuciu, an vvAonuuuiiH, almost nnytuuig you i
call for as our stook was never so complete as now, look at
Jbormnsan Nouveautes. Hnnrpmii 'riBHiipa Tivi.ii..rn cut- d.
. 1 - --- --w a.uijhvui juu. riuir
uevenlse, boir Jouree, Mercerized Mummy Cloth, and mitt
othera we can't mention here. We know we can t lease yoi
Quullty, btyle and Price. We also have a beautiful stock ot
Hhirt Waists, Notions, Belts, Hosery, etc. You can't afford to
buy your spring gooda without looking our line over, aa It k
ciy mrgu mm complete in all departments.
Peoples Warehouse
w w w rw
A $10.00 SHOE...
As it not only injures the feet, but does not wear.
Our Shoes at $3 and $3.50
Aro worth double the price in actual value because
Uiey M and consequently give excellent service.
The Pendleton Shoe Company 1
'otiw I litrt'liv (riven that a nrl
tliepurpoMof tkctlui; ilelesatva to ttto Ueniuvtntio
ti-iwol In n Himnlnl r..i n...i ...mi . , , I " viincmii'ii 01 i uuiuiia county to le held at
uain m " aIccini car anil will roninln the ixmnty court iiuum? ot ihi t-ounh- .... ti .w.i:
at Illttmoro three days, stutlyliiK tho i a,f "Th uf-,,am,1 tit uch primary jWii0
moilol methods of farming and dairy,
Iiik iniraiied there. i'Uw, at tho hour of 2 o'clock P, m. i Sa'
Finding Money
Wliat's the difference between picking
up 'dollars in the middle of the road
and saving them by buying your goods
right . .
When you trade with us you exhibit a wis
dom, which is practical and is the sort of
knowledge which counts.
The Originators of Styles of Fashionable
ThUUuttrwU on onwy Ux ot tho jtwuln
Laxative BnmioQuinincTwu'
tft rvuwtl Itut ctuw aa lu utt uy.
After Fifty Yenrs.
I.owls J. Ornnt, of Knlnmnzoo, Indl
ann, has Just heard front his hrother,
Aloxandor whom ho has not sunn fnr
50 years, nnd who wns supDosed to
! havo boon murdorotl bv th. Tito in.
iillnus and Mormons In the Mountain
ueauow massacre. Tho family lived
01 wionKtirry, unt., nnd A.oxnmlor
wont to California In Boarch nf pom.
After a few years had olnnscd and no
uuiiiKs camo rrom him, Lowls started
In aenrch of him. Thon a third both.
or started In search of tho two broth-
tire, iiim no is atlll mlsalnff. Aloxand
or, now 70 years or hro, is living nt
HfllKvndo. Nob. Ho iusortml nn ml van.
tlstunuut lu n mnvsnnnor nnd tm 1,1
whureabouts boenmo known. Tt tin.
velois that IjwIs chllrtron
. . ----- IM.VHVtUUI
aeniHii wnero Alexander's tiam;htor
acted as tenchor, hut tho Identltica
thin navor became known.
tort la now boltiK made to find a traco
of tho third brother.
ciucU except the precincts of lVmlleton. Kxl
ale on an; Siuth Pendleton ami
itlcton. North Pen
tht In each of tho Mid l'enJIeton precinct tho polU
lull bo oKutl at I j). m. aail remain open until ,
111., 1 no ximi 1'oiiuik- I'lacea lu for such priiuarv
election In I'eiulleton at follows:
.-jortli remlleton prvcluct, corner of Water ana
South I'emlleton Precinct, on wetnle of OarJen
bemeen Webt. ami Ibllrvaa jtreeU. 'aruen
Kit lViHlletoti ureclnct at the
In I'euaieton prwiuct, on north ltle ol Webb, be.
teeu Milu ami UarvicnttreeU '
In Klid fcderal itrvc-incliiiiil t a..l. l.. .......
lull 00 electetl lu I'eiulleton precluct 7 delivates- in
Kut Pemlletoii l.recluettl ileVf.- v52;. ..,.!u
i7. . , :. 4 ... . . , p ' eu-
uvu .iwiiiMciuTini-uti 111 count i'eiulleton T
0lewt(to ai.l cuinenUoii, and at such election
he follow lug per)u, who are legal voters and
householder lu each of aid nrvlt,. r. i.i 7. "
eTetiwi5 juugn ui aia primary
cor IVmllelon prx-cluct-llenry Shociev Ja.
ilean,Sr.lLeTeutch. "ey , ja.
For North IVtudletouJ. lUrnliart win
A. W.Nje. '
Kor South iVndtatou L. O. si,.l-u.
l- l .l... ii. .to
DateJ thU UUi ilay ol ilarch, 19CtJ
Mie4i-v V ltur.,
Srtary Deiuocratk- Central Comity Cuiumllte.
Smoke Pendleton Bsquet Cigars.
At. A V At t ju ju At ai ii u k . .
r rrr w -bp w -st- m tl- -m rtt. c m k. u. v. .v. av. w m ii u ji
We are
Seeing is believing
ii i i i ii i it r i lv pnn vtAAr l t irov
-a. w.w-, JTCtlUaClUltj
J-.ee s U. S. Hoc Remedy for swine nlapue. Inte
r . l . . - k n
olOCK I'OOfl lor hnrepe nnri T : i r:i e l ..mine
. wnkMb. iiuaccu meat tui r"--p.
rvow rviirp inr rviiir-n fnnt u l . t j j ....v
w Awwua uuu lvuiwi y
SEED SPET T7 A New Cereal A
iwjf uw waMM
Hay, Grain and Feed.
i7 mo 129 -ast Alta Street - . . Pendleto,,