Closing Oirt Sale Continues BARGAINS? NOTE roiMSs f 25 yards Prints . . . . $f 00 20 yards Amaskeag jGingham i 00 20 yards Bleach fifoslin . t 00 25 yards Oating Flannel . t 00 JOcand J 5c Lace, per yard 05 75c Corsets for 39 leaver Bros. D.G.Co CLOSING OUT .e . ' TfTK jc .X. " - OINDA. MAIUJM LI. BREVITIES. T S 0 - 1 ; candy in the cKy. Dutton's cam uuuwuiatcot to ?1.G0 shirts to close, 49c. CI iJIXJD J ' 1 UUUUO WU. rs' MRlntnsh S2.:ih. rflirular ?G.50. Cleaver Bros Dry Co. Bait should write the Standard f f Standard Grocery can sell you ranch eggs cheaper than any an ronuieion. I1HIM H 111 MM Alta and Cottonwood streets Sale All kinds of city and property, part cash, balance r v nnvmtmrH win niitr vmi a you pay for it by the month Cook, room 10, over Taylor's. Show No Favors it Repair tment... 1:11 iLi 1 Hit 1 iiiii iivi iiiiim imr. civ unu luuai U12 UUHH satisfied. Satisfaction to Cljf UUUV . lUUbD UUl WttY. tnn iinina rrAnn virirti ' 1 tnru anything else. Try us. J HUNZIKER I 1 .. Y -1 I s J j. T A 1 .1 .1 I. A A A .--..-- jm . m r m t r t- Early Ohio seed potatoes at Hawley Bros. Pepsin gum, 1 cent a package. (Nolf's stationary and notion store. See the Leezer Bakery for dill pickles, sweet pickles and sour pick els. "W. W. health food, good Scotch oats, shredded -wheat biscuit at-Hawley Bros. Dressed chickens, lettuce, radishes, spinach, green onions and cabbage at Hawley Bros. The Standard Grocery has Just re ceived another large shipment of the Walla Walla Health Foods. For Rent Furnished rooms for housekeeping, on Garden street. Iiii quire at SOI South Main street. Money to loan at lowest rates on town or country property. J. R. Dick son, East ' Oregonian building. Lady wishes to take lessons on gui tar from flrst-class Instructor. Ad dress P. O. box 359, giving terms. Ask to see 4111 black hose. "We are selling them at 25c; worth 40c. Cleaver Bros' Dry Goods company. To make space for new goods, all stoves and ranges now on hand, at cost. This week only. W. J. Clarke & Co. Found Pair of gold-rimmed eye glasses. Owner can secure Bame by calling at this ofllce and paying fori this notice. For Sale Complete set of house hold furniture for light housekeeping. F. Leatherman. 701. corner Alta and Ann streeti. The most beautiful line of pattern hats ever brought to Pendleton are now on display at Mrs. Campbell's millinery parlors. The homllest man in Pendleton as well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and got free a trial bottlo of Kemp's uaisam tor the throat and lungs, a remedy that Is guarnteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute cougb.8, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. race zoc and doc. For sale by Tall- man & Co., sole agents. The Whitman Glee Club anneared at the Frazer Saturday night to a small audience and all present enjoy ed the entertainment, although it was not quite up to what was expected. Those composing the club were: O. A. Hauerbach, H. A. Lorlng, Edgar Fisher. M. D. Walters. J. B. Stack. E. Chittongon, W. W. Johnston, Geo. Marquis, M. A. Kees, A. A. Hauer bach, C. A. Palmer, F. Olds, R. H. Zercher, N. F. Cole and C. R. Wade. This glee club has plenty of room for improvement. Newly furnished rooms for rent, with bath, corner Webb and College streets. Miss Mabel Gunning arrived Sat urday afternoon from Los Angeles to take charge of a school near Adams. For Sale Eight head of work and driving horses, and one milch cow. Inquire of S. L. Wakefield & Co., music dealers. Georgo Kidder, living two miles down the river, is the proud father of twin baby boys, which were born to Mrs. Kidder on the 9th Inst. This makes nine children for them. N. Berkley, the real estate man, has sold the Welcome Walker place, con t isting of 800 acres, eight miles north west of Pendleton, to parties from Iowa. Consideration, $8,500. Damon Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, will meet this ovenljig in regular session when work in the third degree is to be done. All mem bers are requested to be present. DEATH OF E. GILLIAM. One of Umatilla's Pioneers Passes to His Final Rest Died, at his residence , corner of Webb and Stonewall Jackson street, in this city, Saturday evening at 10:30 o'clock, E. Gilliam, aged 61 years, 3 months and 12 days, after suffering for the past four years with Bright's disease. Mir.. Gilliam was born in Henry county, Missouri, in 1840, and crossed the plains with his parents in 1S47, when he was only 7 years of age. His parents settled in Polk county in the same year and he and his relatives have been prominent in different counties in the state ever since. In 1861 Mr. Gilliam was married to Miss Nancy Jane Robbins, in Polk county, and in 1864 they moved to a place near where now Is Echo, where they remained just a year, and went from there to the vicinity of Pilot Rock. Several years ago they left the ranch and came to Pendleton, where they have resided since. Mr. Gilliam has devoted most of his time to farming and stock raising, dl though he has been a prominent poli tician In the county, having served as stock inspector for 10 years and was county assessor four years prior to the election of George Buzan, nearly four years ago.' He has been a faith ful church worker since a young man, when he joined the M. E. church, and is also prominent in lodge circles, be ing a member of the Royal Arcanum Lodge, No. 1C23, and the United Arti sans. To Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam were born 11 children, all of whom are living ex cept two, and all are in this stale except one, Mrs. H. A. Agnew, whose home is in Evanston, 111. The rest of the children are: Albert Gilliam, a prominent farmer of Pilot Rock, Elmer Gilliam, of this city; Mrs. El mer McBroom, Pilot Rock; Mrs. George Rugg, of this city; Mrs. C. W. Oliver, of Portland; Miss Grace, who is teaching in the public schools, and Misses Dorothy and Francis. These nine children and the widow are left to mourn the taking away of u de voted parent and husband. The funeral occurred from the Thompson Street M. E. church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and a large concourse of sorrowing friends fol lowed the remains to the Olney com-etery. W BURNED IMMIGRANTS HAD A NARROW' ESCAPE FROM FLAMES. Baggage Burned and Train Delayed Several Hours Fire Started From the Heater In the Car. A peculiar accident befell the Ore gon Short Line train, No. 5, on tho O. R. & N., 25 miles west of Pocatollo. yesterday afternoon, and as n result, tho train, due here at 11:10 o'clock last night, did not roach hero until 7:30 o'clock this morning. While tho train was running nt .1 good rate of speed, tho coach, loaded with immigrants, next to the baggage car, was discovered to bo on fire. The train was stopped, but the tire had too much headway for it to bo extin guished, so tho people were gotten out as quickly as possible and tbo burning car "cut out." Tho passen gers were close pressed by the flames and a nuiftber of passengers lost their hand baggage. After the fire had de stroyed all the woodwork of tho coach tho debris and trucks were removed from the track and tho train proceed ed west. The fire is said to have start ed from the heater. Pierce Wins Case. A decision has been granted by tho land department at Washington glv- ig Ckarles M. Pierce a patent to a mining claim known as part of tho Maxwell group on Rock creek, in Ba ker county. This suit has been In the court for four years, it being an old abandoned claim of tho Rock Creek Gold Mining Company and Mr. Pierce filed on it, and then his right was con tested by tho company. It turned out to be a valuable property, and Jas. A. Howard and Walter Pierce, of this city are Interested therein. LStlllman & Pierce are attorneys. SASSAFRAS BARK We have just received a direct shipment of Sassafras Bark tne JNew lint? land states, wmcn is verv tine in tinvnr nnH in Medical Properties. QUARTER POUND 10c We also have the southern Sassafras, but you will find the England Jiark far ahead of the ordinary. lOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE X - wmwv AVIVIUW VIM, V stt House I 9 This signature is on erery box bf tbo genuine Laxative Bromnfluininc Tablets the reniody .that wrw tt cold lu ,eao AN ELEGANT STORE. R. Martin's Family Grocery and Bak ery a Model Establishment. Pendleton, for a city of less than 6000 people, has fine stores, the best of any town of Its size in the North west. Another has just been added to the list of fine establishments, the latest being R .Martin's Family Gro cery and Bakery store, in the La Fon taine block, on the east side of Main street, between Webb and Alta streets. The store is completely stock ed' with fine staple and fancy grocer ies, all new goods, bought in carload lots for cash. Tho store is elegantly arranged, has splendid light, Is -spick and span and Is in every way a model grocery, and Is a credit to Pendleton, The success of the business conduct ed by Mr. and Mrs. Martin occasions no surprise, as they are always ac commodating, pleasant and anxious to please. Now that they are in their new quarters, dressed up for business, as it were, trade will be still better. They extend a cordial invitation to their large family of old custbmers, and invite new ones to visit them either for business or otherwise. The store is well worth a visit as it- has many attractions, one of which is Mirs. Martin's smile of cordial greeting. Lockjaw From Cobwebs. Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the best thing to put on a cut is Buck Ien's Arnica Salve, the infallible heal er of wounds, ulcers, sores, skin erup tions, burns, scalds and plies. It cures or no pay. Only 25c at Tallman & Co.'s. Rooms In the East Oregonian build ing for rent. Steam heated, Lot and cold water and bath room In connection. Boston Store Shoes Would Smash the Club. If members of the "Hay Fevor Asso ciation" would use Dr. King's New dis covery for Consumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady and asthma, the kind that baffles the doctors it wholly drives from the system. 1 Thousands of once hopeless sufferers from consump tion, pneumonia, bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers grip, saves little ones from croup and Whooping cough and 1b positively guar anteed for all throat and lung troubles. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tallman & Cos. Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars. FOR MEN DOUGLAS $3.50 FOR WOnEN GLORIA $3.50 FOR CHILDREN AND niSSES SCHOOL JJ7 HOUSE $ t ,25,575 FOR HEN OWN MAKE $2.50 It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. A COMPLETE LINE jffifoi of Ladies' Tailor Made if E 11 c..i. 1 pi.ii. 1. s arrived, making this de partment the best in town Call and see our line and then look around, and you'll be back. Why? Be cause you'll find our as sortment the largest, our styles the latest and our prices the lowest. m Iff 1 Bosl Boston Store SEED! SEED! Beardless Barley Rye and Sonora Wheat Select Lots for Seeding at Pendleton Koiie mms W. S. BVERS, Prop. ...WANTED... Energetic people to sell our up-to-date publications in each town ship. We furnish books to reli able agents on a credit system. Write for terms and descriptive circulars. CONTINENTAL BOOK CO. doodaough Bdg., Portlaad, Ore Silk Skirts from $6.98 to $50 Tailor Made Suits $10 to $35.00 Tailor Made Skirts $3.25 to $25 A FEW SPECIALS 200 Black Peau deSoie $ I.59 150 Tailor Suit ings $ I.19 iSOoTailor Made Suits $10.oo Tfip ppnn w Wnrptini w I b uupibu Hub UUOu I nniuni niM rr rrirM I Agent Butter Ick Patterns Mail Orders Filled Send for Samples. BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make good broad ueo Iiyorn' B'st Flour. It took first premium at tho Chicago World'o Fair overall competi tion, and givua excellent satisfaction wherover used. Every sack ia guaranteed. Wo lmvo the beat Steam Itollod Bailoy, Seed ltyo and Beardleea Barloy. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. UYERS, Proprietor. Political News State, County and Nation and all the other News in the Daily East Oregonian, by mail, until after July 1, after June elec tion,$l; SemiWeekIy SOcents; Weekly 40 cents. Hand m or send in your Subscription. DON'T PUT IT OFF EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, - - OREGON. Gasoline Engine for Sale A five horse power gasoline engine with pipes and fittings, oil tank3 and water tanks, everything necessary to set up and operate. Engine and fittings are all new, being in use only a few weeks. Engine is very economical and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Price $250 including fittings. Address East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon