East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 17, 1902, Image 2

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For fHon, Boys and Chiltlron
Wo claim to have the best assortment of popular priced Shoes
in the city.
Childrens' Shoes Si. 25 to S1.50 .
Boys' Shoes 1.25 to 2.25
Mens Working Shoes.. 1.40 to 2.75
Mens Dress Shoes 2.50 to 5.00
We lmve jtt received a line of Canvas and Bicycle Sliocs,whieli
we aie selling twenty-live per cent cheaper thau any other store
in the town.
One Price Olothiers, Furnishers and Ratters, Pendleton.
MONDAY. MARCH 17. 1902.
The house bill repealing the war
revenue, has been found to be so
loosely drawn and defective, that the
senate finance committee may report
an entire substitute for the measure.
Waldemar, the eldest son of Prince
Henry of Prussia, will, in a few days,
go with his tutor to Dr. Seahman's
Sanitorium for the White Stag, near
Dresden. One of Dr. Seahman's spec
ialties is nervous diseases, but why
Waldemar should be sent to this san
itarium, mystifies persons near the
court. J
General ' William S. Smith, at the
35th annual dinner of the Chicago
Real Estate Board, made this startl-,
ing statement: "The steel frame
work in many of the big buildings in
the business districts of Chicago is
corroding, making them very danger
ous. It is only a question of a few
years when those buildings will fall
to the ground."
Bids for the Jeffries-Fltzsimnions
battle for the heavyweight champion
ship of the world, whlcn Is to take
place about the 15th of next May,
were opened in New York Saturday
in the presence of Fitzsimmous. Jef
fries is in California. There were
three offers from the Yosemito, San
Francisco and Twentieth Century
clubs, all of San Francisco. The
Yosemito offered GG 2-3 per cent of
the gross receipts, the San Francisco
70 per cent, and the Twentieth Cen
tury SO rer cent.
A British agent is buying large
numbers of horses for South Africa
in the vicinity of Sheridan, Montana.
E. C. Strong was arrested at Walla
Walla Saturday, being wanted frr
forging two checks at Seattle. He ad
mits his guilt.
F. W. Moss, proprietor of a barber
shop at Spokane, has gone to jail for
30 days rather than pay a ?25.nne im
posed upon him for violating the state
law in barbering without a license.
A damage suit for $10,000 has been
filed in the United States court by
T. J. Brown, a trainman, against the
Southern Pacific company for injuries
said to be due to the explosion of
the air reservoir of an air brake.
At an enthusiastic meeting of The
Dalles Commercial and Athletic club
the mortgage which lias encumbered
the club for some years past was
burned with appropriate ceremonies,
conducted, by President Whealdon.
William Brown, commissioner of
Baker county, died at the residence of
his daughter, Mrs. Blake Landreth, in
Baker City, of heart disease, aged 01
years. The funeral was held Sunday
under the auspices of the Masonic
The rush for land In Franklin and
.Yakima counties, Washington, has so
strained hotel accommodations along
the line of the Northern Pacific from
Pasco to North Yakima that it Is al
most impossible for travelers to se
cure lodging.
James Morrin, about 18 years old,
was knocked down by a trolley car
on Fifth street, In Portland, and his
head was severely cut, and he was
taken in the police patrol wagon to
the Good Samaritan hospital. Ho was
unconscious when admitted.
There are now 13 cases of smallpox
at the Steilacoom, Washington insane
asylum, and included among then is
Head Warden Colby, Threo cases are 1
severe and Mr. Colby is most afflict
ed, though the hospital management!
apprehends no really serious result" 1
James C. Tolmau died at Tolman
Springs. Southern Oregon, Friday,
night. For many years ho was fore-'
most among the representative men1
of Southern Oregon. Ho was survey-1
or-genoral of Oregon under President
Hayes, and was the republican candl-'
date for governor In 187-1, Ho was 89
years old.
The Pendleton.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
G. B. Palmer, Pomeroy.
Fred Limon, Newark.
T. J. Oliver, Baker City.
Mrs. Mi. Crayne. Echo.
J. A. Luckel, Portland.
F. M. Bates, Walla Walla.
A. G. Thompson, San Francisco.
J. A. McLean, Weiser.
J. Wi. Freese, Chicago.
J. Howard, Portland.
Mrs. Howard, Portland.
R. H. Castnn, Spokane.
D. L. Rosenfield, Portland.
Sig Sonnenberg, San Francisco.
Mrs. M. A. Hutton, Wallace.
George K. Kellogg, Wallace.
A. Wurzweller, Joseph.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
A. Nylander, Portland.
E. C. Sidles, Spokane.
W. Fitzgerald, Iowa.
H. J. Russell, Portland.
Li. Allehoff, Portland.
S. J. Freedman, New Yor-k.
G. P. Bradbury, Portland.
J. W. Chandler, San Francisco.
J. -C. Darland, Portland.
Dan Shults, Spokane.
A. R. Galbraith, Janesville.
A. S. Heatfield, Spokane.
J. F. Melcher, Starbuck.
W. R .Glendenlng, Portland.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
Virgil, Patton, Spokane.
Ruby Dickey, Echo.
J. B. Linn, La Grande.
N. G. Rudd, Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Switzler, city.
H. V. Carpenter, city.
James McCoy, Echo.
William Maher, Portland.
.0. M. Smith, Portland.
The Golden Rule.
William Hoskins, Walla Walla.
F. N. Trowbridge, St. James.
George W. Proebstel, Weston.
C. Cunningham, Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
C. D. Rinker, Shaniko.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
Frank Hopkins, Coyote.
L. S. Osborn.
iF. Olds.
I. N. Davis and wife, Milton.
P. Mitchell.
R. B. Hayhurst, Spokane.
Charles Carroll, Spokane.
E. H. Burke, Spokane.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
T. G. Helfrich, Portland.
L. S. Osborn, Meacham.
John M. Wynn, McKay.
Milton Huston.
A. Schwartz.
C. E. Metzger, Walla Walla.
J. A. Zohner.
A. J. Harp.
TT. C. Hoffman and wife, Eugene.
O. A. Hanerbach, Walla Walla.
"E. F. Fisher, Walla Walla.
H. A. Lorlng, Walla Walla.
W. D. Walters, Walla Walla.
J. B. Stack. Walla Walla.
E. L. Chittenden, Walla Walla.
William Johnston, Walla Walla.
G. B. Marquis, Whlla Walla.
M. A. Kees, Walla Walla.
A. Hanerbach, Walla Walla.
C. A. Palmer, Walla Walla.
,flly jyjfi j
1 1 L.U
1 Practically Starving.
I "After using a fow bottles of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure my wife received ner.
' feet and permanent relief from a se-
I vere and chronic case of stomach
1 trouble." says J .R. Hollv. real estate.
1 Insurance and loan agent, of Macomb,
III. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia
euro she could not eat an ordinary
meal without Intense sufferlncr. aim
Is now entirely cured. Soveral phy
sicians and manv remedies had fall
, ed to give relief." You don't have to
, diet. Jfiat any good food you want,
hut don't overload the stomach. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Curo will always di
gest It for you. Tallman & Co. &
Brock fiMcComas.
. The occasional nd Is one of the very
best methods by which to squander
money. Continuous advertising, on
the other hand, will bring amplo re
turns for the money invested. Suggestions.
White has Continued In Favor Until
it Has Reached the Zeinth of Its
Glory; A New" Idea Which Favors
Stout Women.
New York, March 17. When the
dances and receptions are. resumed
after Easter for the brief season that
and the time to take up the exodus to
the summer resorts, the most notable
feature of the fashions will be the ab
senco of the carnival of color which
usually prevails after Easter Sunday
The fabrics employed in developing
spring and summer frocks are so light
in tint as well as In texture that they
come, very fittingly, under a general
head of "pastal" creams.
Black, of course is not to be ex
cluded under any conditions, for upon
it the couturieres depend for the
smartening touch upon spring frocks.
Red, too, escapes the list of dis
carded colors, and those who have be
moaned the fact that we must pre
sently part with the rare rich shades
which have been so handsome a fea
ture of winter wardrobes will bo
pleased to see the tint in a number
of materials, considerably toned
down, though witli plentifully distri
butions of white.
White has constantly Increassed in
favor until it has reached the zenith
of Its glory. Even the stout -'woman,
who years ago, and not so very many
either, looked with abhorrence upon
an all white gown finds nothing so
well suited to her purpose of dress
as a white dress built of highly fin
ished satin cloth. The stout woman
has one advantage this season that
has not hitherto been presented and
that is the yoke effect in skirt trim
mings. This, by the way, Is an idea
which will find favor in all kinds of
skirts, as it serves the purpose so
well of a close-fitting effect around
the hips. The slender woman adores
it because if affords an unbroken out
line of the contour and lends grace to
the figure.
The yoke may be of lace, tucking
or shirring, as Is most suitable for
the material. But the figure inclined
to obesity has its best effect In a yoke
tof the dress material stitched down
closely with several rows of stitching.
A very charming afternoon gown
had the skirt made in this way over
a lining of white taffeta. The foun
dation was not made independent
of the outer skirt and excepting the
yoke there was no other trimming on
the skirt.
The jacket was a sort of cross be
tween an Eton and a bodice, fitting
closely into the waistline and Mous
ing precentibly at the front. Tho
seams were stitched with narrow
bands of white silk braid and falling
below the waistline at the back are
two oblong flaps simulating a postil
lion effect. The flaps were trimmed
with the silk braid and a few tiny
black silk buttons.
The jacket opened over a smart lit
tle vest of white taffeta over white
plaited chiffon. There were nlsn In.
ner lapels of taffeta embroidered in
delicate design, with the embroidery
effected in narrow lace braid. Sewn
down either side of the opening-of the
jacket were rows of small black silk
The hat, which completed the cos
tume, was a verv lartre affair in hinnir
chiffon standing at tho loft sirtn nf
which was a bunch of ostrich tips.
ine same rich trimming composed
mo uecoraiion under the brim, t iron
tips eminating from the inside of tho
crown anu nestling closely against
-the hair.
Princess gowns of whito
chine are extremely fashionable and
affected for dinners and receptions.
a very oecoming model, has applied
designs of whito chantlllv in nut.
lined with silver afinnlns Twn mir...
of black chenille assert themselves
ai tne mistime, and another Is placed
several Inches below tho wn of
Starting from tho center of tho back
is a panel or nimy lace, decorated
on tho left side with black velvet
anu uowers with yellow centers, pro
duclng a very strlkhiK effect.
At graceful Intervals over tho skirt,
uniting a graduated llounce, are ap
plied velvet flowers, which may bo In
any favorite color, If black Is not de
sired, but shndinir tO Ml ft Vftrv nnlnat
tint of the color. Cerise is pretty bo-
lOMU i umurunt nues fading Into
shell pink make such a beautiful ef
fect. The sleeves aro close fitting al
most to tho wrist and have only the
merest suggestion of an undercuff and
this is composed of white cropo do
chine and gathered Into a wristband
of white silk embroidered on black
chenlllo, with the faintest tracery of
gold threads.
Chiffon gowns besides being fairy
Hko, have tho advnntn
' ---o '
over fash onablo. Th flV li n m 1.nn
- ..wrf j uuuil
nmong tho most conspicuous of the
season s modes for the last four years
and this summer promises to Increase
uie designs.
A nrettv mnrtnl I
chiffon, so pale that it is scarcely
more than a deon
- .... , .u)i t.u uu-
usunllv artfflMf onim on,,,. i.
Ing built over shell pink tnffeta. Tho
skirt Is shirred about the hips In a
deen yoko. tho niiirrimr oVt.u
. . .. . ........... ,HUUU; 00
low tho waistline for about nine In
ches. From this point tho skirt hangs
In unconflned fullness to the floor,
which It touches at tho front and tho
sides, lengthening Into a doml-traln at
tho back.
The bodice Is hand embroidered In
Inml uliltn vlnlnto with vollmv PP.tl-
ters. Tliero Is a yoke, unllned, of the
embroidered material and tho undor
cuffs aro also made of it.
For a gown of this description thero
comes a Gainsborough hat of white
trimmed with long, sweeping plumes.
Under the brim are bunched masses
of white silk violets, with some of the
petals Blinding to a pale pink, while
the confers are of a delicate shade of
yellow. .
A fashion left over from last year
but which is none the less popular,
however, is the spangled gown of
black net. These arC almost univer
sally made over a whito lining when
there is not a black foundation. Tho
combination affords excellent oppor
tunity for the black and white effects
which aro so much seen and which
are known as tho "Bernhardt color
Spangles, or paillettes, as the
French modistes aro pleased to term j
them, nre a never failing ndornment
for festive attire and stand over ready ,
to Help us "rise and shine" but It re-,
mains for the spring and summer of
1902 to bring them into popular use
for calling and afternoon gowns.
Black spangled skirts will bo worn
with separate waists of soft white
silk, made with many rows of tuck
ing and this form of toilette has tho
advantage of being comme 11 faut for
any informal occasion after tho noon
hour has rolled around.
For the Complexion.
The complexion always suffers from
bllliousness or constipation. Unless
the bowels aro kept open tho Impuri
ties from tho body appear in the
form of unsightly eruptions. DoWltt's
Little Early Risers keep the liver and
bowels In healthy condition and re
move the cause of such troubles. C. E.
Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took
DeWitt's Little Early Risers for bll
liousness. They wore just what I
needed. I am feeling better now than
In years." Never gripe or distress.
Safe, thorough and gentle. Tho very
best pills. Tallman & Co. and Brock
& McComas.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed nrouosals will bo received at
I Baker & Ogg's up to 12 o'clock noon,
or March 20th, 1902, for the erection
of a one-story brick building at Athe
na, Oregon. Plans and specifications
canbo seen at Baker & Ogg's. The
right is reserved to reject any and all
bids for the work.
March 11, 1902. Pendleton, Or.
$100 Dollars Howard, $100.
Tlio renders of this paper will be pleased to
leurn that there Is at least ono die llul disease
that selenco has been able to cure In ull Its
stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive curo now known to tho
medical fraternity. Catarrh being n constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional treat
ment, Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Internally,
acting directly on tho blood and mucous sur
faces of tho system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving tho pa
tient strength by building up tho constitution
and assisting nature in doing its Work. The
proprietors have so much faith In its curative
powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case that it tails to curo. Send for list of
testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Familv Pills are tho best.
When yoo are
Everyone speaks well of
you" When you are very
much alive some speak
ill. If anyone speaks ill
of us its bucause we are
One thing is certain
you get bettor groceries
for less money when you
buy of F. S. Younger &
Don't believe the knock
ers; try them for your
selves; order of
nnd get your goods
delivered promptly.
t -r -in Tl I 1 1.1 I 1 i 'I' I I I XI 7i'l'fT.'- i
Colors, Black, White, Tan, Oxford, Navy Bloe,
Blue, Cardinal Light Green, Royal Purple, Stfv
Gray, Golden Brown. The
best value we nave ever oi- J
fp.rcd at flMNB
IT ii H'T i imirrl
low flicker .
low Short S'krT
Another case of
Working Shirts
Spring Clothing for Men in the Spring of
A large as
sortment to
select from of
first quality
Knox Hats
All the
spring shapes
Stiff Hats $5,
Fedoras $5.
Crush's $2. 50
$3 Hats
Are on the
road; will be
here soon.
1. .. ? .
1 ii 1
.it:i. liik 11
Boston Stori
Alfalfa Q Clover
Seeds Seeds
Get Out Prices Bi
You Buy
Garden Seeds in
ot Package.
Thompson Hardware Company
631 nalfli
Phone J
We Are Cleaning Oat...
Our Winter Carpets to make room for'ou'r Now
Spring Stock -I fa a sweoplng reduction In
prices, too. and tho wlso housokoeper will do
well to taka nlvantage of thorn. Como now
and raako your selection of Laco Curtains,
Portiere, Burs, oto. Closing out an elegant
lino of Kopo Portlers, Matting and Wall Pitpor.
Sewing Machines of All Kinds.
$3 00 per Daji and Upwards.
Plnest Ho)
In tho M
Sfc,1,JatetoEa8tern0reKn people vlsltlac Portland. Hfl
fo tourists nnd commercial travelers. . C. BOWERS
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. !