East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1902, Image 2

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For Mori, Boys and Childron
"We claim to have this beat asnortment of popular priced Shoes
In the city.
Childrens Shoes $1.25 to Si. 50
Boys' Shoes 1.25 to 2:25
Mens' Working Shoes. . 1.40 to 2)75
Mens' Dress Shoes 2.50 to 5.00
We.lm've jiMt received a line of Canvas and Bicycle Shoea,which
we meselling twenty-live per cent cheaper than any other Btore
in the town.
One Price Glothicrs, Fumisliers and Hatters, Pendleton.
FRIDAY, MARCH 14 1902.
President E. H. Green, of the Texas
Midland Railroad, has received a tel
egram from the United States patent
office at Washington, announcing the
award to him of a patent on a system
of wireless telegraphy.
The war secretary, Mr. BrodricU,
announced in the house of commons
Thursday that he understood that
General Methuen. who was captured,
(severely wounded, by General Dola
rey. March 30, had been released and
was expected to arrive at Kleiitsdorp, j
Southwestern Transvaal, with a few
hours. The general's condition was
' favorable.
William .T. Bryan arrived in Wash
ington Thursday from New York, en
route to Harrisburg, Pa. The fusion
members of the Nebraska delegation
in congress took breakfast with him
and later he visited the capitol. At
the capitol Mr. Bryan appeared in
the members' corridor of the house
of representatives and immediately
was surrounded by a large crowd of
representatives who gave him a hear
ty welcome.
A second letter in the shape of a
.formal demand, has been sent to Sec
retary of State Hay asking for pass
ports for Dr. and Mrs. -Hiram W.
Thomas to visit the concentration
camps of South Africa, to distribute
money raised in Illinois. Should Mr.
Hay again refuse to act, it is stated
that the matter will be taken to the
president. Should Mr. Roosevelt up
hold Mr. Hay, a final appeal will be
made to Lord Pauncefote.
The anti-gambling sermon of Rev.
A. J. Montgomery, in Oregon City last
Sunday, has resulted in a movement
for a crusade against gambling, which
will be commenced in a short time.
Mr. Montgomery himself will lead the
fight, and will be assisted by the min
isters of the city.
A Nelson, B. C, special to the
Spokesman-Review says Fred Lowden
was killed by a snow slide Saturday
night. He and Chris Sherbert were
asleep at the foot of Kokanee range,
when a slide buried their cabin. After
3G hours of superhuman effort Her
bert freed himself.
"We are having a hard fight, as
the Chinese and others have their at
torneys here doing everything in their
power to prevent a favorable report."
Excerpt from Sonator Mitchell's an
fiwer to committee on resolutions
adopted at the mass meeting held
hero February 17 last.
William Cameron, a sailor on the
British bark Rockhurst, which is ly
ing at the Star Sand Company's dock,
at the foot of Fifteenth street, Port
land, was drowned early Thursday,
when about to board the boat. Tho
l.ody was recovered shortly before
noon and taken to tho morgue,
Turnfests may again become popu
lar in tho Pacific Northwest. At the
regular meeting of the Portland Turn
Vorein next Thursday, in Portland,
the matter of resurrecting these once
popular nthhletic fetes will bo dis
cussed. It is 10 years since the last
turnfest was hold in Portland.
Edith R. Bursell has begun suit at
Salem against August Lindholm, a
Marion cpunty farmer, to recover
, $15,000 damages for breach of prom
ise to marry. Miss Bursoll alleges
that Lindholm agreed to marry hor,
but violated his contract and married
Aha Fosiiay. The plaintiff is a school
Joel and Catherine Dixon, for 27
years residents of the Willamette val
ley, colobrated their golden wedding
ryt Farmington, Eastern Washington,
last Sunday. Mr. Dixon is aged 09,
while his wife is four years his sen
ior. They were married in Illinois,
March 3, 18C2, and tho same year
they crossed the plains with ox teams 1
nnd located In the Willamette valley,
In Oregon. 1
The Pendleton.
Sig L. Cohen, Minneapolis.
H. S. Hagen, San Francisco.
Dr. J. D. Plnmondon, Athena.
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon, Athena.
Mrs. Mary A. Plamondon, Athena.
J. O. Mack, Portland.
H. M. Ogden. Portland.
John Lyons, Portland.
C. J. Freese.
Andy Nylauder, Portland.
J. F. M'elcher, Starbuck.
W. V. Temple, city.
H. B. Rees, Spokane.
George Stevens, Spokane.
A. Ballouk, San Francisco.
The Golden Rule.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
R. I. Yerxa'and wife, Umatilla.
Mrh. R. Thorn, Umatilla.
W. M. Chuich, Walla Walla.
John Pierson. Paullina.
David O'Conner, Goldendale.
Carey W. Foster, Prineville.
W,illiam Hoskins. Walla Walla.
Sol Hardman Waitsburg.
T. J. Johnson, Hope.
James Mace.
C. Carroll, Spokane.
P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane.
B. T. Vaughan, Spokane.
F. E. Miller, Colorado Springs.
C. L. Whitney, Walla Walla.
L. W. Hombeck, Athena.
Mrs. Taylor. Weston.
George Kenison Dayton.
Mrs. W. W. Bennett, La Grande.
Mrs. Stanley, La Grande.
Charles Hayes, La Grande.
George A. Ferguson, Weston.
Mrs. J. Taylor, Huntington.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
Could Not Breathe.
Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchi
tis, other throat and lung troubles are
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not
a mere expectorant, which gives only
temporary relief. It softens and liqui
fies the mucus, draws out the inflam
mation and removes the cause of the
disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at
once. "One Minute Cough Cure will
do all that iB claimed for It," says
Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros
by, Miss. "My wife could not get her
breath and was relieved by the first
dose. It has been a benefit to all my
family." Tallman & Co. and Brock &
Call for Meeting of Democratic Cen
tral Committee.
Notice is hereby given that the
Democratic Central Committee will
meet at the court house, In Pendleton,
Oregon, at 2 o'clock p. m on March
15th, 1902. All democrats Invited to
A. C. Haley, Secretary.
For the Complexion.
The complexion always suffers from
bllliousness or constipation. Unless
the bowels are kept open the fmpuri
ties from the body appear in the
form of unsightly eruptions. DeWltt's
Little Early Risers keep the liver and
bowels in healthy condition and re
move the cause of such troubles. C. E,
Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took
DeWltt's Little Early Risers for nil
' llousness. They were Just what I
, needed. I am feeling better now than
1 in years." Never gripe or distress
Safe, thorough and gentle. Tho very
best pills. Tallman & Co. and Brock
& McComas.
For Sale.
Twelve building lots In block 14, on
the north side of the river In Raloy's
addition. Fine location and well grad
ed. Inquire of N. W. Potwlne, Pendle
ton, Or.
Began In Palouse City, Saw Its Cli
max In Waitsburg, Started at Walla
Walla, Now at Pendleton.
The Walla W.alla Union prints the
following Btory tinder a Pendleton
date line:
Pendleton, March 12. A romance,
the scone of the opening chapters of
which arc laid in Whitman county,
the tragic climax coming nt Waits
burg, and the beginning of the end
choosing Wnlla Walla as Its stage of
action is being concluded in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith reside here nnd
pursue their dally routine of living
just as though their was nothing in
the world to make them different
from other mortals. But there is.
Four years ago pretty. Mary Tweedy
.resided with their parents nt Palouse
City, a small town in Whitman coun
ty, Wnsh. She was sixteen years
of age and her heart was susceptible
to masculine benuty. One day, in the
boat of the harvest season, there
came u stranger to the door of her
father's house, and they gave him
shelter. His name was A. T. Hied.
He was of "the genus hobo, and he
liked the place. There were women
to do the work, there was good food
and there was plenty to drink. He
decided to remain. As an excuse for
staying he made love to Mary
Tweedy. Her maiden heart was
touched, and the chords of love sang
in unison. A wedding was decided
upon, and he who would be a husband
and win himself a home went to Spo
kane to secure a marriage license.
But Mary Tweedy was but sixteen
years of age and the county auditor
refused sanction to the union
unless the consent of the mother was
obtained. By the use of the long dis
tance telephone and affidavits from
home, things were at last arranged,
and the bride-elect became a bride.
Then they went home to the house of
their father, and their father-in-law,
and lived happy till the end of their
days. But their days were numbered.
The family moved to Waitsburg
later in the year and there they lived
in peace nnd plenty. Tweedy being
section foreman. But the end of the
dream of bliss came when Ried wont.
In the meantime the wife had become
a mother, and the little child lisped
its father's name, and cried great
baby tears of sorrow when ho did not
come in answer to its call. Long
days passed and still the missing hus
band continued to be missed. Then
the wife called upon the law.
The prosecuting attorney of Walla
Walla county took up the matter, and
after a while located another wife
and one who had a prior claim. Rled
had been a bigamist. Another wo
man bearing his name and who had
bore him children resided in Nebras
ka. She aslo wished to know his
whereabouts, but did not. After se
curing proofs that these conditions
were true and the first marriage was
in reality a legal one the county at
torney of Walla Whlla rendered an
opinion that according to the work
ings of the law, Mrs. Ried was still
Miss Tweedy. She had never been
legally married. .
Love Knocked Again.
It was then that love came a sec
ond time Into her heart. A man
named Smith, a junk dealer, laid suit
unto her heart and she capitulated.
They were married in Walla Walla
and have come to Pendleton to live.
Each day they go about their duties
just as though they were but common
people and there was no romance in
their lives. Their next dcor neigh
bors do not know their strange and
novel history.
And in the meantime A. T. Reld
may, in another docality, have ' taken
unto himself another wife.
'w"erc: Murray Wlnohell, Waitsburg;
IFlotchcr Fields, District 2G; Sophia'
Miller. District 13; Louis Hall, Dis-.
trlct 13: Forest L. Burcker, District!
2D; Eva Cummlngs and George Mun-
dill, Touchet; Clifford Gcyor and
Bethel Randall, Prcscott. All are
form country schools or small vil
lages. The Vice of Nagging.
Clouds the happiness of the home,
but a nagging womnn often needs
help. She may bo so norvols and run
down In health thnt trifles annoy hor.
If she I b melancholy, excitable, troubl
ed with loss of appetite, hc-dache,
sleeplessness, constipation or fainting
and dizzy spoils, she needs Ehctric
Bitters, the most wonderful remedy
for nHing women. Thousands of suff
erers from female troubles, nervous
troubles, backache and weak kidneys
have used it, and become healthy and
happy. Try it. Only 50c. Tallman &
Co. gunrantee satisfaction.
A Find in a Cow's Stomach.
Walla Walla. March 1-1. Snmuu!
Beavin, a local butcher, while dress
ing tin' enrcass of a cow, found in the
stomach a large ball of hair, impacted
uiMl it v. as as hard as stone. Tne
covering was black, and resembled
the shell of a huge nut. The ball was
about three inches in length nnd two
Indies in diameter, composed of dark
brown hair, apparently licked from
the skin of the nnlmnl during recent
We give no rewards. An offer of
this kind is the meanest of deceptions.
Test the curative powers of Ely's
Cream Balm for the cure of catarrh,
hay fever and cold in the head and
you are sure to continue tho treat
ment. Relief is immediate and a euro
follows. It Is not drying, does not
produce sneezing. It sooths and heals
the membrane. Price 50 cents at drug
gists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 5G
Warren street, New York.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
Baker & Ogg's up to 12 o'clock noon, 1
of March 20th, 1902, for the erection ,
of a one-story brick building nt Athe-'
na, Oregon. Plans and specifications
can be seen at Baker & Ogg's. The '
right is reserved to reject any and all ,
bids for the work.
March 11, 1902. Pendleton, Or. ,
Colors, Black, White, Tan, Oxford, Navy BloC,lj
Blue, Cardinal Light Green, Royal Pcrpfe,
Gray, Golden Brown. The
test value we have ever of
fered at
oyai purple,
NEWEST THING IN Best Yalte Black
.Best Value Yel
low Slicker
: $2,
Best Value Blacky f
Short Slicker
Best Value Yel
low Short S!
Another case of
Working Shirts
Spring Clothing for Men in the Spring of
A large as
sortment to
select from of
first quality
Knox Hats Hawe's
All the $3 Hats
spring shapes
Stiff Hats 5. Are on the
Fedoras $5. road; will be
Crush's 552.50 here soon.
and thejl
many Ins
See the
Boston Stoi
$100 Dollars Rowarrt, S100.
Tlio renders of this papor will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dies If til diseaso
that ECicnce has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive euro now known tc the
medical fraternity. Catarrh boiupr a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional treat
ment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of tho system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving tho pa
tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting lmturo in doing its Work. The
proprietors havo so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars or
any case that it alls to cure. Scud for list of
testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Census returns prove the value of
farm animals to be three billions and
a few odd millions of dollars. A fun
ny Chicago editor says Jhat it's
"Enough to make the average Ameri
can feel horsy."
Alfalfa Clover
Seeds Seeds
Get Out Pices
You Buy
.Garden Seeds in
ot Package.
Thompson Hardware Company
631 Mai
Can't Keep It 8ecret
Tho splendid work of Dr. King's
Wow Lifo Pills Is daily coming to light.
No such grand remedy for Llvor and
Bowel troubles was over known bo
fore. Thousands bless them for cur
ing constipation, sick headache, bil
llousness, Jaundice and Indigestion.
Try thom. 25c at Tallman & Co.'b
drug store .
Garden City Voters anxious for Elec
tion Day to Come.
Walla Walla, March 14. City poli
tics are beginning to take shape for
the election to ho held in July, the
principal reason for tho early move
ment being the agitation caused by
the prosecutions of saloon men for
violations of law." Preparations are
being made by the opposition to sa
loons tp make a firm stand and en
dcavorto got centrol of the city gov
ernment. Another matter is the ex
pense being Incurred in the prospect
Jng for water, about $1000 a month be.
ing used for this purpose out of the
water revenues of the wator works.
No candidate for mayor has been men
tioned seriously, but two men are
avowed candidates for chief of police.
They nro W. J. Contonwine nud.J. C
Hillmnn. Mr. Hilhnan is at present
constable of the city precinct.
Nine Out of One Hundred Students
Passed Eighth Grade Examina
tion. "Wrilln Walla, March 14. Jf the iuO
or moro studonts of tho public schools
of Walla Walln countv who tnnk Mm
eighth grnde examination, for promo
tion to tne state normal school, but
nine passed with all tho honors of tho
occasion. But 10 took nil ti.
nation, tho others preferring to take
part now and part in Mav when iim
examination can ho fltilalinil if rinair.
ed. But nine readied the required
porcentngo -to pass to tho normal
school, tho others falllnir hv nmniii
margins. Tho successful students
When yot are
Everyone speaks well of
you' When you are very
much alive some speak
ill. If anyone speaks ill
of us its because we are
One thing is certain
you get better groceries
for less money when you
buy of P. S. Younger &
Don't believe the knock
ers; try them for your
selves; order of
and get your goods
delivered promptly.
We Are Cleaning Oat...
Our Winter Garnets to raako room for our Now
Spring Stojk-lfs a sweeping reduction in
prices, t')o. and tho wlso homokoopjor will do
well to take a lvantaM at them. Come now
and make your selection of Lco Curtains,
Honiara, Kugj, 0'.c. Closing out an ologant
lino of Hops fortiars, Matting and Wall Paper.
Sewing Machines of All Kinds.
$3 00 per Day and Upwards.
Finest Hi
In the I
"Special Rates to Pant
fo tourist and commercial travelers. H. C.BOWER&
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.