East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 13, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
ill be dollvered at your residence
placo 01 DUSlucBg ay carrier m
Tonight nml Friday, occasional
rain or snow.
L. 15.
"NO. 4881
to Be Made to Get Con-
krol of Next House,
jrman Is Being Solicited to
Movement, Organize and
prward This Latest Political
Igton, March 13. Democrats
elect a majority and secure
jf the next house of repre-
In furtherance of this de
propose to Ignore Bryan,
f the silver issue, appeal to the
ton tariff question and the
Cof affairs In the Philippines
ine their campaign to the
ional districts in the North-
Kb, trusting to hold the solid
Congressional committees of
are now looking for a lead
inage the campaign., The
Men meets with the most fa-
lat of Senator Gorman. The
fee asked him to accept, hut
no definite answer. The de-
ive Gorman at the head of
littee arisen from the fact
pio recognized as one of the
inizers in the party and it is
he would, be able to raise a
impalgn fund from northern
Independent Steel Plant.
fesport, Pa., March 13. An
ient is made that within
feeks the mammoth new steel
plant of the Pittsburg Steel
at Monessen would begin
lis in the nail, -wire mill and
Ing departments. The plant
Idependent concern and will
aearly 1,800 men when in full
The site of the new in-
bmbraces nearly 56 acres of
addition to the building of
it the company will erect
houses to rent to its work-
le houses will have from
light rooms each, and tvM be
with everything modern
Dved in the interior finish
Mnter Wheat Crop.
eb., March 13. Reliable
celved here indicate that
wheat crop of Nebraska
ill be 38,000,000 or 47,000.-
bls. The acreage this wln-
imated at 1, 900,000, which
&5 per cent greater than last
average yield- of 20 bush
acre would give a total of
If the season is as favor
this time on as it was last
crop will reach 47,000,000
-which closely approximates
yield of winter and summer
st year.
Jreamery Men Meet
Falls, S. D March 13. A
convention of creamery men
termakers is in session here
1th L. N. Hunter of this city
The purpose of the meet
exchange ideas with a view
sving the general conditions
lindustry. Nearly 100 proml-
lamerymen are in attendance
meeting promises to have
Chinese Exclusion Measure Applies to
Philippines Too.
"Washington, March 13. The ntnate
committee on Immigtation has agreed
to report favorably the Mitchell bill
for Chinese exclusion. Tt is substan
tially the same as the modified bill
Bubmlttted by the Pacific Coast com
mittee, only a few verbal corrections
having been made, A point which oc
casioned much considera:on by the
committee was "whether or not Chin
ese should bo excluded from tho
Philippines or whether the whole re
sponsibility should be left to the Phil
ippine commission. Tho committee
agreed to retain the posWon of abso
lute exclusion, taking the ground that
the United States wan'od to retain
the Philippines for the Filipinos and
that the latter were as much opposed
to the admission of Chlnc-:e as were
Another section of tLe bill about
which the committee debated at
length was that of excluding Chinese
sailors from ships of American reg
ister. This provision also was re
tained in the bill, but with a proviso
to the effect that in case of accident,
stresB of -weather or serious illness
the captain of a vessel may ship a
Chinese crew for one voyage upon
which he may have entered. Aiding
in the escape pf Chinesp held in de
tention is made a felony punishable
by both fine and imprisonment. This
new provision applies exclusive pro
visions of the bill to Chinese who en
ter as merchants, students and the
like and become laborers.
Seventh Cable Chess Match.
New York, March 13". Arrange
ments have been completed for the
seventh annual chess match by cable
for the Sir -George Newnes trophy.
The contest will be inaugurated to
morrow morning, the Americans play
ing In the Academy of Music, Brook
lyn. In the six contests previously
held the Americans are a little ahead
The first was won by this country,
the second and third by Great Brit
ain, the fourth and fifth were won by
the United States and the match of
last year ended in a draw. Three sue
cessive victories are necessary for
permanent possession of the trophy,
S S I M f S S J I
To Start 400 Coke Ovens.
Birmingham, Ala., March 13. On
the first of next month the Republic
Iron & Steel company, according to
arrangements now completed, will
blow its new 226-ton blast furnace at
Thomas, near this city, and simul
taneously will light fires in 400 new
coke ovens arranged In four batteries.
This is the largest single coke plant
in the United States. The company
is preparing also for the erection of
large new steel mills at Birmingham.
Owing to the rush of orders the com
pany is Importing men from the
north to run the mills double shifts
Meet to Discuss Missions.
Carters ville. Ga.. March 13. Manv
delegates and visitors have arrived
tor the twelfth annual meeting of the
women's Home Missionary Society
of the north Georgia conference.
which will bo in session here during
the remainder of the week. The
gathering will be formally opened
this evening with devotional services
in charge of the Rev. Sam P. Jones.
There win be an address of welcome
by Col. F. Ml Ford and others, tn
which responses will be maAo. for
the visitors by Mrs. S. R. Belk. The
business of the conference wil be tak
en up tomorrow.
M. C. A. Conference.
Pla. Ia.. March 13. Thrf tin
Iference of the Young Men's
Association for Southern
an here today and will con-
rough the remainder of the
Addresses and nsnnm nnvor.
ipnases of association work
presented to the convention.
entertainment has been
for the visitors of whom
more than a hundred.
hooner Goes Ashore.
randSCO. MnrMi 19 TTOia
Reporter, laden with -lum-
ray s Harbor for San Fran-
ni ashore this morning a
1 Of the Cliff House. Thfi
led safely. The .vessel Is
png up. She was the prop-
' t. wood Lumber Com
tils city.
"olstol Is Worse.
Msburg, Mkrch 13. Count
naa a sudden change for
Fight, in Manchuria.
St. Petersburg. March 13. A din
patch received here todav states that.
anotner light has taken place between
Russian and Tulguses in Manchuria,
the, Russians killing 200 of the enemy
ana capturing three guns.
The Rush North.
Seattle, March 13. The spring rush
to the north began this morning, the
Cty of Seattle sailing with 300 vs
sengers and 60 horses bound for the
Storms in Texas.
Fort Wlprth, Texas, March 13. Se
vere storms have pravalled generally
In north and central Texas for the
past three days. Half a dozen people
have been killed and S2GO.O0O worth of
property destroyed.
Rhodes Passed a Bad Night
(London. March 18. A f!nnn town
dispatch savs Cecil RJindfiR nHRfrl
"a bad night which told appreciably
on mb airengui. He is failing fast.
Illinois Bank Robbed.
Exchange bank was burglarized by
six men early this moraine who se
cured about 8,00.'
Chorus of the European Powers 'No, honest, Uncle, we didn't have nothln' t
do wld it.
Resolutions Offered in the
House by Randall.
President Roosevelt Is Requested
Therein to Tender Good Offices of
This Government to Bring About
Desired End The Resolution Has
Strong Support.
Warhington, March 13. Randall,
of Texas, today offered a resolution in
the house, expressing recognition of
any sympathy for the South African
republic "in its struggle for national
independence and local self-government."
The resolution provides, as a friend
ly nation, we appeal to the British
government in the interest of human
ity to cease its hostilities and endeav
or to bring about a just and honora
ble settlement of the existing differ
ences to' the end that peace may be
President Roosevelt is requested to
tender the good offices of this govern
ment to bring about the desired end.
The resolution will have strong support.
until opportunity could bo had to as
certain Colombia's position. Senator
Mitchell moved to report the Hepburn
bill as It passed tho house. Mitchell's
motion was carried.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, March 13. Tho early
prices wove the best of tho dny today
and the closo was ln&vc nml nt the
low point. Liverpool 'was unch hcmI.
G 1. New York opened nt 82 and
after selling nt 82, closed nt 81.
Chicago closed 7Gl,&. Corn was
firm and but llttlo changed from yes
terday. Closed yesterday, 82 VI.
Opened today, 82.
Range today, S10S2.
Closed today, Sl.
.Senate Committee Reported
Favorably Hepburn Bill.
Call on Hay to Explain.
Washington, March 13. A resolu
tion, calling upon Secretary Hay to
explain why he had refused to apply
to Lord Pauncefote for passports for
Rev. Hiram Thomas, of Chicago, who
was to go to South Africa to dlstrlb
ute in reconcentrado camps tho
money raised by the Illiuolsans, came
up for consideration in he houso to
Town Destroyed by Earthquake.
Vienna, March 13. A Constantino
pie dispatch euys: Kyankari, a town
of 25,000 people, in Angora, Asia Ml'
nor, was destroyed by an earthquake
Wednesday. No details aro given.
pled of Spine Trouble.
Philadelphia, March 13. William
L .Ellclns, a son of the .millionaire
promoter, Steve Elklns,. died this
morning at Menlo Lodge, of cerebro
spinal trouble.
Sagasta Ministry Resigns.
Madrid, March 18. The resignation
of the Sagasta ministry was handed
the queen regent todays
Nicaragua and Costa Rica Ministers
Agree With Secretary Hay on the
Terms and Protocol Between Coun
tries Prepared and Ready for 8lg
Washington, March 13. In tho son
ate this morning the Hepburn Nicara-
guan canal bill was reported favora
bly without amendment.
Protocol Ready for Signature
Washington, March 13. The minis
ters from Costa Rica and Nicaragua
called at the state department today
and announced that the protocol be
twean these countries and tho United
States, providing for tho construction
of tho Nicaraguan canal," had been
prepared and was ready for the Big
The Committee's Action.
Washington, March 13. The senate
committee on Isthmian canala has de
cided by a vote of seven to four to
report tho Hepburn bill providing for
the construction of an interoceanlc
canal along the Nicaraguan route.
This action of the committee was
taken at a called meeting and came
after a brief report by Senator Mor
gan, chairman of tho committee, do
tailing the result of a conference with
Secretary Hay as to the status of dip
lomatic negotiations with Central
American republics concerning the
canal. Ho stated that tho secretary
had told him that there are no nego
tiations pending . between tho United
States and Colombia concerning the
Panama route, and that on the other
hand representatives -of this country
and those of Nicaragua and Costa Ri
ca had been in consultation and had
agreed upon practically all the points
to bo covered in concession treaties,
nothing really being left In that con
nection but to put tho agreement In
writing. He said that the govern
ments of those two countries bad
manifested a disposition to make ail
concessions the United States could
ask to aid in the construction of the
canal usd that among these conces
sions is one for perpetual right of
Senator Hanna proposed that action
by the committeo phpuld be delayed!
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago, March 13. Wheat "GVi
75 per bushel.
Wheat In San Francisco.
'San Francisco, Marcn 33. Wheat
$1.12 (1.12 K por cental.
Will Fight for Fur Trade.
Montreal, Quo., March 13. fTho
Hudson's Bay Company, whoso sway
over thousands upon thousands of
miles of prairie and forest in tho Ca
nadian Northwest for years has boon
undisputed, will meet with competi
tion shortly, which promises to re
mind it of the days when tho Great
West Company fought It tooth and
nail for Bupromacy In fur trade. Ac
cording to an apparently well founded
report a rival company, backed by
English and Canadian capital, is ar
ranging to sond vessels down Hud
son's and James' Bays, and establish
many trading posts along tho east
plain and on tho weBt coast, which is
tho stronghold of tho Hudson's Bay
Company. Such a movo would un
doubtedly precipitate a life and death
fight between tho rival Interests.
The Workmen Who Are Now
Out Number 20,000.
Strikers Are in Position to Secure
Their Full Demands Other Cities
Beside Boston Feeling Effects of
the Tie-up In Many Ways.
lloston, March 13. Tho strike Is
still spreading nnd this morning it la
estimated that nearly 20,000 workmon
aro out in this city. Tho ranks of
tho strikers wero augmented this
morning by the longshoremen and
freight handlers, who work on the
Cunard and Lcland docks and In tho
Boston & Albany frclgnt yards In Enst
There is a possibility that a satis
factory way to bring the strlko to nu
end may be found today. Secretary
Easioy, of tho Civic Federation, arriv
ed this morning nnd will meet tho
representatives of tno strikers and
Governor Crane nnd members of the
various business interests nffectod by
tho prosont state of affairs.
Other cities are feeling tho effects
moro and moro of tho strike and ln
ilucnces toward bringing about n
speedy settlement aro strengthening.
Tho Btrlkers realize they have the
best of tho contention and nro most
llkoly to securo their full demands.
Celebrity Banquet of U. of M.
Ann Arbor, Mich., March 13. Tho
second annuul celebrity banquet and
ball given by tho stockholders and
directors of tho University of Mich
igan Daily Nows takes placo tonight,
and it promises to bo tho most not
able event of the collogo year. Tho
affair will bo limited to all notables
In the various brunches of university
activity and tho press. The guests
will Include tho presidents of tho dif
ferent senior classes, the mombers of
the student board of control, Presi
dent Potter of tho athletic board and
tho managers, captains and cham
pions of the yarious athlotic teams.
Railroad Indebtedness.
Dos Mblnos, Iowa, March 13. Tho
senato today passed a bill which ro
movos all limitation to tho Indebted
ness of railways. The measure was
fostered by tho Northern Securities
Was that a Crime?
Now York, March 13. Emll Wltte,
who filed the charge of assisting
Bryan in tho last presidential cam
paign against Gormnn Ambassador
Von Ilollobon, lives In this city. Ho
admitted today the charges were
mado .becauso ho feels ho was not
treated right by tho ambassador and
declures that a secret service man
took charge of his proofs against the
Electric Storm on the Sound.
'Port Townsond, March 13. An oloc
trie storm swept over this city this
morning. For nn hour tho sky was
ahlazo with lightning, thunder made
tho buildings tremblo and rain foil In
torrents. Tho storm was precedod by
a heavy fall of hall.
Huntsvllle Gas Plant Sale.
Huntsvlllo, Ala., March 13. This is
tho date set by tho chancery court for
tho salo of tho HuntHvlllo gas plant
Tho proporty Is very valuable as an
investment, and lively bidding Is expected.
For a third of a century Ameri
can housewives have found Dr.
Price's Baking Powder invaria
bly a guarantee of pure, delicious
and wholesome food.
Always makes the perfect biscuit,
cake and bread.
Price Baking Powder Co
Note, Unking powders made from air
r . 4 and other harsh, caustic acids a
lower in pricu.hut inferiordn work
and injurjous to tliu stomach.
m mm