LASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS c: g 9 p 0 bG I i) fe A BIG LOG ROLLING 1144 INITIATED WOODMEN AND WOMEN OF WOOD CRAFT, PENDLETON APRIL 21-22 NEXT. slieii A S5 18. i 5' 1 ffl W fe P'9 fe sjk? One cent per word for the first Insertion, I-2c thereafter; 30 words or less, $1.50 per month, or $12 per year. No ad, inserted for less than 15c. FOR SALE. kl SALEGASOLINE 'OywiNQ, WITH Ipes, tnuks find fttiiKS. rcdr to oper l Ave to nix horse nowor. lVon-milca! lu use of fuel, rrlce f'-o'J. Kasr. urcou office, Pendleton. k SALE AT Tnn EAST OREGONIAN pee, large Dunmes or newspapers, von ng orer 100 blc papers can be obtained Kt cents a uunuie. NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNPEN Irpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap C purposes. Old newspapers ln large at the HAST uitEUUNiAN orace, ton, Oregon. PHYSICIANS. W- d. COLTS. OFFICE IN JTJOD Inc. Office hours. 10 to 12 a. m. ; p. m. Telephone 77. llMILLEIt, M. T., DBSPAIN BLOCK, ks ann corrects eve troubles catar- condltlona and Impaired bearing. es correctly fitted for refractive' er- Inleton Ravines Bank. Telephone 30; knee telephone 81. h. GARKIF.LD, M. D., HOMRnPATII- I'hvsiclan and surgeon. urace in bnlldlnc. Telephone: Office, black (residence. Mack 24. WILLIAM HOUSE. PHTSTCIAN AND fcrceon. Ofllrp. room 20 .Tudd Bnlld I rhone Main 72. Residence Phone Red 23. J. P. M'PATTTi. ROOM 17. ASSOCIA- fen lilork. Telephone Main 03 ; resi le telephone, black 101. 1 It. m. TIENDERSON. PHYSICIAN Id Surseon. Specialties eye. enr. nose fthroat. i mice in savings nans duiiu Phoue .Main tEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DRS. eyes Keyes. Office one block wist o ion store. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRONIC md nervous diseases aud diRea's of ken. Opp. Hotel Pendleton, cor. Water Mnm tsts., lenaieron. ure. t-none 273. kRCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. HOWARD. ARCHITECT A NO SU rlntendcnt. makes complete and relt ; plans for buildings In the city or try. ltoom it, juug Dunamg. & COLE. CONTRACTORS AND lllders. Estimates furnished on short . Job work a specialty. Prompt ce. Shop on tsiuir street, near Aiain A. MAY . CONTRACTOR AND slider. Estimates furnished on all Is of masonry, cement walks, stone k. etc. Orders can be left at the East Ionian office. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. RROS.. COURT STREET, LA , Block, electricians, dealers In elec- jBupplles. Houses, stores wired for lights, bells or telephones. Electrl Hares, all kinds. Get our vrl;es. Ite prk a specialty. iRY AND FEED STABLES. IERCIAL STABLES. G. W. FROOME Livery feed and Boarding. AH kinds its. Competent drivers. Onnoslte Ho- hndleton. Telephone 10. pr LTVERY, FEED AND SAOE3 kbles. First class sln-l? nnd double for all occasions. (127 C'ottiuwood St. ye, Main 70. Evlln Craig, Prop. Wf STABLES, T. W. AYERS. PitOr.. very, feed and boarding. Tbe best outs In tbe city. 4.1ta Si., between p and Cottonwood Sts. Phone, Main 10. O.K. FEED STABLES. SATISFACTION arantecd. G10 Aura St., bet. Webb end . F. P Hartshorn, prop. Many years es sence in this business. BGON FEET) YARD, W. T. BOYNTOW prop. Special care given horses left with f. lower Webb street. Phone Red 201 CABS AND CARRIAGES. rY CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER. PROP, telephone Main 79, at the Depot Livery I DENTISTS. ! A. VAIIGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Jodd building. La. MANN, DENTIST, IN ASSOCIA pon block, over F. B. Clopton'i office. RE8TAURANTS AND CAFES. GEOnOF! TfRSTAT7T?A VT RTIffwpi.T rat class. W. W. Pangjjin, Prop. Mean uuiiro. uui main ov. xei. .nam iz. iott's nriiimnnifii 2 PENNYROYAL LOTHP of menstruation." .They WM womaonooa, awung development of organs and body. No LF1 kuowu remeay jor women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes jleasure.. ftl.OO Villi BOX BY MAIL. Bold OLD ,BY TALLMA.N A.CQ JPRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON. i .. . . mm msm nan cannn. )Lo bv -rl, TATrwZ L"?Hf . .wumnn m. w, onuoiTI, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets sec ond nnd fourth Saturdays of each month. In Ilendrlck's Hall. Mrs. Ida lTolcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nettle Bobbins. Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M Meets In Secret Society Hall, sc-dJ and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All vis iting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. 8. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. IJEDMEN UMAHALES TRIBE, NO. 18 Meets every Tuesday night In Hen drlck's Hall. Roy W. Rltnor, Keeper of Records. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting waloome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe II. I nrkai, Sc. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 2S T. C. Taylor, n. P., F. F. Wnmsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic nail. PENDLETON COMMANDERY, NO. 7., . Robert Forster. E. C, W. E. Carter, Sec retary. Meets first and third Friday of each month In Masonic Hull. 1IONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL Uam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. Lampkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pvthlas. J. F. Nowlln. C. C: It. W. Fletcher, K. ol R. it S. Meets ovrry Monday in secret society uau. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tatullla Camp. No. 0300. Meets flrst and third Saturdays of each month at Hen drlck's Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con sul : u. a. jtoDiuns. uieru. wor- ':N OF THE WORLD REGULAR stir., of Pendleton CamD No. 41. W, ., sr. eld In Odd .Fellows' hall every . ujdr.j c. 'ng. Visiting neighbors always w.-rj3K. . '. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, U. v.- f . TORNEYS. CARTER ix BALEY. ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office lu Savings Bank building. BEAN & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT Law. Room 14 Asssoclatlon block, Pen dleton, Oregon. T. G. HAILEY, LAWYER, OFFICE IN juua Dunuing, i'enaieton, uregon. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association block. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill tjourt csc L. B. BEEDER, ATTORNEY AC LAW, jennieion, regqn JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD Building. BTILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admit ted to practice lu United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Associa tion UIOTK. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA pher of the city. Harvest views, Indian photos for sale. Finishing done for ama teurs. Main St., near bridge. Phone, Bed BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, vrej;uu. capital, tu,uuu; surplus ana 6i ju to, fuuuu. in Leretsi on time aepoaits. I PAIR In fnrplrvn find nmaatU AvlianrvA Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, vlce-pres- mcuv , li. xjj iiarneit, casnier ; Mrs. Ja. L Uarnctt, assistant cashier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, . iJ?"u,Blou "regon. urganizea March 1, 1880; capital, $50,000; surplus, $00,000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex change .bought and sold on all principal fuiuLd. oyuuiui uu.enion given to collec tlons. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J, Morris, cashier, THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON, "aiuu, ufccuu. jjuea a general nank lag business. Exchange bought and sold Jameson, president; Geo. W, Profbstel, vice-president; J. 11. Kllgore, cashier; di rectors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Johns. T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital $70,000; surplus, $85,000. ...uouvio tcuciui uauKlUK DUSineSB. KX- change and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, Ban Francisco, New York and principal points in the northwest Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. F. Matlock, rlee-presldent : C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C Guernsey, assistant caabler. mi A They overcome Weak. PILLS Hess. irreoriila.ffv on i . . d j 1 omissions, increase vil'- or and banish "pains are "JLIFJB SAVEB8to eifiTat Co-, mam rranelMo, Gab QHHHH ml mm A DELICATE SITUATION. Mistress What did Mrs. Gusher say .when you told her I was out? Maid She said she would wait until you returned! COMMERCE-TRADE Local Market Prices. The following snows the prices paid on the local market: TurnipB, 75c per sack. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 4c lb. Cheese, per lb., 20c. Onions, per cwt., ?2. Beets, per lb., lc. Potatoes, per cwt, ?2. Apples, per box, $1.50. Horse radish, 12c lb. Garlick, lz c lb. Sweet potatoes, 5c per lb. Sauer Kraut, 40c per gallon. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $3.50 to ?4.50. Roosters, $3.50 to $4.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $3.50. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 25c in trade. Butter, 50 to 60c per roll. Choice beet cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, $4, Hogs, live, 6c. Hogs, dressed, 6c. Calves, dressed. 7 to 8c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.65 per sack; do., 15 lbs, $1; beet granu lated, $5.50 per sack; do 16 lbs, $1. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c lb; lower grades coffee, 25 to 15c lb; package coffee, 15c lb. Rico Beat head rice, 12c per lb; next grade, 81-3c per lb. Salt Coarse, $1.36 per 100; table, $2.20 per 100. Flour, B. B., $3 per bbl. Skins, Hides and Pelts. Portland, March 10. Sheepskins Shearings, 1520c; short wool, 25 35c; medium wool, 30C0c; long wool, C0c$l each, Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 15loc per pound; dry kip, no. l, o to id pounds, 15c; dry cair. No. 1, under 5 pounds, 16c; dry alt- ea puns ana stags one-tn;ra jqm than ary nmt; salted hides, steers, soupd, 60 pounds and over. 89c: 50 to 60 pounds, 718c; under 60 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 55c; Lip, sound. 16 to 30 pounds. 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound under 10 pounds, 8c; green (unsalted), 1 o perpouad leas,; culls, one-cent per pound less: horse hides, salted, each $1.W2; dry, each $101,60; olts hide, each, 2f 50c; goat skins, common, each, 10 15c; Angora, with wool on, each,25 $1.00. . Pelts Bear skins, as Ij size. No, 1, each $520; cubs, $25; badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, each, 2530c; house cat, 510c; fox, common gray, 3050c; do red, each, $1,500)2; do, cross, each, $515; do silver and black, each, $100200; fishers, each $56; lynx, each, $23; mink, Btrlctly No. 1., each 30c1.25; mar ten, dark northern; $6(g)12; marten pals pine, according to size and co lor, $1.53 d; muskratB, large, each C10c; skunks, each, 2530c; civet or polecat, each, 5310c; otter for large prime skins, each, $57; pan ther, with head and claws perfect each, $2.0035.00; raccoon, for larse prime, 3035c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect. each, $3.50 6; wolf, prairie (coyote) with head perfect, each, 4060c; wolf, prairie, (coyote) without head perfect, each 3035c; wolverine, each $47; beav er, per skin, large, $D(S6; do medium $34; do small, $131.50; do kits 5075c. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of T. F. Howard, arch! tect, up to 12 o'clock noon of March 18th, 1902, for the erection and entire completoln of a two story and base ment residence for Dr. Wi. G. Cole, ac cording to plans and specifications prepared by T. F. Howard. Separate bids will bo received for the mason work. All bidders will bo required to de posit a certified check for five per cent of the amount of the bid, which check will become the property of the owner of the building to be erected, provided, such bidder shall fail to sign a contract and furnish a good and sufficient bond for the execution of the work. All other checks will bo returned to the bidders. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids for the work. March 6th, 1902. Can't Keep It Secret Tho splendid work of Dr. King's New Mfe Pills Is dally coming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel Roubles was ever known be fore. Thousands bless them for cur. lng constipation, sick headache, bll Housness, jaundice and Indigestion, Try them. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store . Advertising. We may live without poetry, music and art. We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends, and live without fads. But business today cannot live with out ads. Tbe Country Merchant SECOND HAND DEALERS. GKOuOn O'DANIKL, NRW AND SKCOND hand Kods bought and o;d. Court St., Opera house block. Call and so? me. V. STROIILK, DKALKK IN BKOOD hand goods. If there ts anything yon need In new or second hand furniture, Hoves, granite ware and crockery, call and set his prices. No. 212 Court St. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. ?OnCAN GUT THR HIGHEST MAu" ket price for your hides, pelts and all kinds ot Junk, such as rubber, brass, coo per, lead, zinc, rapt and bottles. Iron ot all kinds a specialty. You can bring In 30 cents worth of old rags or ship Ik 000 worth of hides and will bo treated In the samo way. We have come here to tay. Give us a cat and you will bo satis. d. li. Slinnk A Co., odlce and warehouse next to Eastern Hotel, Pendleton, Ore. Telephone, lied 221. MISCELLANEOUS. sonscnniKUS to magazines, ik you want to subscribe to magazines or nuwg papcrs In the United States or Huropc, remit bv postnl note, check or send to tho HAST OHEGONIAN tho net piiDllsher's price of the publication you desire,- and wo will liave It sent you and assume al Itf.e risk of the money being lost In tho mails. It will save von both troublo at d rlek. If you nro a subscriber to the HA8T ORR GONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the publisher',) prlro Ad. drees RAST OHEGONIAN l'Un. CO., Pen dleton, Oregon. FOR SALE NEW CHICAGO TYPEWHIT er, universal key board, flrst class ma chine. Take a look at It. Thirty dollars will buy It. East Oregonlan olllce. BAimiTT METAL, BEST IN TnW world, in bars. Price $1 per bar, at tho East Oregonlnn office. FOR RENT Rooms In tho East Oregon 'an building for rent; Bteam heated, hot and cold wntcr and bath room. What It Is. Advertising is tho lifo blood of tho business worhl today, and well direct ed advertising Is like the powerful searchlight of a river steamer, thrown upon a distant cottage on tho bank, cutting it out like a picture painted on a black canvas. Tho timid buyer and tho prospective Industry will follow tho rays of tho searchlight of public ity, just na surely as will the oyes of tho stoamer's passengers follow tho light thrown from their vessel. Thoy will not search the surrounding gloom for objects of interest when a boautl ful picture Is clearly shown before them. Prospective buyers will not search the surrounding gloom for your competitors If tho searchlight of publicity Is turned on your own place of business. Canastota (N, Y.) Bee. Rooms in tho East Oregonlnn build ing for ront. Steam heated, Lot and cold water and bath room in connec tion. TRANSPORTATION LINES. "BEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word this tolls of the passenger service via "The North-Western Line" 8 trains daily lietween St. Paul and Chicago comprising The latest Pullman Sleepers PeerlefiH Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Iteolinlng Chair Cars The 20th Century Train runs every day of the yeai FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHIOAQO BY DAY LIGHT The Badger State Express, the finest aay train running between at. Paul and Chicago via the Short Line; con nections from the West made via The Northern Paclrto, ureal .Northern, and Canadian Pacific Bys. This is the best line between Omaha, St. Paul and Minnesota. All agents sell tickets via "The North weatern Line." W. H. MEAD, H. L. SfSLEB, 248 Alder St.,' Portland, Ore. Cm YOURSELF! Um Big j for uaoatoral llfbarei, InflainauUpM, IrrlUtioui or ulceration of mucous niembraaea, llnll. nt tint u ...... , gtnit or poisonous, M sy Dmrcteta, or sent in plalu wrapper. ! express, prepaid, 7of ILM), or 3 rtUs7.V. Circular seat on request. lalui dt.ji.l OarsDU4 W at to lUiciBi. fLHtDHM!LCQ, 'V&oiKciimtTi.o'.H TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON Shoreline UNION PACIFIC Am PKPAftT FOB Tlmo Schedule From Poi.dloton AMBITS raoit Chicago rortlsnd Bpoclal 5:30 p m via Hunt' Inn ton. Sn'.t Lake, Donvor. Ft. worm, omaha, Kan sas City. St Louis, Chi cngoand KM. 8:00 a. st. Atlantic Kzproia 5:15 a. in via Hunt lngton. Salt Lako, Denver. Ft, Worth, Orasha. Kn si City, 8t. Louis, Ohi cago and Kait. 11:10 p, m. St. Paul Fast Mall 8.15 a. ui. via Bpokano. Walla Walla, Lewliton 8pokane,WnllRCC,Pull' man, Minneapolis, fit Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Uhlcago and East. SrWp. m. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM roilTLAND. All nailing dates subject to ennngo. For Ban Francisco Hall every 5 days. 8:00 p. m. i p. in. Daily except Sunday 8 p. m. Saturday 10 p.m. Columbia River To Astoria and Way Lauillngri. 4pm Sunday Willamette nivor Iloats leave i'ortluud dally, except Sunday, (stage of water permitting) lor Willamette au fnmhlll Klvor points. Leavo Leave Rlparia Snake River Lowiston 4:05 a.m. 7:00 a.m. Daily Rlparia to Lewlston. Dally Kicpt Mon B'cpt Mor F. F. WAM8LKV, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thfs route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. LouIb, Kan Baa City, St. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMS CARD. Leavo Pendleton, dally except Sundays at 6:00. pm. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday aasl Friday 11 :55 am. Arilvo Pendleton Tuesday, Thursday svot Baturday 9 Mom; Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound 10:00 pm. Arrive Walla Walla dally west bound 9,-05 am. For information regarding rate and actum. modatlous, call on or address W. ADAMS, Agent. Pendletou, Oregea B, B. OALDKRHBAD. Q. P. A., Walla Walla. Wash. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars fST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKfl IOROOKSTON WINNEPEG HELENA and 11UTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON aud all point Eaat and South ThrOUirh tickets ta Janan and tthlna. via Tacoma and Northern Paclflo ataamakia Oa. and American Hne. TIMK H0HRBULK. Trains leave Pendleton dally axeaas Bojada at 0:00 p. m. For farther lnlormatlon, time cards, meaa, and tlckeU, call on or write W. Adam. Pa dletoa, Oregon, er . A. D. OHAKLTOM, xaua aaa Morruea bm., rMtiui, vn