East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 12, 1902, Image 5

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    Closing Out Sale Continues
25 yards Prints .-...$ 00
20 yards Amaskeag Gingham i 00
20 yards Bleach Muslin . t 00
25 yards Ooting Flannel. . . i 00
J0cand5c Lace, per yard 05
75c Corsets for 39
(leaver Bros. D-G.Co
James A. Howard, farm loans.
Nicest candy In the cl'-y. Dutton's
Ice cream chocolates.
Three rollS crystal crepe paper, 25c,
lit Nolf's boolc store.
Stockmen intending to purchase
,ock salt should -write the Standard
rocery for prices.
The Standard Grocery can sell you
esh ranch eggs cheaper than any
tore in Pendleton.
Wall paper, wall paper! Where?
JLt Sharp's big wall paper store, opera
louse block, Court street.
The Standard Grocery has Just re
ceived another large, shipment of the
walla Walla Health Foods.
Money to loan at lowest rates on
wn or country property. J R. Dick
)n. East Oregonlan building.
To make space for new goods, all
:oves and ranges now on hand, at
jst. This week only. W. J. Clarke
Mulr & Wall .have moved their
ressmaking parlors from Association
lock, to their home at 301 East
rebb street.
m 4
L .Tt. ! . J tail Jmttt ill
I carry them in all sizes
I and guarantee them to be 4
I just as stamped.
$ t
Jeweler and Optician
Next door to R. 'Alexander's J
riJiiitiifidfiifiJii--" .h m m . m
r V 'm nrrTTTTT 'A J T i "f 1 M 1
?1.00 to $1.50 shirts to close, 49c.
Cleaver Bros' Dry Goods Co.
New invoice of dill pickles and
olives in bulk, at Hawley Bros.
Wanted A girl who is a first-class
cook. Inquire of Mrs. Rose Camp
bell. Ladles' Mcintosh $2.35, regular
price, $6.50. Cleaver Bros' Dry
Goods Co.
Big red apples, honey in comb, rad
ishes, cauliflower, celery, etc., at
Hawley Bros.
If you want fine meats, go to
Shcwarz & Greulich. They handle the
best there is to be had.
Two hundred yearling wethers with
wool on, for sale. Rihorn & Cook,
Taylor building, room 10.
Ask to see 4111 black hose. We
are selling them at 25c; worth 40c.
Cleaver Bros' Dry Goods company.
For rent, newly furnished rooms,
bath in connection, 309 West Court
street, two blocks from Main street.
The most beautiful line of pattern
hats ever brought to Pendleton are
now on display at Mrs. Campbell's
millinery parlors.
Lady Bees of June Hive will swarm
on Friday evening, March 14, in secret
society hall. Fine program and em
blematic supper, all for 25 cents.
Speltz seed, a new cereal, a great
hay and grain producer, $3 per hund
red. For sale at C. F. Colesworthy's,
corner Alta and Cottonwood streets,
For Sale All kinds of city and
country property, part cash, balance
in yearly payments. Will buy you a
home, you pay for it by the month.
Houses rented, collections made. Ri
horn & Cook, room 10, over Taylor's.
Alert Hose Company will give a
hard times masquerade ball on St
Patrick's night, Monday, March 17,
Music by Kirkman's orchestra. Cash
prizes offered. Admission, gentlemen
maskers, $1; spectators. 50 cents.
lady msakers, free; spectators
so cents.
The Carrier millinery establishment
is maae urnuant with the latest fash
ions in ladies' hats and t.rlmmlni?H.
Mrs. Carrier recently returned from
Chicago and an elegant stock of
spring millinery Is now arriving,
which the ladies are invited to call
and see on display.
The linmllnnf man n QonjiM..
" - wuuicwu as
Well as trio nnnrinnmoof n-nA
- 11 i . . ' .
uie luvuea 10 can on any druggist
and tret fre a trial tmtio n T-,t
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
rciutjuy mat. is guarnteea to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs.
ttomiutt. urwncmus ana consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall-
uiuu os (jo soie agents.
We have just received a direct shipment of Sassafras Bark
from the New England states, which is very fine in flavor and
riCn in MpHir-al Prrof fTco
We also havfi thp. cmitlmrn QmUr U..4- r. j .1
New .England Bark far ahead of the ordinary.
iiijfrrciflN S DRUG STORE
65 Steps from Main, Street Tard ft?o0')
TUa !pitare Is on'eyery 'box pfjihe eeaulne
Born, Tuesday morning, to Mr. and
Mrs., Hermau Suhl, of Cold Springs,
a girl.
E. Bosse, who represents a largo
syndicate of Green Bay, Wfls., wis es
tablish a flax fibre plant in Salem for
the manufacture of linen goods.
Mrs. J. R. Hammond, aged SO years,
died at Salem Monday. Sho was a
resident of Paisley, Klamath county,
and leaves a husband and two young
Abraham L'uman, of Portland, tail
or, has filed a petition in bankruptcy
in the United States court in Port
land. His liabilities amount to $7,
S36.75. His assets are not mentioned.
Edward S, Wright, or Woodburn,
has filed' a petition in bankruptcy in
the United States court in
Portland. His liabilities are given
at $2598.42 and his assets amount to
County Assessor Cadman, of Walla
Walla, holds that deposits in the
banks are proper subjects of assess
ment and taxation. If he is correct
he will add $2,000,000 to the valuation
of Walla Walla county, and many mil
lions to the total valuation of tho
A dispatch from Azusa, near Los
Angeles, Cal., announces the death at
that place of Mrs. J. P. Galbraith, of
Albany. She had gone there for her
health. ' She was born in Tennessee
in 1843, and came to Oregon in 1875.
She left a husband and eight children.
R. Martin, the groceryman, is now
located in his new store in tho Qus
Lafontaine new brick, three doors
north of his old stand, where he has
a more commodious room and a much
better place to display his goods. The
building he was in will probably be
occupied by a restaurant.
Dr. Christie received a telegram
this morning stating that G. F. Greer,
who is representing M. C. Gray, of
Nebraska, will arrive Thursday with
a consignment of stallions, that will
be for sale at the Garrison & La
fontaine stable. The Greer horses are
well known here, several of them
having been sold to Umatilla county
residents last yeftr.
What might have been a serious
runaway was narrowly averted this
morning on Main street, in front of
Schwarz & Greulich's butcher shop.
Henry Miller, a farmer living in tho
Ccld Springs country, had brought in
a li'ji to the butchers in a hack, and,
while trying to back the team up to
unload from the. hind end of the rig,
the horses became unmanageable and
started to run. They ran across the
street and struck a telegraph pole, at
the corner of Main and Webb streets,
where they were stopped. The only
damage was the breaking of tho neck
The dance to be givgn Friday night,
the 14th, by Mrs. E. N. LeRoy, for
the entertainment of her friends, Is
expected to be one of the swellesraf
fairs ever held in PeAdleton. This is
the first dance ever given in Pendle
ton by the colored race, and it is caus
ing considerable interest among the
whites, who are anxious .to be per
mitted to look on, but It has been an
nounced that no spectators will be
allowed. Quite a number of colored
folks are expected from Portland,
Baker City, Walla Walla and other
neighboring towns and elaborate pre
parations are being made to entertain
Secretary M. D. Wisdom Says It will
be Better Than Ever. N
Secretary M. D. Wisdom, of the
stntd board of agriculture and tho
state fair board, was interviewed re
garding tho 1902 fair. Ho said:
"Wo shall undertako to advortlso
to tho public Just what wo will do,
and then do what wo say; carrying
out our promises to- the letter. As
In years past, wo will toll tho people
what wo intond to havo and have it.
"Tho livestock exhibit will bo bet
ter nnd larger than ever before, as
wo have more money for premiums
in this department than ever before.
There will be little change, boyoml
the class of exhibits and Increase of
premiums from last year.
"Tho American Shorthorn Breed
er's association havo given us $1000
this season, in addition to an equal
amount of our own for premium lists
In this breed of cattle, and tho Short
horns will be fully represented.
"The American Hereford Breeders
association has donated $500 for pre
miums for Hereford stock. There is
great rivalry bctweon those two beef
breeds, for the Pacific Coast market,
in tho selling of bulls, and wo expect
to seen a big showing put' up by both
"I am glad to say that the state
fair as an advertisement for Oregon
is having its effect. Last year when
in Chicago at the great 'stock show'
all tho big breeders wore well posted
in what wo aro doing; and asked
many questions about this section of
the country, with the view of estab
Ushing breeding farms; and tho an
nouncement in tho Telegram that C.
R. Thomas, secretary of tho American
Hereford Breeders' association, would
ship to Oregon 200 head of thorough
bred Hereford bulls is partial evi
dence of tho good effects that tho
dtate fair is having in tills direction.
"The agricultural department is be
ing devoted to state products exclu
sively, and is creating universal In
terest. Farmers aro making" plans
for a large display, and In all tho de
partments work Is progressing most
satlsfactorially, and I think wo may
say that tho Oregon state fair for
1302 will surpass any previous oxhlbi
tions held."
Surgeon's Knife Not Needed.
Surgery is no longer necessary to
,cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve cures such cases at once, re
moving the necessity for dangerous,
patntui and expenslvo operations. For
scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises,
sores and skin diseases It is unequall
ed. Beware of counterfeits. Tall
man & Co. and Brock & McComas.
Attended a Wedding.
R. Alexander returned Tuesday
evening from La Grande and Baker
City. In the former place he attend
ed the marriage of Miss Marie Somers
and Albert L. Morris, a prominent
traveling man, of Denver, Col. The
bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Somers, of the Somers hotel, and
ves one of tho leading society young
ladles of the town. The wedding was
a brilliant affair, it being attended by
a large circle of relatives and friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Morris left immediately
after the wedding for Portland and
will then go to Denver, where they
will make their home.
To the Yellowstone.
The Oregon Railroad and Naviga
tion company announces that ar
ranKements have been comnletod hv
the Harrlnian lines for tho transpor
tation of passengers to tho Yellow
stone National park by way of Mon
Ida, Idaho. A round trip rate of $40.50
from Pocatello to tho park has been
made. At present a lino of stages
runs between Monlda and tho park,
a distance of about 60 miles, but it
is understood that automobiles will
be placed on the line during the com
ing summer.
Where Consumption Can be Cured.
The superintendent of tho govern
ment sanitarium at Fort Bayard,
Ariz., reports that he has demonstrat
ed that consumption in every stngo
can be cured by that climate, and ad
herence to a simple regimen tho
best arid purest food, absolute rest
for those most exhausted from tho
disease, and life as far as possible in
the open air. He not only claims that
patients are benefitted, but cured,
and that those in tho latter stages
or the disease aro cured.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
Tailor Made Suits and Skirts
Now on sale, the most complete and elegant assort
ment of Ladies' Outer Garments in this state, out
side of Portland, fashionably cut, reliable, stylish and
well made at very moderaate prices,
Ladles Tailored Suits, Silk; Waists at)d Petticoats
Separate skirts, novelty wash waists in madras, tincnV and
flmong the New Spring Dress Goods Our Wool Dress
Goods present every popular weave for the present season,
in all the spring shadings.
Minstral This is a canvas weave and very popular. We are
showing several qualities in all colors at 50c to $175 per
Prurjella This is a satin finished, all wool material, lustrous
and durable.all spring shades and black, at $1.00 per yard.
Therefore a Great Many Other Weaves Too numerous
to mention in detail, among the lot are Wool Crepe, Drap
de Paris, Albatross, Henriettas, Cheviots, Mohairs in a
range of qualities.
f 11 rapes li
Frazer Opera House,
Goo. L. lUkor, Lcsseo nnd MnnAgor, Jn. It. Welch, Local Manager.
SATURDAY, MARCH 15th, 1902.
Rousing Chorouses, Glees, Humorous Sonus and College Songs
Old College Men, Young College Men, Everybody will henr
Soma of the Old Songs, Some of the Now Bonga, Good Sluglug.
Prof Hauerbach, Dramatic Reading; Prof. Fischer, Violin Soloist;
Prof. Lorlng, Pianist,
Stallions For Sale.
There will arrive on Thursday
morning, from Beatrice, Nebraska,
six Imported stallions from England
and France, all registered, the finest
ever brought to this county. All In
tending purchasers are Invited to
call and see them at Lafontalno's &
Garrison's stables, on Alta Btreet.
Red Men Attention.
All members of Umaholls Tribe No,
18, I, O. R. M., are requested to meet
Tat Hendrlck's hall at 1 o'clock sharp,
x"rjday afternoon, to attend the fun
eral of Brother Ben Hagen.
Chief of Records.
For Rail".
Twelve bufldlng lots in block 14, on
the north side of the river In Raley's
addition. Fine location and well grad
ed. ''Inquire of N; W.' Potwlne, Pendle
ton, Oi. - '
A ' riromlnenf Mancliurl'an' censor
nag memorialized tho throne for the
removal of Vu'Tlng" Fang, the Chin
ese minister to the " United -States:
The' densor' 'asserts1 that WU Ting
Fang corruptly1 retained, ostensibly
for repairs to the Chinese legation
10 Washington, 80,'000 of the Tien
TbIo- silver- refunded by the American
government.: t j . -j ...', '
Boston Store Shoes I
' r. ...
for neN
Boston Store
'Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigars.1
To make good bread ubo Byoro' BfBt Flour, It took first
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over nil competi
tion, and givea excellent satisfaction wherever used,
Every sack is guaranteed. Wo havo tho beat Stoara
Rollod Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barloy.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
The Bunch Is Off ! !
. . AND THE . .
. . yiTH THE . .
PRICES $25, $35, $40, $50
" for Inferior Bfcvcle? f
4 v -t
JAMES B. W E L G Hft Aj5 E N E
v. yx . ?
i -i n
afogtfe of them'. A full supply always kt in stock,
r.f ii- ..
. . Hid
') V IVi J of . W .,,1 K.H "tt
'-t$ v.Ui t tta, ii M
; ii'