make government bottor, or to ad'jsltlcd over ly a comnilBsIonor and "WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12. 1902. minister It more economically. The ofllce Itch Is a disease and there is au epidemic of it. GOVERNMENT VS. RAILROADS. This Date In History March 12. ; As reported In the Enst Oreconlan's IMS-John , Lorimer Worden. rear admiral ' dispatches on Monday, by direction of ?. Y : lie conimniiilpil jhv'hen she beat the Merrlmnc. 1S23 Tlionms Buchunun Head, distinguish- fed American artist and poet, born In Chester county. Vn.; tiled 1S72. Read 'passed many years in Kurope. particu larly at Home and Klorenco, studying sart. He published a volume of poems tin Kiipland. The poem "Sheridan's SRIde" Is the most popular production lot hi3 pen. and one of his very best pictures Is a group illustrating that 8 poem and bearing the same title. KSS-IIenry Bergh. the devoted friend of ritulmals, died in New York city: horn ?1S23. IKS John Lee Davis, rear admiral. U. S. K., retired, died In Washington; born fin Carlisle. Itid.. 1S2J. 2S0O The lirltish government announced 'Its Intention to destroy the lndepend once of the South African republics. t STRENGTH OF THE WEST. Secretary Shaw, of the "United States treasury department, and a members of President Roosevelt's cabinet, in a recent address spoke of the west that found no place in even the imagination of the founders of the republic. Washington and Hamilton caw the importance to the new na tinn of the great lakes and the Mis sissippi river, but the west did not extend beyond this stream until 1S03 and did not really include the Rocky mountains and the Pacific coast states until 1S4G and 1S48. In short, the "Great West" has only been a short fifty years unfolding and devel oping. "Now the states formed of the oldj northwest territory and the territory annexed after ISO!! are the great -wealth producers of the nation. Sec retary Shaw poiuted out that the west, which had no commercial or jiolitical standing a hundred years ago now produces 99 per cent of the gold, silver and copper output of the United States. 75 per cent of the iron, 75 per cent of the cereals, 65 per cent of the sheep, 50 per cent of the cows and GO per cent of all other cattle. This is the raw material, but Min nesota alone manufacturers 1G.O0O, 000 barrels of flour per annum, and Elgin 3,000,000 pounds of butter. Chi sago sends eastward over her rail roads 150 tons of provisions every hour, and the west sends forward by lake 150,000,000 bushels of grain every year. The Detroit river floats four times as much tonnage as the Suez canal, representing in numbers of vessels a commerce eaual tr that of London, Liverpool and New York combined. ' The United States paid 15,000,000 for .the territory included in the Lou isiana purchase, in a single year the states produce grain to the value of ?344,9G1,193 and the people hold real and personal property to the value of 53,500,000,000. And the Pacific Northwest is add ing still to the reputation of the "Great West." and rapidly forcing recognition of its merit as an integ ral part of the union of states. As help to further progress in this di recHon the proposed Lewis and Clark centennial in Portland in 1905 will serve a great purpose in calling the nttentlon of the whole world to this important part of a Giant Republic! States, a suit was filed at St. Paul in the circuit court of the United Stntes for the district of Minnesota, In the case of the United Stntes, complain nnt. ngalnst the Northern Securities company, the Great Northern Rail way company, the Northern Pacific Railway company and others, defend ants, to test the legality of the alleg ed combination or merger of the two roads and others named in the bill The action was brought under the act of July 2, 1S90, known as the Sherman anti-trust law. After reciting the fact that the Northern Securities company is a cor poration organized under the laws of the state of New Jersey; that the Grent Northern railway was organlz ed under the laws of the state of Min nesota and the Northern Pacific un der the laws of the state of Wiscon sin: and that the last two named companies are common carriers, do ing an intertstate business, and that these two companies at and prior to the doing of the acts complained of, owned and operated two sepaiaie, in dependent, parallel and competing lines of railway aggregating over 5500 miles In length, the petition goes on to say that they "were the only transcontinental lines of railway extending across the northern tier of states west of the grent lakes and the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean and were then eDgaged in active com petition with one another for freight and passenger traffic among the sev eral states of the United States and between such states and foreign coun tries, each system connecting at its eastern terminus, not only with lihes of railroad, but with lake arid river steamers to other states and to for eign countries and at its western ter minals with seagoing vessels to oth er states, territories and possessions of the United States and to foreign countries. one assistant commissioner. There is an average of 150 applica tions for patents filed ench day or ! about 50,000 a year. Up to the pres-; uul uiij ueuny iuu.uuu patents nave been granted since 1S3G and about half that number rejected for wunt of patentability. The work Is di vided Into thirty-six divisions; each division contains one principal ex aminer, one first assistant and four or five other assistants. The princi pal divisions are those of steamon glneorlng, electricity, railways and lolling stock. A few yenrs ago tho heaviest work fell upon tho division where bicycles were examined, but now, owing to the advent of the auto mobile and locomobile, the division of steam engineering and electricity nre crowded with work pertaining there to. The steam engineering division is today the banner division of the TIi a kin 1 IIV 4711111 an mm to THE BLOOD Millinna nf irlntidn nr ttitwa rnmiprt the Wood wltll the elcin. flfld through these Btnnll drain pipes perspiration passes out, carrying with it the impurities that are thrown off by the blood. Should the pores of the skin be entirely closed f or even a brief space of time, and the poisonous matter forced back into the circula tion, instant death would result. In addition to the sweat glands, the skin is proviueci wiut certain ouiers wnica pour out upuu il uu uhj buiuiui.& i"- "s the 6kin pliable and soft and protectmcr it from heat and cold. The blood and skin are so closely rclnted that whatever affects one seriously interferes with the tunc- . . . . a . . a l . a 1 . 1 . t A. uons or the other. Mot only neniui, out lite ltscii, aepenas upon pcxicci. wuuiuuj between the blood and skin. When, therefore, the . blood becomes poisoned from any cause, it quickly tnt9imttMt MHO manifests itself upon the skin in the form of sores and ulcers, pimples and various EXt9BBtMB 'fOIMOti pnntiv iHscnQcu. Ttr iUp rhnrnnter nf the Rorp wi nrt p tinhlrVl to determine the nature of the noison or humor in the blood, as every .disease oriijinating in the blood has its own peculiar sore or pimple. The skin is not only affected by the poisons generated in the system, but poisons from without enter through the open ginnus or pores ana quicitiy lnieci uic uiwu. Mercurr rubbed unon the skin will produce Rheumatism, and Poison Oak and Ivy patent office for an adddition to the and other wild plants gain easy access to the blood through the skin. As so-called hundreds of inventions perfecting the 6kin diseases ongmnte in the blood, the application fare isrfooif "The Northern Securities company was never organized in good faith to purchase and pay for the stocks of the Great Northern and Narthem Pa cific companies. It was organized solely to incorporate the noolintr of locomobile, they have all locomotive and steamboat engines and boilers. The commissioner of patents, who has always an eye to facilitating the work and giving the best of service, has selected for his division a corps of examiners of not only the highest technical ability, but practical men, one having served on a gunboat and another taken from the engineer ranks of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail road. " . It is said on good authority that the bulk of applications for patents are filed by the laboring class of peo ple, those especially employed in transportation by land and sea. The most wonderful strides df inventive faculty have been produced within the last decade or two, perfecting the steam boiler, the steam engine and the dynamo electric machine and the electric motor. Judging from the enormous number of applications for patents now pend ing in the patent office, we may soon see perfected not only the wireless telegraph and telephone, but the practical derigible baloon. It is also hinted at the patent office that wire less electric lighting and supply for electric motors are next in turn. Pendleton Planing And... Lumber YaJ Buy their stock byt'hsJ caiioaa lots and, thJ Ret the benefit of 2 discounts, which en,l mew iu acii at a vervi margin. IF YOU NEED . . . Lumber,- Building J Lime, Cement, Brij aana, Jterra Cott, or anything in thjJ get oat prices. of powders, soaps and washes can do no permanent ennd. but often do immense damn ere bv fl,.., Jl,... Til i in.. Gf$, til 3Sb! thy Skin closing up the outlet to these little tubes rCIKllUUIl Ilfllllllg ftJJ Lumber Yard. and intcnerintr with the natural action of the skin. The treatment must begin with the blood, and the apid or other pois ons untidoted or neutralized. S. S. S. does this and purifies the circulation, builds up the blood ana .flushes the little glands or pores with pure, new blooa, ana restores health v action to the skin. The use of cosmetics never vet brought health and beauty to a rounh, red, pimply skin or sallow complexion. What is needed is rich, pure blood, such as S. S. S. makes. It not onlv relieves vou of all disfigur ing blackheads, blotches and irritating, itching eruptions, but improves your general health. S. S. S. contains no mercuty, potash, arsenic or other mineral, but is a purely vegetable remedy and the safest and best in all blood and skin troubles. Write our physicians for advice or information; they have made a study of blood ana skin diseases, unu 3'ou can have uie bestmeaical aavice witnout cost. UooJcoir Blood and Skin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CD., ATLANTA, 6A R. FORSTER, Proprietor KEEP YOU 5 neer of Union county, died at La i Vrtl4 rraf Grande Saturday night. He leaves an I I Oil JJCl aged mother, wife and two sons in I t r La Grande. j UOOO beef- As a means of making a living pro fessional begging heats several of the trades all hollow, said an old time beggar recently. The proceeds do not seem large to the casual observer, but when you figure up at the end of a day a beggar who caunot average 0,i.. e t. x," ,, i , ' lo vu a any is not a goou nana at 0Cl:L0- .thf..",e'd.C0,,an,e,s a.nt the business. I have made as much to carry into effect the unlawful I j combination or conspiracy aforesaid. HL- ..UILIIUIU UUUHUlIiy IS U mere depository, custodian, holder and trustee of the slock of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern companies and its shares of stock are but beneficial certificates issued against said railroad stocko to desig nate the interest of the holders in the pool. The Northern Securities SEED! SEED! Beardless Barley Ryeand Sonora Wheat Select Lots for Seeding at i ' Pendleton Mills as a uay tor montns at a time. My family lived well and I managed I .w uu nj ut iuc ouuic 1,1 nii. JUk HI 7 gala days and carnival times we clean up as much as $50 a day. It has run higher that that. The big crowds now in the city have helped things considerably. All th evisitors have money and they came here to spend it, and so they turn it loose without W. S. BYERS, Prop. When vou drink PILSNER Not on Pasco BUT ON BYERS' GR0 ADDITION TO PENDLETON, BEER Pstall have Farms for Imrt v ZiS nZ and neVT Und be a beggar, but he can some v nh 2,np.-P t0,7arra,Qt times afford to put his pride in his anj such stupendous operation, its 1 Tlockpt for a w,'flp if 1' is moHn(r siiliRprihort mnttol lmli.. w ein nnn i l10chet Ior a ne is making nn,i wc ,. w ,Ti ; . rnn'wZ money. When he has made the mon f 1, J? SfSniS I I 1?I74'"0'0(l0!ey he will find that his pride is all . fl!"fl Ciln ?.a" iB.LBed-1 right-New Orleans Times. . iicdcui tum Luavmi luu existing 1 E. O. Crandall, a well known pio- PRINCESS VIROQUA, M. D. A Sweet Stomach comes only by having a perfect acting liver and good digestion- both 'can easily be had by using Guaranteed not to cause headache, or dizziness Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE N. Berkeli THE REAL ESTATE II Savings Bank Building, Peudfeal ITCH FOR OFFICE. The senseless clamoring for office all about us passes one's understand ing. From United States senator to coroner the desire Is uppermost. "Whv a lot of sane and otherwise resnect able men should make such unholy niBpmys or vanity and their short comings, is notto be solved! Ul. U1B army or omce seekers In Oregon, not one gives evidence of a hope of serving the state or the peo ple, to any particular extent, but all want ofllce for what there Is in it to them personally. One wants it be-' cause he thinks it will give him greater .prominence In the estimation uf :his. fellows, another wnnfc if J satisfy .an empty and lustful ambl-i linn n rirtift'A- a t . ... a I f"ryfc;v2"Hs it wuu the liono . gaming - and making a little big: eers.dl8play;another wanta it so na tn' enjoy;! larger salary! M.i nt?rii Pwer h can wield, f SSllglSgSS'y "e who wants otttf ee J?KB a trust, or for an op ' 5vai2iKBJrve the state. Irf ( w bUU or with a desire to. noFhelcaSfdn wi. uuuumuumi; tilt: UULIIU' stock of the Great Northern and tba! , Northern Pacific railway companies upon the basis and at the rate agreed upon, which is about 1122,000,000 in ' excess of the combined stock of the ! two railway companies taken at par. 1 Endorses Lydiil E. Pinkliam's j Vegetable Compound After If the government fails to prevent Following lis Kecord Eor the carrying out of this combination! Years or conspiracy, not only with a virtual ' consolidation of the two competing' "Deab Mrs. Pinkham: Health is ' lines with the practical pooling of I ?ne greatest boon bestowed on human their earnings to be effected and a I ltv "nd therefore anything that can monopoly of the interstate and for-l V l0st J,eaUl Is ,a M'-'ssinc I elgn commerce formerly carried on 1 Sable a Z.m.rf rS.Veg by them as createdand tJSoft JFJ?. eutsuuve competition between ! ers and daughters and ma them f such lines and earring of interstate weU and stronir. uu luiuKu iiuuic- ub uestroveu nnt j thereafter, to all desiring to use it, un avauanie method will he present ed whereby through tho corporate scheme or device aforesaid, the acts of congress on July 2, 1890, may he circumvented and set at naught and all transcontinental lines, indeed, the' entire railway systems of tho conn-' try maj- be absorbed, merged and' consolidated, thus placing the public at the mercy of the holding compan ies." i The petition prays that the North ern Securities comptny, its stockhold-' ers. officers, etc.. be perpetually en joined from purchasing, voting, etc., any of the shares of the capital stock of either the Great Northorn or the Northern Pacific companies, and that a mandatory injunction may issue restraining tne Northern Securities company to call and cancol any cer tificate stock Issued by it in purchase ui or in exenance n i i f i Beecham's UfeP er rarfl Pills Alta.St., opp. Court House. Sold Everywhere-In boxes 10c and tie. ! PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST j For All Kinds of Building Material including Doors Windows Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand And Don't Forget Our Wood Gutters i-or uarns and Dwellings "A AN ABSENT MINDFn mam ' I hnhrdl4tr,n,f' whon t,,ere 18 i hSlt loose." , i7 f tpoH? PruoK. 1 r whun the running gear is In need of overhauling, until ho VS n.Vi .i ..k? 1 " ' hjuu or wuern H will make double expense to nave it repaired. Our V.vV i i iiBDie mat mere is no reu NEAGLE BROTHERS water at., p. ar Main, Pendleton, Oregon ?i;"9ES3 VIROQUA. Practicing Physician and Lefcturer. " Tor fifteen years I have noted tho effect of your vegetable Compound in curiiig special diseases of women. x Know of nothing superior for for nnv nf tw rt" V' , i.iui wr shares of the rmnitni . v . ir"l,,u e- barrenness, and it it. . . .7 ui cuiiur iius preventeu iiuudredff of rinturorniiQ operations wnere physicians claimed it was me oniy cnanco to get well. of the said railway companies. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY UNITED STATES PATENT OFFifF (Ulceration and inflammation of the womb has been cured in two or three One of the most lmnnnn( weeks through its use, and as 1 find it mont Institutions in wnHhln Jn n V"aVu7- "nhesitat . b tho United ,StoR vtTr:r for Gentlemen -who cherish Quality., This bureau Is upder thq Jnterior do- I'urimem; ana is nhout tim nniu branch of tho executive departments ia ,e -sustainuig. Mving today to, .Its credit. In tHo TjWn,i ntt treasury ;Pyer 50,000.000. Its' .r.,n complemoni Je a forco ql about 1,000 clorks and ,200 examiners, ,and Is pre- HfnS' licih-"t6000 forfeit If above tet. tlmonlal Is not genuine. If you are ill do not liesitate to srot a bottle of Xyrtia E. pinjc hani's VegotaMo Compound at once, and -write to Mrs. TmTr- hani at Lynn, Mans, ior spoclal j uuvxce ic js enurcjy tree Hold by JOHK 60KMIDT TheLouyre Saloon Farmers Custom Mill Pn Writtm, Proprietor. ' Capacity. ISO barroli a d. Flour exohanged lot wheat. Manys The Time Sellers Renters Buyers . Servants ';"' Houses . , HAVE BEEN FOUND Tuonnnu COtUMNJB OFiTHE EAtTORCQOtl!' IAN WHEN ALL OTHER MEAN HAVE FAILED. THMr A? 5LEJ?.. ADVERTI0EMENT8 BRINfi RESULTS AND DO. NOT rntr .! A TRIFLE. ' T TRY ONE. Why Not? pass a pleasant era ing playing Pooh Billiards at j GoWcnRtilc Pool and Billy PaIo- J. E. PLATTER, P 313 Court Street. 50 YEAti EXPERIENl mm .1 1 RADE m DCSIQNS CopvmcHTSfl Anyone sondlr.g n nketch and descrip qulcklr aacoruin our opinion freo woetkfl invnntion Is prolmbly imtenlablc Coraus tlona strictly conQdentfol. IlanrtUook on Wl Bentfroo. Oldust at'oncy forsocnrlnciaU Patents taken through Munn Care tptcial notice, without. clmrKO, In tbe 1 Scientific Mwm A bandsomelr Illustrated weokir. TJire Culatlnn nf Anv fcnlnnfllln M'cnCfcl year: four months, tl. Bold by all nc'i! rnnnn cnv s f rt waati To make .space for newgij AH Stoves and Rani ...Now on Hand... AT COS This Week Oflly iW. J. .CLARKE & a. ...AGENTS WANTED First elate inrnnhnlrinn to ladies and eentlemen. Oue fori tOwnebin deairedt Gnnrl nar nndJ employment. 1 SaarJ lor bdtim (practical guide-to ngeute at onc.j . 1 jn. pert ijpw, Ueri uooanougH Bag., Foru The Eact CngonlMA Eatt gon'd representatlvMPer. i1 and the people annreclate It advertl.lng-midlum of thl Smoke Pride of Umatilla CWl