SHOES For Men, Boys V"e claim to have the best assortment of popular prh-el Shoes in the city. Chiidrens' Shoes S1.25 to Si 50 Boys' Shoes . I.25 to 2 25 MnsT Workin'g Shoes. . 1.4010 2.75 Mens Dress Shoes. .'. . . 2.50 to 5.00 "We have jut received a line of Canvas and Bicycle Shoos, which tve atesmlltng twenty-five per cent cheaper than any other store in the town BAER Sf DALEY One Price Glothiers, Furnishers and Hatlers, Pendleton. "WEDNESDAY. MARCrf 12. 1902. GENERAL NEWS. The Russian general, Gribski. who was responsible for the massacre at BlagovostchensUeU, has been dismiss ed from the army. Bishop Spalding, of the Colorado diocese of the Protestant Episcopal church, died at Erie. Pa.. Sunday, at the home of his sou, of pneumonia, aged 85 years. He was born in Bel grade, lie.. August. 25. 1S2S. Senator Vest, in a speech in the senate on the ship subsidy bill, said 73 per cent of the subsidy on the Atlantic side would go to the Interna tional. Navigation Company. It would take money out of the treasury with out giviug any value in return. - A meeting of the creditors of the late Archbishop Purcell was held at Cincinnati at which resolutions were adopted asking for the discharge of the receivers and appealing to Rome for special collections throughout the United States to wipe out the indebt edness, of which there is a balance of about SC.000,000. For nearly two hours Monday. Sena tor Vest, of Missouri, addressed the senate in opposition to the pending .ship subsidy bill. No member of tlie body has been accorded more flatter ingly close attention than he received. Despite his evident feebleness, he spoke with force and fire, and at times became brilliantly eloquent. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS The city of Lewiston will buy the water .works in that town owned by . private parties for 70.000 cash. Joe Hughes, colored, shot and kill ed. Bob Patterson, colored, at Rosyln, "Wash.. Monday night They quarrel ed over a woman, to whom both were paying attention. .T. A. Ward, of The Dalles, although confined to his home since last Oc tober from i'lness, has in some way contracted the smallpox and is dan gerously ill with it. Charles A. Semler. one of the best lcuowu young business men of Akron, Ohio, is missing, and he is accused . of having taken with him $10,000 of other people's money. 1 . ...Governor T. T. Geer has received a -petition ior uie parnon 01 wiinuru r. - Beckman. who is serving a life sen tence in the penitentiary, for the mur der of his wife in Douglas county, on September 10. 1804. .Henry Fleckenstein. who has for over a quarter of a century engaged in the wholesale liquor business in Portland, as a member of the firm of Fleckenstein & Mayer, has disposed of his interest in the business to Mr. Mayer. The steamer Nome City arrived at Seattle Monday from Valdes and II iamnia with three sacks of Youkon mail, but none from Nome. The ves sel reports a stampede from Valdes to the Bremmer placer diggings, 200 miners having left already, t E. P. Mahaffy of Umatilla, a laborer by occupation, has filed a petition in bankruptcy in the United States dis trict court in Portland. The liabilities amount to $055, and the assetB con sist of an undivided one-half interest in some lots in Old Town, La Grande, value .unknown, and 511C wages due from the O. R. & N. Co. Spokane men have commenced work on a steamer to navigate the Columbia between Wenatchee and Rickey rapids, just below Kettle FallB. The promoters of the enterprise are J. D. Miller, one of the pioneer steam-' boat men of the Pacific Coast, who .has been in a pilot house for 45 years, and other business men. Charles Eisenbels, a pioneer of Pu-, get Sound, died at Port Townsend in ins 7&th yar. Almost the snme hour F. E., Elsenbeis, his brother, died at Stellacoom, Wash. As a member of the family of Charles Elsenbeis was In the telegraph offlce sending the news of the death of Charles, he re ceived a message announcing tho death of F. E. EisenbeiB. and Children HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. William McBride. Athenn. George Ginn. Walla Walla." F. L. Blair, Weston. M. A. Kees. Walla Walla. Miss Ruby Dickey, Echo. Miss Blanche Crayne. Echo. J. B. Linn, La Grande. F. E. Ramsey, Portland. B. G. Baker, Portland. H. S. Curtis, Deadwood. W. C. Howell, St. Paul. R. P. Wingfield. Boise City. Miss Wingfield. Boise City. Mrs. McWilliams. Meacham. W. Glendening, Portland. Mrs. Glendening, Portland. D. E. Hall. Portlnad. Ben F. Sinsheimer, Portland. T. F. Mahoney, Butte. Ben Rosenfeld, San Francisco. Dr. Best, Weston. R. B. Caswell, Walla Walla. A. F. Bernard, Portland. Mrs. E. J. Sibley, Walla Walla. J. W. Egan. Quincy, HI. S. B. Calderhead, Walla Walla. J. McCabe. Walla Walla. Al. P. Mendelsohn, San Francisco. Dan Shults, Spokane. R. H. Caston, Spokane. H. Donley, Spokane. R. Jones, Echo. M-rs. F. C. Greer, Weston. W. M. Carruthers, Omaha. Fred Kress, Riparia. The Golden Rule. G. W. Proebstel, Weston. E. L.. Barnett, Athena. J. W. Peringer Adams. E. T. Cockburn, Milton. William Folsom, Pilot Rock. Frank K. Wells. Milton. J. A. Little, Antelope. Kate Rinehart and family, Summer ville. S. Kinnear, Weston. (Dr. J. C. Smith, Adams. J. D. Gregor, Adams. J. O. Hals, Adams. W. H. H. Scott, Athena. William Haskills, Walla Walla. E. S. Waterman, Athena. G. W. Bradley, Athena. J. A. Nelson, city. V. M. Shick. Athena. W. W. McQueen, Milton. C. J. MteKenzie, Milton. C. P. Smith, Tamarack. J. M. Speaks. James Kirkpatrick, Weston. M. A. Baker, Weston. W. H. Reeder, Athena. T. J. Kirk, Athena. F. M. Evans, Freewater. C. G. Marey. F. W. Nesllne. Connell. Carl Kupers, Helix. Thomas Jacques. John S. Vinson, Freewater. H. B. Nelson, Weston. Hans Holling. Bert Stranahan. Frank Hanlen, Meacham. Jerry Swart, Bingham. A. W. Murphy, Weston. G. Wl Hansell, Athena. Alex Hudson, McKay. W. E. Putnam. Milton. G. A .Cowl, Milton. W. P. Waller. Milton. H. C. Adams, Weston. Bert Applegate. F. J. Gardner, Portland. C. Carroll, Spokane. C. D. Ririker, Spokane. R. F, Johnson, Fairvlew. J .T. Hinkle, Milton. 1 H. Stubsman, Portland. I Oscar Tibbetts, La Grande. J. W. Duncan. Umatilla. Practically Starving, "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per. feet and permanent relief from a se vere and chronic case of stomach trouble," says J .R. Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, III. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure fine could not eat an ordinary meal without Intense Buffering. She is now entirely mred. Several phy sicians and many remedies bad fail ed to give relief." You don't have to dicL Eat any good food you want, but don't 'overload the stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will always di gest it for you. Tallman Co. & Brock & McComas. LAUD VALUES GO UP IMMIGRATION FROM THE EAST CAUSE OF IT. The Population Is Increasing and Land Values Are Rising in Geomet rical Ratio Real Estnts Agents' Harvest. In view of the rush of homoseokers that arc coming to this Northwestern rountry. farm land and city property is advancing in values all the time. Real estate dealers say that during the past six months the price of land hns advanced from 50 to 75 per cent and In many instances it has advanc ed as much as 100 per cenL During the past month property has increas ed in value more than in any other time, which is wholly due to the rush of bomeseekers that are coming here. Fr.m Innd has ndvancd more than Htv rorty. Places that sold six months aeo for Sfl00 and ?40U0 a quarter section cannot be bought now for less than from ?G000 to $8000. and is sought after at this price. Real estate dealers are on the go all the time with men who are looking over the country to buy and not a little city property is changing hands. In evidence of the fact that city property is moving, one real estate dealer has -sold S9 lots in the city limits since the first of the year. All these were vacant lots, except two. They are located in different parts of the town and most of tliem are being purchased by people who are going to build themselves homes thereon. Some of them, however, are being bought by enterprising people who see an opportunity for building houses on them and selling them during the next few months at an advance in price. Some lots are purchased by those who have either sold their ranches in the country at a good fig-j ure or have leased them to some one, and are going to build a nice home in I town, so as to give their children the benefit of the public schools, but many of them have been bought by people who have come in from some other part of the country and expect to make their home in Pendleton. However, the rush has not yet com menced with the -real estate men. or, at least, they anticipate one of the best years in the history of the busi ness in this country and are preparing to handle this rush of business. While most of the incomers are des tined for Washington points, many of them will drift back Into Oregon and find homes that will suit them as well or better. In fact. It will be impossi ble for the state of Washington to furnish comfortable homes for all those going into its borders and as they realize that they cannot get hold of land in that state they will gradu ally come this way and Oregon will unlimately get her share of the East erners who are seeking to find new homes. One reason given for so many peo ple coming West is that land has be come extremely high In the better farming sections of the East .and many of them are selling out for the prevailing prices at home and remov ing to the middle states where they I can buy la. little cheaper. There they buy out people who are coming here, paying them, in many instances, twice as much as is asked for land on the Coast. Then those who sell in the middle states come west, where they can invest their money in still cheap er lands, but landb that are more val uable from a productive standpoint than the lands they sold. The present prices will not prevail for farm lands much longer, as people who own it are just beginning to real ize what it is really worth. It is ex pected to advance more during the next six months than during the past 'six. The population of the Inland Em pire is being rapidly augmented, with the result that land values are rising in geometrical ratio, which means a lower wage scale for those who have to depend upon their labor, particu larly the unskilled class. The Vice of Nagging. Clouds the happiness of the home, but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervols and run down in health that trifles annoy her. If she i s melancholy, excitable, troubl ed with loss of appetite, hedache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting ana aizzy speus. she needs Eiictrlc Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousandr of suff erers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used it, and become healthy and happy. Try It Only 50c. Tallman & Co. guarantee satisfaction. AT THE FRAZER. Daniel Sully in a Play that Appeals to the Heart. Daniel Sully, in "Thi Pnrich Priest" at Frazer's tnnleht Mmi, 12th. ' JPlaygoers never tire of atnea ni. tures that anneal to tho h hold their nlace when th meretricious kind are fnrpnttann This is the experience of "The Par ian wriest." a beautiful revelation or life in Pennsylvania, f mm the nan rt .Daniel L. Hart, whose inspiration was uenvea rrora experiences that came under his observation. "Father Whalen" as depicted by Mr. Daniel Sully, is a character that arouses the ioepest Interest from start to finish, j He was ever present with his kindly ' face and loving words. He is witty and humorous and at times tearfully 1 tender. He offends no man s creea but reveals a loving side that de lights. "Nellie" is his nelce, whose love affair is at first unhappy but which terminates gladly at last. "Big Jim" is n manly character, rull of honest courage and a typical re presentative of his class. Other characters are as pleasing. The piny redounds with wit, amusing sayings and incidents. We give no rewards. An offer of this kind is the meanest of deceptions. Test the curative powers, of Ely's Cream Balm for the cure of catarrh, hay fever and cold in the head and you are sure to continue the treat ment. Relief Is immediate and a cure follows. It is not drying, does not produce sneezing. It sooths and heals the membrane. Price 50 cents at drug gists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren street. New York. Clarence Myrick Injured. "Word has just readied Pendleton of a serious accident, which happen ed to Clarence, the 5-year-old son of Mir. and Mrs. J. W. Myrick, who live on the Chris Simpson place, near Warren station. Mx. Myrick was around the barnyard, where an old gentle horse was kept, and his little son was in the habit of being placed on the back of tills horse and riding him aronnd the corral. He was on the horse Sunday evening, as was his custom at various occasious, and the animal stumbled, throwing the little fellow to the ground with the result that both bones of the left arm, below the elbow, were broken. A physician was summoned and the fracture re duced and the boy is getting along as j well as could be expected under the j circumstances. I For the Complexion. The complexion always suffers from billiousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impuri ties from the body appear in the ; form of unsightly eruptions. DeWltt's Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and re move the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took . DeWitt's Little Early Risers for bil liousness. They were just what I needed. I am feeling better now than in years." Never gripe or distress. 1 Safe, thorough and gentle. The very best pills. Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas. ' A Pendleton Composer. C. W. McLyman, of Pendleton. Is the author and composer of a march, which has just been published by a Cincinnati music house, entitled the "Belles of Pendleton." It is dedicated I t r tlio vnnti( 1 o 1 i or- if V t nU f .vr vuv. t x.k4i.4j-, iuvhuo lUia K-llj aliU the front page of the sheet is illus trated with the photos of eight of Pendleton's popular young ladies. The sheet is printed in colors and has the photo of the author as a further embellishment. It is on sale ' at Frazier's hook store. TO CURE GRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative Bromo-Quinlne removes the cause. E. W. Grove's signature on every box. Price in cent When yotf are DEAD Everyone speaks well of voir When you are very much alive some speak ill. If anyone speaks ill of us its because we are VERY MUCH ALIVE One thing is certain you get better groceries for less money when you buy of F. S. Younger & Son. Don't believe the knock er; try them for your selves; order of F. S. YOUNGER & SON, and get your goods delivered promptly. . For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. THE BIG BOSTON STOR CI Cromwell BOSTON STORE Timothy Seeds Brone Grass Seeds SEEDS. Alfalfa Clover Seeds 5 Seeds Thompson Hardware Company JESSE FAILING ...THE CARPET MAN... We Are Cleaning Oat Our Winter Carpets to make room for our New Spring Stock-it a sweeping reduction in prices, too. and the wise housekeeper will do well to take advantage of them. Come now and make your selection of Lace Curtains, Portiere, Rugs, otc. Closing out an elegant line of Hope Portiers, Matting and Wall Paper. Sewing Machines of AH Kinds AMERICAN PLAN. S3 .00 per Daj and Upwards THE PORTLAN SMCbl DM A D.aM. A... ..... ... .a U fo tourist, ciS t7S" """ft BOWERS, r SPRING.., OTHIN xr . . yvc are gjjtfji announce the J rival of advaj shipment of til latest styles of Men's and . . Yoaa i Men' Salts I for . . . C' J mi of . . . 902 J Soperfcly made and finished of merchant tailor suitings. ( CLOTHING 1 DEPARTMENT! Get Out Ptices Bel You Bay Garden Seeds m 1 or Package. 631 HalrJ Phone hi 1 H Finest Hotfl If 111