DAILY EVENING EDIT 101 THE DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather Will be dolivercd at your residence or place ol business by carrier at t5c A WEEK. Tonight and Thursday, Increas ing cloudiness. PENIXLETOX, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAKCTI 12, li)02. NO. -ttfSO LYEVENINGEDITION .1 HroAv DEAD TEELD IS i w mmm flnwnrnnr nf Illinois DlP.R of Apoplexy, KEN WHILE SPEAKING FOR THE BOERS Reach the Ears of His Sick ft, Illinois, March 12. Ex-Gov- John P. Altgeld, of Illinois, ere at 7:09 o clock this morning stroke of apoplexy received light while delivering a pro- flecture at the opera house in, Mty. End Came Suddenly. ex-governor's end came with- irarning, although he had been iscious since midnight there hao immediate signs of approach Bsolution. Shortly before seven this morning, the only physl- it his bed side, the others hav- ine to breakfast, noticed a shud- be through the patient's frame iw him grasp the bed clothes den lay quiet Other physl- iwere hastily summoned and all ds known to increase his respi- was resorted to, but without and at 7:09 o'clock he was His Last Words. governor's last words were to his physician friend. He "How do you do, doctor." A aments later he lapsed into un pusness. Immediatedly upon taken to the room in which he le begged the newspapers not told of his illness, as it might, the ears of his wife, who is ill elation of spirits is ascribed friends as the cause of the ittack. He recently made an tion argument before a judge to be a believer in the princi lis injunction seemed, to the Er to have made favorable im- on the judge, and this great ed Altgeld. Following this, aer in which his recent Buf- eh of Saturday night was re- t the press of the east added ition. f The B oer Victory. victory over General Me- as the climax, and when he on the platform last night tion had assumed a complete of him and, In his Intensely up condition, his not too ro- astltution could not stand the body will be taken to Chicago Iternoon. Funeral arrange- .re not yet made, but his bur- II probably be from his late ce In Sheridan park, to Grace- kmetery. deceased belonged to no nor secret society. He was a democrat, believing in the He that each individual, with rights, could amply take care of and better preserve his Jnde- ice and individualities. promises Smokeless Coal. risburg. Pa., March 12. An- bment Is made of the incorpor- h.ere today of the Somerset Hess Goal and Coke company. few company proposes to supply Ity of coal that, when handled lompetent flr.eman, will be al fee from smoke. The company acres of coal land near Ber- I, and aboul 300 tons of coal a now being mined. ,The coal at 50 feet beneath the sur- id Is said to be a different from the ordinary coal. Inters to Meet Walcott Mass.. March 12. What to be an Interesting contest for the arena of the Crib light, when TTne-h McWIntn IWMcott are to come together. wm weign in at 140 pounds fe nrteen rounds; Pay Death Penalty. . Va' Mornti tO All its' hare been jnnte for the aiiernoon.oc vmu Star- O In hllf IS vaom' n'lA' - t to assaults Mrs. Elteabetli r Portsmouth:"""""" " " " TO INVADE EUROPE. Vienna Newspaper Publishes Startl ing Piece of News. Vienna, March 12. The Tageblatt. in a sensational article printed today, warns the civilized world it has dis covered that preparations are under way for the invasion of Europe by Isllams, from the Ottoman empire, the northern countries of Africa, Sou dan, Arabia, Persia, India nnd Afghanistan. South Dakota Democrats. Sioux Falls", S. D.. March 12. Mem bers of the South Dakota state dem ocratic committee are in session here today in response to the call of Chair man Pusey. The purpose is to de cide upon the time and place for hold ing the state convention, but of more interest than this routine work Is the discussion as to -what position will be taken by the democrats in. the cam paign of this year. Under the pro visions of the law passed at the last session of the legislature for ballot reform, there can be no complete fu sion between the democrats and pop ulists, unless either party consents to lose its identity in favor of the other. The law provides that any ticket placed on the ballot must be under one party name or the other and the same name cannot appear twice on the ballot. This will force the reform element to unite under the "name of populist or democrat and place their ticket under the one head, or else form a united party under a new name. Massachusetts F.ruit Growers. Worcester, Mass., March 12. Hor ticultural Hall was filled this morn ing di the opening of the eighth an nual convention of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers' association. Those present Included delegates from granges, farmers' clubs and kindred organizations throughout the state. The annual address of President H. O. Mead was followed by an illustrat ed lecture on "Some Problems in Planting and Pruning," delivered by Professor F. A. Waugh, of Burlington, Vt., one of the leading authorities on matters horticultural. Officers for the ensuing year are to be chosen this afternoon and the discussion of var ious questions pertaining to fruit growing will be taken up. The ses sions are to continue through tomor rpw and promise to be the most inter esting ever held by the association. McPartland vs. Burns. Detroit. Mich.. March 12. "Kid" McPartland expects to encounter lit tle difficulty in disposing of Eddie Burns, the Cincinnatti mifdlist. when the two meet in the squared circle In tne ught Guard armory tonight. It is 'o be a ten round atfalr under the auspices of the Twentieth Century club. On the other hand, Burns is in splendid condition and annenrs confident of his ability to make a gooa snowing oerore the New York fighter. Under the terms of agree ment the two are to weigh in late this afternoon at 140 pounds. As a preliminary to the main bout Joe unerry and Biz Mackey will appear in a ten round go. New Thirteen Cent Stamp. Washington, D. C, March 12. The postofflpe department is preparing to issue a new stamp, designed especial ly for the foreign mail service. It is to be a denomination new. tn rhn tal service 13 cents. At present it is lmpossioie to send a registered letter through the foreign mniia with. out using two stamps, one of five cents to pay the postage and one of eignt cents to pay the cost of regis tration. When the 13-cenr. stnmn la on- sale this will be obviated by the use or one stamp. The new stamp win oear a portrait of President Har rison, shown seated at his desk in the executive mansion. , Machinists May Strike. Chicago, 111., March 12. At a mass meeting to be held in Association Hall tonight It is expected that dofl. nite arrangements will be made for a genera strike or machinists when the present working agreement expires, May 20 unless better terms are erant. ed by the employers. The demands of ine men can ror a nine hour day with a minimum wage scale of 30 cents an hour In all machine shops, and an eight hour, day with a mini mum wage scale of 45 centu nn linur for' all machinists fimnlnvnd nnfnfrie the shops. The employment of union men exclusively is demanded also. r 11 " - Seventh District Democrats. .Sedalla. Mo.. March 12. The demo- crats of the. Seventh district are In convention here today to jiom'Innte a .candidate cor congress. Congress man JameaCopney, Jls .seeking re-nom,' Inatlon. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION Nominates a County and Legislative Ticket With Much Enthusiasm. UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSE WILLIAM J. ' FURNISH FOR GOVERNOR OF OREGON. Most of Nominations Made by Acclamation, There Being Contests Only for Recorder and Treasurer Dr. F. W. Vincent, of Pendleton, Named for State Senator and Henry Adams, of Milton, and C. E. McComber, of Ukiah, for Representatives The Platform. Republican County Ticket. State Senator Dr. F. W. Vincent, Pendleton. Representatives Henry Adams, Milton; C. E.. McComber, of Ukiah. Sheriff M. J. Carney, Pendleton. Clerk Frank O. Rogers, Athena. Assessor George Buzan, Pendle ton. . Recorder William Folsom, Pilot Rock. 'County Commissioner T. P. Gllll land, Ukiah. Surveyor J. W. Kimbrell, Pendle ton. Coroner Dr. W. G. Cole, Pendleton. First and foremost, it was a Furn ish convention which assembled in the circuit court room this morning. The convention represented the brains, brawn and balls!! of th county of Umatilla in a very large de gree. It was not a cut and dried af fair, but it was especially noticeable for its good humor, prompt business methods and enthusiasm. The feel ing for Furnish, while not particularly demonstrative, there being nothing to call out demonstrations, as Lowell was not in the fight at all, was strong and universal. The resolution en dorsing him for governor passed unan imously and a delegation standing faithful to him was selected. The same delegation was chosen for the congressional convention, which gives Furnish a very considerable advant age in the future. The convention was the most remarkable one ever held in the county from the fact that not a single speech over a minute in length was made by anybody. All controversies were settled by vote, pleasantly and without friction of any kind. Th e proceedings were as follows: At 10:15 this morning the republi can convention of Umatilla county was called to order at the court house by County Chairman F. W. Vincent, who called for nominations for tem porary chairman". L. B. Reeder nomi nated ex-Judge J. J.. Balleray, who was cnosen ay acclamation. L. G, Frazier was chosen secretary. Naming of Committees. On motion of L. B. Reeder, the ciiair appointed the following commit tees: On credentials. J. R. Hogue; J. A. Best, Weston; Alexan- aer Montgomery, Helix; J. E. Krause, i-enuieion; w. ti, liuiiuord, Vinson, On permanent organization and orrim of business, J. A. Fee, East Pendle ton; xranic uurl, East Pendleton; A. h. yuant, Alba; Sid Saylor, Umatilla; John S. Gurdane. Fulton. On nlnt. form and resolutions, h. B. Reeder, worm I'endJeton; j. c. Smith, Adams; Georgo Hcnsel. Athona H. C. .Tnnns North Milton; Gsorgo Willie ms, Wes- ton; i)r. G. w. Cole, Pendleton; J. W. Cornellison, Reservation. Delaeate James A. Fee then mnvnd the chair appoint a committee of five to select anu report 14 delegates each to the state and congressional conven tions. Carried. -The chair namnd .T. A. Fee, who declined, Herbert Boylen, ol Pilot Hock, being appointed In his stead: Asa B. Thnmnsnn. Uhn; Thomas P. Gilllland, Ukiah; George Doane, Pilot Rock, and James Brown, North Pendleton were named. The temporary organization was ef fected and the several committees ap pointed In less than 30 minutes) whereupon the conyention took a re cess until 1 o'clock p .m.,. to. receive reports of committees. Afternoon Session. The" convention mot at 1 p. m., but was informed by Chairman Balleray that the. comroKtee on credentials woujd not be able to report until 1:15, at which time the committee reported the following list of delegates: Names of Delegate. East Pendleton, F. S. Curl, B. E, Kennedy, O.-B.- Boettcber,,- J, "H. Ly- cett, H. H. Hallock, C. S. Wheeler; North Pendleton. John J. Balleray, J. M. Ferguson. James Neagle, I. B. 'Reeder, J. T. Brown; F. E. Judd, E. W. McComas; South Pendleton, L. G. Frazier, A. J. Gibson, Sam Thompson, Charles Dutton; Pendleton, W. G. Cole, T .B. Sweringen, J. E. Krauso, John Bryant; Echo, A. B. Thompson, Frank Rack, R. Jones; Helix, A. B. Montgomery, Chris Lembke, D. B. l..t,hardsoh; North Mlton, H. C. Janes, George Cowl, Fred Evans, Wal ter Putnam; South Milton. Ed Gn've Harry Hopkins, J. W. Dykes, C. J. McKenzie, Matt Mosgrove; McKay, A. N. Reed, M. H. Gillett, W. Con nerly, Charles White; Hogue, J. E. Bean, M. McCracken; Adams, J, D. Gregoire, J. O. Hales, J. W. Perlnger, J. C. Smith; Alba, A. S. Quant, James Shipp; Cottonwood, Walter Glnn, Walter Greer and O. C. Cockburn; Umatilla, Sid Saylor, J. H .Duncan; Encampment, Richard Able, H. J. Newcomb, J. A. Baker; Juniper, Ken neth McRae, L. E. Huson; Ukiah, T. P. Gilliland, Fred Hewett, by C. E. McComber, proxy, Ray Harpolo, by J. B. M,cDill; Vansycle, Karl Kupers, J. A. Crosswell; Willow Springs, Harry Whittaker, Harve Taylor; Gilliland, Clarence Morse, George Adams,; Pilot Rock, C. W. Matthews, Alfred "Hemp hill, Thomas Jaques, Herbert Boylen, Oliver Knotts, George Done; Union, Thomas Hampton, Abe Molstron, David Nelson; Weston, J. A. Best, J. A. Baddley, Frank Greer; East Wes ton, George Williams, Dave Lavender, George Staggs; Fulton, John Hagen, i .1. S. Gurdane, Herman Roehlke, Jas. Nelson; North Athena, W. H. Reeder, George W. Hansell, Vick Shick, E. S. Waterman; Ruddock, E. S. Wilbur, Theodore Harm; Reservation, Claude D. Crow, J. W. Cornellison, Frauk Martin, Martin Butuer; Bingham Springs, J. F. Thompson, Jerry Swart; Prospect, John Duncan, W. R. Bit ney; South Athena, G. W. Bradley, E, v. Dudley; Vinson, Donald Robs, J. W, Gulliford; Yoakum, R. A. Dozler, W, A. Woodstock. Order of Business. The committee on order of business reported as follows: First Selection of 14 delegates to state and congressional conventions to be held at Portland on April 1 and 2, 1902. Second One state senator. Third Two representatives to the state legislature. Fourth One Bherlff. Fifth--One county clerk, Sixth One county recorder. Seventh One county assessor. Eighth One county treasurer. Ninth One county commissioner. Tenth One county surveyor. Eleventh One coroner. Twelfth Justices of the peace and constables for the various districts In the county. After the several committees had reported it was moved and carried unanimously that the temporary offic ers of the convention bo mado the permanent officers, but no speeches were mado on the subject. George A. Cole, of Milton, was mado assistant secretary. State and Congressional Delegations. Herbert Boylen mado the following report as chairman of the committee on statp and congressional delegates; J, J. Balleray, W. S. flyers, Thomas Thompson, E. P. Marshall, J. A. Foo, MasB Mosgrovo, William Ferguson, J. A. Dudley, J. A, Best, T. P. Gilliland, L. I. Gault, A. B, Thompson, L. B. Reoder, P. S, CurL Furnfsh Indoraed for Governor. At this point ex-Judge J. A, Fee offered the following resolution, which was adopted amid great enthusiasm by a unanimous vote: "We, the republicans of Umatilla county, in conventlop assembled, pledge anew our loyalty to toe prin ciples and " teachings and policies of the party and cherishing the most grateful remembrance of its distln- NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. New York, March 12. Tho wheat nuiiKut was without speclnl features today, although Inclined to bo weak early. The coarse grains were strong, corn cIobIdk better than yester day. Liverpool closed lowor, 6 I. Now York opened 82 and closed 82 U. Chicago opened 7GV1 and closed Stocks steady. Monoy 4 per cent. Closed yesterday. 82. Opened today, 82. Hango today, Sl,fTS2i. Closed today, 82'd. Sugar, 120. Steel, 42. St. Paul. 161. Union Pacific, 9S. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, March 12. Wheat 70 VI 3 70V cents per bushel. CHAINED TO HIS WIFE. Charged With Having Stolen Dia monds in Portland. Chicago, March 11. Chained to his wife an dguarded by live dctoctlvos and a sheriff, Charles Savago, n ne gro, who is charged with bolng im plicated In tho $11,000 diamond rob bery In Portland, Ore., Inst Novombor, arrived In Chlcngo from Montreal, Canada, nnd continued on tho wny to Portland. Savago and his wife wore arrested after a chaBo across tho con tinent. Savago Is charged with en tering tho room and robbing tho trunk of A. F. Lowcnthnl, a Now York diamond merchant, while tho latter was stopping at a Portland ho tel. Savago and a woman named True Johnson, who was arrested in Omaha, are charged with having dis posed of tho stolen property. SCRAP Plan Propose! to Remedy Tariff Muddle in Congress, 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON CUBAN SUGAR. (Concluded on page 8.) Missouri Republicans Hopeful. Excelsior Springs, Mo., March 12. There are several candidates boforo tho Third district congressional re publican convention In session hero today and tho result Is problematic al, i Tho Third Is a democratic dis trict, and it wns represented In con gress by A. Ml Dockory for many years. The margin Is smaller now, however, and tho republicans hopo that they can carry It by making a long campaign. Men of Note to be Present 'Newport News, Va., March 12. xno uusmess men's association has mado groat preparations for Its an nual bunquot, which takes placo to night. Governor Montntrun nnd Proa. ldont Gtovens. of tho Cliesaneako & Ohio railway, are among tho men of note who navo accepted invitations to oo present. To Buy Friars' Lands. Washington, March 12. Prosldont uooseveit lias decided to appoint a commission to negotiate for tho pur chaso of the friars' lands in tho Phil ipplnes. The matter will bo taken up by tho presidont and Governor Taft as soon as tho latter is sufficiently recovered rrom jus illness. Tho per sonality of tho commission has not yet ueen considered. The Immigration Bill. Washington, March 12. Tho com- mltteo on Immigration today author ized tho chairman to roport favorably on tho now Immigration bill. Tho mil raises poll taxes from ?l to fl.DO, provides for keeping out alion anarch ists and compels steamship compa nies to roturn immigrants evon after a period of fivo years Jf thoy provo undesirable acquisitions. Another Bank Robbed. Now Castlo, Ind,. March 12. Tho flank of New Castle was burglarized by seven men tha morning, who se cured 3800 in money and $500 in Btaropa and aomo Jowelry. Threo men held the citizens at bay whllo the other four robbed tho safe. Another Bank Robbery; Lafayetto, Ind.. March 11. Tho bank at Earl Park was robbed of flQOO by safe blowoib this morilog. Triplets Have Reunion. Baltimore Md March 12. Abra ham, Isaac and Jacob Prico, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ephrlam Price, of Here ford, this county, celebrated tho forty" second anniversary of their birth to day. Physicians sny that cases of triplets of tho samo sex living till the prime of life Is romarkablo. The Messrs. Price wore born In York county, Pennsylvania. Thoro wore nino children In tho family, including tho triplets, and all nro living nnd enjoying good health. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ephriam Price, the head of this ro markablo family, are halo and hearty and recently celebrated their golden, weaaing. Beet Sugar Men Not Satisfied, But Compromise Will Probably Be En tered Into, as a Conference has Been Called by the Leaders for That Purpose. Washington, March 12. A move ment for a compromise between tho Cuba tariff reduction and beet sugar republicans In the house took tan gible shape In the form of a bill thin afternoon. Tho formal proposal em anated from tho ways and means men. Thoyoffored tho plan of Representa tive Sibley, of Pennsylvania, railing for a 20 por cent reduction on Cuban sugar. This reduction Is to expire In December, 1H03. A committeo from each sldo was appointed to fix tho time, for a conference. Tho beet sugar leaders aro not satisfied with the plaiiB, but among their followers there is a disposition to nccept tho terms and tho solution of tho vexed question is now nearer than at any time since tho beginning of tho agitation. PJstol Shooting Tourney. Now York, March 12. Many prom inent revolver and plRto! shots aro competing In tho tournament which began at tho Knickerbocker Athletlo Club today, to contluuo until Satur day. Tho tournamont Is to decide the indoor pistol and revolver cham pionships of tho Ulntcd States Revol ver Association. To tho winner will bo awarded a gold medal and cham pionship cup, to bo held one year. There nro six ranges bo that amplo facilities aro afforded tho contestants, whllo tho sents for tho accommoda tion of tho spectators being arranged In tlors permit an unobstructed view of tho mutch. Jtist Received Handsome materials for Ladies' Waists, delicate shades of Pink, Light Blue, White, Red and' Old Rose, per yard 58c and 85c i 4 Heavy Goods for Tailor Made Suits and Unlined Skirts 46-inch Black or Blue Cheviot Serge fJ8e per yard . . . 54-inch Heavy Oxford Mixed Skirt- QRr tag, per yard 54-inch Black Cheviot and cords, per, yard . . . Pebble nd Whip- $1.18 The Golden Rule Store ,&kmmxi