' TO ENTER BOSTON'S EXCLUSIVE SET. kE ATTRACTS. QUALITY DECIDE!. Hiiiiminni""""""" 1 1 1 1 1 1 It I I B 1 1 1 i dflb rnuivi imr llBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa ady to Wear Dept. I So many beautiful garments have been received that any attempt to describe individual ones -would be an injustice to dozens of others, for from the lowest priced to the highest, each has its peculiar charm of shape, style or workmanship. r $12.50 Tailor Made Suit i Is an exceedingly pretty garment, one that should be seen by every snit seeker in this vicinity, which we claim to be equal to any $16.50 suit shown at other stores. zander Dept. Store! X 1-M lll 1 1 I M Ml 1 II J I I I I 11 1 I I H GRAND GUARDIAN WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. USTED 99 inholei are the ban of a bachelor's ied usn's as welt) existence, no lertno DianKeiy-oianuB are wnu tag. Don't worry, don't fume, don't '. Dimply 1CI us ao me luuuueriut;. h. nniiar hanrin will rftmain Intact Elbe end of the chapter. We are aag 01 onoring a prize iut uu.- i y t . .1 1 1 .1 1. . 1 DOMESTIC LAUNDRY alnson, Prop. Pendleton. r Sale! LMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. SUCCESSORS TO A. C. SHAW & CO. Being one of the largest man ufacturing plants on Puget sound are able to sell you lumber cheaper than anyone else. New lumber coming in every day. .They also make all kinds of boxes, including Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry, and Plumb and berry crates, and are prepared to make you prices either in small lots or BY THE CAR LOAD You get What you buy from us. Bid Stock of ts with Swelling and barn, $3,000 lias seven rooms, bath, id wood house, city water, ished on stone foundation. lr lots and new cottage, $1,250 3ts and house, $1,000, part reasonable time on balance, sell on installments. See LNK B. CLOPTON, 817 Main Street. less Makes Business WERTON St COPELAND )f the Missouri Black smith shop have just re ceived a new supply of ilacksmith and wagon laterial, and are putting In another forge. We are low prepared to do all rinds of Carriage and fagon work on short lotice. All work guar anteed. Shoeing a Specialty. ANSFER, UCKING, O R A O K. WNBR BROS. TOUVBOMB MAIM 4. k Pride of Umatilla Clfara. WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. Wa do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. 1. .1,. Ray & Co., Buy and sell Stocbie, Bonds and Grain lor own or on margins. New York Stock Bxckaage. Chlcag Stock Excbaage. Chicago Beard of Trade. fmrnttlmtmrn, Or; Board of-Grand Managers Adjourned to Meet in Pendleton During the Great Log-Rolling Session, April 21-, 22. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdnll. grand guar dlan of the Women of Woodcraft, Is, back from a session of the grand managers, held at l.cadville, Col. Mrs. j Van Orsdnll brings some glowing re- ports for the log-rollers. It Is nothing less than to chronicle the fact that tho board of grand managers adjourned to , meet in Pendleton during the great log-rolling session, April 21. These grand managers are: Mrs. Annie Hawkins, of Toledo. Or.; Mrs. Ida M. Iatshaw, Pueblo, Col.; Mrs. Pauline P. Pardellian, of Seattle, Wash ; Mrs. ( Cora Walker, of Pullman, Wash., and Dr. Lillian Pollock, of Denver, Col. The holding of the session liere will also necessitate tho coming of-Mr. J. L. Wright, grand clerk, Mrs. Helen M.i Southwlch, grand attendant, and Dr. William Kuykendall, grand physician, ofEugcno, Or., are also to be hero. It is also confidently expected that several others of the grand officers of Uio Women of Woodcraft, together with a number of head officers of tho Woodmen of the World, will be pres ent. This special session of the board of grand managers of the Women of Woodcraft has been made necessary because of the phenomenal growth which the order Is having. So rapid has it been that the regular arrange ments for a basis of representation at the next grand session has been found Inadequate. There will be a new districting of the entire field and several more representatives will be allowed than was expected when the present set of districts were arranged The Women of Woodcraft, ' it must be remembered, Is the auxiliary of the Pacific jurisdiction of the Wood men of the World only; that Is, the nine states west of the Rocky Moun tains. Last month this marvelously suc cessful western organization admitted 1205 new members. Fifteen new cir cles were instituted, as follows: Col orado, 2; Washington, G; California, 3; Idaho, 1; Oregon, 3. The success which the society is making Is exciting the lively Interest of fraternal order leaders throughout the entire United States and is prov ing a -tremendous advertisement for Pendleton and eastern Oregon and Washington generally. Moreover it is showing that the "wild and wooly west" produces executive talent of a high order, which is exemplified in the wonderful management of Grand Guardian Van Orsdall. This great fraternal leader has been the guiding genius of the Women of Woodcraft from Its very beginning. The grand guardian states that $30 000 more was Invested In bonds to the credit of the reserve fund of the order, during the recent session which she attended. This gives the order total assets of $105,748.08. The mem bership now amounts to nearly or quite 30,000. There are 450 subordi nate lodges or circles, as follows: Col orado, 111; Oregon, 104; Washington, 89; California, 75; Idaho, 20; Utah, 7! Wyoming, 11; Nevada, 3. It is confidently believed that tho holding of the adjourned meeting of the grand managers and grand clerk here in April, will have a wonderful effect on the log-rolling, for naturally the membership In all of Eastern Ore gon and Southwestern Washington will want to meet and greet the lead ers of the most successful society the world has ever seen. Hon. A. D. Stillman Is still in Den ver at the .session of the board of lead managers of tho Woodmen of the World. Incidentally,. while there he is putting in some heavy licks for the bunch-grass log-rolling, and that he should bo able to make equally as good a report as has tho grand guar dian when he returns, is confidently expected. The reports, from nearby cities con tinue most flattering. Today word was received from Starbuck, Pomeroy and Dayton to the effect that they had swung into line and w,ould attend in a body. Mr. George K. Rogers visited Adams camp the other evening and addressed an Interested audience of the camp SCRIBNER-CHURCH FAC TIONS WERE AN ISSUE. An interstate romance is centered In the recent marriage of Clara Draper, of Boston, and Miss Maude Grace Engman, of Lexington, Ky. Mr. Draper is the fourth of his family, the most- exclusive In Boston, to wed a Lexington, Ky., girl. The beautiful bride will lead in Boston society. The Anti-Reformers Got the Better of the Reformers In the Contest, Elect ing the Mayor Reformers Elected Marshal. La Grande. March 11. The result of tho city election hero yostordny was In favor of tho nntl-roformcrB, whu elected mnyor, recorder and two or tho throe councilinen. The reform ers, or tile law and order party, elect ed tro.isuror, mnrshnl nud onu coun- tlman. The council will stand threo to threo with the mayor holding tho deciding vote. Tho voto was ns fol lows : Mnyor. A. C. Miller, 331; J. C. Honry, 358. Marshal. John Stolntmeh, 370; Frank Guild ers, 319. Recorder. t F. U. Curry, 319; II. C. Wlllinmn, "lis. Treasurer. F. L. Moyors, 377; F. It. Sw'tiHoy, 09. Councllmen. Ward No. 1 L. D. White, 10S; S. N. Uolton. 91. Ward No. 2 A. J. Hughes, 13G; Frank Owsley. 119. Ward No. 31.. D. Ronves, 71; J. W. Scrlher. 107. The hanks wore In tho contest, ns In ovorythlng elso In this town, which means that tho Scrlhner-Church fac- i i rn tlonal fight was an Issue In tho elec- and circle. That camp will also havo ; complications tho author. Daniel l.'tlon Scrihner nmi two of his friend? n mi niint.i or canon nics. ana it is . nun. iius iuuik uu una oiunuui expected that both the camp and eli de at that place will bring floats. Propositions from various brass thread. Hut the thread never breaks. It glistens in tho sunset of tho first act. It shines brilliantly In tho moon bauds are being received and arc be- light of the second, and Is brilliant In ing considered. A movement is now j the glow or tho tire in act third. In on foM. to organize a Woodmen of the j act second is a touch which goes dan World's brass band in this city, and gcrously near the melodlamatlc. It were successful at tho polls, while F. S. Meyers, assistant cashier In Church's hank, was elected clerk by a large mnjority. 'They Were Playing War. Stowart Hill, need 9 years, Is dead tho promoters of tho idea reel quite; is whore the brothers come togothor at Denver, Col., from tho effects of a certain that it can he successfully car , and wounded honor cries out tor vln-' hullct wound In the breast, received rled out. It Is earnestly to ho hoped dication. ,lt has the melodramatic Sunday afternoon while engaged In a that it will he done. It is certainly 1 strength, but not the melodramatic 1 mimic battle. Jnmes Ilutson, aged 12 not to the credit of Pendleton that j tinge. Tho dramatist skillfully years, is under nrrest, charged with it does not have a first-class band, j clings to the peaceful atmosphere of murder. Four boys, all 12 years of There are any number of good players his story, stirring the pulso for a mo- ago or under, stationed thomselvcu here, and it will only need tho moral ment and thou adding the glory or tho i,ehlnd barricades 30 yards apart, and and financial support of some great or-sun of peace which afterwards smiles j,n,i exchanged 20 shots whon Hill fell, canlzation like the Woodmen of the through tho storm clouds. As Father i0roed through tho lung. According Woild to make a band at this place , WJialen, Danlal Sully is given one of to tuo other boys Hill had stepped oiit the leading musical organization In Eastern Oregon. the best character creations of re- tno 0,)on when Ilutson took dollbor- cent years. His humor is oi mo al0 aj,n nn(1 nred. quaint, honest sort, and his seutimeni . .i..ii..i.tr..i t Uu ii I mm lima a TMin ' tiful in its simplicity. Prices: lower, cold water and bath room in onno floor. $1.00; gallery. f0o. tlon. .THE. French Restaurant cosy Roons WU Lighted and Steam Heated. Best 25 cent Meals m the City. EXTRAS Frug Lags, Eastern and Olympia Oysters. OPEN DAY and NIGHT GU8 LuA. JTONTAIKE. Pjop. Make the Hair Grow With warm shampoos of Cpticcba Soap and light dressings or uutiouba, purest ox emol lient akio cures. This 'treatment at once tops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes Irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the lialr follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, aa4 snakes (he hair grow when all else fails. SoM lhrihou rat world. Fottsb D. ap O.CosJm t. rrogress m renaiexon. , (lollghtful , lts ,mturalncss. Tho Rooms In tho East Oregonlnn build- Locally Perfected Woodcraft Is ,.jv js nieturesouely staged and beau-, inc for rent. Steam heated. Lot and uuuilllll. i ;auij lino ivuivuu 72 acceptable applications and the camp 103, but the camp does not pro pose to let the ladies outdo them and propose to astonish their friends whon It comes to the closing days of tho campaign. Captains Ivrauso and Carden both drilled their respective teams again yesterday and last night. These teams are drilling three and four times a week, rapidly perfecting themselves In fancy military movements, and will be ready in April to put on a public drill which will surprise not alone our hundreds of visitors, but the Pendle- tonians themselves. The general committee met again yesterday and transacted an Immense amount of business. A very heavy line of correspondence was jjad au'i disposed of. It showed .t wideaphead and constantly increasing Interest. In faci, the log-rollers themselves did not anticipate that they were starting such a stupendous movement when they launched this great bunch-grass campaign. They, however, say that they will see It through and will make it the grandest fraternal demonstra tion ever witnessed in the west. The Dance Last Night Tho ball given by Pendleton Cir cle last night was the grandest suc cess of anything ever given by this organization, which is noted for suc cessful functions. Everybody enjoy ed themselves, and a universal ex pression of "I'll come again when tho Women of Woodcraft havo anything" was heard from all quarters. Fifty dollars was cleared which money will he turned over to tho log-rolling fund. The ladles feel very grateful for courtesies extended by tho Knights of Pythias. Pendleton Camp will meet tonight, and that It will bo a "rouser" goes without saying. Arrangements for a largo number of extra chairs havo been mado so that it is hoped to havo sweats for all. District Organizer J. S. Williams of the Salem, Oregon, field, will ar rive In Pendleton tomorrow. From here ho will make a series of visits to all eastern Oregon camps possible, and will personally Interest them In tho great jubilee, Mr. Williams Is a gentleman of rare organizing ability and a very eloquent speaker. HJs work will add wonderfully to the success of the jnovoment. DAN 8ULLV HERE. Gives Performance of "Parish Priest" Wednesday Night. On Wednesday, March 12, Daniel Sully will present the Now York and IJoBton success, "Tho PariBh Priest," at the Frazler. The story of tho play tells of tho drifting apart of two young lovers and It Is surprising tho number of Frazer Opera House, Oeo. I,, linker, Lcsboo and ManuRcr. Jus. B. Welch, Local Manager. TUESDAY, MARCH II THE GREAT BARLOW MINSTRELS Rfl--PEOPLE-5Q BIG BAND AND ORCHESTRA. FREE STREET PARADE AT NOON. Prices 50c, 75c and $1,00 Seat sale at Fraziers now. Geo h, Hakor, Lewes anil Manager, Jai. B, Welch, Local Manager He Frazer Opera House Wednesday Evening, March 12, Mr. Daniel Sully PRESENTING THE NEW YORK SUCCESS The Parish Priest Hi Hi Hi Ht Hi Hi 1 AN AMERICAN DRAMA OF MARVELOUS STRENGTH Prices: Lower Floor, $1.00, Gallery, 50c. Seats on sale Monday morning at Frazier's, : .oft. mmimt IwfcSSSiSllSsSSfcissiSSWtjlrtBlsW