i' , ? - iJSE ' r. ' Sfrf i IT.- A. . r t ?)'- 5 Mi SHOES - , Fer Msn, Boys and Children" We claim to have the best assortment of popular priired .Shoes' In the city. Chtldrens' Shoes $1.25 to $1 50 Boj's' Shoes i.25to' 225 mens - working bhoes. . 1.40 to Mens' Dress Shoes 2.50 to e have just received a line of Cauvas and Bicycle Shoes, which we ateselling twenty-five per cent cheaper than any other Btore in the town. BAER 8f DALEY One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton. TUESDAY, MARCH 11. 1902. 9 GENERAL NEWS Cholera has broken out among the pilgrims at Medina. One hundred and ten deaths from the disease have oc curred. 'Both sides of the isthmian canal question are now making every effort i to secure testimony for their propo-1 a salary without changing the con Bitions, and against the other. j stitution. This view is held by the The Cunard liner, Ttruria arrived 1 ablest lawyers arid occupants of the at Horta, Azores, Sunday, all on board ' bench in this state and the cianior well. She lost her propeller and rud- that no . reform is possible without der on February 2C and made port amending the constitution, or a con nt a verv slow pace. istitutional convention, should no Pr.ic smmhc oo,-! longer prevail. In fact making that of the Dominion Coal Company, states t,o,. Tint We Tal-o h,l v-onlod the presence of coal deposit estimated to'",? .auim "s u wr auuui- UB . . . po lion in niiQcnnn ivnn nonl n rnc nror : contain 1.000,000,000 ton of bitumi- nous coal. Joseph Hill, a .gunner on the train ing sliip Pensacola and a survivor of the Maine, has received official noti fication rom Washington that he is ineligible for a commission in the navy. Hill meets the same fate as Gunner Morgan. At the cabinet meeting President Roosevelt requested the members nor to talk to newspaper correspondents about matters under discussion at the semi-weekly meeting. The president himself wIU make public such matters as he deems proper to be given out. The attention of Secretary Wilson, of the agricultural department, was called to reports that he contemplated soon resigning from the cabinet. The secretary treated the subject lightly, declaring that it was news to him and that he had no intention of re eigning. It is stated that J. Pierpont Morgan announced at the reception given to Prince Henry by the New York Yacht club that he will put Columbia, the America's cup defender of 1901, in commission and send her across the ocean to race against anything afloat, boat for boat. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS A. McDonald, formerly a resident of Walla Walla, for years manager of the Schwabacher store in that city, died In San Francisco a few days ago, aged C6 years. After completing the work of enlist ment in Walla Walla, the two naval officers. Lieutenant J. P. Morton and Surgeon J, E. Page, will tour the In land Empire on the same errand. After suffering three days from the effects of a severe operation for her- 1 a 1 V , ' w'V ,, r riV ble dealer of Walla Walla, died at the Walla Walla hospital, aged CC years. There are 10,000 wage earners in Spokane and nearly $8,000,000 annual, ly is paid out there for wages. This amount includes mechanics, laborers, clerks, public employes, women's trades and every conceivable occupa- tion. According to the last report issued by the Walla Walla land office, there . Tbe Vice of Nagging, were BtUl 48,915 unappropriated sur- Clouds the happiness of the home, veyed acres of land in Walla Walla but a nagging woman often needs county. The reserved acreage was ' helq. She may be so nervols and run given, as 303,530, while the appropri- down in health tha't trifles annoy her. ated land totaled 299,500, making If she I s melancholy, excitable, troubl the acreage of the county S11.600. ed with loss of appetite, headache. By twos and threes prospectors are gathering In Stites, Dixie, Elk City, Grangeville and other points prepar ing for the rush Into Thunder Moun tain. A few of the more venturesome spirit are already on the trails to the south, determined to get into the new district ahead of the rush. Actor James Neill, whose action in refusing to submit to what he regard ed as personal indignities at the hands of the degree team of the Spo- Kane lodge of Elks, cVeated a wlde-!We niciu nwituu 111 uiuuuiii u iuv weeks ago, has acknowledged bis er- ror and has asked for the supreme clemency of the grand exalted ruler of the order with whom he lias had a personal interview, 5-oo JUDGE LOWELL'S POSITION. He Writes a Salem Newspaper Man 1 Concerning Fees and Salaries. j The Salem Journal sent letters to j all republican candidates tor gover nor asking them to give expressions of the question of putting all state officials on a salary, covering all fees and perquisites into the treasury and Inaugurating a thorough business ad ministration, ilr. Lowell is one of the ablest lawyers in the state and he ex actly coincides with the Journal's claims that the -officers can be put on argument any longer is clearly for purpose 'e ls uuuuiuaie lui Kmeiuui rv . " """'" " f. . ins signature uiai iuu uuusuiuuuu is not in the way. This is the over shadowing issue in which the people are interested. They have voted down all amendments to the constitu tion and the way is open to get this reform without. Will the republican party grant relief? Judge Lowell's Letter. Pendleton. Feb. 20, 1902. To the Editor. Replying- to your request for my views upon the salary question as applicable to state offices, and upon the desirability of inaugu rating a business program in our state affairs, permit me to say thai when my candidacy for governor was announced last September, I gave to the public a statement of my posi-! tion upon both these subjects, say ing, among other things, that as the, chief executive of the state I should favor: "Such change in existing statutes as will place all state officials on reasonable salaries, and provide that all fees, emoluments and income from Interest, shall be covered - into the treasury and such I deem to be the spirit of act XIII of the constitution. The salaries there named are clearly minimum, and the language of the article shoulld no longer be permit ted to excuse the continuance of a system which enriches a few men and deprives the state of revenues proper ly its own." And also "Economy, integrity, effi ciency and diligent attention to all the public institutions, and the use of the state adminsitration, so far asj ito nnncHt.,t(nnni nAu. -mm r.nu its constitutional powers will permit, as a strenuous influence for the moral and material upbuilding of the com monwealth, the attraction to it of de sirable .settlers and active capital, the development of the resources of all 8ectionSi tIie unifying of Its 80me. what divergent Interests, and the for- bearance of those things in all ave nues of effort, which make for the prosperity, happiness and content ment of the people." I have seen no reason to add to or in any manner modify the opinions upon public affairs which I then ex- pressed. STEPHEN-A. LOWELL. sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and di?zy spells, fihe needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of suff- troubles, backache and weak lMuByn?'TJUJJS have used it, and become healthy and happy. Try it. Only 50c. Tallman & Co. guarantee satisfaction. Advertising. may live without poetry, music t . We may uve 'without conscience and . live without heart w0 may live without frlendB, and live without fads, But business today cannot live with- out ads. The Country Merchant JUDGES AND CLERKS. County Court Fills Vacancies In Eleo I tion Boards for June Election. 4 Following are the names oTtlio men I appoiuted by the county court Mon day to net as clerks and judges at the June election in plnce of thdse appointed at the January term who refused to servo: Adams J. A. Winn, clerk. North Athena J. A. Scott, judge; D. A. Pinkerton, clerk. Bingham Springs W. M. Brace, judge: It. H. Graves nnd Clarence Ross, clerks. Cottonwood Lewis Bowlus,. M. To ner and J .W. Sailing, judges. Echo James Tribble and Elt Spike. Encampment L. S. Osborn, John Morrison and AV. H. Dill, judges; C. E. Marple, clerk. Fiilton J. Z. English and R. M, O'Brian, clerks. Gilliland A. B. Hanna and C. E, Adams, judges: R. N. Adams and John Q. Peebler, eleiks. Hooii--Wiiliam Reimnn, judge; J. E. Ail;eH. clerk. HelixJohn Scott, clerk. . Juniper Manuel Friendley, clerk. McKay S. P. Hutchinson, judge; Howard Dunn, clerk. South Milton Robert Still, clerk. North Milton W. S. Hoon, Ira W. Berry and J. S. Vinson, judges; C. A Winn, clerk. Mountain Charles Jeffrey, judge. North Pendleton E. J. Sommer- ville, judge; C. J. Ferguson, clerk. East Pendleton Ed Boyd and Rob ert Forster, judges: H. J. Stillman, E. E. Purington and George D. F.ell, clerks. South Pendleton Claud Penland and clerks. Reservation S. C -T. L. B. O. Wells, Sheek, Bitner and A. D. Blue, clerk. Ruddock William Adams, judge; Fred C. Davis, clerk. Umatilla J. B. Switzler, judge. Ukiah J. F. Huston, judge; Fred Hewett, clerk. Valley Charles Weiss and W. S. Goodman, judges; W. D. McNamar, and B. F. Anspaugh, clerks. Vinson James Nelson, judge; Wil liam Chapman and E. A. Rugg. clerk. Weston Henry Moulton, judge; Charles Taylor and Earl E. Kirkpat- rick, clerks. ' East Weston Ivan O'Hara. jud ?e; William Jamieson, J. H. Price and N. C T-I onnl1n 1 A a I Willow Springs B. Hinkle, judge; Pearl Fletcher, clerk. Yoakum Thomas R. Hopper and W. E. Gould, judges; F. H. Schmeer and Adam Leonhardt, clerks. New Schools in Cuba. Since the American occupation of Cuba 3.C00 new schools have been opened, and many reforms havejibeen brought about in their educational system. Some idea of their -work can be obtained from their exhibit at the Pan-American exposition, for whlph thev wprp awarder! five cnld and four silver medals. This is cer-! tainly a wonderful record, and one we should all be proud of. There Is also f a wondertul recorde behind Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters, the famous American remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulency, biliousness, nervousness and insomnia. If you are troubled with any of these ail ments we would urge you to try it. It is also a splendid blood purifier, and should be in every household. Our Private Stamp is on the neck of the bottle. WATCH THE CHICKENS. Do Not Allow Them to Despoil Your Neighbor's Premises. "Chickens come home to roost" is an aged but true saying. It might be just as truthfully stated that caicMsra go away irom nome 10 scratch. By this it not meant that a 1 1 chickens have the Philippine Itch or anything of that kind, hut that they are so built as to require a certain amount of exercise which they de light to take in a neighbor's flower hed or vegetable garden. Spring is here and many of the ladies of Pen dleton are improving the looks of the home by planting flowers. One mean chicken, by kicking up a dust i nthe flower bed of a neighbor, earn dp more damage to the peace of mind of two neighboring families than a discussion of same abstruse political problem by the heads of the two households. . A little word of warning and caution might not come amiss. If you 'own phickpris, see to it that thoy are con fined to the premises of their owner. There is acclty qrdinance governing this matter, but it is too trfvlal, under ordinary circumstances, to bring into court. Now is the .time of year to clean up the refuse about the home residence that may have accumulat ed during the winter, but by all means' see that your chickens are ;not allow ed to go forth to despoil the gardens tato a riot, or at the least endanger unkind feeling. At bedtime I take a pleasant herb Irlnk. the next morning I feel bright nd my complexion is hotter. My loctor Bays it acts gtintly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a nleasant laxative. It Is made from -nerbB. and Is prepared as easily as ea. It Is called Lane's Medicine, l ane's Family Medicine moves the nowplB each day Price 26c and iBOc, for sale by Tallman & Co., sole gents. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. H. Relss, Chicago. T. AV. Jackson. Portland. J. J.' Burns, Portland. II. A. Elwell, Spokane. E. A. Schifllor, city. .Charles K. Garey, New York. C. A. Barrett, Athena. F. - J. Ginger, Spokane. J. F. Melcber, Stnrbnck. E, II. Burke. F. W. Vnille. Portland. A. R. Galbraith, Janesville. M. H. Patton, Spokane. E, W. Redpath, Boston. M. Burnie, Fairchild. J. P. Mausel, San Francisco. Fred Plechner, St. Paul. The Golden Rule. B. V. Goodman. Mrs. R. E. Porter, Meaeham. P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane. W. D. Clegg, Seattle. H. A. Pecard, Adams. C. Cunningham, Portland. G! L. Thatcher, Port nnl. William J. Mone, Spokane. A. J. Hall, Spokane. L. M. Waters, Adams. G. A. Nichols, Union. William Nichols, Union. . T. Cable, Pilot Rock. Ward Emigh. Walla Walla. Wi E. Simmons, Galloway. E. E. Smith, Walla Walla. F. C. Pyle and wife. Charles Hindburg and wife, Cold well. E. C. Long, Dodge. J. Mi Cook, Dodge. J. B. Vickery, Dodge. George Blanchard and family, Hil- gard. Lizzie Thomas, Hilgard. C. O. Thomas, Hilgard. Roy Lisner, Ridge. G. D. Galley. Portland. Zoeth Houser, Portland. VACCINATION AND DANDRUFF. There is a Sure Prevention of Bald ness as There is of Smallpox. It is now accepted that vaccination renders the vaccinated person exempt from smallpox; or at worst, he never 1 has anything but the lightest kind of ! a case. Now a sure a preventative ! and cure for dandruff, which causes falling hair and baldness, has been ! discovered-Newbro's Kerpiciue. It kills the dandruff germ. C H. Reed, Victor, Idaho, says: "Myself and wife have been troubled with dandruff and falling hair for several years. We tried remedies without effect until we used Newbro's Herpl cide, two bottles of which cured us." Hundreds of similar testimonials. They Are Here. Two large shipments of 1902 Ram bler bicycles were received last week by Fletcher, the "Rambler man." The Rambler is again this year the most attractive, durable and light running wheel on the market. The prices are irom $25 up. Rambler headquarters at Fraziers Book Store. I TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qninlno Tablets. A'l druggists reiund the money it It fails to cure E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. When yot are DEAD Everyone speaks well of yo.ir When you are very much alive some speak ill. If anyone speaks ill of us its because we are VERY MUCH ALIVE One thing is certain you get better groceries for less money when you buy of F. S. Younger & . Son. Don't believe the knock ers; try them for your selves; order of F. S. YOUNGER & SON, and get your goods delivered promptly. For Health, Strength and fl Polydore Moens, Proprietor. Ql 1 1 DI1lIL111 Dli Cromwell DACTAM CTAnEJ CLOTHING DUJlUn 1 U DEPARTMENT' Timothy Brone Grass Seeds E Seeds SEEDS D S Alfalfa Clover Seeds .feeds Thompson Hardware Company JESSE FAILING ra ...THE CARPET MAN... We Are Cleaning Oat... Our Winter Carpets to make room for our Sew Spring Stock it's u sweeping reduction in prices, too, and the wise housekeeper will do well to take advantage of them. Come now und make your selection, of Lace Curtains, fortlers, .Bugs, etc. Closing out an elegant line of Kope Portlers, Matting and Wull I'apor. Sewing Machines of All Kinds. AMERICAN PLAN. $3 00 per Da$ and Upwards. PORTLAND, ORBQPN. Special Ratea ta Putin Ammh ..i.ui r .. n,t - -w. w.ww. nin rnnin r vt ub.i - THE BIG BOSTON S T 0 R jj SPRING... CLOTHING We arc gladd announce the at I rival of advance! shipment of t&l latest styles of Men's and . Yotia WJV mens Stilts for . . . Spring of . . . J 902 Superbly made and finished of merchant tailor suitings. Get Out Prices BeM You Bay Garden Seeds in 0 ot Package. 631 ilalB ! Phone Finest Hotel In the Pdi NorM THE PORTLAND itu nnrwrnv nrr