DAILY EVENING EDITtOi Eastern Oregon. Weather Tonight and Wednesday fair; frost tonight. PEMSTOX, ICATILlfA COUNTY, OHEGOX, TUESDAY, MAKCU LI, 1002. Ha nini i wmj , v mmmm Hi mmm mm v w V 1 1 Hilt mmm7 M "V THE DAILY tVaV I V YSLMV Yt.i Tffiil be delivered at yonr teslflonee B fBB '-m. I - a I V. BT or by currier I mmttM ' SBBBMP .BBHBHBBOWBbsWbMbbbbb flS SfcUBBHHPHlWBBBBBHBiBPHiHBHKBSBBttBBB MIL PRINCE Ai.iMtf -fVx r Uirvt n r "flirt v. Deutchland. , PRINCE'S TOAST TO FPEE AMERICA. r t . t A - rresentea mm wnn Bronze York. March 11. Prince Hen- i. t i it -r i : . ... t Hhl. I HV I II WIIirK I KHIl III liliu- t i i- a T-1 a nn n urn iv iitiikiihii t.iih iiiiiniiiiir -when the mayor of Hoboken announced. The prince received immediately and arrangements UiUUC i.Vll CilO lUOt IU JO the prince here". The mayor the prince that the German slng eocietles of Hoboken and Jersey would assemble during the after- to give him "a farewell. The this morning in acknowledge of the entertainment given him hut he cave ud the! nlans when 1 1 1 1 1 It i IX1U LI111C3 LJI IUUIICUi WUi the morning memDers or tne letter a bronze table, with Heads or VI Mil III t?MIUtMlLH 111 UU.B 1 C1IC1. tipr ihi Isttfir narriprs lfifr. thfl . l . i -r . t'a rpnrPBpntntivpB nn hlR tniir. picking up an American beauty c?oM ,lrrVile e n lnr1cra rf nhof vm nt4t?n Hriiiiirifitr 1111 iiiv 1.1111 beauty." H IIIIITH WHN I II1WI HII Willi IIKI I I II H the Deutschland pulled out into stream and turned toward the The Farewell Demonstration. inspiring farewell -demonstra- in which 4000 people on the dock all manner of craft in tne river II V llrLI I IlrLl Mtl - llllll IVtll IJli: (T 1 1 11 Deutschland backed into the thousands cheered, bands the ship and on the dock play- United States, and whistles j i. i . ri mi, saluted, bidding all a fond Prince Henry Goes Home. TT 1 1 J 11. MJ. .fTIIIILIIIl IIIIIH.V Il lflllllll ITfLlJIIl a ji i I j i i-niiitH cii iiik Hiiiiiurii in i.iiih x A x ii r j V- " i 1 t rv . at Tiif niirK. th khh iiiiii mi. General Buenz, Rear-Admiral iu u . x.iii auu luau v uluci uci ii mi. TA..iiAt. M 111 (I IKI I 1 1 I 1 1 1 II I 1 1 M I IHIIII'll a is 10 laite tne enoirer course XI ill..if .1 1 L J xA uat) mc Aiiauiu: auu its cajjculcu iu Indiana Plumbers In Session. nrinn. inn.. Mari li.'rne Indiana ta Aaannfnfinn tt Tn of or Plumll. is in annual session here with at dance of members from the ef cities of the state. H. H. High- latlon to be in first class condition. visitors are being royally enter ed by the local members of the t. Funeton In Chicago. 1 f '51 1r III HflnSth IT nn -i InM eral Frederick Punstan is in Chi- - u- . v wuw ai VlUli foremost republican oreanlzation - ww vvuot.vuuutau a. Aaams will act as toast- - " mmmj . v- W(U,W4 Taft Operated Qh. 1 1 r AK A a . . . . K illness. Jh the PhlllppiBea. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. Favorable Report on BUI to Limit Meaning of Word Conspiracy. "Washington. MJarch 11. The house committee on judiciary today auth orized a favorable report on the Gros vcnor.bill "to limit the meaning of the word conspiracy," and the use of "restraining orders and injunctions in certain cases." The bill aims to do away with the Indiscriminate issu ing of injunctions against the labor unions during strikes. . After Hermann's Scalp. Senators Perkins and Bard, of Cali fornia, received telegrams from the California Miners Association re questing an Investigation of the re port that the scribbers of Bakersfield, Cal., oil district were trying to secure the removal of Land Commissioner Hermann by Secretary Hitchcock, who made findings against the scrip pers lo secure appointment of a man favorable to the scrippers. Bard re plied that he thinks thj movement was under way and Perkins wired that there wan nothing in it. SOLONS ADJOURN. Appropriate $25,000 With Which to Flght Merger. St Paul, March 11. The special session of the legislature adjourned today, after passing a bill appropriat ing the sum of $25,000 to furnish the attorney-general funds with which to prosecute the Northern Pacific and Great Northern merger, which Is be ing fought in the courts under the direction of Governor Vansant, of Minnesota. STORM IN OMAHA THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY PANIC STRICKEN. Big Sunday School Convention. Petersburg, Va., March 11. Several hundred, Sunday school workers who come .from all parts of the state and represent all religious denominations, are taking part in the twelfth annual convention of the Virginia Sunday School Association, which was formal ly opened here today. The sessions will continue until Friday, during which time there will be papers and addresses by church and Sunday school workers of wide repute. Elab orate entertainment has been provid ed for the visitors by the churches of the city. Brewers Meet. Milwaukee, Wis., March 11. The compounders of the brew which makes Milwaukee famous are today entertaining thg brewers of the state at .large. The occasion is the third annual meeting of the Wisconsin Brewers' association. The associa tion has a membership of about one' hundred brewers of the leading cities of the state and almost all are in at tendance at the gathering. The busi ness before the convention is mostly of a routine nature.' New Jersey Methodists. Salem, N. J., March 11. Several hundred .ministerial and lay delegates are here for the annual conference of the Methodist church of New Jer sey, which will be in session dur ing the remainder of the week with Bishop E. Gt Andrews presiding. The services this evening wilfbe conduct ed by Rev. John' Fox, of Trenton. Conference appointments will be made late In the week. The Lackey Sale. Cambridge City, Ind., March 11. John S. Lackey's annual combination sale opened today and will continue for one week, during which time live hundred high-bred horses wil be put on the block. The horses offered this year are of better quality than ever before and horsemen from all over the country are nresent to take part in the bidding. Kelly to Box Tipman. Baltimore, Md., March 11. Tiie program arranged for the Nlckerbock er athletic club for its boxing show tonight provides for a twenty-round wlndup between Jimmy Kelly, of New York, and Joe Tipman, of Baltimore. The men are to weigh Jn late this af ternoon at 128 pounds. The fighters are regarded as evenly matched and an interesting contest Is looked for. Illinois Underwriters. Peoria. 111.. March 11. Peoria la entertaining the Illinois State assocla- tion of underwriters, whose quarter ly convention began today. About ninety members, representing lead ing Insurance companies, are in at tendance. A wide range of topics connected with- Insurance affairs Is scheduled for discussion. Indiana Bank Robbed. Mfc, Vernon, Ind., .March 11. The safe Jn the Boseaian & Waters bank, at Poseyville, was blown up this morn ihg and $2300 stolen. The basic bad shipped out $18,000 'yesterday . . Several Persons Injured, But None Killed Telegraph Wires Tom Down Damage Along the'UUnlon Pacific Lines. :Omaha, March 11. Fifty buildings were more or less damaged by a terrific wind storm in this city shortly after midnight. The wind swept the city, buildings being unroofed, side walks torn up, fences thrown down and "windows, blown in. The storm section of the city was panic stricken, rain and lightning adding to the ter ror produced by the gale. ' Several People Injured. During the storm several persons were injured by falling bricks and flying planks, but not one death has been reported. Telegraph and tele phone wires were torn down in all parts of the city and the tangle still exists. The railroad officers report very heavy rains all around Omaha, the wind being accompanied by a per fect deluge of water. There was con siderable damage done by washouts along the Union Pacific lines. Other roads report only trifling damage. FIGHT IN MARION GEER AND SIMON FORCES WORKING TOGETHER. Destroyed by Earthquake. St. Petersburg, March 11. The town of Shemakka, which was par tially destroyed by an .earthquake a month ago, attended by a heavy lo3s of life, was the scene of further seis mic dlseturbances on Sunday. Twelve thousand people are now homeless. Burns vs. Ryan. New York, March 11. A pugilistic contest which is attracting consider able attention is the twenty-round go between Billy Ryan and Johnny Burnes, which is to be pulled off to night at New London, Conn. Burns, though he has not been in the bus! ness very long, has drawn with such men as Oscar Gardner, Austin Rice and Tommy Sullivan, and is expected to give Ryan a hard tussle for the de cision. ' Sons of Veterans. Meridian, Miss., March 11. Meri dian is gay with flags and bunting to day in honor of the Sons of Confeder ate Veterans, whose annual state en campment Is in progress. The at tendance is unusually large, every lo cal camp in the state being fully re presented. Tiiere are also many other visitors, including a number of speakers of note who are to addrees the gathering. Meeting of Texas Bankers. Galveston, Tex., March 11. From all indications the annual convention of the Texas State Bankers' associa tion, which is to be held in this city next week, will be the largest In the eighteen .years' history of the organi zation. Financial topics covering a wide range will be discussed and there will also be addresses by sever al prominent financiers. Berks County's Birthday. Reading, Pa., March 11. Berks county was 150 years old today. Ex ercises commemorative of the found ing of the county were held in all the public schools and Interesting pro grams were carried out at a meeting held under the auspices of the local historical societies. Portland's New Paper. Portland, March 11. The initial number of the Evening Journal, Port land's new dally, made its appearance today. A. D. Bowen Is manager and W. D; Wasson is- editor. It will use the Scrlpps-McRao telegraphic serv ice. Union Depot for Salt Lake. Salt Lake, March 11. Managers of the Rio Grande and the Short Line at a conference today, decided to sub Ject for the approval of the directors, to build a union depot, provided the city council will grant Pioneer Square asked for Iy the San Pedro road. Choate Presides. London, March 11, Joseph Choate, United States ambassador, 'presided .this evening over the annual dinner of the Falk Fishers club. The af fair took place at the Hotel Cecil and was attended by many' men of prominence. Hearing on Pur Food Bllh Washington, D. C, March 11,Tfie house committee today began hear ings on a number of pure food bills. certain by the fact that Geor may lose many delegates because his Interests nro almost lilcnticnl withthoao of Sl-j mon. NEW YORK MARKET. Furnish's Victory In Umatilla Pleases Both Antl-SImon-Geer Crowd as ..Well as the Gcer Faction Know Now Whom They Have to Consider. The Salem correspondent of the Or egonlan, writing of polities in Marlon county, says: . Govornor Goer Is much stronger in this county than 'is Simon, and with out the aid of Goer's friends Simon would have no possible chance of landing a . legislative delegation. Whether this ndded strength will en able him to do so remains to ho seen on March 20, when the county conven tion will be held. The first great battle will take place Friday, March 14, but, owing to the local complica tions, there will be another contest before the convention meets. The fight in the primaries promises to bo nominally a Geor and an antl-Goor contest. But when the delegates to the county convention have been named, an effort will begin to capture ihe convention organization for Jo seph Simon. The reason for this plan of campaign is plain. Geer People Deny Simon. The Geor people vigorously deny that any combination exists between Simon and Geer, and denounce the allegation as a malicious lie, without any foundation in fact. Thq Issue thus raised is the leading factor in the present fight, though there are also anti-Geer men who would bo such even though the senatorial ques tion did not enter into the contro versy. On the other hand, there are men of considerable political sagacity who are primarily Simon men, and if they had to choose between Simon and Geer would remain loyal to Si mon. All the Simon mon are support ing Geer. In some of tho precincts it is said that tho fight has ceased to be a contest over Geer, but has be 'cpme afight over Simon. This is the situation at Wbodburn, where both slates will bo favorable to Geor, but only tho Poorman slate favorable to Simon. "-Poorman is making a very lively contest for tho support of his own precinct for return to tho legis lature, and is being opposed by people led by W. L. Topze and J. H. Settle mler. A Large Quiet Vote. It Is a foregone conclusion that neither faction will have a solid dele gation to the state convention. Neith er of the two opposing leaders Crol son, on the part of tho Simon-Goer people, and Wfrightman on tho part of antl-Simon-Geer forces pretends to claim a solid delegation. Each is striving for a majority In tho conven tion, and the larger tho majority tho better. There will be a large "quiet. vote" by men who do not announce which way their choice will go. Tho quiet vote is something that is poor foundation for estimates. The popu lar vote might bo very evenly divided, and yet one faction have a decided majority in tho convention. m Furnish's Victory in Umatilla. 'The victory of Furnish In Umatilla county was a source of great satisfac tion to tho anti-Simon-Geor crowd, and they wore as free in expressing their pleasure as wore the Geer peo nle when the Simon-Moody peoplo won In Wasco. The Geer peoplo also claim to bo pleased ovor the result of tho Umatilla primary election. Thoy say that it is now settled that Fur nish will bo Goer's chief opponent for the nomination, and they are glad fo have the light mado certain to thisxtent. One of the antis, on hear ing this view expressed said; "YeB, bqt their satisfaction is like that of a sheep owner of my acquaintance. Ono of bis sheep died and the other Bald: 'Lord, thy will be donot; it Is all right,' Ono after another of the sheep died, and tlio ownor made the same comment, until he behold the dead carcass of the last one of the flock. Tl.on he said: 'Tills may bo all right, but I can'.t see it that way If too many counties go for Furplsh, it may tlll be all right, hut the Geer peoplo won't see It that wajr," .Created No Surprise. iNelther tho Wasco nor tho Umatil la primary elections created any sur prise here, except that Furnish bo cured a much larger proportion of the delegation than was oxpected, It was generally supposed that each would carry his own county, and It Is exnected that Geer will carry Marlon. The fight here is materially different, however, for state delegates are cnos en by precincts, and even a large ma jority cannot give one man a solid seierauoa to me state convention. In Marlon the fight, is also made un- Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle-1 ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. ! iNey York. March 11, The wheat market was weak and lower today, although cables did not follow tho weakness hero yesterday. Tho gov ernment report, Riving tho amount of wheat, iu farmers' hands as 23 por cent of tho crop of 1001 and 20 per cent of corn, was considered. The report was rather bullish, but as prices had boon on the up turn for nearly a week in anticipation of this report, thore were tradois who thought it had boon discounted. Liv erpool closod i 1Mj. New York open ed 83V& and closed 82. Chicago openod 77Vi, closed 76V1. Tho report on condition of winter wheat Is not published as yet. Closed yesterday, 82. Openod today, 83. Range today, 8283. Closed today, 82. Sugar 127. Steel, 42. St. Paul, 163 tf. Union Pacific, 98. THE BOSTON STRIKE 4 Thousands of Men Have Al ready Quit Work, OTHERS THREATEN TO DO SO SOON. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, March 11. Wheat 7714 76 per bushel. Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, March 11. Wheat ?1.124 per cental. Annual Round-up. Fort Worth, Tex., March 11. Prominent cattle raisers, commission men, buyers and packers aro gathorod at Fort Worth for the twenty-fifth an nuai convention of tho Texas Cattle Raisers' association, which will bo In session through tho romalndor of tho week. Thoy come, not only from all parts of Texas, but from Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and other states as well. Tho gathering is tho largest of its kind ever hold in tho south west. Tho officers' roports show that tho association last year prevented many cltttlo thefts, and thus was of great bonefit to tho entiro state. In spectors nro kept nt all tho prlnciplo markets and theso watch tho brands and see that no shipper handles n brand he Is not authorized to handlo. In connection with tho convention there Is a big fat stock Bhow In pro gress,, with hundreds of flno cattlo on exhibition. Illinois Day at Charleston. Charleston, S. C, March 11. Tho distinguished delegations from tho Prairie stato which reached Charles ton yesterday, united today to make Illinois day ono of tho conspicuous successes of tho exposition. Tho vis itors woro cordially wolcomod by President F. W. Wagnor of tho expo sition, Mayor Smith of Charleston and Govornor McSwconoy, of South Carolina, to whoso addresses respons es wero mado by Govornor Yates of Illinois and Frederick E. Smith of Peoria. Gonoral John C. Black of Chicago and Congressman Georgo E, Foss were also among tho speakers, Following tho formal oxorclses a luncheon was given to tho Illinois guest at tho woman's building by the exposition officials, and later In tho day tho formal dedication of the Illi nois building took place. Civic Federation Called on to Use Its Influence to Check Strike and Bring About a Settlement of the Differences, as Business lsPara(ya ed. Boston, March 11. Mayor Collins this aftcrnoqn wired Senator llanna. appealing to tho civic federation to check the strike, which Is growing in Boston. Longshoremen Go Out. At noon all longshoremen in tho city stopped work and joined tb.o strikers, thus further paralyzing tho business of the city. Boston, March 11. Fully 3000 re or.ults wero added to tho ranks of tho strikers this morning and the leaders say If necessary, 25,000 additional mea can bo called out. Tho coal and lum ber teamsters may go out before tho week la over. Tho Btrtko is seriously felt throughout tho city. In buslnesa soctlons there Is ovory appearance of a holiday, tho work in tho shipping department being practically a,t n standstill. Pennsylvania's Annual Meeting. Philadelphia. March 11. Stockhold ers of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company assembled In annual meet ing In Horticultural hall today and llstoned to reports giving details of tho company's business during tho Inst year nnd dealing with tho futuro policy of tho road, Tho annual report showed the total grotis earnings of tho entiro system to havo reached tho sum of $108,620,878.11, an lncreaso ovor 1900 or $23,390,521.41. After deducting operating expenses the not earnings nro shown to havo been $64,913,191.8!), an lncreaso of $10,178, 414.38 ovor 1900. After tho deduction of all charges tho net incomo of tho entire system applicable to dividends was $29,572,581.78. Besides the state ments of earnings and general bal anco sheet, the report contnlned some detailed Information about tho various plans of the company, especial men tion being made of the road's project to tunnel under tho Hudson rivor nnd thoroby gain a terminus In Now York city. There Are British Troubles. London, March 11. Tho . cabinet met today to discuss the disaster to General Methuen and it also discuss ed tho question of suppression of tho Irish land league. All members of tho cabinet agreed that conditions !u Ireland at presont wero worse thaa thoy had boon for years. Methuen'8 Wound Dangerous. London, March 11. Lord Kitche ner reports the wound in General Me thuon's thigh ns very dangerous. RoVal Baking Powder Made of Pure Qrape Cream of Tartar. Safeguards the food against alum 0l iAHHO roMN CO,. IW VmlUM If. M VOKK,