East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 10, 1902, Image 3

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44 1 1 1 II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I II H 1 1 1 MM U II I M 11 MM
e attracts. quality pecipcb.
ady.to Wqaf Dept.
So many beautiful garments have been received
that any attempt to describe individual ones
would be, an injustice to dozens of others", for
from the lowest priced to the highest, each has
its peculiar charm of shape, style or workmanship.
r $12.50 Tailor Made Suit
Is an exceedingly pretty garment, one that should
; be seen by every suit seeker in this vicinity, which
kve claim to be equal to any $16.50 suit sliown at
lother stores.
bander Dept. Store
iiolci arc the ban of a bachelor's
Id man's as won) existence, no
I tho blankety-blanks are forth-
uon l worry, uon-i mme, uou i.
iBlmply lot us do tbo laundering.
1 collar ouuus win rumum mmw.
g ol offering a prize for a but-
1 ucHpuuuu-uerv.
ison, Prop.
jrivith dwelling and barn,
s seven rooms, bath,
wood house, city water,
ed on stone foundation.
flots and new cottage
and house, $1,000, part
isonable time on balance,
tell on installments. See
817 Main Street,
Makes Business
the Missouri Black-
kith shop have just re
ived a new supply of
fccksmith and wagon
Iterial, and are putting
mother forge. We are
v oreDared to do all
ids of Carriage and
agon work on short
tice. All work guar-
Shoeing a Specialty.
Prld f Umatilla Cjfara.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell ypu
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day.. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIO Stock of
Wa do...
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bros. -
1. L,. Ray & Co.,
Bay and sell
StockiB, Bonds
and Grain
Jot 0Mb or on Margins.
New Yark Stack Exchange.
Chicafs Stack Ezchaaga.
Chlcaga Beard afTra4e.
Iadlta, Or.,
French Restaurant
WU Lighted and Steam Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
in the City.
Fuf Legs, iEaatwn and Olympia
The New Dally Paper, "The Journal,"
and Those Behind It, Said to be
Subsidized by the Simon Machine;
Democrats Have Living Chance;
Dark Horse Named Cake.
Portland, March 9. Special Corres
pondence to the East Oregonlan.
Thus early fully five months nbo
fore the tlmq when things politically
will Indeed, "warm up" around
pointB where politicians from all sides
most do congregate a spectacular
feature has been Introduced Into the
Oregon campaign, the like of which
has never been equaled: It Is ,a fea
ture which possesses much -humor.
The reeking metropolis is enduring
an overdose of premature politics
conducted In the cartoon press, newly
There arc no able weokly journals
in this town of sufficient rcspectabil
ity, backing or brains to command
respectful attention. ,Now It is ob
served that what the editors of the
six-by-nines fail to accomplish with
their prolific pens they are hiring cor
toonlsts to do for them' and the
town Is holding its sides, figuratively
speaking, over the deluge of spiteful
caricatures given currency each
week. The Oregonian's cartoon
ist is not in it. The il
lustrated weeklies produced have
never sold so well before, never has
tho field been so inviting and never
were the weeklies more numerous.
A month ago the rage got its start
through. the introduction to the pub
lic of a small sheet named "Pace."
After volume 1, number 1, was issu
ed and quickly consumed, despite MS
fair promises of something novel and
interesting, it came no more. Its
backer got cold feet at tho same time
he got a faint heart. "Pace" was
bullded on humorous, Independent
lines and was designed to have fun
with Oregon statesmen at large. Im
itators filled the field. After the end
of "Pace," the Portland "Bee" began
to buzz. One of its backers was
John F. Cordray, who, having made
a winning in the theatrical business
after years of struggling, bighed for
journalistic experiences.
The "Bee" was fearfully and won
derfully conceived and worked its
stinger - overtime while itB honey
doled out was not of the quality to in
duce people to pay for -it. Amateur
sketch artists from Tillamook to
Silverton were encouraged to come
out of their retreats and the result
has been something trying to a man
of taste. N
The "Bee" gave the other weeklies
a scare and then died. It was suc
ceded by the Hornet more sting
geree and less honey, H. S. Harcourt
being the man. behind the stinger.
The "Hornet" carries for Charles
Fulton, he of Astoria, with aspira
tions largely toward the senatorship.
Already in the field were the "Lan
tern," with a modest pose toward
virtue, in search of graft and except
ing nothing in that line, from the min
eral water sold by a gambling house
to legal notices. Then there was
"Town Topics," Dick Clinton's per
sonal palaver of weekly appearance.
Suddenly they made a rush to get re
dlculous sketches. After that come
Dunham & White's "Chronicle,"
which has hung on to life the past
few years with the tenacity of one in
ten thousand, and yelled lustily, whila
there was a semblance of life in its
forms, for the eminently honorable
Mr. Corbett. Revived two years ago
as a tariff quotation sheet, the Chron
icle has since been making a bid for
some patrons on account of a, trying
amount of service for the G. O. P.
cause. Every one of these sheets
and particularly the latter has been
loading the news-stands with car
toons reflecting every phase of the
political situation. Harvey W. Scott,
owing to his alleged alignment with
the Mitchell party of republicans, is
the brunt of most of the spirited pic
torial work. For the first time in the
history of Portland the brainy man in
tho tower is the object of as bitter
cartooning as over Hanna was by
Davenport. The "Chronicle has been
employing a man who has won recog-
Cool the Blood
In all Cases of Itching
Burning Humors
with rni
While Cleansing the Skin and
Scalp with hot baths of CUTI
CURA SOAP and healing the
Raw, Inflamed Surface with
Complete Treatment, $125
Or.Boir.Me.i Oiktuikj-.SOc.i KMOLYiiiT.Me. 8o!4
wrpbw. rTtMj.4JvO.Cviu-.lI'npt.. Barton.
Teddy Roosevelt, Jr., has now fullly recovered from an attack of pneumonia. In the most critical stages
of his serious sickness the prayers of the country went up for him.
nition in the large cities as a clover
man and he haB portrayed Mr. Scott
in startling guises, from that of a
shouter throwing wool in the faces
of the people to a jelly-fish with a
grip on all sorts of graft. The ground
work for this prolonged attack on the
'subject from the "Chronicle" Is the
attack made by the Oregonlan on one
of Senator Simon's county officials.
The public, one may be sure, is huge-)
ly enjoying the fun because In char
acterization of the foibles of a great
local man he who chooses may run as j
he reads. Instead of so many-wordy
nuffs on the one side and refutations
and charges and counter charges of
corruptions on the other the warsome
scandal is now expressed in an aston
ishing series of pictures which Mr.
Scott cannot be enjoying. In fact he
is suffering from the ridicule. It Is
a malady never before experienced
by him.
The New Paper, "The Journal."
The new paper, the "Journal," has
succeeded in impressing a number of
people with its importance, which is
rated better and higher than several
of tho previoius enterprises of the
sort. And everyone knows, that of
new paper enterprises Portland has
certainly had her double allowance.
The "Journal," It is understood,
will bo subsidized by the Simon peo
ple at the rate of from $1000 to $2000
a month. While professedly Inde
pendent in politics, at the same time
this is too well understood to require
explanation among those who are on
to tho ropes. The "Journal" is an
nounced to appear March 10. Ma
chinery for a perfecting press is be;
ing put into -position in the base
ment of the Goodnough building on
Yamhill street and the shop will run
four linotypes so there appears to
be something dojng In tho way of
contracting obligations.
Alfred D, Bowen is business mana
ger. Bowen has no newspaper accom
plishments at all, to speak of, but ho
Is an eminently successful advertising
Lschemer. If anybody can get money
for business in a new doubtful ven
ture, which rises above tho ashes of
innumerable has-beens, Mr. Bowen
Newspaper men will understand
if they understand conditions in Port-land-"-that
a strong evening paper In
this city is attacking the situation In
the most vulnerable and vital spot
possible. But the paper must give
news and must have some brains be-
hUid it to enlist any considerable at
tentlon or help. Editors must bo sum
monod from abroad to edit the sheet,
while advertisements in the Sunday
Oregonlan call for high school stu
dents of journalistic aspirations to
communicate through a certain lock
box for particulars as to how they
may enter, active newspaper work
(at $8 per weeK.) The principal vic
tim in the backing of ft is said to be
a Toronto, Canada man,
Busy Around Democratic Quarters.
Things are getting busy around the
democratic headquarters. There is
no doubt hut that George E, Cham
berlain will get the nomination for
the governorship. This much is con
ceded. The policy of the democrats
will be to steer clear of all flirtations
combinations and to run Independent.
In every county. Whereas, before tho
democrats made a bid for the local
offices In the county this time they
will make their best attempt to get
Into the legislature. J. K. Smith, of
Astoria, will certainly be honored
with the nomination for senator and
he earnestly desires the distinction.
By taking a good moral brace anil
sticking to their colors, It Is bollcved
thnt the stalwart old party's chances
for a hold on the legislativo seats, and
some of the Important offices In Mult
nomnh county are as good as any. Tho
factional differences In Multnomah
county bode no good to tho ring and
there Is no telling what will happen
to the gang this (spring.
Dark Horse Cake.
Consensus of opinion winnowed
from the gab heard nliout the hotel
lobbies nnd among people who arc on
the move has It thnt' tho strongest
dark horse in tho gubernatorial con
test Is William M. Cake, tho popular
county judge, who has gotten so busy
in every part of tho stnto making him
self known generally If there Is nny
deadlock over tho choice of the fa
vorites for tho high seat at Salem It
is a certainty that Cako is the man
who would carry the convention with
a shout. Ho Is a young, energetic, ac
tive man, has one of tho choicest In
dependent law practices and the
standing of his firm, which Is compos
ed of his .brother and himself, Is of
tho highest among the commercial in
terests of this city. Judgo Cake has
throughout made ;i clean record nnd
no young man has como to be recog
nized more generally popular lhan he.
He has had an up-hill fight against
two commissioners composing tho
county board sliico the reorganization
of that body by tho legislature. As
chairman of that body he, of coursu,
has but one vote and whenever ho
endeavors to scrutinize too sternly
some proceeding' that Iiub an odor of
graft about it tho other two commis
sioners retire to a quieter. Bpot than
the hoard meeting place and cast
their two votes In perfect harmony
qver tho chairman's head.
Movement of Homeseekers,
Walla Wnlla, March, 10. Tho move
ment of homeseekers hns so far been
very light at this place, and real
estate men report burners about s
usual. A number of families have
passed through tho city en routo to
tho smaller towns, but few choosing
l) stop off hure. Tho reason Is given
os expensive farm lands nnd lnck of
opportunity to Invest a moderate sum
of monoy to advantage. The avorago
hoincseeker Is not searching for lands
which sell at as high a price as tho
land .near this city, and but little land
Is offered for sale at any price.
Firemen's Association Meetlnn.
Walla Walla, March 10. Tho hoard
ti directors of the Eastern Oregon
and Washington Firemen's Associa
tion has a meeting called for next
Sunday In this city, when arrange
ments will he made for the annual
tournament. It Is expected that rep
resentatives from several Oregon and
Washington towns will he presont,
and tho contest over the places of
meeting will be spirited. The associ
ation takes- In the volunteer compa
nles from most of tho towns within
200 miles of this city,
Practically Starving.
"After using n few bottles of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per
foct and permanent relief from a se
vero and chronic ense of stomach
trouble," soys J ,R, Holly, real estate,
insurance nnd loan agent, of Macomb,
111. "Ueforo using Kodol Dyspepsia
Curo she could not eat nn ordinary
meal without Intense suffering. Sho
Is now entirely cured, Several phy
sicians and many, remedies had fail
ed to give relief," You don't have to
diet. Eat any good food you want,
but don't overload tho stomach. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Curo will always di
gest It for you. Tallman 6: Co. &
Brock & McComas,
The house committee In congress
hns unanimously voted to report bills
lor tho admission of Arizona, New
Mexico and Oklahoma to statehood.
Bilioum mnd Nervous Disorder
Sick Headache and Constipation.
They cure Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after meals, Diislness and Drowsiness,
Cola Chilli, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlvenew,
Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Tremb
ling Sensations, etc, The First Dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no
fiction. For a Weak Stomach, Disordered Liver and Impaired Dlgeatle
they act like Magic". Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try a Box ol these Pills,
and they wll be acknowledged to be WITHOUT A RIVAL.
BEECH AM '& PILLS taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete
health, They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system,
U, 8, A, Dspet, 46 Caaal it,, (New York, la ease, 10c. aa4 3 Sc.