East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 08, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon "Weather
Tonight and Sunday threaten
ing with probably light rain or
snow tonight.
bo dollvered at your residence
llace 01 dusiuush ujr iiuiisi
NO. 4877
at Head of the Table of
Irs, Ogden Mills,
ilng Resting at Waldorf-
lelng Tired After HIb Jour-
fnan Society Gives Him a
fonlght. -
it, March 8. 'Prince Henry
ained at luncheon this af-
Mts. Ogden Mills. He
ed from the Waldorf-Astpr-
the Mills' mansion by a
f cavalry. He waB recelv-
reception room by the host
s. conducted to the dining
took a seat at the head of
The room waB beautifully
Among the guest3 was
Secretary of State Hill;
lorbin, Admiral Evans, Mrs.
ob Astor, Mrs: Alfred Van
id J. P. Morgan.
b's Visit to Philadelphia.
phia, March 8. The Qua'
pas completed arrangements
pceptiou and entertainment
(Henry, and his suite who
me here from New York
Monday. The program pro
a formal reception and en
It the city hall, after which
II be a carriage drive around
plpal streets and visits to
tsnce hall and other places
ic interest. The most iro-
leature of the day will be a
Cramps' shipyard, in whioh
e lias already evinoeu much
I The program of entertain-
t conclude in the ev-jning
nor at the CJnion League
i Dinner to Prince Henry.
Irk, March 8. Prince Henry
Etoday in drives about the
Ing various places of inter
Iborate plans have been
the dinner in his honor to be
Ithe German society tonight
aidori-ABtorla. Sneeches
bdo by Mayor Low, Presi-
of Columbia university,
and others. One. hun
singers of the Lleder-
Rey will sing. Senator
per Henderson. Governor
Ambassador von Holleben
the thousand guests in
menu bears portraits of
In, Frederick the Great.
luben, President Roosevelt
sltement Reported in Mon-
tana Over the Find.
3enton. Mont.. March 8.
citemont exists over thn flts
HIghwood of an extensive
of what experts class as
The stones' when nut. nnn.
rilllant hue of the nharftotnr
logo variety but more smoky.
Off for Charleston.
o, 111., March 8. Two
trains filled with Chicago's
prominent citizens, left
today for Charleston. R. n
lore ero to attend tho olohrn.
Illinois day at the Charleston
in on Tuesday next. ThA
occupy ten days and stops
naae at the principal cities
enry is Tired Out
ork, March 8. Prince Henry
in his annrtmnntd nf ho
- - M 1 ,UU
StOrla thrnnirhniif fha t
fine a natural rest from the
r mo journey over the
It having left him played out.
"moou 10 an social and
Iractors Go Over Line.
ko.utah, March 8. Hail
factors are going over ,the
i.-x.ine extension to Los
mooing on the work.
Pedro road filed the fourth
- wuon map m Utah to
route parallels the Short
MP Still MlMlnn.
tk Ma.rey8.The steamer
' .nuuuunuMn Y BIS
Bank Was Blown Up But Vault Es
Memphis, March 8. The Bank oft
Colliersvillo, at Colllersvllle, was
blown'open by burglars this morning.
The safe was demolished, "but the ih-
-... .fnnltn nf f Vio linntr pnntnlnnrl nil
V t. 1 1 1 V U t, w ..... vv..-..v.. - -
the money, $15,000. At ftrst it was
reported this money had been taken,
but a later examination revealed the
fact ;that the inner vaults were loft
unopened by the burglars, and the
money was safe. ft
Husband Murdered, Wife- Tortured,
and House Robbed All for $200.
Butler, Pa., March 8. Three mask
ed .men broke into the house of Henry
Smith, of Saxonburg, Pa., and .brutal
ly murdered the, old man and tortur
ed Mrs. Smith in a fiendish manner.
They ransacked the house and secur
ed $200.
. wwnvil. Ill 1161 lllllll, UlflMl
New York, March 8. Herman
Grau, now nearing his eightieth
year, who first produced "Lohengrin,"
"Tannhauser" and "The Plying
Dutchman" In this country, is to be
given a big testimonial at Carnegie
hall tomorrow His nephew, Maurice
Grau, will contribute the services of
some of the famous singers of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, and
others who promise to appear are
Lulu Glaspr, Frank Daniels and mem
bers of the Bostonians and other com
panies now playing in the city. One
of the features will be "The Watch on
hte Rhine," to be sung by a chorus
of one thousand voices.
Cut Off his Kin.
White Plains, N. Y., March 8. A
hearing Is being had today in the
Surrogate's court upon the. will of
Daniel Conklin, an eccentric man of
seventy, who left his fortune, quite
a considerable one, to five children
of Buchanan, a village in which the
resided, cutting off his relatives
without a cent. Conklin was fond of
children, and especially so of these,
whom he often joined in play. The
heirs named are Ruth Handley,
Blanche Sherwood Mackey, Viola
Tuttle, Rosle May Cole and Clara
Risk. The repudiated relatives con
testing the will declare that the tes
tator was of unsound mind when he
executed the will. .
CannotDo Anything.
Washington, March 8. Heinrlch
Mueller, representing the Orange
Free State, called on Secretary Hay
this morning and asked whether the
United States could do anything to al
leviate the condition of the Boers in
the reconcentrado camps in South Af
rica. Owing to this government's neu"
trality, Secretary Hay said he was
unable to offer his visitors any encouragement.
Crowinshleld Becomes Admiral.
Washington, D. C, March 8. Ad
miral A. S. Crowinshleld, who now
holds the title ex-offlclo, as the head
of the navigation bureau, tomorrow
will become a rear-admiral in fact,
through the ordinary course of- re
tirement and promotion. Late in
the present month Admiral Crowin
shleld will sail from New York to
take command of the European
Cornell vs. West Point
West, Point, N. Y., March. 8. The
fencing team of Cornell college came
to West fcplnt today to cross swords
with the crack foilsmen of the United
States military academy. Both
teams have made excellent records so
far this year and the outcome of the
meeting Is awaited with interest.
BigeloWs Yacht Launched.
Bath. Me.. March 8. The hand
some steam yacht Pantooset, built
for A. G. Blgelow, of Boston, was
successfully launched here today.
Mr. Bigolow and a large party of his
Boston friends witnessed the launching.
Stock Exchange Seats fall In Value;
The Vanderbilt Dinner to Prince
Henry; Statue to Sherman; The
Crew of the Prince's Yacht.
New York, March 8. Now York
has always been a little jealousy of
Chicago in the matter of skyscrapers,
anil of Lit e years tho "rivalry between
architects of Gotham and the Windy
City has been unusually interesting.
It is therefore disappointing to many
of the builders of tall office build
ings of New York that the aldermen
of the city sfiould commence a war
against sky scrapers almost at the
very time when Chicago aldermen
have decided to abolish the law regu
lating the, height of buildings. In
future the structures erected in this
city will be limited to 200 feet. There
are now many buildings that tower
more than 100 feet above this figure.
A bill introduced into the legislature
a few years ago, having the same ob
ject in view, was beaten. The board
of trade and transportation is behind
the present move. Under the new
city charter the board of aldermen
can regulate the height of buildings
and the 'officials are taking advant
age of their power to put in force a
law which is highly favored by many
residents of the metropolis.
Stock Exchange Seats.
iPrices of seats of the New York
stock exchange are becoming cheap
er. The last sold at $70,000, a drop
of $10,000 from the previous sale.
This is due, it is said ,to the inactiv
ity of the market and the absence of
public interest in stock exchange
matters. 'Nevertheless, $70,000 is a
good sum and it will take a good
boom to run the price again to $80,-
'Dinner to the Prince.
One of the most Important Incl
dents connected with the visit of
Prince Henry of Prussia is the dinner
which is to bo given to his royal
Highness on tomorrow night by
young Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. It
will be the only unofficial function
which .the prince will attend and na
turally New York society is at the
white heat of excitement over the
event. The affair is all the more in
teresting for the' reason that the
friends of Alfred Vanderbilt, who in
herited the bulk of his late father'a
fortune, say that since the family is
to be so highly honored his should be
the privilege of entertaining the royal
visitor since he is the acknowledged
head of the house. It will be remem
bered that Cornelius Vanderbilt was
practically disinherited by his father
a few years before the latter's death
because he contracted a marriage
displeasing to that party. The list
of guests bidden to the event Is very
exclusive and William K. Vander
bilt, who married Miss Virgina Fair,
of California is the only one of the
Vanderbilts whose name appears
among the list of invited ones.
Dividends Distributed.
Six millions of dollars will be dis
tributed to the shareholders of lead
ing corporations during the month,
this being about $5,000,000 in excess
of . the March payments of other
years. Two corporations alone will
pay $25,000,000 and these are the
Standard Oil company and the United
States Steel corporation. These two
companies are the only two Indus
trial that will distribute more than
,$1,000,000. Dividends for $G0,000;O00
for March compares with $133,000,000
distributed during January, which Is
the principal month of the year for
Interest and dividend payments.
Felt When he was Fighting them that
He was Contending Against Wo
men; Filipinos are Excedingly
Washington, March S. General
Hughes In his testimony before the
Philippine commission this morning
said, referring to the out break of
hostilities between tho Americans
a, id Aguinaldo's forces, that the first
shot was fired by the Ai-un-icnus.
Answering the question as to the
cause of the greater percentage of
killed and wounded on tho Filipino's
side, he said he always felt when ho
was fighting them as though he was
striking a woman, that they did not
know the first thing about fighting
and they could not hit a stack of
barns with a rlflo, that it was super
stition more than bravery that caus
ed them to otartd their Jiui and
that they wore badges and charms,
which, they fully believed would pro
tect them from death.
In Locating the Disabled Ship Etru
ria Marconi's System Failed.
New York, March 8. Wdreless tel
egraph operator Hepworth, on the
Cunarder Lucania, which arrived here
today, tried for two days to reach
the missing Etruria on her passage to
this country, but failed. Hepworth
claims to have interrupted a message
off the Nantucket lightship, thus dis
proving Marconi's assertion that wire
less messages are private.
Reported by -. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, March 8. Tho wheat
market continued strong today and
gained another half cent, closing at
tho top. Liverpool unchanged. Now
York opened at S3 and closed 83.
Chicago opened 771,65!U and closed
7734. The .export shipments for the
week were 4.095,000 husholB. Tho
crop outlook In the Southwest is ro
ported unfavorable.
Closed yesterday, 83 k.
Opened today, 83.
Range today, 83 83.
Closed today, 83.
Sugar, 127.
Steel, 42.
Union Pacific, 8804.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, March 8. Wheat 77
7794c per bushel.
Wheat in San Francisco.
San Francisco, March 8. Wheat,
$1.13 Ms per cental.
Tragedy Occurred in Union
Depot in Portland,
Big Indoor Meet
St. LouIb, Mo., March 8. Judging
from the high standing and number
of the entries the indoor athletic meet
to be held in the Coliseum tonight
under the auspices of the St.- Louis
University will bo the biggest affair
of its kind ever pulled off hereabouts.
Intercollegiate Interest in the pro
gram centers In the big relay race
in which the crack sprinters of the
Chicago university, Notre Dame and
other leading colleges will take-part.
Political Notes.
Boers Wer.e Captured.
London, March 8. Lord Kitchener
reports the capture of 85 Boers and
10,000 rounds of ammunition, one
Maxim gun and quantities of other
stores, in a cave near Reltff.
Successor to Pa'uncefote.
London, .March :8. The Yorkshire
Post today says Hon. Alfred Little
ton Is likely to succeed Lord Paunce
fote as British ambassador at Washington.
Cecil Rhodea Alive.
.Cane Town. March 8. Cecil
Rhodes, wso is Bflrlnuslv 111 hare, with
angina pectoris, is slightly better to
Sent Bad Matter.
Tacoma, Wash., March 8; The fed
eral grand jury here indicted four an
archists of the Homo colony, near Ta"
coma, for sending obscene matter
through the malls. They were Hat-
tie D. Penhallow, Lois Waisbrooker,
J. E. Larkin and James W. Adams.
The grand Jury recommends tho post-
office at the home to be abolished on
account of the abuse of the mail prlv
The room in which Prince Henry
of Prussia slept at the Auditorium
Hotel In Chicago, was entirely refur
nished for the occasion, from carpet
to curtains. The wall paper was
even new and made for the purpose,
containnlg, a design of the German
eagle, likewise the table linen.
Both branches of the New York
legislature have passed the anti-pig-.eon
shooting bill by large majorities.
Trap shooters will have to be con
tent with clay targets in that state
Marlon county socialists will place
a ticket in the field In that county.
The meeting of the congressional
committee of the first district will be
held at Roseburg April 2.
The republican county central com
mittee has set March 15 as the date
for the primaries and March 22 as the
time for the convention, which will
be held at Tillamook.
The democratic county central com
mittee of Jackson county fixed April
2 as the date for the primaries, and
April 15 as the date for the conven
tlon, which will be held at Jackson
ville. One hundred and one dele-.
gates were appointed to the conven
The committee of the Union party
met in HIHsboro; Washington county,
and named Saturday, March 29, as the
day for county primaries, and Thurs
day, April 3, as the date of the coun
ty convention. This convention will
nominate a complete legislative and
and county ticket, and will consist of
205 delegates, the same as two years
The Washington county republican
central committee has fixed March
20 was the time for holding county
primaries. One hundred and sixty-
seven delegates will be selected. Tho
county convention will be held on
Thursday, March 27.
A meeting of the representatives of
'the socialist party in Lane county,
was held at Eugene Thursday. A
county central committee was elect
ed, and will at once begin work,
The republican central committee
of Yamhill county has fixed Satur
day, March 22 as the date for holding
the republican primaries, and fixed
the date for the county convention,
Saturday, March 29.
The Morrow county republican con
vention Is called to meet in.Heppnor,
Saturday, Miarch 15, for the purpose
of placing in nomination candidates
for county oflicers arid to elect six
delegates to represent Morrow county
at the republican congressional con
vention to be held in Portland, April
1st and 2d, 1902.
Mtaft Ell An M. Stono says the bri
gands swore both herself and Ma
flnmn Tnllka to absolute secrecy re-
trnrrtin.-. anv information calculated
to establish the identity of the bri
gands, the location of the places
thev were concealed, or other
facts likely to compromise their cap
British Battleship Launched.
London, March 8.-HQucon Alexan
dra performed tho christening cere
mony today at tho launching of tho
battleship Queen at Dovonport King
Edward accompanied tho queen to
Dovonport and their visit was mado
the occasion for a gala demonstration
in tholr honor. Tho city of Plymouth
was crowded with visitors as soldom
before In its history. Flags and bunt
ing were displayed ovorywhoro, a
largo sum having boon appropriated
for decorations by the town council.
The mallet and chisel used in savor
ing tho launching cord wero contain-
'ed In a handsomely carved oak cas
ket with a golden key, all of which
was presented to her gracious majoB
ty after the ceremony.
The Husband Regrets the Act and
Says He Did It While Temporarily
Insane, as He Had No Cause for
It at All.
Portland. March S. Frank Loron
gor shot his wife nt tho Union depot
In this city this morning, as she wan
leaving for Sacramento. The bullet
took offect In tho groin. Mrs. Loron
gor will recover. Tho Lorengern
came from Sacramento about flvo
weeks ngo. Loronger says ho wan
temporarily Insane when ho did tho
shooting, and that there was no other
man In tho caso, in short, that he had
no cause for attempting to kill her,
and regrets tho action exceedingly.
Building at Puget Sound Navy Yard.
Washington, D. C, March 8. At
the bureau of yards and docks of tho
navy department bids wero opened
today for tho construction of a now
Joiner shop at tho Puget Sound uavy
yard. The new building will add
much to the capacity of tho yard for
repairing war vessels. It will be a
substantial three story building of
brick and will cost In tho neighbor
hood of $70,000.
Fishermen Strike.
St. John, N. F., March 8. Four
thousand seal fishermen struck this
morning tying up 20 steamships that
wero to sail today for tho sealing
grounds. Tho men want an increaso
of wages for tho season.
The Rebellion Spreading.
Hong Kong, March 8. ThoKwang
so robclllon is spreading. Tribes and
mombors of tho Chinese secret soci
ety have joined the rebols who aro
burning and looting villages. At Kai
chow tho garrison was overpowered
and all prisoners released.
Jesse Morrison Gets New Trial.
Topoka, Kan., March 8. Tho su
premo court today granted JobsIo
Morrison a now trial. Sho was con
victed of murdering Mrs. Olln Cas
tle, who married Jesslo's promised
husband. Tho women met and quar
reled, a fight followed and tho Morri
son woman killed hor rival.
The Strike In Norfolk.
Norfolk, Va., March 8. Another at
tempt Is being mndo horo today to ar
bitrate tho Btreot car strike. Follow
ing last night's failure, sevoral earn
wore pratclcally wrecked by mobs in
tho suburbs. Tho militia Is still In
chargo of affairs.
Tho First National Bank of Walla
Walla has more than $1,000,000 on deposit.
CramBaking Powder
The difference of cost between a good
and a poor baking powder would not
amount for a family's supply to one dol
lar a year. The poor powder would
cause doctors' bills many times this.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is ...
the most economical in the end, because
it goes further in leavening and insures
perfect, wholesome food.
Used always inmaking the biscuit
and cake it saves both health and money.
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar,
most healthful of fruit acids. - . 1
Baking Powder Co.,
Notk. You cannot, if you value good t
health, afford to use cheap, low-grade
. baking powders. They are mostlv,,m,;
spite of tie pure food laws, made ironv ,',
alum, which endangers Ihe health? 'AH
physicians will tell you that such pdw-. ,;
ders in food are injurious., f J