r y DAILY EVENINGEDITIOl ilLY EVENING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather THE DAILY Will bo delivered at your residence or place of business by carrier at 5c A WEEK. Tonight and Saturday, showers. PENDLETON, tTkTATILLA COVNTY, OREGON", E HID AY, MAKOII 7, 1902. NO. 47 I i : 1 - i i . . . m. m m m a i hi et u vn DVMABirKT- i mm m. mm m a m a m a am aa m a a hanna's combine. iTiiin nTr an 1 1 1 nn in nn n mi run i iiiiii iiiii mii h 11 ii i i i ii ni mni i - vam. l nu o uwon ro in uullijiun HUGE AT ALBANY jets a Hearty Reception in New York's Capital, )RESSES BRIEFLY THE LEGISLATURE. ful for the Kindness Shown Him the American People Visits Bt Point Military Academy in wich He Is Greatly Interested, bauy. N. Y March 7. Upon Ice Henry's arrival in this city morning he was driven immedi- to the city hall and from there fas conducted to the state house, re the legislature was in session. made a brief address to the mem- of the senate, in Which he said: irlsh to thank you most heartily for kind reception I have met here. IB one of many 'acts of kindness Ich I have recoived during my stay the United States and which I am likely to forget." from the senate he was taken to lower house of the legislature, are he made a brief address in same Btrain. Prince . and party the capitol for their train, their stopping place being West Point. (Albany's Reception to Prince. Ilbany, N. Y., March 7. Thousands people gathered about the railroad lion and lined the down town fccts this morning and cheered rtlly as Prince Henry and his suite hurried visits to the city and le olllclais. The royal special ar id in Albany from Boston shortly Ire a o clock and left over the New Central for West Point two rs luter. The reception commltte'e the distinguished visitors at the on Station and escorted them to 3Ity Hall, whore- Mayor Gaus, fol ly presented the freedom of the From the City Hall the prince escort were takan to the capitol, ire they were presented to Gover- jOdell and members of the gen- assembly. In the state library irlnce was shown the sword pre Ed by Frederick the Great to Gen- IGfjorge Washington. Prince at West Point. fjBt Point, N. Y., March 7. Prince Jand suite with the German am lor, Admiral Evans and Assist pcretary of State Hill, arrived from Alband this afternoon and fmet by Superintendent Mills and taff of the United States military my. During his stay the cadets put through several drills and prince was especially pleased their exhibition of skill in horse- khip. The various buildings were tctea and the prince was after- Is presented to the officers and Is connected with the academy. prince proved his acquaintance American history by occosional lences to the treason of Arnold Ihls connection with West Point, o luncheon was served the vlslt- by Colonel Mills, during which the bus West Point band rendered le. After the luncheon the nrince party loft for New York by a lal train over the tyow York Cen- rallroad. I Prince Nears End of Tour. York, March 7. Although fce Henry will spend a longer of time in this city on his re- frora his memorable Southern western tour than in the earlier the official incidents of his re pn are now practically at an end. imrty is duo to reach New York C o'clock htis evening. At 8 Ik the prince will dine at the Uni fy Club. Tomorrow will be a day Freation spent in visiting the city o end of which the prince will at the GroBSo Deutsche Gesell- Sunday he will take luncheon University Club, attend a nrl. dinner, and In the evonlng visit ew York Yacht Club. General Hoffman Dead. Padelphia, March ,7. General J; ui onman died last night of 01 the lungs, aged 79. command, of the Fifty-sixth yivanla regiment, General Hoff- "5u me battle of Gettysburg. Governor Summantri. Mnnton PI Hawaii i i ' , kiit., l """i " iuwu numraonea l'ngton bv President nnnia'vAll OVer thn TlAlltlnal tnM.. - Ma.ny Millions Involved In a Street Railway Deal. Cleveland, March 7. The Plain Dealer says: "Terms have been agreed on for the consolidation of the Cleveland Elec tric Railway Company and the Cleve land City Hallway Company, the two roads to be under the presidency of Senator Hanna. The i consolidated company will include every street car line in the city. 'Involved in the deal are arrange ments for vast improvements, for universal transfers' and for the sale of six tickets for 25 cents, although this latter detail has not been posi tively settled on as yet. Stock to the value of $21,600,000 is involved, of which $13,000,000 rep resents the .Cleveland Electric Com pany, and $8,C00,0oj the stock of the Cleveland City Railway Company. HANNA MAKES A SPEECH. He Grows Quite Eloquent on the Ship ping Bill. Washington, March 7. A notable speech was made in the senate Thurs day by Mark Hanna, of Ohio, on the pending shipping bill, which he dis cussed from the point of an American business man. Hhr arguments were carefully prepared, he was always forceful and earnest and Quite elo quent. He eomraanued the undivided attention of the senate and of the gal- lories and when he closed he received congratulations of many of his col leagues. Early in the session, Frye, in charge of the ponding shipping bill, obtained an agreement that the senate should vote on the measure and all pending amendments at 3 p. m. Monday, Marqh 17, that time being entirely satisfactory to those opposed to the bill. The American Liner Waesland Goes to the Bottom of the Ocean, EVERY LIFE SAVED EXCEPT TWO. BECAUSE OF THE GOOD DISCIPLINE. Ships Came Together in a Fog Forty Miles Off the Coast of EnglandThe British Ship Was Able to Proceed, After Rescuing the Passengers, to Liverpool, Many of the Passengers Escaping in Their Night Clothes The Boilers of the Waesland Exploded Just Before She 'Plunged Be- Big Round-up at Fort Worth. Fort Worth, Tex., March 7. Citi zens of Fort Worth are pleased over the outlook for the big convention of cattle raisers to be held .here next week. Indications point to an. unus ually large and representative attend ance. In conjunction with the con vention there will be held a fat stock show. This feature of the .gathering has been planned on a greater scale than ever- attempted before, and it promises to compare favorably with more pretentious exhibitions held in the great fat stock centers of the country. Hanrahan vs. Choynski. Louisville, Ky., March 7. The 20-round bout between "Wild Bill" Hanrahan and Joe Choynski, which is to be pulled off in Music Hall to night, under the auspices of the Em pire Athletic Club, has aroused keen interest in sporting circles. Since his easy defeat of Marvin Hart, Hanra han has been a favorite with Louis ville fight followers and the club ex pects a big crowd on hand for to night's bout. The local contingent will be reinforced by delegations of sporting men from Chicago, Cincin natl, Indianapolis and other cities. v Maple Syrup Will Be Higher. Ashtabula, O., March 7. The maple syrup season has just opened in the isortnern unio belt. The sugar and syrup making section, which is im portant, now rivals even that of the famous maple camns of Vermont Makers and dealers now declare that tne price or maple syrup will be much higher this season than last. Farm ers owning sugar bushes are nrermr- ing to sell this year's product to the ueaiers at u cents per gallon from the start. Permanent Census Bureau. Washington, March 7. President Roosevelt today signed the bill pro viding for a permanent census bureau. On July 1, when the bill goes into ef fect, a director of the census will ap point such mombers of the present office force as will constitute perma nent force. After that date, all an. polntments will be made under the regular civil service act. Columbia and Cornell to Debate. Ithaca. N. Y.. March 7. Thn an mi. al debate between Cornell university ana Columbia university takes place hero tonight, and ' it DromiaeB tn hn tlie most interesting event of the col lege year. Columbia will support the affirmative and Cornell the negative side of the question, "Resolved; That the United States should resist by force, if need be. the colonization of any part of South America by any European -power." . MImouH Bank Robbed. Ebbox, ,Mo March 7. Two men dy namited ft safe In a private bank here last night and .escaped ,wlthjf 8000. neath the Waters. Liverpool, March 7. At 11:30 o'clock Wednesday night, 40 miles southwest of Holyhead, England, the American line steamer Wtiesland and the British steamship Harmonldes came- in collision. The accident was due to a dense fog which prevented the lookouts from sighting vessels un til they were almost on one another. Although the American ship was struck amidships and sank in 35 min utes but two lives were lost. The most perfect discipline prevailed on each vessel and the. boats were hoist ed out and the passengers transferred from the decks of the sinking ship onto those of the still seaworthy Brit ish vessel with all dispatch. The dead are: Steerage passenger named Danger field. Elsie Emmett, small child, daughter of a cabin passenger. The passengers and crew of the American ship lost all their belong ings, which went down with the ves sel when she plunged beneath the waves. The Harmonldes struck the Waes land amidships and cut her down. Less than 35 minutes afterwards the work of rescue was completed and the passengers and crew were trans ferred to the English ship . The Harmonldes, bringing 32 cabin and 82 steerage passengers, arrived here at 3:30 o'clock this morning. The lost ship carried no mall. The Boilers Exploded. Liverpool, March 7. When the pas sengers of the sunken steamer Wnes- j land arrived hero, many cf them were ; attired only in their night clothing. All of them praise the discipline dis played during the trying time follow ing the collision between the vessels. Women and children were given the first places in the boats, all of the men Standing aside until they had been provided for. The last boats leaving the steamer contained the officers and crew. All were just fairly well away, when the water reached the boilers and they exploded. The ves sel trembled for just a moment as in a death agony, and then disappeared under the waters. While most of the Waesland's boats were rescued by Hermonldes easily, one of them took the wrong course in the fog and it was two hours before it could bo found and picked up. Another was swamped, but was righted and all of its occupants rescued. The Waes land's passengers will bo forwarded by the steamer Nordeland next Wed nesday. The Etrurla Still Missing. London, March 7. The Cunard liner Etruria has not yet arrived. The Cunard officials, however, are confi dent the ship is all right. Without a I propeller she is helpless at sea and 1 will not be able to reach port until , assistance reaches her and she is i towed in. Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and , New York Stock Exchange Broker Now York, March 7. The whoat market was strong and higher today, under the influence of higher cnbloa from tho other sldo and numerous crop damage reports from Kansas. Liverpool closed V highor, G . New York opened 82 and closed S3. Chicago opened 70 and clos ed 77V4. Market looks like It Is going higher. Closed yesterday, S2V6. Opened today, 82 Range today, S2S3. Closed today, 836. Sugar, 127. Steel. 42. St. Paul, 1G3. Union Pacific, 90 y2. Wheat in - Chicago. Chicago, March 7. Wheat today, 7G1i7714c per bushel. Wheat in San Francisco. San Francisco, March 7. Whoat to day, $1.121.12. Guilty of Counterfeiting. San Francisco, March 7. O. L, Woodworth was found guilty of hav ing counterfeit coin In his possession and fined $100 In the federal court in this city today. THA N WRECK Southern Pacific Train Ditched and Burned in Texas, ACCIDENT OCCURRED ' NEAR SANDERSON. PRESIDENT IS WISE. Sends His Daughter to Cuba Instead of to the Coronation. Washington, March 7. It Is believ ed that Miss Alice Roosevelt's trip to Cuba,' upon which she starts Sunday, has been substituted for the proposed visit .to the coronation of King Ed ward. The president, it is said, feels that his daughter has been brought into enough prominence during the series of gaities of the past season and by reason of Prince Henry's visit, and that the proposed trip to London is, x therefore, inadvisable under the circumstances. RESORTS CLOSED. Mayor Humes, of Seattle, Nails Up Gambling Houses. Seattle, March 7. One of tho re sults of the city election is that all gambling houses of tlie city are clos ed, It is understood, by order of Mayor Humes. Various reasons are assigned for this action. For Oratorical Honors. . Boonville, Mo., March 7. The inter est In the annual state Inter-colIe: giate oratorical contest is evidenced by the presonce of Jarge delegations of students and others from the lead ing educational Institutions of Mis souri. The contest is to be brought off here this evening. The contest ants will represent the state unlversi- ty, Tarkio College, Park College, Wil liam Jewell College and Central Col lege, The winner of the contest will represent Missouri at the interstate contest to lie held at St. Paul In May. Big Gold Shipment New York, March 7. Heldelbach, Ickelhelmer ,& Co., wll lship $1,000,000 gold to Europe Saturday, Goldman, Sachs & Co., $1,800,000 and Landenr burg, Thalman & Co., $600,000, mak ing the total thus far engaged $3,- 000,000. WOODWARD GETS STAY. Murderer of Sheriff Ricker In Wyom ing, May Live Longer. Casper, Wyo., March 7. Charles Woodward, convicted of the murder of Sheriff Ricker, and sentenced to be hanged on March 28, will be grant ed a longer time in which to prepare for the gallows. Judge Bramel de nied the motion of Woodward for a new trial' and the case will be taken to the supreme court, a stay In sen tence being granted for that purpose. As considerable time will bo required by the supreme court to review the case, Woodward cannot bo executed before May or June. Another Disastrous Snow Slide. Denver, March 7. An avalancho of snow this morning Bwopt away nlno buildings at tho Butterfly mine, near Telerlde, and three men woro killed. Justice at Hands of Colored Men. Los Angeles, March 7. Tho first colored jury In tho history of tho state today is trying David Anderson, col ored, of petit larceny. The Jury was summoned by colored policemen. Statement Not True. Havana, March 7. General Wood says that tho statement mada by beet sugar interests that the Cuban Rugar crop of this year has been bought up by the sugar combination is without foundation. Thirty-threo People Reported Killed, Many Wounded Party of New Yorkers Narrowly Escaped Death Details of the Wreck Delayed. San Antonio, Texas, March 6. Tho west-bound Southern Pacific passen ger train went into tho ditch and was burned at a point 25 miles from San derson, at 4 o'clock this morning. Thirty-three persons are reported either Instantly killed or burned to death and many others injured. First News of the Wreck. Denver, March 7. Tho paasengor train on tho Galveston, Houston ft San Antonio railroad Is reported wrecked and burned early thlB morn ing. Thlrty-flvc people arc reported dead and many injured. Details Not Yet Reported. Few additional details of the wreck have been received up to noon, be yond tho fact that nbout 15 bodies have been recovered. A largo party of New York capitalists wero In a coach of tho train, but escaped. Nino cars were burned. Details of the Awful Accident. El Paso. March 7. A Southern Pa cific passenger train, west-bound from San A"ton'o was ditched nnd burned near Maxon, on the Gnlveston, llnrria burg & San Antonio division, nt 4 o'clock this morning. Thirty-eight (Concluded on page 5.) -PRICES 1 Epworth League Rally. , Rochester, N. Y., March 7. Tho an nual convention of tho Genesee Con ference of tho Epworth League, which will be In session in this city during the remainder of tho week, Is the best attended meeting in tho his tory of this body. All of the local branches of the society In Western New York have full delegations on hand and in addition there are many ministers and other well-known speakers in attendance. Tho presld ing officer is the Rev. W, A. Harris, of Mlddleport, first vice-president of the society. Governor Taft In Hospital. Cincinnati, March 7. The governor of the Philippines, Taft, arrived here today and will undergo an operation tomorrow for a trouble that caused his long confinement In Manila. To Invade Washington. Portland, Me., March 7. Tho larg est and most notable tourist party over organized In Maine 16ft this city today for Washington by way of Bos ton and Fall River line. The party was made up entirely of state officials of Maine and members of the legisla ture. The Jaunt is one of pleasure solely, i majority of tho participants being accompanied by th-iir wive1 and families. Loss of Life In Fire. Beatrice, Neb., March 7. Fire last night caused $10,000 loss in the bus iness district of Beatrice, and six firemen were very seriously injured by coming in contact with live wires. The injured are: James Coon, George Maxflelds, Herbert Palmer, Henry Lyndcott, Harry Harper, Arthur Wolke. Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigar. CREAM Baking Powder In Use the most Economical Greater in leavening strength, a spoonful raises more dough, or goes further. Working uniformly and perfectly, it makes the bread and cake always light and beautiful, and there is never a waste of good flour, sugar, butter and eggs. With finer food and a saving of money comes the saving of the health of the family, and that is the greatest economy of all. MICE BAKING POWDER CO Not. Mny mixtures, made In Imitation of btkbMr i-niwK mimimu ruwuLH ou., powders, are upon the market. They CHICAGO. ld cheap, but are dear at any price, be cause tliey contiiii alum, a corrosive (icteoo.