East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 06, 1902, Image 8

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HERE - '..
must know best that
they can have im
plicit confidence in
the true worth of
I every pair-that they
are just as we represent them
to be-that we adjust any
reasonable dissatisfaction
that our shoes are invariably
better for the money than
can be found elsewhere.
Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
L. GREENWAIiD, Repairer.
Phone, Black 91.
Candidate's Announcement.
I hereby annonnre myself a candidate for
the nomination of county treasurer of Umatilla
'County, subject to the will of the next republi
can county conTcntion. B. F. Renn.
For Justico of the Peace.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the nomination for justice of the peace of
Pendletm district, subject to the will of the
next republican convention . Joe II. Pahkes.
Carl Miller Is In town from Helix.
Lon Clever Is in town from Prairie
J. H. Itoulstone, of Adams, is in the
A. S. Pearson, of Freewater, was in
town yesterday.
,Hank Fanning was in town yester
'day from Cold Springs.
P. Sones, the Helix hardware man,
iwas in town yesterday.
Sam White, of Athena, is registered
fit the Golden Rule hotel.
Charles Anspaugh, of Helix, is reg
istered nt the Hotel St. George.
Harvey Williams, of Pomeroy, was
Charles H. Miller, the Echo mer
chant, is registered at Hotel Pendle
ton. J. G. Cutler, civil engineer for the
W. & C. R., is in the city from Walla
Harry T. Bickers, superintendent
of the state reform school, is in town
and will remain several days.
Alfred Sondo, an Australian, and
Harry A. Richardson, a German, have
declared their intention of becoming
Robert Burns, general agent pf the
O. R. & N., with his home at Walla
Walla, was registered at Hotel St.
George last night.
Mrs. Norval Jones, who has been
Visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Cameron, left for her home
In Walla Walla this morning.
For a First-Class article in
Office and
Go 4"
H. G. Reed, of tho Allon-Qllhert
company, representing tho Wiley B.
Allen Company, Bpent yestorday with
S. 1. Wnkelleld, the piano man, In
Harry Taylor, who served on the
transport Independence during the
late Spanish-American war, will leave
Monday to visit his old homo at Wor
cester, Mass.
Jerry Durham, of Pilot Rock, de
sires the nomination of county com
missioner on tho republican ticket,
provided "tho party has no other man
In view for the nomination," as he
puts it.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wurzweller and
son, of Joseph, are in tho qity vis
iting old friends. Mrs. Wurzweller
is a neice of R. Alexander, and they
have many friends here who will be
pleased to know that Mr. Wurzweller
is doing a prosperous business at
Joseph, Wallowa county. They are
on their way to California for a
pleasure trip.
William Scott, of Hldaway Springs,
50 miles south of Pendleton, Is in
town. Mr. Scott says that three
inches of snow fell at the springs last
Friday night and that it is somewhat
wlnterlsh out there yet. He is hav
ing several new cottages built this
winter for the accommodation of
campers the coming outing season; as
Hldaway Is one of the leading sum
mer resorts in this section.
Dan Sully at Frazer's Opera House
on the 12th Instant.
From tho title, "The Parish Priest,"
one would judge that Daniel Sully's
now production was a strictly relig
ious one. On the contrary, Father
Whalen, tho role assumed by Mr. Sul
ly, is a man, human like other men,
fond of visiting his flock, capable of
telling a story of mingled pathos and
humor, that will bring a tear to the
eye one minute or a smile to the
Hp the next. Not the kind of priest
you read of, but one, like thousands
of them, to be found every day, lend
ing a helping hand to the poor and
needy, hopeful and strong in tho hour
of trouble with a cheery word and
look to chase away the gloom, and
bring the sunshine into heart and
home once again. In fact, a character
that only to come in contact with
makes life seem the brighter and
It is needless to say in this charac
ter, Mr. Sully has made tho hit of his
stellar career. But realizing one man
does not make the play,. Mr. Sully has
surrounded himself with an excellent
cast. The sale of seats will open
Monday morning, March 10th." Prices,
entire lower floor, $1; gallery, 60c.
Nothing Criminal Against W. E. Bond
the Athena Mill Manager.
On motion of District Attorney
Hailoy, tho charges preferred a month
ago against W. B. Bond, manager of
the Athena Flouring Mill Company,
by C. H. Brown, charging defendant
with misappropriating grain belonging
to plaintiff which had been stored
with the flouring mill, have been dis
missed on the ground that there was
no cause for action. Tho arrest came
as a sequel to the suits brought
against the Athena Flouring Mill
Company by a number of farmers to
recover grain that had been stored in
the company's care, but which had
been used and not paid for. Mr. Bond
was arrested because he was mana
ger of the company and was charged
with fraud in connection with the use
of the grain.
Raise in Wages.
Camden, N. J., March C. On and
after today tho wages of the motor
men and conductors of the local
street railways will bo seventeen
cents per hour Instead of fifteen as
heretofore. Tho Increase was volun
tary on tho part of tho company.
PutjYourBest Foot Forward
and walk Into tho Pendleton Shoe Co'e,,
parlor, where you will find a stock of
Footwear, from which you can get
what you want at the lowest prices.
Winter styles are being closed out as
spring is near.
Pendleton Shoe Co.
uS5& l 645 Main St
Several Men Around Town Recognize
Him as Being Their "Friend of For
mer Days," But He Denies the Soft
Quite n crowd of curious people
wore at tho O. R. & N. depot Wednes
day ovenlng to meet Sheriff Blakley
and E. R. Ferguson when they stop
ped off tho train with J. Sherwood,
alias Captain McCook, who Is wanted
hero for passing bogus checks on sev
eral of his quickly acquired frlonds,
while spending a few days hero last
summer, under tho guise of being an
army ofllcer buying horses for the
government When tho officers step
ped off tho train with his prisoner,
-several of the men who were "done"
by the wily "regular army man," rec
ognized him and said they would be
willing to swear that ho is McCook,
although he had let his beard grow
since being hero.
J Sherwood, alias McCook, stoutly
denies being the smooth Captain Mc
Cook and says he was never In Pen
dleton before.
Denied the Acquaintance.
When confronted by Mr. crguson,
who went to Portland ot Identify him,
Ferguson said: t
"Do you know me, Captain Mc
Cook?" "Never met you before," replied the
"You never took drives with mo' at
Pendleton last summer?" continued
Mr. Ferguson.
"No sir"; answered the prisoner,
Mr. Ferguson then quit questioning
him, but positively asserts that he is
the man who passed himself as Cap
tain McCook, unless he has a twin
brother who cannot be told from him
self. The hotel dark in Portland, who
was the cause of the arrest of Sher
wood, alias McCook, in telling about
him when there last summer, said:
"Sherwood lived at our hotel last
summer and he gave me a letter to
Captain Schley, son of Admiral
Schley, who was at Fort Douglas. He
told me that he was to have charge of
that post, and when I phoned over
there they said they had never heard
of Captain McCook."
"Did" an Army Officer.
Tho police say that after Sherwood
left Portland he went to Spokane and
met an army officer there to whom
he introduced himself as a person
who had met the ofllcer at a dance
given at Washington, D. C, some lit
tle time previously. Sherwood men
tioned several people ho knew in
"Washington, and the names of the
people he said he know wero so well
known to the ofllcer that the latter
parted soon afterward with $100 of
his money for one of Sherwood's
precious checks.
Then McCook left Spokane, as sud
denly as he did Pendleton, and his
whereabouts were not known until he
turned up in Portland to meet S. M.
Talt, from whom he showed a letter
ofterlng him a position with a rail
road company in Mexico, and he went
to Portland with the intention of go
ing with Tait to take the position.
Talt did not hsow up as promised, and
instead, Mr. Sherwood, alias McCook,
was taken in.
Captain McCook's 8tory.
When seen in jail this morning by
a reporter, J. Sherwood, alias Captain
McCook, shook tho newspaper man's
hand and said that he was glad to
meet him, but would make no state
ment lor publication. He said his
name was Sherwood and that ho could
prove that he never went by the
name of McCook or swindled any man
out of a dollar. "I can prove where
I have been and what I have been do
ing every day of the last eight
months, which includes the time Mc
Cook was here, and, although it is a
disgrace to be arrested and in jail,
I do not fear for the outcome as I
can prove my innocence by some of
tho most influential men In Tacoma
and Seattle, where I have been em
ployed in very responsible positions
and have done a great deal of busi
ness with the banks. I have attor
noys In Portland, Jiut it was not so
they could come up with me and
have not, employed any one hero to
defend me. 1 expect to havo my pro
Ilmlnary trial today wheml will prove
my innocence of tho charge and be
able to go my way."
Before Justice Fitz Gerald,
Sherwood, or McCook, was taken.
before Judge Fltz Gerald this .fore
noon for arraignment, but It was post
poned until Monday In order to give
tho prisoner a chance to get some
one here to identify him. His bonds
were set at $500.
The occasional ad is one of the very
best methods by which to squander
money. Continuous advertising, on
the other hand, will bring ample 're
turns for the money Invested. Sug
gestions. In the suit of Augusta Larson
against tho Order of Washington, In
Portland, to recover $2000 Insurance
on a benefit certificate issued to her
husband, Gustaf Larson, deceased, the
Jury returned a verdict In her favor
for the full amount.
Ho Yon tlcllrvc In OhnnUr
On tho subject of ghosts (ho vlllnge
la divided. Some people beg ti'i quos
(lon by a' bold uhspiUou tint .''(her',
ben't sich thlnjis, an' them an boss they
sees 'uiu on'y thinks Uin does." Oth
ers, more cautious, nrc of opinion thai
"ther' mod be ghostCK or then' metln't;"
they had nover beheld any themselves,
hltt they knew folks who hart.
Tho dictum of one hardy nkoptlc Is
worth auotlnu as an example of
shrewd reasoning: "1 dwun't believe In
ghostos an' slch," said he. "Why should
I, seeln I've nlver sin nothlnk wusscr
nor mesclf all me life long? I looks at
it this way, luk'ee, 'If sa be as they be
gone (o (he right place 'tis sartln sure
as they wun't keer to come back enr
agen. If sa be as they bo gone lo t'oth
or. (hey wun't let 'urn come, bless
'ee.' "London Spectator.
Beat Place For Turkeys.
The best place to raise turkeys Is
near a creek bottom where ncorns and
berries nro abundant and the range am.
plo. They will need looking after, but
a twelve-year-old boy on a pony Is just
the thing for this business. With a lit
tlo corn to food them, (hoy may bo
Induced to follow the attendant home
by merely riding off, dropping n few
grains along the route. After a fow at
tempts there will be no further trouble.
They can be rounded up, a few hand
fuls of corn thrown to tliein and' then
start for home, dropping corn as stated,
nnd the turkeys will follow. A few
feeds nt home at a regular hour will
cause them to bo "on hand when the
horn blows."
A linked lUnnh.
The village poultrymun raising fifty
to a hundred chicks or tho farmer who
plnns to produce two or more hundred
birds will get good results from the old
combination of comment, bran and
meat scraps. Three measures of bran,
three of cornmeal and one of dried
meat and bone form a feeding ration
hard to improve upon. This should be
mixed with boiling water and nllowed
to stand nn hour before using. For
chicks under four weeks of ago it Is
mucb safer to put this mash In milk
pans and bake in a slow oven two
hours. This baked food keeps without
souring for several days and lessens
the dnnger of diarrhea.
Coat of Keeping a "lien.
There Is considerable difference of
opinion as to how much is costs to
keep a hen. The cost depends upon
the hen's ability to forage. It is a sav
ing and clear gain to convert refuse
into eggs nnd meat. The cost of keep
ing a hen has been variously estimated
nt from BO cents to $1.50 n year. It
costs more In tho northern states than
in the southern states. It costs more If
the hens arc confined than If fhoy are
allowed to run.
Canadian Forestry Association.
Ottawa, Ont, March 6. The Cana
dian Forestry association began Its
third annual meeting in this city to
day with about three hundred mem
bers in attendance from various parts
of the Dominion. The sessions con
tinue through tomorrow and promise
to be of unusual interest to those
interested In the cultivation and pre
servation of tho forests.
Sol Marks, a well known Oregon
pioneer, died in Portland Sunday,
aged 70 years.
Dongola Kid
Extension Soles
Fair Stitched
Patent Leather Tip
A Stylish, Dressy Shoe
and one that will give
Satisfactory Wear . . .
JpVThere's Many a Serine in a box
of our Patent Leather Polish
Peoples Warehouse
Pally Caat Oragenlan by Carriar,
only 15 aanta a wtk.
Situation In Sor.vla.
Vienna, Mnrch G. A dispatch from
Belgrade Bays that extraordinary pre
cautions wero taken to prevent dis
turbances today, which wns the thir
teenth nnnlversnry of King Alexan
der's accenlon to tho throne. Accord
ing to recent advices from the Ser
vian capital tho situation there Is de
scribed as that of a volcano likely to
burst forth at any time In an upris
ing that will sweep tho throno and all
tho friends and supporters of the
present regime out of existence.
King Alcxnndor, almost If not quite
an Imbecile, Is said to bo virtually a
prisoner In tho royal palace, whllo
politicians of all factions aro schem
ing In regard to the occupant of the
throne aftor his downfall.
King Edward's Plans.
London, March 0. So fully Is King
Edward occupied with state functions
and business, socl.il engagements and
nil the preparations for the corona
tion, ns to which he is of course su
premo arbiter, that there is a grow
ing uncertainty as to whethor he will
bo ablo to, go abroad before proceed
ing to Denmark for the celebration of
King ChrisTlan's eighty-fourth birth
day, to ho present on which occnslon
Queen Alexandra Is preparing to
make tho voyage to Copenhagen on
tho royal yacht OBborne early the
coming month.
Tho 8-year-old son of L. HIrshland,
of BakerCIty, whllo handling a small
rifle, shot hlmclf through tho loft
foot. Tho bones of the foot wore
shattered by the bullet.
Our Store is Crowded
with New Spring goods, all
looms. If you want a New
have everything that is desirable. 500 New, up-to-date I
Shirt Waists from 50c to $7.50 each. Nicest line oi
Ladies' Muslin Underwear to be seen in Pendleton. A
10 Cases of Men's Hats just received, from cheapest to
best, latest styles. Our women's district No. 76 Shoes for
$2.00 we guantee as good as any $2.50 shoe on Ihe mar
ket, examine them.
Characteristic Snap and Style
Mark the hats from our establishment, they have an
artistic flavor to them that stamp them as coming from
an establishment where taste and correct methods
prevail. And we bring to bear our ability and our
ample facilities towards the production of the best
Hats producable.
Up-to-Date, First Class Furniture Store
The largest stock from which to select and all at prices that
defy competition. Undertaking parlors in connection.
Main and Webb Streets Pendleton, Oregon.
irwiTiPwiPiPivirirff w w a v
International Poultry Food makes them.
Beef Meal gives them flavor. '
Clamshells make them solid.
Mica grit aids digestion,
Try a sample,
Hay, Grain and Paod.
127 Md 129 East Alto Street
. .4 ,
tret tin in trip ninrr.:
" 1 """'""B
with an all-gone feeling
in the stomaclie and a
desire for a gdod cup
of coffee and not get it.
Try Owl Special
in the future, it is pleas
ant in flavor and goes
right to the spot.
Owl Tea House
Cheapest place in Oregon.
Pendieton-Slkiah Stage Line
tluflton & Carnoy, Prop's.
Leave Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock
except Sunday, for Pilot Hock, Nye, 1
Kidgo, Alba and TJkiah. Good ac
buuiuiuuiitiuiiB. xioiisunu uiu iroignt ana
passenger rates.
City office at Tall man & Go's dmg
the new things fresh ftom the
Dress look our line over for we
In handsome furniture
is one of the most agreeable
surprises that delights the
mistress of a home, especial
y in such new designs as we
are showing in all lines such
as are kept in an
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Pendletoa, Or