East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 06, 1902, Image 3

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ine China Bargains.
Surprising values in China Wareand Glass Ware, and
dishes of all kind. These Hnesare the daintiest and
most attractive that has cvcrbeerivshown in the city.
-v. rtf a. ti 1 O a cf
ie Limner fimci
ie Cups and Saucers to match J. 75 a set.
ie Dessert Plates 44 4 4 t.OOaset.
ie Butter Dish V 4 4 ?o eacn.
lividua! Butter Dishes 44 i a set.
,e Oyster Bowls 44 ; 44 1.48 a set.
ie Creamers ,..,,.i.-..,33cy ooc ana oc
These goods must becleared out AT VERY LOW
lAllcn n k t t im pt?t? tut: ivt
ie Alexander DepartmentlStore.
HH i lMM I I 'I I i i i n
lots with dwelling and barn,
has seven rooms,
housed city water,
nished on stone foundation.
Hour lots and new cottage,
llots and house, $i,ooo, part
reasonable time on balance,
11 sell on installments. See
817 Main Street.
less Makes Business
if the Missouri Black-
imith shop have just re-
sived a new supply ot
iacksmith and wagon
iterial and are putting
mother forge. We are ,
Dreoared to do all
ads of Carriage and
1 .
Pagon work on snort
atice. All work guar-
Slioeing a Specialty.
he Time
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIO Stock of
i.Wc do...
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bros.
1. lv Ray & Co.,
Buy and sell
Stocks, Bonds
and Grain
for OMh or qn margin.
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Beard ef Trade.
Pdl.t.ii, Or,
French Restaurant
cosy Roons
VM1 Lighted and Steam Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
ia the City.
Frug LegB, Eastern and Olympla
V - -ft.;.
TRUST IS $10,000,000.
Portland, Puget Sound, Spokane and
California Mills In the Combine;
Theodore W'lct.y, c Portland, the
Prime Mover.
The Pacific Coast Flour Mills mer
ger will mean that the individual
flour produced will be driven from
business, frozen out! and will .'li-ally
be compelled to unite his pigmy in
terests of the great trust. He will be
absorbed. That is the view taken in
Walla Walla, says the Union, uf the
announcement which was made yes
terday morning through the Associat
ed Press telegram in effect that, with
a capitalization of $10,000,000, tin?
following flour producing companies
have banded together to control
northwest trade and oriental sup
plies: Portland Flouring Mills com
pnny, Puget Sound Flouring Mills Co.,
Ccntennila Mills, of Seattle, and
Spokane, and "the Sperry Mills of
For several years Wilcox, with his
lino of mills, throughout the north
west, has virtually controlled the
flour output of the this section. There
is on the Portland Flouring Mills
company's string twelve or four
teen mills along the line of the- Ore
gon Railroad and Navigation com
pany's road, these being in operation
in connection with the Pacific Coast
Elevator company in wheat buying
and shipping. The Puget Sound
Warehouse company is on the same
circuit. For years the Wilcox com
bination .controlled virtually the Chi
nese trade in flour by reason of its
being able to furnish almost exclu
sively the stronger flour which the
Chinamen demanded and which can
not be produced in California.
But There Were Others.
Others saw the possibility of an
active competition and thought there
was life for two companies. In con
sequence the Centennial Milling com
pany came into existence, with head
quarters at, Spokane. Eight mills arc
operated by that firm, and the same
class of flour Is manufactured that
was "being sold by the Wilcox syndi
cate to Chinese consumers.
However, the plan did not work out
as well as was expected, and it soon
became apparent, it is said, that there
was no great amount of money for
either firm in the flour making busi
ness with open competition in the
field. About the same time the Cal
ifornia people awoke to the realiza
tion of the fact that the north Pacific
coast mills were getting an edge on
the oriental trade and that a combi
nation would restore to them some
of the lost prestige while it might
also open eastern markets in the
United States to northwest flour
which would not otherwise find an
As a consequence plans for merg
ing the Interests of the three big
firms have been under advisement
for some time. The Sp-irry mills in
California have the same grip on the
flour producing sections of that state
as Wilcox has on the northwest, and
there is little doubt expressed here
that in the event a merger is consum
mated the three firms named will vir
tually control the entire coast trade
It Will Reduce Expenses.
A reduction of the expenses in oM
ce work and a number of clerical
employes in another immense item of
saving which is to be reckoned witli
in connection with a combination. It
is stated here that fully $75,000 a
year could be saved by the "omblm"
interoo. in ll:s manner alon Then
a forcing upward of the mdiket of
only a few cents on a barrel of flour
would r n iiilt ic the end of the year
in a gain of millions.
The Individual mill owners in the
northwest arc stared In the face with
a gradual but certain squeeze which
will ultimately drive them to the wall
or force them into line with the combination.
.SuT. , JSHlkJ; jd' L.. ... .;- f r -
! gl
IWifrM'iin-sWsMi iiiiiw r-nT-wiaTiMW!! n ifnrnrjiTifTTiiiiiiii limn iimiiiiii n n1 rowwitn
A great stir has been occasioned In the sporting and medical wor d by the opening or new magnificent
training quarters a Purchase, N. Y., by ox-Chaniplon Muldoon. All medicine is thrown out of the window by
the Sessorwho achieves results by healthy exercise, horseback rldlng-hygcnie living, and the practice of
1 osfmethods 1 v which he made Sullivan a magnificent specimen out of a physical wreck. Muldoon s be
seSedvith app lcations-from all over the country, but as it is not a sanitarium or a money-maklng scheme, It
. dSntllt to come'under his tutelage, unless the professor feels so inclined. Some famous men, including sev
eral millionaires, are now regaining health at his unique training quarters.
pose of electing delegates to attend
the county convention, which is to bo
held in the court house in. Pendleton,
on the 12th Inst.
Notices have been posted in tho
various precincts of the county giv
ing the date and place for holding tho
primaries and the number of dele
gates allowed from each place. In
Pendleton the places for holding tho
primaries are as follows:
Pendleton Precinct North side of
Webb, between Main and Garden
T. J. Blair, Lot Livcrmoro and G. I.
I.aDow, are judges.
East Pendleton At the court
house, with Thomas FltzGerald, Win
Johnson and Max Moorehead, judges.
North Pendleton Corner of Water
and Main streets, with H. F. Johnson,
R. Alexander and J. B. Mumford,
South Pendleton precinct. On the
west side of Garden street, between
Webb and Railroad. J. W. Kimball,
T. B. Wells and Samuel George are
The places for "holding the prima
ries in the country precincts are not
known by the secretary of the toi ib
lican county committee and the
judges have not been selected. They
will be chosen on the morning of the
holding of the primaries from the
the first who appear at the polling
Warm Fight Expected In all Parts of
the County.
Friday, the 7th, inst, is the day
for the republican primary elections,
which are to be held in the precincts
of the county and city for the pur-
HeatHaala, inflammations, itching, irritations
and dialings, undue or oaenmve purujinuuuii,
and mauy other eanativo uses, nothing bo
coofing, purifying, and refreshing as a bath
with Cotjodba Soap, followed in the severor
-forms by gentle anointings with Cotjooha,
the great ,ekln cure and purest of emollients.
Cutiouia BoiP U txrond nil doubt th mort tfcetlT
Ua purilVlnj nd by ttrtln op. well u lb purwl
kd iwhiiiI Pox lolltl, Utfi, nd minry. hold ihieW;
ut lb world. Pottb Oki-o a " S,0K" '
Kp, 8oton. " How la 1Ut UiuU(u1 bktu,- btt.
It Is Necessary That the Dandruff
Germ Be Eradicated.
"Destroy the cause, you remove the
effect.'" kill the germ that causes
dandruff, falling hair and baldness,
you will have no more dandruf and
your hair must grow luxuriantly. Her
picide not only contains the dandruff
germ destroyer, but it is also 3 mi Pt
delightful hair dressing for regular
toilet use. No other hair preparation
is on this scientific basis of destroy
ing the dandruff germ, and none other
claims to be, for tho simple reason
that it is only recently that a destroy
er of the germ has been discovered
Newbro's Herpicide, the only hair
preparation that actually kills dan
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of T. F. Howard, archi
tect, up to 12 o'clock noon of March
18th, 1902, for the erection and entire
completoin of a two story and base
ment resideuce for Dr. Wi G. Cole, ac
cording to plans and specifications
prepared by T. F. Howard.
Separate bids will be received for
the mason work.
All bidders will be required to de
posit a certified check for Ave per
cent of the amount of the bid, which
check will become the property or the
owner of the building to bo erected,
provided, such bidder shall fall to
sign a contract and furnish a good
and sufficient bond for the execution
of the work. All other checks will
be returned to the bidders.
The right is reserved to reject any
and all bids for the work.
March 6th, 1902.
No Council Meeting.
There was no council meeting last
night. This was the night for the
regular meeting, which is the first
meeting in the month, tho time for
allowing all the regular monthly bills,
but there was no quorum. Those pres
ent wero called to order by Council
man Haftman and the role called with
J. E. Beam acting as recorder. Those
to answer were: Hartman, Switzler,
Frazier and SommerviHe. Absent:
Mayor Hailey, Councilmen Clopton,
Johnson, Dickson and Wells. There
was no reason given for the absence
of the mayor- and the four councilmen
further than the fact that there was
little business to transact and they
stayed away.
Charles W. Zelgler Chosen Coach and
Manager of the Pendletons.
A meeting of the managers of tho
Pendleton Baseball Association was
held at the rooms of tho Commercial
Club Wednesday evening for tho pur
pose of getting acquainted with Chas.
W. Zelgler, who has been engaged to
coach and captain the Pendleton
team. The plans of work for the
coming Beason were discussed and
formulated and steps will now bo
taken to get one of the swiftest base
ball teamB In tho field that over
crossed a diamond in this part of the
Baseball Notes.
It is announced today that John H.
Bolln, called the "Kansas Cyclone,"
has been engaged to pitch for tho
Spokane baseball team. Ho was with
the Wlnfleld, Kan., team last year.
Mayor Bookwalter, of Indianapolis,
states that he would not allow Sun
day baseball in that city, because it
would bo in violation of tho state law.
This will disarrange tho American As
sociation schedule. Manager WatkhiB
says there will bo Sunday ball or no
ball at all.
The Local Market Well Supplied With
bggs at 20 Cents a Dozen.
Eggs are 20 cents per dozen in tho
local market and there are more eggs
than demand. Two weeks ago tho
price wns 35 cents and they wero
scarcer than tho proverbial "lion's
teeth," but, as a local grocoryman
said today, "It never rains but it
pours." The cold snap of January
caused tho henB to refuse to do their
usual amount of labor and almost a
famine was tho result, but a week of
spring weather, such as wo havo had
recently, has moved tho Oregon hens
to again perform the duties of provid
ing tho market with eggs and tho
price has dropped down to 20 cents
retail, with a good prospect of them
being j.u cents In a short time.
Chickens aro still commanding a
high price, they being quoted at" $4
per dozen for almost any kind.
Blow From Unexpected Source.
Senator Gebhardt, democrat, haB in
troduced a bill In the senate of tho
Now Jersey legislature to repeal and
dissolve the charter and corporate ex
istence of tho Northern Securities
Company. Tho bill has a long pream
ble, in which it 1b stated, among other
things, that the company has organ
ized to enable tho Northern Pacific
Railroad Company and tho Great
Northern railway to violate tho laws
of several states and interfere with
their revenues and also to destroy the
competition in passenger and freight
rates that existed between these rail
roads. The preamblo goes on to say
that tho organization has aroused
great public indignation and that the
governor of Minnesota has already In"
stituted suit to prevent tho consum
mation of the illegal and injurious
purpose Bought to be accomplished by
the formation of tho securities com
pany, The bill was referred to tho
committee on corporations.
A Uooil GnfHucr.
An elderly woman with an impedi
ment In her wppech bad trouble of
her own at the corner of Twelfth and
Walnut streets the other day. Ah each
car enme out Walnut street nho would
stop It and say to the conductor, "Dud-dud-dud-does
th-thls kuk-kuk-car gug-gug-go"
At thin Juncture, and noine
ttmes before, the conductor would lni
patiently exclaim, "No; take the next
car." Then he would pull the wtrap,
and the car would go ahead, leaving
iho woman at the crossing.
There arc live dlffcrei lines pnwdiig
out Walnut street at thin point, and If
the woman could read tho Hlgns she
disregarded them. Finally a conductor
more considerate than the others help
ed her aboard and allowed her to ex
plain afterward. After "three blocks
had been traversed he found that sho
wanted to go to Darby, and his was n
Darby car. When she learned this, she
beamed her Joy. "Yuh-yuh-young man,"
Bhe said, "yuh-yuh-you're a gug-gug-
good gug-gng-giig-guesfcer." Philadel
phia Record.
TunilnK n Hliri Curin-r.
On one occasion a groat public din
ner was given to Isaac Hull by the
town of Boston, and ho was asked to
sit for his picture to Gilbert Stuart, the
celebrated artist, who was a great
braggart. When Hull visited IiIh studio,
Stuart took great delight In entertain
ing lilm with nnoedotetj of bis EngllHh
success, stories of the Mnrqula of This
and the Baroness of That which show
ed how elegant was the society to
which he had been accustomed.
Unfortunately In the midst of tills
grandeur Mrs. Ktiutrt, who did not
know that there was a sitter, came In
with her apron on and her head tlel
up with handkerchief from the kitch
en and cried out, "Did yon mean to
havo that leg of mutton boiled or roast
ed?" To which Stuart replied, with great
presence of mind, "Ask your mistress."
At bedtime I take a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion ia better. My
doctor says it acts gently on the
stomach, llvor and kidneys, and ia a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herbs, and is prepared aB easily as
tea. It is called Lano's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 25c and 60c.
For sale by Tall man A Co., sole
Horses Wanted,
J. C. Hayes, of Seattle, Wash., will
bo here Saturday, March 8th, to buy
horses for tho market.
The l'carl Hunter' fcniir rt lllon.
The pearl hunters of Borneo and tho
adjacent Islands have a peculiar super
stition. When they open shells In
Bearch of pearls, thoy t-iho every ninth
find, whether it be large or small, and
put It into a bottle which is kept cork
ed with a dead man's finger. Tho
pearls in tho vial are known as "seed
pearls" or "breeding pearls," and tho
native Borneose firmly believes that
they will reproduce their kind. For ev
ery pearl put Into the vlnl two gralnn
of rice are thrown In for the pearls to
"feed upon."
Some whites in Borneo lelieve aH
firmly In the superstition nH the na
tives do, and almost every hut along
tho coast has its "dead linger" bottle,
with from nine to fifty Heed pearls and
twice that number of rice grains care
fully and evenly stowed away among
Children's I'lny In Clernmny.
It Is a common belief in south Ger
many that if children play soldlerH
very often In the street there is a war
coming, and if they play "fimerul" an
epidemic will come over the land, and
many deaths will result. The relator
of this tells that, when a boy, hu with
others played "funeral" In front oC
the house of an old miser In his native
town lu Germany. The miser became
much excited and exclaimed, "I will
not die yet!" and made complaint to
the mayor that the boys uhould be ar
rested and punished.
Two Breaks,
"You needn't hide that letter you're
writing, -That'e Impolite. 1 wasn't
looking at It.!'
"You shouldn't have noticed that I
wus trying' to hide it. That wasn't yo
llte either." Chicago Tribune.
1 rfi