East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 06, 1902, Image 2

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    HATS! HATS!!
due Prion Clothiers, Furnishers and Halters, Pendleton.
-h feast ((3 !
Santos-Duniont, the aeronaut, Is to
visit the United States shortly.
John H. Reagan Is very HI at his
home in Palestine, Texas. There is
no hope for his recovery.
The Miggs comity court house at
Decatur, Tenn.. was destroyed by fire
Tuesday. It is not known how the
lire started.
It is expected that the projected
visit to Ireland of King Edward will
be abandoned, on account, it is said,
of the aggressive action of the United
Irish League.
President Roosevelt has gl-en the
railroad managers of the entire coun
try to understand that the interstate
commerce and the Sherman laws will
be enforced to the letter
Secretary Shaw has received a
number of applications from New
York bankers asking for permission
to deposit gold in the New York sub
treasury and withdraw equal amounts
from the sub-treasury in San Francis
co. The transfer will involve $50,-
Presidont Loubet has received an
autograph letter from the war invit
ing him to visit St. Petersburg, and re
questing him to llx the date when he
would do so. This letter will be sub
.niltted to the cabinet at its next meet
ing, Loubet will make the journey
sometime in May.
In conference with members of con
gress. President Roosevelt expressed
v his disapproval of the civil service
(provision of the .bill creating a per
manent census bureau, which has
passed both houses, and is now before
.him. The bill extends the provisions
of the civil service law to all clerks
at present employed in the census of
. flee, numbering about 700.
At Eugene, George Vernon was sen
tenced to three years in the peniten-
tiary for uttering a false check and
for obtaining money under false pre-
A. B. Campbell and W. J. C. Wake
field, two wealthy mining men in Spo
kane, have asked for a franchise from
that city for a telephone system. They
promise to invest $300,000.
Joseph F. McNaught, in the nineties
one of the wealthy men of Seattle, re
ceived his final discharge from the
; Mail Clerks Estimating the Weight of
Uncle Sam's Mall Matter Over Rail
Fourteen hundred and twenty-two
pounds of mail matter went out of
Pendleton on the east-bound O. R. &
N. Wednesday morning. This includ
ed the mail which was brought in
Tuesday night on the west-bound
train that was bound fo.r the Spoknne
branch, but owing to the lateness of
the train and. the fact that it would
not connect with the through train at
Umatilla, It was transferred here and
went out on the morning train.
Beginning with the first of March
and lasting for 35 days, all mall that
goes over the transportation lines
will be weighed. This work is being
done by the railroad clerks this year,
but heretofore It was done by a regu
lar government weigher, who went
along with every mail train and kept
an accurate record of all the mail
passing over each line. In addition
to this every sack of mail that is
picked up at the stations along the
lines is weighed by a man at the sta
tlon, and so is every sack that is drop'
ped. This is done every four years,
and is for the purpose of establishing
an average preliminary to letting con
tracts to the transportation compa
nies for carrying the mail for the en
suing four years. The weighing is to
furnish an idea of the number of
pounds that goes over the roads as a
basis to figure on what the govern
ment is to pay.
The same process of weighing is go"
ing on with the mail hauled over the
W. & C. R. out of Pendleton with the
exception that the weighing is being
done at the local postoflice instead of
on the train.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewaid for
any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the underslmied. liave'knownF. J. Che
ney for the last fifteen years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
ana nnanciany awe to carry out any obllga
uuuH iiihuu uy ineir urm.
West & Truax
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio,
Waldino, k inn an & Marvin,
Wholesale Druzirists. Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallv. aci
ing directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
oi mo system, rnco 7&c. per bottle. Bold by
an mugKisis. xesiimoniais iree.
Hall's Family Pills are the Dest.
Allows a Long List of Bills on Wed
nesday and Thursday.
The county court, "vhich was in ses
sion Wednesday, transacting the coun
ty's business, iillowed tlo following
Road and Bridge.
W. It. Crablll $1-1.00
W. C. Whitman 45.25
C. B. Wade . .; ; 4.00
M. A. Beagle 28.75
W. Whitman 32.25
Jnmcs Cantrcll 21.50
Chester Beagle , ' 21.00
R. H. Patton .- 0.00
Mit Bush 1;50
Elmer Johnson . ., 3.00
Bill Baker 4.00
Al Johnson 2.00
J. .B. Tipton 31.31
City of Pendleton 1.80
C. E. Latmor 1.00
Charles Lane 4.00
Bridge Road Surveys.
C. E. Macomber ( $42.00
C. E. Macomber .' 22.00
G. W. Knight , 4.G0
J. K. Bolt B.OO
J. Cameron ' 4.40
Dean Tatom 3.20
J. Southwell 3.20
J. W .Sullivan 3.00
J. E. Bean .'. . 3.00
C. E. Macomber 14.00
Justice Court Costs.
Thomas Fitzgerald $ 3.10
John M. Bentley ( 9.60
Thomas FitzGerald 17.G5
D. A. Madden 1.70
R. A. Watson ... 3.20
Julian Dix 3.20
Narcisse Bushman 2.50
Isaac Parr 2.70
Joe Parr 2.70
Catherine Murray ; . . 1.70
Ed Brisbo -. 1.70
Thos. Fitzgerald 10.50
John M. Bentley 8.40
Will Smith 3.50
W. W. Somple 7 1.70
John Garrison 1.70
D. H. Gould 1.70
J. M". Bentley 1.50
Thos. Fitzgerald 8.00
M. Lynd .... 5.10
C. O. Henry G.10
J. A. Mulrhead 5.10
C. A. Barrett 5.10
Dave Taylor 5.10
J. A. Henry 5.10
C. H. Brown 5.10
Thos. Fitzgerald 2.G0
John Bentley 1.20
Thos Fitzgerald 2.35
Thomas Fltz Gerald ( 3.95
John M. Bentley .' 2.95
Thomas Fitz Gerald . 11.40
.' 1.70
The Pondleton.
Lon Cleaver, Prairie City.
H. G. Rohl, Portland.
H. N. Druckor, Cincinnati.
L. O. Lakin, Portland.
J. B. Crosfiold, San Francisco.
William Malior, Portland.
C. nl. Smith, Portland.
J. A. Luckols, Portland.
C. J. Frecsc, Spoknne.
Thomas M. Duncan, Walla Walla.
Mrs. Duncan, Walla Walla.
E. B. Perkins, Portland.
M. H .Patton, Spokane.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. B. Comnn, Portland.
E. H. Burke.
A. Wurzwilor, Joseph.
Mrs. Wurzwilor, Josoph. ,
Master Wurawller, Joseph.
J. II. Ryrnnd, Now York.
John B. Ashton, Chicago.
The Golden Rule.
Charles Zclgler, Seattle.
S. White, Athena.
Fay Young, Athena.
P. E. Hunsticker, Spokane.
C. Carroll, Spokane.
Bert Applegate, Spokane.
Casto, Spokane.
Carl Muller, Helix.
J. H. Roulston, Adams.
II. Connell, Umatilla.
Jes Davis, city.
Alllo Schwank.
Gottlo'p Schwank.
A. V. Gulliford, Ridge.
Jeno Carley, Ridge.
Hank Fanning, Cold Springs.
S. W. Mix and wife, Alaska.
E. N. Grttbb, Puoblo.
W. M. Grubb, Pueblo.
!F. D. Wright, Spokane.
C. P. Collins, Baker City.
Fred Lard, Hawarden.
Dot Seguin, Hawarden.
William Stager and family, Leaven
The Bunch Is Off ! !
. . AND THE . .
. . WITH THE . .
PRICES $25, $35, $40, $50
WUV Pay the Same Price
Vt 1 for Inferior Bicycles?
Struck a Big Boulder on the Track
Going a Mile a Minute.
Engine No. 655 with Engineer Jo
seph Leaf pulling passenger No.
with Conductor Jones going west last
Tuesday night met with an accident
bankruptcy court a few days ago. His ,that mlsht have nrven serious and
liabilities were $151,412.48 and assets U se?mB almost miraculous that It did
nothing. ,UH 00 so say3 ine 1 ocatono Advance
Near Waucanza, the first station
Thirty-two thousand acre3 of state this side of Shoshone, the track goes
land were sold at ?1.25 per acre dur- through a deep cut. The train was
ing ieoruary. Tiie sales were prlncl- making nearly a mile a minute when
imuj in mnu in jasiorn uregon, Engineer Joe Leaf saw a big rock ly
though a few isolated tracts were lnc dirpcMv in fmnr nt tho on rvlnn
sold in Linn county and a number in , He, of course, immediately applied
Josephine, Jackson and Curry coun-1 the brakes but the speed of the train
t,e8, 1 had scarcely slackened when the rock
M. Barde has filed suit in Portland I was struck. The pilot was smashed
against H. C. Albers, for ?25,000 dam-! to P'cces and the engine climbed on
ages, because of alleged libel. It Is i lop 01 ine r0CK ana rolled probably
charged in the complaint that at the tw0' lenEth8 ahead before it came to
time of the Are in the mills of Albers 1 a 8tP' Fortunately, the engine never
& Schneider Company, Albers told i Ieft tne track and no damage was
Bard that he set fire to his junk shop i done except to the pilot which was a
to obtain the insurance. ' -""iiiu wrecic.
I After digging the big boulder from
mV,ii lilt i ... ' v . ,ntlor tno cn8'ne they proceeded on
cidontally killed while gunning in their wav. Just hovnnrf Rhnahnnn
timber near Eugene. Tuesday. Fro they crashed into a lot of cattle, kill
was crossing a stream on a log when jg 14. The pilot being gone, one of
m. , , 1 Jrl .b' KU1,lb the cows was ground and rolled under
n a,.,, luiiiug mm. xmea nays, one the engine and had to bo cut from
nnmed Newman and the Gray boys, beneath tho baggage car.
were with Mm. Engine No. 655 Is tho same one on
One who pretends to know, gives 1 which Edward Purtcll lost his life a
tnoioiiowlng an the best route to the ! B,,u" uine so. xno one was injured
Thunder Mountains, Idaho: Go to m elt,1or or these accidents.
Stltes by the Northern Pacific and
from thore go in by tho way of Now- Lockjaw From Cobwebs
lnin imai n' 1 ,an., c,,mm',or- Cobwobs -put on a cut latoly gave a
fi "?iVr lockjaw. Millions know that
tC I Till n loP Mn.,Jl f , oS tl,G "08t tWng t0 PUt 0,1 tt CUt ,S BUC'-
SnliT Salve, the infallible heal-
" w "Jiis-unvuieu wugon er OI WOUndS Ulcers Rnrnn akin nmn
lltfrll oo n.np . I . . t An 1 1 . 1 nnnA
...t.. o uj jiuini. uu mo, roau -ouu i(or no pay
feet above sea level. ' Coa.
Only 25c at Tallman &
John M. Bentley
L. Tracy
L. J. Perkins
Carl Jensen
W. Ingram
Hospital Pauper Supplies.
Sim J. Cully 1 $22.70
Milton Lumber Yard 5.75
W. T. Porter 6.00
J. W. Dykes 1.10
J. W. Arnold 4.50
Mosgrove & Co 25.23
J. P. Earl 11.50
C. H. Croker & Co 17D.08
Wykoff, Seamons & Benedict,. 3.50
C. H. Croker &. Co., ,.. 243:00
Pacific States Telephone Co.,.. 42.35
C. H. Croeker 5.00
W. R. Withee, 1.00
C. M. Marsh 1.50
J. B. Medill 18.09
G. W. Marsh, 59.00
G. C. Osborn 28.40
The Boston Store 5.00
Sharp & Botkln 79.00
Geo. R. Demott ;. ... 9.00
Moussu & Dolongvert, 4.00
Tax Rebate.
The City of Adams $57.00
L. L. Berry, , 2.00
Books, Suplies, Incidentals.
Pend Electric Supply Co $ 2.50
Glass & Prudhomme, 20.50
Chas. Lane 6.50
Glass & Prudhomme, 1.9
C. H. Croeker 3.50
Would Smash the Club.
If members of tho "Hay Fever Asso
elation" would use Dr. King's New dis
covery for Consumption, tho club
would go to pieces, for it always cures
this malady and asthma, the kind
that baffles tho doctors it wholly
drives from the system. Thousands of
once hopeless sufferers from consump
tion, pneumonia, bronchitis owe thoir
lives and health to it. It conquers
grip, saves little ones from croup and
whooping cough and is positively guar
anteed for ull throat and lung
troubles. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles freo
at Tallman & Co.'s.
Census Bicycle Report.
The census bureau has Issued a pre
liminary report on bicycles and tricy
cles, exclusive of repair shops, which
shows that the products of the indus
try increased almost $30,000,000 be
tween 1890 and 1900. Tho figures
show that in 1900 tho number of estab
lishments was 312, the . capital $29,
783,659; number wage earners em
ployed, 17,525; total wages paid, $8,
189,817, and total value of products.
T A nn -C c tj T ii 1 ii a m u ivt
- ' Ill
. a "f- a -- .
tire Kuaruntceu 10 Dtsn, ana is
to show them to you.
1 lllllllOUII 11UI UTTUl
f it . -kt ...
031 mam street, rtione Main
We Arc Cleaning Oat...
Our Wlutor Carpots to mako room for our Now
Spring Block -it's u swooping reduction In
prices, too, anil tho wis'o homokcopor will do
well to tnlce ii'lvimtatrn of thorn. C'omo now
nnd raiiko your selection of Lnco Curtains,
Vortlors, Rus, 01c. Closltiff out nn elopiuit
lino of Uopo i'orticrs, Jlixtting ami Wall l'apor.
Sewing Machines of All Kinds.
Take I.u.xntivo Bromo Quinine Tablets. A'l
(lruRglsts refund the monoy if it fa lis" to euro
K. W. Orove'u signature is on each box. 25c.
Counterfeit Gold.
Few persons know that the ,,gold
useu in coior printing and on pictures
frames is made from a composition
powder of bronze and spelter, and not
from pure gold leaf, but which, how
over, gives tho same effect. There is
another article that is very much 1m
itated, and that is Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters. Spurious dealers often
refill the bottles and thus give them
inu sumo appearance as tno original
but unless they have our Private
Stamp, unbroken over the neck they
are not tho genuine. Refuse all such
Imitations. The genuine Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters has an unenualed rec
ord of cures of stomach complaints
hack or it, such as dyspepsia, indices
tlon, constipation, bllllousness, nerv
ousness, insomnia and malaria, fever
ami ague.
New Residence for Dr. Cole.
T. F. Howard, tho nrchitect. in an
advertisement in tho East Oresonian.
asks for bids for tho construction of
a now residence, on tho handsome
site, tho corner of Main and Jackson
streets, ndjoinlng the residence
property of Mayor Hniloy .for Dr.
and Mrs. Cole. The residence will bo
two story and a basement.. Bids will
bo opened March 18th.
Josoph Rollly, arrested in Portland
for opium smuggling, plead guilty and
was fined $50. His opium was confis
cated and It was worth $450. so ltoillv
lost over $500 by lits unlawful business.
When you are
Everyone speaks well of
you When you are very
much alive some speak
ill. It anyone speaks ill
of us its because we are
One tning is certain
you get bettor groceries
for less money when you
buy of F. S. Younger
Don't believe the knock
ers; try them for your
selves; order of
an' get your goods
delivered promptly.
To make good bread use Byera' B8t Flour. It took first
premium at tho Chicago world's Fair over all competi
tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Every sack is guaranteed. We havo the best Steam
Rolled Bailey, fe'eed Bye and Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
expect people to know
you have to sell If youiij
The new store can never be A nCDTICI
known unless It advertises MU VCri I IOJ
$3 00 per Daj and Upwards.
Finest Hotel
In the Paelfl
S?:,1,ilatotoEa8ter!,.0J,e:on PeP,e vlaltlng Portland. Meadq
fcuiiimcrcim travelers. ,ri, C.BOWBRS, mB
TJRC AT. RT A TOirC Write the East
r TT : free
uugue 01 mem. a wu. supply always kept in stock.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :':
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.