DAILY EVENING EDITION ILY EVENING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather E DAILY .A' I Tonight and Friday, threaten ing with probably showers. or place of business by carrier t 5A WEEK. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAKCIt (J,. 1902. NO. 4075 Oh. 15. WILL REPRESENT THE NAVY SENSATIONAL CASE WILL REPRESENT THE ARMY WILL REPRESENT UNCLE SAM AT THE CORONATION. 1 R1NCE IN BOSTON reeted by Committee Headed by Mayor Collins. E ROYAL VISITOR IN EXCELLENT SPIRITS. of People Were Out to Greet -Seventeen Guns Fired on Iston Common In His Honor The fternoon Spent at Harvard Col- tfle. Boston, March, C.' The royal visit Prlnco Honrv. showed no sign of lariness because of his long trip. He Is in a particularly happy mood up- hls arrival here, making a most cellcnt ImpresBlon upon those who mn in direct contact with him. He kB gracious to the crowds who as- nhinrt to meet him and his acknowi- tgement of their interest in him fcs received in correspondingly goou bmor. The prince was greatly Bat umi and somewhat surprised at the armth of hiB. reception in all parts the country, in snort, ne nites to front rnmiblic" more than ever, Id he is not slow in giving expres- bn to his appreciation. urom tnis ly the prince and his party go to itmbridge for a visit to Harvard coi- ?e. Boston Welcomes the Prince. IBoston, Mass., March G. Prince anry's reception in Boston today is a repetition of the hearty wel Imes he has encountered every here since his arrival in the United ite's. The special train reached the Ly on schedule time, arriving at the kck Bay station shortly after 10 block. Since an early hour in the Drning crowds had been congregat in the vicinity and it was with utmost difficulty that the prince, ied by squads of infantry and ma les, were able to keep the people check. The prince was officially leeted by Mayor Collins and WII im T. Roincke, the German consul ider an escort of cavalry the party jceeded to the Hotel Somerset, Ho route was through the business itrict and all along Winter, Tre int and other thoroughfares the Bwalks were packed with specta who cheered loudly as the prince Bed. Chen the party arrived at Boylston Ptot it was greeted with a salute of gunB fired by a battery stationed IBoston common. During the stay Ithe prince and his suite at the ho I the cavalry remained on guard itslde. Governor Crane was one of ie first to appear to make his call of ate, and then, as demanded by the rmalltles of the occasion, ho hast- lied back to the state house to re live the return call of the royal vis lor. Under the cavalry escort the rince and his suite proceeded to the late house by way of Commonwealth td Massachusetts avenues and Ba n street. I At the conclusion of the call upon be governor, and after a look at" the haw monument, the party proceedod. the public library, where, amid the Ibbcy paintings, Mayor ColllnB and thor city officials awaited their urn to greel the visitor. From the liblic library the prince was taken by lay of Dartmouth street and Com Ionwealth avenue back to his hotel The Prince at Cambridge. I Cambridge. March C As Prince lenry's carrlag earrived at the state buse the naval brigade band played America" and through file marches Ie prince and his suite passed to te executive chamber whore the gov. nor and staff and heads of depart Ionts were waiting. After reception re the prince was conducted to the iuse of representatives, where both igisiative bodies had assembled, and o prince was formally presented to le membors, but instead of making is usual brief address, he calmly Irned around and eat down. The amorlal hail was next visited, where e .prince seemed esnecially interest in the battle .flags returned by the - issachusetts regiments from the civ- and SpaniBh wars. At the public 11 ry the prince was introduced to uerman veterans from Boston vicinity. He entered into meet With the old soldiers with rare pit of comradeshin. atanniner hafora pi man, Inspecting his medals and ijng details of his record, finally P"B nis hand. Prince Henry at Harvard. ftembrldgo, Mass,, Marcb 6. -Prince Urlcadler-General James H. Wilson will renresent the United States army at the coronation. General Wilson is a verv distinguished soldier. He was an able officer during the civil war, and performed snlendld service aur- lnc the Snaiiish-Amnrican war. He is a foremost military writer and noted for his great courtesy. Henry spent the afternoon at Harvard university, noting all that he saw with a keen eye and expressing sur prise and astonishment at tne size nlfiteness of the Institution. The prince was heartily received by the faculty and students or tne uni versity. The visitors arrived under oonnvt from Boston at 1:30 and were received In Memorial Hall by Presi dent Eliot. After the greetings uau been exchanged all proceeded to the fnmiltv room, where, after the profes sors and officers had been presented, luncheon was served. The meal waB r informal as consistent with collegi ate and Imperial dignity, and when it was finished all repaired to the Har vard Union building, where there was a formal reception to Btudonts and a few brief speeches. The program of the afternoon closed with a reception to the German Student Association at the home of Professor Munsterberg. Albany to Welcome Prince. Albany, N. Y., March 6. All ar rangements have been made for the reception' of Prince Henry and his suite, who will arrive in Albany early tomorrow -morning. The guest will be escorted by committees represent ing the Albany City Club and the state legislature, first to the city hall, where the mayor will formally pre sent the freedom of the city. From tho city hall the party will proceed to the Btatp capitol, whore the prince and his suite will be presented to Gov ernor Odell and members of the leg islature. COURT-MARTIALED. Charged With Torturing and Killing Filipinos Without Trial. Manila, March 6. Major Waller and Lieutenant Cay, of the marine corps, are to be court-martialed on the 17th, being charged with tortur ing Filipinos and executing others without trial n the Island of Samar. Major Waller and his marines did good work in Samar, after the massa cre of part of the company of Ninth Infantry. Republican Members Confer. Washington, March 6. The republi can members of. the house met for the third time in hope of reporting some agreement relative to the relief which should be given to Cuba. It Is not expected that any definite conclu sion will be reported. The members representing the high protection inter ests are stubborn in their attitude to ward Cuba and will probably prevent justice from being done the people of the island, which President Roosevelt insists should be done. Honor Texas Herpes. Houston, Texas, March 5. This was tho anniversary of the fall of the Alamo, when so many of the brave sons of Texas died for liberty. In commemoration of the event the San Jacinto chapter, daughters of. the re public of Toxas, today decorated the graves of all. the veterans of the Tex as republic in this locality. Trial of Counterfeiter. San Francisco, March C. Tho trial of O. L. 'Wood worth, who, last Sep tember, attempted fraud in a real es tate, transaction, at Long Beach, was begun in tho federal court in this city this morning. He is charged wl(;h haying counterfeiting tools in "his possession. ' Fred Miller . .lately from W.eiser, Idaho, . was adjudged insano at Baker City, and taken to the asylum at .Salem. The appointment of Whitelaw Reid as special ambassador to represent the United States at the coming coronation of King Edward, gives great satisfaction in official and unofficial circles in England. Mr. Reid is much liked by our neighbors across the sea on account of his many personal efforts to promote a better understanding between the people of this coun try and England. It now appears certain, says a London dispatch to tho Herald, that Whitelaw Reid, of the American delegation at the coronation rnrpmonlfis. will take Brook House, in Park Lane, for his stay in London during the coronation. It is the residence of Lord Tweedmouth, and it in Rt.nt.fir1 that Mr. Reid will nav $20,000 for six weeks. Everybody is sur prised to think Lord Tweedmouth would care to let his house for such a noviorl. considerine his important position in the liberal party, and it was anticipated that Lady Tweedmouth would give several very important parties during the season. Brook House is one of the finest places in Park Lane, with. a splendid view over Hyde Park. VALENTINE-ARMOUR. Mrs. Phillip Armour, Jr., Weds Her Husband's Partner. New York, March C. The marriage of Mrs. P. D. Armour, Jr., and P. A. Valentine was quietly celebrated to day in this city. The ceremony was attended only by members of the two families and a few intimate friends Part of the honeymoon is to be spent with Mrs. P. D. Armour, Sr., at the Hotel Bon Air, AuguBta, Ga. The bride of today .is noted as a woman of extraordinary beauty. Be fore her marriage to the late P. D. Armour, Jr., she was Miss May Les ter, daughter of John T. Lester, a mil lionaire board of trade operator in Chicago. She has two children, Philip D. Armour III. and Lester Armour, both of whom are preparing for preparatory school. For many years Mr. Valentine was manager of the interests of the late P. D. Ar mour and is extensively Interested in the business. He Is credited with possessing seven millions if dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine will make their future home In Chicago. American to Wed Prince. Paris, March 6. A rumor is current her to the effect that Miss Helena Gorham Wade, an American, who has made her homo in Paris for some time, will shortly marry Prince Eu gene, of Sweden, if ho can gain the consent of his father, and arrange to resign to the succession of the throne of the Bernadottes, as his brother Oscar did some years ago when he made a morganatic alliance by espousing Miss Ebba Money, a mar riage which created considerable of a stir at the time. Prince Eugene is a painter of some note who haj lived In the Latan quarter for many years. Miss Wilde Is both pretty and wealthy. No Help for the Boers. Washington, March, C Messrs. Wolmarans and Wessels, Boer repre sentatives, were received by Secre tary of State Hay as private citizens. The secretary of state heard them at tentively and promised to do what ever he could to ameliorate conditions in South Africa. Later Wolmarans and Wessels, accompanied by Dr. Frederick Mueller, of the Orange Free SUite, were received by President .Roosvelt. He informed .them . this government will not Interfere in tho struggle. Traffic Returned. New York, March 6. The snpw storm has ceased and traffic has gen erally resumed, THE AMERICA'S VOYAGE. Word Received From the Vessel at Franz Josefland. , Copenhagen, March 0. Letters dat ed from Franz 'josefland, August 17, have been received here from the Danes who accompanied tho Baldwin Zelgler Arctic expedition. The ves sels arriving at Franz Josefland after trying experiences, with all on board well. The America intended to winter at Franz Josefland and then proceed northward until stopped by the ice, when the party on board was to start towards the north pole. THE CONDOR WAS LOST. Boom of the Ill-fated Sloop of War Picked Up. Victoria, B .C, March 6. The steamer Queen City, which returned last night from a trip along hto west coast of Vancouver Island, found the boom of the Ill-fated Condor on Long beach. Further north the officers learned of other wreckage coming ashore, presumably from sealing schooners. The sealing combine will suffer heavy losses, as besides get ting no skins almost every schooner will require repairs. THE SHIP ETRURIA. She Is Probably Helplessly Adrift In Mid Ocean. New York, March 6. The disabled Cunard liner, which was reported yesterday, has not been heard from further, up to 10 o'clock this morning. It is feared the tow lines between the Etrurla and the steamer . Cliff, which was reported as haying her in tow, near the Azores, parted and the big liner Is again drifting about help lessly. Mrs. Marcus Daly Buys Bank. Great Falls, Mont., March 6. Nego tiations have been concluded where by Mrs. Margaret Daly becomes the .owner of the First National Bank, whoso financial condition was Jeop ardized by Cashier Henry M. Matte son, who embezzled $70,000. Mr0. Daly will pay an assessment of 60 per pent levied by the United States comptrpller to cover tho defalcation of Cashier Matteson's shortage. The bank has a capitalization of $200,000 and Mrs', Daly has purchased 70 per cent of the stock. London U Fogbound. London, March 6. This city was completely fogbound today .traffic be ing demoralized and a number of acci dents reported. The fog spread over the English channel and the mail steamers are hours overdue. uapiain uiant, aium uimwu battleship Oregon, has been solcctod navy at the coronation or King up ward. President Roosevelt takes this opportunity of rewarding tho gnllant sail'.r. whose advancement by six numbers the president does not con sider sufficient compensation for his services. NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. New York, March 6. Tho wheat market was firm today. Tho torrlllc storm now prevailing in tho east in terfered with the working of tho wires so that there were but few Quotations. Liverpool was higher, G . New York opened 82 and closed 82. Chicago opened 70 and closed 7G. Stocks hlghor. Closed yesterday, 82Vi. , Opened today, 82. Range today, 82V482. Closed today, 82 Ms. Sugar, 128. Steel, 43. St. Paul, 104. Union Pacific, 99. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, March 6. Wheat quoted today 7(!37C. ROOSEVELT 'WILL HOLD BACK. Will Give Conaress a Chance to Do Something for Cuba. Washington, March 6. President Roosevelt has decided to keep out of tho Cuban sugar fight in congress. It is authoritatively announced that ho will not send a message to congress, unless tho latter should fall to take any action In behalf of the Island. As long as thoro Is a chance that con gress will do something ho will not interfere. Big Fire In New Jersey Town. Plalnfield, N. J March 6. Tho Bab cock block and the Sobing building, two of the largest business structures In thlB city, were burned this morn ing. Tho loss was $250,000. Makes delicious griddle cakes, roll,r and muffins, ROYAL BAKING POWOER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T, NEW YORK. Mrs, Grace Bohn Seeks Di vorce From John Bohn. NAMES HER OWN MOTHER I AS CO-RESPONDENT. Mother-in-Law Took Sides With Her Son-in-Law Against Her Own Daughter and the Daughter Now Goes Her One Better. Chicago, March C Mrs. Grnco Bohn, in an amended petition for di vorce filed In court In this city this morning, names her own mother, Dr. Mnry Oroen ftS (,0.VP8,,omi0nt. Tho plaintiff is a gifted woman ot 30 years and recently figured in a sensntional suit brought by her husband, John llohn, to lecover his children, whom Mrs. Bohn took with her to "Loma Land," the home of theosophlsts, near San Diego, Cal. This suit wan brought in the courts of Los Angolen and tho children woro given to tho custody of tho father. Mrs. Bonn's present suit Is a sequel to tho other, her charge against her own mother being partly due to tho fact that Dr. Green has taken sides with Bohn against her during all of hor troubles. Arkansas Republicans. Little Rock, Ark., March 6. Con siderablo interest Is manifested In po litical circles in tho meeting of tho republican stnto central committee to be held this aftornoou at the Lin coln club. The purpose of the meet ing Is to recommend a successor to Colonel II. M .Cooper, as United States marshal for tho eastern divi sion of Arknusns, and to confer re garding tho appointment of soveral postmasters. Col. A. S. Fowlor of this city will In all probability be re commonded for tho marshalshlp. The Street Car Men's Strike. Norfolk, Vn., March 0. Tho strike among the street car men and tho light and electric power plantB in this city Is ns far from settlement this morning ns ever. The Bituntlon Is growing moro serious all tho time. Tho militia nro keeping order. Num bers of women havo been arreBted for placing rocks on tho tracks In tho streets. Mr. New Declines It. Washington, March C. Harry H. New, of Indianapolis, has declined tho proftored post of first nBslstant post-mastor-genornl, offered him by Presi dent Roosevelt. Mine on Fire. Monongahola, Pa., March G, A seri ous explosion this morning caused tho burning of a mine horo. It Is feared that a number of entombed minora nro dead. Makes' Hot Breads hot biscuit, 4 2K