East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
jii,.,wl t mntir residence
See of busincsrby carrier at
Tonight anil Thursday, proba
bly fair.
t5c A WEEK.
NO. 487-1
MUn Trior! - tn Rnarrl
Henry's Train, j
Be an Old Servant of the
Who Gave Him an Audience
snt Him Away Happy, After a
ixcltlng Scene.
Pa., Manch B. At Cleveland,
rable excitement was caused
frantic efforts of a middle-aged
;o board trince nonry b, liuih. !
cret service men threw the man
ut the prince caught sight or
d said: "Please let that man j
. . 1. .. .1
Up. Hie man wu uaueiuu
prince's presence and the two
for several minutes. The man
to be Peter Kapp, who was
rlnce's valet 20 years ago. He
he car In a particularly happy
of mind, but his unexplained
was the cause of considerable
ment in the crowd drawn
r by curiosity. Of course, Kapp's
c efforts were mistaken for
of an anarchist, bent upon mur-
nd the secret service men jump
this conclusion so quickly that
an, an old acquaintance 01 tne
e, had not time to make his er
known before he was thrown
from the train into the crowd,
s the quickness and alertness of
irlnce that put an end to the
and prevented what might have
a tragedy, as Kapp might have
killed by the guards for his-per-icj
in boarding the train and de
Ing to scd the prince in such an
ed condition.
Passed Through Cleveland,
veland, March 5. Prince Hen-
speclnl train passed through hero
o clock this morning. It made a
minute stop, during which the
co, left the breakfast table to go
k to the rear platform, where he
lowledged the cheers of the crowd
he depot.
Prince Visits Niagara,
iffalo, N. Y., March 5. The spec
train bearing Prince Henri' and
arty reached Buffalo shortly be
fcYtwo o'clock this afternoon. The
V ..... ...
jrs were greeteu at tne station
layor ivnigiit anu a citizens' re-
lon committee. The formalities
brief, occupying not more than
ten minutes, and at their conclu-
the royal party left- at once for
Igara Falls, where the remainder
the afternoon was spent In sight
ing. At b o clock the party re-
fced its journey to Boston, being
leduled to make but two stops at
Chester and Syracuse before
kchlng the Hub City.
Boston Ready to Greet Prince.
toston, Mass., March 5. Every
ing is in readiness for the recep
in and. entertainment of Prince
Bnry who Is due to arrive here at
o'clock tomorrow morning. His
yal Highness will be met at the
Imtlngton avenue . station by the
lyor and the German consul, and
Inducted under military escort to
lo Hotel Somerset, where the gover-
pr, commander of the navy yard,
resident Eliot, of Harvard, and other
an of distinction will Tie presented.
tie prince will then pay his return
sits and incidentally visit the Pub-
Library and other nlaces of inter-
It. IA call will bo made on Mrs. J.
Gardener, after vhlch the nartv
111 proceed to Cambridge, where the.
pmainder of the day is to be spent In
ivestlgatinc Harvard university. In
fhich his royal Highness, as well as
30 emperor, has expressed much in-
3reat. Returning to Boston In the
vonlng the prince will be the guest
n honor at an elaborate .banquet at
iu otei somerset. At an oarlv
l(?"r the following .morning the party
" mayo ior Albany.
Arrangements at Syracuse.
Syracuse, N. Y., Marph 5. Prince
ury wui De Erected on h a arrlvnl
ere thns evening bv Mavor Kllno
B, COTTITTlIf f no nt himlnnon
e 'edorkrann Singing .Society will
ft- x ne tram, artar mkho. n-n
ranged, will be drawn lo yanderbllt
H II D V . 1
-., wiiere tne ceremnnlnn. w 11
6 njace. The Fortv.flrnf Rnnorola
pmpany will ant a md 0
luare win tin hHiiiontw m...inn
eieciric ugntB so that ail
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, March C. Who wheat
market was quiet, but firm today, and
the close wns Vt hlghor thnn yester
tlay. Tho later reports on crop condi
tions are loss favorablo and wo look
for better prices in tho near future.
Liverpool closed higher, 0 . New
York opened 82 nnd closed 82 V.
Chicago opened 7(V and closed 7G.
Closed yesterday, S2.
Opened today, 82.
Rango todny, 82S2.
Closed today, 824.
. Sugar, 127.
Steel, 42.
St. Paul, 1G3.
Union Pacific, 99.
Railroad Traffic Blocked tin
Some Sections. -
Here is the latest photograph of Prince Henry's family. In the midst of all that is being said about the
prince's high social standing and skill as a sailor, it is interesting to be confronted with his royal highness in
a less familiar roll that of the head of a family.
Man Made Notorious in the
mous Dreyfus Case.
New Yorkk,, March 5. Major Ferdi
nand WalsinrEsterhazy, who confess
ed that he forged the Dreyfus border
eau, has. according to the Herald,
been seen in this city. He is said to
have spent two hqurs in a 'Broadway
restaurant in animated conversation,
with a young man and woman. He
was shabbily dressed and his features
were extremely thin.
Esterhazy declined to be a witness
in the Dreyfus trial in 3899 and later
fled to England, where he confessed
to being the author of the bordereau.'
Since his flight from Prance he has
lived in obscurity In England.
Humes Re-elected Mayor by
, a Narrow Margin,
y have
nave an opportunity of, seeing
distinguished viator.
Cooperage Wants Combine.
Detroit, Mich., March 5. A cooper
age trust embracing three-quarters
of the stave and hoop manufacturers
of the country is to be launched at
a meeting to be held in Detroit to
day. The initial steps looking to the
formation of a combination were ta
ken at a conference held two weeks
ago. The company will be called the
Central Cooperage Sales company
and its headquarters will be in Buffa
lo. Its capital will be $500,000. Lead
ing manufacturers of Ohio, Michigan
Illinois and Canada are the promoters
of the movement. The announced,,
purpose, ot the company is. to advance
prices, reduce freight rates, prevent
unjust claims, and stop ruinous price
fluctuations. 1 '
Sportsmen's Show Opens.
New York, March 5.Tlic eighth
annual sportsman's show, under the
auspices of the national Sportsmen's
Association, opened auspiciously to
day in Madison Square Garden and
will continuj during the next two
weeks. Those In charge of the affair
have outdone-themselves In preparing
attractive features. The huge arena
has been converted into a veritable
sportsman's paradise with all the at
tractions aijd picturesque features af
forded py wood and stream. During
the exhibition there will be carried
out an attractive program of aquatic
sports, shooting contests, fly and
bait casting competitions and -other
contests of sport.
Cincinnati Is 100 Years Old.
Cincinnati, O., March 5. The city
of Clnclnnattl is 10Q years old today
and It is celebrating the .event In var
ious ways. The main feature of the
celebration wll.l rbo a banquet to be
held this evening under the auspices
of tho chamber pf commerce. Amoug
the invited guests are Senators Han
na and Foraker, the Ohio congress
man and the governors of Ohio, In
diana and Kentucky.
" Boera Captured. '
London, March 6. A Pretoria dls
patch received today' states that fif
teen Boers, including Field Coronet
Mldtlel and Botha's chief telegrapher,
Cooper, were captured near Steyns
dorf, .in eastern Transvaal.
Republican Candidate for Mayor Ran
Behind His Ticket, Otherwise. Re
publican Ticket in Its Entirety Car
ried Strongly.
Seattle, Wash.) March C. The re
publicans carried the city election,
held In this city yesterday. Humes
is re-elected mayor by a small major
ity.. The democrats came within an
ace of electing their candidate, God
win. Humes ran behind his ticket.
The vote polled was unusually heavy
and majorities for the republican can
didates beside Humes, will be exces
sive.. The following were elected as now
Mayor Thomas J. Hume.
Comptroller John Riplinger.
Corporation counsel Mitchell Gil
liam. Treasurer, 'Matthew Ghonnely.
Cpuncilmen at large -H. P. Rude,
Frank P. Mullen.
Councilman First "Ward Patrick
Fit, natrick.
.Councilman Second Ward Abra
ham Kistlar. '
Councilman Third Ward- H. C. Gill.
Councilman Fourth Ward James
A. James.
Councilman .Filth Ward Eiils Mor
Councilman Sixth Ward W.
Councilman Seventh. Ward S.
Councilman Eighth Ward J. E.
Councilman Ninth Ward Martin J,
Lund, y
French Said to Be .Encouraging It and
It Is Spreading.
Hong Kong, March 5. The rebel
lion in Kwang Si province is spread
ing rapidly. Signs of unrest are al
ready apparent 'in Kwelin and Nankin
the newly opened river treaty ports.
The rebels are believed to be for
mer soldiers of Marshal Su, wlio were
disbanded on his promotion. Their
propaganda, which lias spread far and
wide, includes the overthrow of the
Manchu dynasty, the founding of a
Chinese dynasty and the helping of
oppressed and needy Chinese. The
French are said to be secretly sup
porting the rebels.
Arrived at Tacoma 1000 Reach West
ern Washington-Land invDemand.
Tacoma, March C. The first train
of homeseekers, taking advantage of
the reduced rates, arrived here last
night. Today over 1000 immigrants
readied Western Washington. The
railroad people state that an immense
traffic will be carried on for the next
six weeks. All available wheat lands
in Eastern Washington are being rap
idly purchased.
-Pittsburg Kennel Show.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 5. The annu
al show of the Duquesnc Kennel
Club opened in Old City hall today
with over 1,000 dogs on the benches,
a.id among them the cream of the
big New York bench show, several
hundred dogs being here from tho
east on their way to tho Chicago
show next week. The' dogs are of all
classes and descriptions, the best re
presented being the Great Danes,
cockers, bt. Bernards and fox terriers,
juaging was commenced tins morn
ing and will continue till the close of
the show Saturday night. Those in
charge of the awards are W. T.
Payne, James M. Taylor, James Mor
timer, ' G. Muss-Arnolt and A. Al
bright, Jr.
Receives a Great Welcome
Reaching Bristol.
London, March 5. The Prince- of
Wales, heir, apparent to tho throne,
received a great wolcomo nt Bristol
today on tho occasion of his visit to
cut the first sod of the now dock at
Avonmouth. It was the first visit of
the Prince of Wales to Bristol, and
tho ancient city gave him a truly
royal welcome. Business was goner
ally suspended, the decorations of
flags and bunting were profuse and
several triumphal arches spanned the
Btreots. A special train conveyed the
royal visitor over the 'Clifton exten
sion railway from Bristol to Avon
mouth, nine miles distant.
Tho .now docks at tho mouth of tho
Avon river are designed to bo among
tho largest In England and are ex
pected to result in a great increase
In tho trade of tho city of Bristol.
The cost of tho construction will
amount to $10,000,000.
Wealthy Montana Citizens Convicted
and Given Eight-Year Sentences.
Glendivo, Mont, March 5. James
Donaldson and William Broadhurst,
two of the best known wool growers
of Eastern Montana, were today found
guilty of stealing sheep and sentenc
ed to eight years in tho penitentiary.
The case has attracted much atton
tion throughout Montana, owing to
the prominence of tho parties involv
ed, both of whom are wealthy.
O'Brien and Duffy to Clash.
Chicago, March 5. Martin Duffy,
tho western lightweight champion,
and Jack O'Brien, who once gave
Frank Earne tho toughest kind of a
twenty-five-round fight, aro to mix
things up In a six-round bout bofore
the Acme club tonight. Tho two
fighters aro among the best in .their
class and unless all guesses go astray
they will put up a lively battle from
the time tho gong sounds. The win
ner will bo matched to fight Frank
Erne for the championship titlo.
Long Will Retire May .
Washington, March 5. Tho date Ih
now set for Secretary Long's retire
ment from 'lie cabinet and it will be
May 1 .though no formal announce
ment has yet been made. Representa
tive Foss, of Illinois, is now most fa
vorably mentioned as his successor.
In Interest of Hampton Institute.
New York, March 5. A big meet'
ing is to be held In Carnegie Music
nail tonight in tne interest pr Jiatnp
tqn and Tuskagee industrial schools.
Addresses are to bo delivered by
Booker T. Washington, president of
the Tuskagee Institute; Edwin A.
Aldorman, president of Tulane Uni
versity, and Robert C, Ogden, piesi
dont of the Southern Educational
Julia Howe Is Alive.
Boston, March 5. The rumor cir
culated last night that Julia Ward
Jlowe was dead is without founda
tion. Mrs. Howe is not even in.
Will Proceed Against Railroads.
Washington, March 5, It is expect
ed that Attorney-General Knox will
shortly institute injunction proceed
Ings against certain railways which
have been charged by the Interstate
commerce commission with persist
ently violating tho law, prohibiting
rate pooling, cutting and rebate, The
Idea is to get a judicial ruling in the
Alfred Booth Dead.
Chicago, March 5. Alfred Booth,
the head of the A. Booth Packing Co.,
sometimes called the fish and oyster
trust, died here this morning of hard
ening of the arteries. Two sons sur
yive him. He leaves an estate val
ued at several millions.
Congressman Polk Dead.
Washington. March 5. Congress
man Rufus PolK, of Pennsylvania,
dropped dead at the Hotel Walton, In
Philadelphia, this morning.
Long Re-Nominated.
Hutchinson, Kan., March f, Con
gressman Sfiester I. Long was renom
inated without opposition by tho re
publicans of. tho Seventh district in
convention hero today.
Snow Storm Terrific South of Mason
and Dixon's Line In Ohio It Has
Stopped Business as Well as the
Transportation Lines.
Wheeling, W. Vn., March 5. Tho
situalion in tho Hooded district, owing
to the terrific snow storm prevailing,
Is terrible. Tho spow is already
throe feet deep here. All of the rail
roads nre tied up and InterurWan- traf
fic is suspended.
Heaviest Snow In Years.
Cleveland, Mnrch 5. Reports of tho
heaviest snow storm of tho year reach
bore from many portions of the stnto.
Both electric and railroad traffic Is
suspended, nnd ninny mines aro shut
down. Business is at a standstill.
Great Snow Storm.
Pittsburg, March C. A great snow
storm prevails in all sections of Penn
sylvania today. Business and street
car traffH.' here and olsowhero is bad
ly retarded.
Bad Snow Storm South."
Nashville, March 5. Reports from
Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia
and Tennessee indicate tho worst
snow storm of tho season. The crops
aro suffering heavy damage.
Snow and Windstorm.
Now York, March C. A fierce snow
and windstorm broke over this city
tltis morning. Street car traffic la
Impeded and threatened with a block
ado. '
Western Union Wires Down.
The Pendleton olllco of tho Western
Union reports tho wires down eaat
and south of Portland, cutting off all
wire service with tho crtst as well as
with California.
Smallpox In Boise City.
Boise City, March 5. A malignant
caso of smallpox was discovered yeB
torduy in tho Star (or Spnnish) lodging-
house, on Idaho street, this city.
Warren Johnson wns found there,
thickly brokon out. Ho was being at
tended by Dr. All Fong, tho Chineso
physician. Tho place wns quaran
tined nnd guards stationed around it.
Torpedo Boat Sunk.
Dover, Englnnd, March 5. It is re
ported that a torpedo baot detJtroyer
was sunk In collision during a fog
In the English channel this "morning.
A Bank Robbed.
Washington, March 5. The Indi
ana National Bank, at Montgomery,
was burglarized ear.ly this morning.
The erackemon got over $1000.
Digging In the Ruins.
Battle Creole, Mich., March 5.T-Ono
hundred workmen began digging for
tho bodlcH in tho ruins of tho Battlo
Creek sanitarium, In this city, recent
ly destroyed by fire. Tho charred
skeleton of one man has been found.
Remnants . Embroideries
One to Six Yard Lengths
: New Collars, Ties Belts
The Golden Rule Store