East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 04, 1902, Image 8

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902.
rmust Jinow be8t that
they can have im
plicit confidence in
the true worth of
every pair-that they
are just as we represent them
to be-that we adjust any
reasonable dissatisfaction
that our shoes are invariably
better for the money than
can l)e found elsewhere.
Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
L. GREENWALD, Bepalrer.
Phone, Black 81.
Gmb Conk in St. Lonln MnUea a Pool
of Blmiielf.
One of the gam est gamecocks in St.
Louis, Mo., gave a chance audience n
rare treat one day last week. He fought
his image to a finish. By chance a
mirror had been left in the back yard
at the corner of Jefferson avenue and
Pine street. The cock was strutting
about the yard looking for trouble
when suddenly he came face .to face
with his image in the glass. His fight
ing blood was up. At last he had met
a bird that he considered worthy of
his prowess. He eyed the supposed
enemy critically. His anger grew as
the image mocked him. The feathers
began to rise on his neck, and in an
Instant ho made a lunge at the glass.
Picking himself up from the ground,
where -he had been doubled in a heap,
he backed off a few paces. The coward
ly image also backed uway and mocked
him. He made lunge after lunge at
the glass, each time backing away thor
oughly surprised. Finally he got tired
of retreating and made a fierce face
to face contest with himself . He fought
until he fell from sheer exhaustion.
For a First-Class article in
Office and
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Ed Brsibo wont to Adams this morn
George Peringer visited Adams Sun
day. Mrs. Mollie Crane is in town from
H. J. Bean is in Weston on legal
J. H. Ferguson was in Adams Mon
day on business.
Allex. McRae went to Athena Mon
day on business.
Ira Julian, the "W. & C. It. operator,
at Helix, is in town.
C. H. Taylor, of Weston, is register
ed at Hotel Pendleton.
Dug Belts is in town from his stock
ranch near Pilot Rock.
Miss Cora Cook, of Adams, is in
Pendleton visiting friends.
Louis Berggiven, of Athena, is a
guest of Hotel St. George.
George Plcard is registered at the
Golden Rule from his home in Adams.
M. A. Ferguson, the Adams real es
tate and insurance agent, was in town
F. O. Rogers, of Athena, waB in
town last night and left for his home
this morning.
Dr. C. J. Smith was called to Fos
ter this morning to see Mrs. W. T.
Reeves, who is ill.
Dr. E. A. Mann is again able to at
tend to his duties after .having been
lad up with rheumatism for a week.
"Wes Matlock has returned from a
trip to Baker City, where he says bus
iness is very quiet at this time.
C. E. Fersuson. of Privett's barber
shop, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Ferguson, at Adams Sunday.
"Jack" Craig, of the Adams' Ad
vance, was in the city Monday solicit
ing business for his family paper.
Superintendent J. P. O'Brien, of the
O. R .& N., passed through Pendleton
this morning in his private car, going
D. B. Gorman, of the merchandise
firm of Gorman & Taylor, was a guest
of Hotel Pendleton last night from
Walla Walla "Union: John E. Lath
rop, who is at the Walla Walla hospi
tal for medical treatment was able to
sit up for a short time today.
Henry Kern and wife, Frank Reid
and wife and Albert Kern, all of Ad
ams, spent Monday in Pendleton, re
turning home on this morning's train.
James Peters, a nonular clerk at. thn
Boston Store, In company with Henry
uerllch, left this morning for Port
land, to spend a week sight-seeing.
Horace Walker, county commission
er, arrived on the W. & C. R, train to
day to be here for the March term of
county court, which convenes tomor
row. Henry Means, of Echo, spent last
night in town on his way to Hot Lake
to spend a few days in the hopes of
getting relief from an attack of rheu
matism. Charles Eisner and John MoPhall
subjects of the king of Great Britain,
have each filed their intention with
the county clerk of becoming Ameri
can citizens.
N. H. Pinkerton, of Athena, was reg-
PutYouriBest Foot Forward
and walk into the Pendleton Shoe Co'e. ,
parlor, where you will find a stock of
Footwear, from which you can get
what you want at the lowest prlceB.
Winter atylee are being closed out as
spring is near.
Pendleton Shoe Co.
S33 645 Wain St
Istered at Hotel St. George last night
and left this morning for Arlington. '
where he is going to purchase horses
for the British. ;
James Hayes, who moved away
from Pendleton 12 years ago, with his
family, is in the city from Portland, !
on a visit. Mrs. Hayes is on a visit
to her daughter at Nelson. B. C.
The W .& C .R. work train andf
steam shovel, which has been filling
in the approaches to the bridge over1
the "Umatilla east of town, finished its
work this morning and left for Hunt's
Joe Cox arrived this morning from j
Stone City, Iowa, to take the place of
his brother, James Cox, on Demott &'
Co.'s delivery wagon. The latter noes
to Athena abou the 15th Inst., to play
baseball with the "Yellow Kids" this
M. F. Gose and J. O. Long, of Pom
eroy, Wash., were the guests of N.
Berkley last night on their way home
from Heppner, where they purchased
several head of thoroughbred short
horn cattle from the famous Minor
Portland East Side Herald: Hon.
T. J. Kirk, of Athena, was in the city
this week. Mr. Kirk is a prominent
business man of Umatilla county,
having large farming interests and is
one of the directors and stockholders
of the Athena National Bank. He re
ports the outlook for the wheat crop
not as good as usual.
R. H. Caston, formerly of this city,
but who has been in the United States
mail service for several years, recent
ly on the run from Spokane to Lewis
ton, has been transferred back to the
run between Umatilla and Spokane.
Mr. Caston says that Pendleton has
made a wonderful advancement since
he was here three years ago.
Could Not Breathe.
Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchi
tis, other throat and lung troubles are
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not'
a mere expectorant, which gives only'
temporary relief. It softens and liqui
fies the mucus, draws out the inflam
mation and removes the cause of tho
disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at!
once. "One Minute Cough Cure will '
iln nil that la claimed for it." rsivh i
Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, Cros
by, Miss. "My wife could not get her
breath and was relieved by the first
dose. It has been a benefit to all my
family." Tallman & Co. and Brock &
Dwh at Haal.
Judy What' the matter, ma
dam? Doesn't your husband support
Aplicaot for Divorce Support ma?
My goodness I He can't even support
his own hosiery. Leslie's Weekly.
A Vantasr Floored,
Scrlbbs I'm getting up a fetching
article on "How Men Carry Their
Mrs. Scribbs Huh; men don't carry
their umbrellas; they lose their um
brellas and borrow other people's,
Chicago Record-Herald.
Practically Starving.
"After using a few bottles of Kodol
Dysnensia Cure my wife received nar.
feet and permanent relief from a se
vere and chronic case of stomach
trouble," says J ,R. Holly, real estate,
insurance and loan aerent. of Mnonmh
111. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia
uure sue coma not eat an ordinary
meal without Intense suffering. She
is now entirely cured. Several phy
sicians and many remedies had fail
ed to give relief." You don't have to
diet. Eat anv Brood food vmi want
but don't overload tho stomach. Ko-
uoi Dyspepsia Cure will always di
gest It for you. Tallman & Co. &
Brock & McComas.
Horsas Wanted.
J. C. Hayes, of Seattle, Wash., will
ho here Saturday. March 8th. to hiiv
horses for the market.
A Rare Occnrrcnoe.
Kirst Boarder I wish the landlady
would give us notice when she is going
to serve chicken.
Second Boarder Why?
First Boarder I was so surprised
when she brought that fowl in at 'din
ner that I lost my appetit. Ohio
Stats Journal.
SlMlieltr Itaalf.
"Thar are only two points in ius
esss." "What ars they?"
"Work, and keep other paople from
working you." Chicag-o Becord-Hsr-
Rather a Sarprlaa.
Willie came from the shed, wrhers
'Uncle Rufus was picking a chicken.
"Aunt Suet" he exclaimed, "what do
you think? Uncle Rufus is in the shd
husking a hen honest true!" Lea
lie's Weekly.
Featlalae Tact.
"Why did you tell your husband you
must have a $50 coat and a $15 hat?"
"So he wouldn't say anything when
I actually bought a coat, for ten dollars
and a toque for $1.08." Boston Home
Dongola Kid
Extension Soles
Fair Stitched
Patent Leather Tip
A Stylish, Dressy Shoe
and one that will give
Satisfactory Wear . . .
There's Many a Shine in a box
of our Patent Leather Polish
Peoples Warehouse
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4c.
ent free. Oldest
yrwrm immw IUIUUMU UUU ft UV rVOVlTV
avtioJfwtk.. without c!iare, lathe ",ww
Abandomely Itloatraied weekly. Larifett cir.
eolation or any fciMUflc Journal. Terma, W s
ti,-2?r 1- Bold bylJl newsdealer.
Ice. SS F Bt. Wsablnlfo" IJ.C. "
Dally last OtssmIm kv
nly 1i sfrts.a ' '
Anyone icnaing a anetcn na description niay
quickly uoertaln our opinion free whether ma
InTentlon Is probably patentable. Communica-
The Senate's Blind Chaplain.
The sennto's blind chaplain, tho
Rev. Dr. W. H. Mllburn, Is a survival
of Washington boforo tho war. It waB
In 1845 thnt ho was elected chaplain of
congress. Representative Abraham
Lincoln, of Illinois, nominated him.
That was 10 years before John Shor
man nnd JuBtln S. Morrill took their
seats in the house. "In those days,"
says Dr. Mllburn, "one chaplain offer
ed the prayer at the opening of each
branch of congress, and tho only way
this could be done by o'ne man was to
have the senate clock kept 10 minutes
Blower than tho house clock. After
offering tho Invocation In the house
a page would take me to the senato
chamber, Where I performed a similar;
Will Receive the Money.
The conviction and sentencing of
George Levy at Boise City will bring
up for adjustment and payment tho
reward offored by the heirs, and the
state for the arrest and conviction of
the murderer. The reward amounts
to $4100, tho $1000 offered by the state
being payable upon the arrest and
conviction of the murderer. Tho
$3000 offered by the Davis Levy holrs
Is not payable until conviction of the
murderer hns been nmrmed by tho
higher court. The .reward Is .payable
to Chief of Police Francis and Deputy
Sheriff Rablnson, of Boise City, to
whose efforts are duo the capture of
the murderer.
Nicest candy in the ci'y. Dutton's
Ice cream chocolates.
Our Store is Crowded
with New Spring goods, all the new things fresh ftom the
looms. If you want a New t)res8 look our line over for we
have everything that is desirable. joo New, fep-to-date
Shirt Waists from 50c to $7.50 each. Nicest 3ine oi
Ladies' Muslin Underwear to be seen in Pendleton.
10 Cases of Men's Hats just received, from cheapest to
best, latest styles'. Our women's district No. 76 Shoes for
82.00 we guantee as good as any $2. 50 shoe on the mar
ket, examine them.
Characteristic Snap and Style
Mark the hats from our establishment, they have an
artistic flavor to them that stamp them as coming from
an establishment where taste . and correct methods
prevail. And we 'bring to bear our ability and our
ample facilities towards the production of the best
Hats producable. '
Up-to-Date, First Class Furnitere Store
The largest stock from which to select and all at prices that
defy competition. Undertaking parlors in connection.
Main and Webb Streets
International Poultry Food makes them.
Beef Meal gives .them flavor.
Clamshells make them solid. .
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a saaaple.
c f. colesworthV,
Hay, Grain and Feed.
117 ad 129 East Alfa Stract.
get up in the morning"
. with an all-gone feeling
in the stomache and' a
desire for a good cup
of coffee and not get it.
Try Owl Special
in the future, it is pleas
ant in'flavor and goes
right to the spot.
Owl Tea House
Cheapest place in Oregon.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
Muston & Carney, Prop's.
Leave Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock
except Sunday, for Pilot Rock, Nye,
Ridge, Alba and Ukiah. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable freight and
passenger rates.
.City office at Tallman & Go's drntf
In handsome furniture
surprises that delights th
mistress of a home, especial-
y in such new designs an we
are showing in all liaes suck
as are kept in an
Pendleton, Oregon.
, t
PaasHatoa. aVaso'
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