JUDGE ELLIS' ORDER ELECTRA GIFF0RD. Clothing Hats HE RENDERS DECISION IN MARSHAL8HIP SCRAP. MUST BE SOLD $13.oo buys $18.50 Suit 12.00 buys I6.5O Suit ll.oo buys 15.00 Suit 9.8o buys 13.00 Suit HATS 15c and 10c Lace for 98C tgullr price Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co $1.50 to $3 50 Tarcham Lce 5c yd. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Regular 10c & 15c closing out sAtE. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Sun Bonnets $3 50 Hats for 23c , $2.75 Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods' Co. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. CLEAVER BROS- TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902. BREVITIES. James A. Howard, farm loans. Dressed chickens, celery and let tuce. Hawley Bros. Package and bulk garden and flow .ec seeds. Hawley Bros. A small ten cent piece buys a good pair of gloves at Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Ask to see the Chicago leader Hat. Only ?1.50, at Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Wall paper, wall paper! Where? At Sharp's big wall paper Btore, opera house block, Court street. Money to loan at lowest rates on town or country property. J. B. Dick sou, East Oregonlan building. Closing o-t sale of our old line of sheet music that has always sold for from 35c to 50c, at 10c per copy. The music store on Court street. City and country property for sale. Houses rented, collections. Locale lands subject to entry. Agent Home Co-operative Co. Homes on easy pay ments. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, over Taylor's store. A crew of carpenters commenced Monday on the remodeling of the Bap tist church, at the corner of Alta and Johnson Btreeta. When completed, this will be among the largest and most commodious places of worship in Pendleton. It will be finished by the first of April. We will, for this week only, ending March 8th, otter at a special low price Rogers 647 Knives, Forks, Spoons in the plain bright design. Spoons; Tea at J1.20 Spoons, Table at, . . . 2.35 . Forks, (Med) at 2 85 Knive(Ro nd handle)1.90 LOUIS HUNZIKER, Jewler and Optician, Nextdoorto R. Alexanders KOEPPEN S DRUG STORE Our Squirrel Poison and Btryohnluo, tor exterminating squirrel are oitha standard strength and purity. fonSprayhw 8oftP'Quass,ft Chips, Whale Oil Soap, Paris Green, etc., Sh?i?J,ii,l,t Sbeop'uip. Lamp Blank and Oil, All our goods are 'the best obtainable, guaranteed as represented. 65 Step from Main Street 8.5o buys 1 1 .50 Suit 7.50 buys 10.00 Suit 5.90 buys 9.oo Suit 4.75 buys 6.00 Suit DRY G00DSC0. Big red apples, best in the market, at Hawley Bros . For rent or sale, two small houses. Inquire of Henry J. Bean. For sale, a new wagon and harness. See Will Lane about it. Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 509 College street. For sale Furnished house and lot. Inquire 301 South Main- street. A young woman wishes a position to do general housework. Apply this office. Rubber dolls, rubber balls, rubber combs, rubber bands Nou s Notion Store. Wanted Woman to do general housework in family. Apply to Lee Moorlnmse. Judge Ellis has granted a divorce in the case of H. H. Williams Vs. Ida May Williams. A young woman wants position in store to obtain experience as a clerk. Apply this office. Rooms in the East Oregonlan build ing for rent. Steam heated, Lot ana cold water and bath room In connec tion. Wanted Two apprentices can And position at Mrs. Rose Campbell's millinery store, if applications are made at once. New arrival of fine imported Paris ian all wool chaliie waistings in all the leading shades, now on display at R. Alexander's. The remains of W. W. Dorothy's infant daughter were interred Sunday afternoon in the Milton cemetery. The child died Friday night. Ready to wear street hats are now on display at Mrs. Campbell's mill inery store. Their swell line of im ported patterns will be on display after March 10. The Carrier millinery establishment is made brilliant with the latest fash ions in ladies' hats and trimmings. Mrs. Carrier recently returned from Chicago and an elegant stock of spring millinery is now arriving, which the ladies are invited to call and Bee on display. It has been rumored that Mat Mos- grove, the Milton merchant, would be a candidate on the republican ticket for representative or for the state sen ate. He denies that he has ever had any such intentions. He asked tbe Freewater Times to say: "They can not run fast enough to make me take it." Boise Jollle. one of the 3-vear-old Percheron stallions belonging to Cars- ten Brothers, of Seattle, was purchas ed Monday from AVllliam Anderson salesman, at the Froomo livery stable by Chris Breeding, ono of the most extensive farmers in Umatilla county, llvlnp: eiKht miles north of Pendleton The horse weighed 1785 pounds and the price was $1950. 3 Toward the Coart House Orders Heathman and Beam to Vacate and Turn the Offices of Marshal 'and Recorder Over to Their Su; cessors, Blakley and McCourt. Pendleton has a now marshal and a new recorder. At least, this was the decision of Judge' Ellis at 11 o'clock this forenoon, who sustained the demurrer to the an swer of Heathman and Beam's attor neys, which was filed Saturday, in an swer to the decision In the mandamus case, and he has signed the order for the old officers to step down and out, and give up the offices with their emoluments, to Blakley and McCourt, anil unless this order is complied with at once Heathman and Beam will be In contempt of court. This ruling was expected, even by the Heathman-Beam faction, for dur ing the last few days they had almost given up hopes of winning out before Judge Ellis, but immediately after the judge gave out his decision, J. J. Bal-leray-, one of the attorneys for Heath man and Beam, announced that an ap peal would be taken. The people of Pendleton were in hopes that today would end the' scrap which is becoming obnoxious to all, and is a detriment to the best inter ests of the city, but such is not the case. The fight has been on since the first meeting night in January, when the new council appointed Marshal Heathman and Recorder Beam to suc ceed themselves, but the appointment was not sustained hy the new Mayor, T. G. Hailey. Mayor Hailey had been investigating the running of the po lice department of Pendleton and had come to the conclusion that there was something irregular in the way things were going. The charge was 'made and acknowledged by Heathman that he had taken money from the gambl ers and others in excess of his salary and the fines imposed by the city. Re corder Beam had acknowledged to taking a part of this money for his "rake off and it was for this reason thft Mayor Hailey thought it was time for a change, and he, would not consent to the reappointment of them to their old places. He, therefore, ap pointed Councilmen Johnson, Som mervllle and Frasier a committee to investigate the charges and make a report. After two weeks of deliber ation and a thorough investigation this committee reported that the charges were found true, but they did not recommend any course to be tak en. That was on Saturday night, the 11th of January, at a special meeting of the council and after the report, a resolution was passed for the election of new men to succeed Heathman and Beam. William Lane and L. G. Fra- zier were nominated, and when It came to a vote the councilmen lined up with four on a side. Mayor Hailey then broke the tie by casting his, vote for the new men and declaring them duly elected. Lane qualified but Fra- zier declined the office. Monday morn ing following Heathman and Beam, through their attorneys, Stillman & Pierce, filed an injunction against Mayor Hailey, thwe four councilmen who voted with him and Lane and Frazier from acting in the capacity of the offices elected to, and the may or and council from attempting to have them serve. After being In court for several weeks Judge Ellis dissolv ed the injunction against the mayor and councilmen, but sustained it against Lane and Frazier. The coun cil finding that Lane was not eligible to the office dropped him and last Wednesday night elected Joe Blakley and John McCourt to succeed Heath man and Beam. The Heathman-Beam side, anticipating such a move, had their papers ready to file another in Junction against the new men and they called up the county clerk and had the papers filed that night. Early Thursday morning Blakley and Mc Court filed mandamus proceedings to force Heathman and Beam to vacate the offices. These suits have occupied the attention of the court ever since. The injunction was dissolved, the mandamus sustained, and the an .swer of Heathman and Beam's attor neys overruled so now the only thing left Is for the old officers to appeal to the supreme court of the state of Oregon, which convenes in Pendleton in May. Immediately after overruling the demurrer in the mandamus caso, the .judge signed an order, asking the old ollwers to vacate, and it was . placed In the sheriff's hands and served just bpforo noon today. If .they do not va cato,thoy will be guilty of contempt oi .court. Heathman says he lias had enough qf'llw fight and has given up his star to Blakley, who Is now Iri full pos- sessslon pf tho office of marshal, Beanv hab not been servejd with the writ for; the reason that he has not been found. He has filed his inten tion of appealing, but McCourt is in possession of the recordor'd office and will serve in that capacity. Electra Gilford, the famous Ameri can cantatrice who took tho old world by storm, 1ms returned to her native land and is repeating her successes abroad. She has a voice of wonderful power and sweetness. ...AGENTS WANTED... Flrt cHee proposition to energetic ladies and gentlemen. One for each township desired. Good pay aid steady employment. Send for booklet and practical guide to aizents at once. T. H. BENTON, Qeneral Agent, Qoodnough Bd?., Portland, Ore. Candidate's .announcement. I hereby announee myself a caudlda'o for tho nomiiiRllnn of county treasurer Of Umatilla county, subject to the will of tliencxt re libit can county convention. B V. Ki:.sx. i 900 Washes Fishing Tackle .Babect Wie.. W. J. Clarke & Co OPERA HOUSE BLOCK "I would us soon think of doing business without clerks as without ad vertising." John Wanainnker. This is the (statement of one of the greatest merchunts on the face of the earth. Another statement Is: "Newspaper advertising is the most resui.ttul coin. pur.'d to price than any other advertis ing In the world " Hpace in the East Oregonlan Is sold at low raiek. SEE FOR YOURSELF f Four Inch Ad in the Daily East Oregonian, One Week, 6 Times $1.40 Four Inch Ad in the Weekly East Oregonian,One Week, 1 Time, and Semi-Weekly J Time 60 Or a Four Inch Ad in Both .Daily and Weekly and Semi-Weekly, 6 Times in Daily, 1 Time in Weekly and 1 Time in Semi-Weekly, Only 1.90 WHO CAN GIVE YOU A LOWER PRICE FOR ADVERTISING? l-'or a longer tli;ie, or for iliore space the rates are In the same proportion. Ads under contract, at same rates, but having choice of position in paper, with change of copy without extra charge, as often as once a week. Doing business without advertising is like winking at a pretty girl in the dark. You may know what you are doing, but no one else docs. The East Oregonian's Telephone Is" Main I OK WJtlTK TO TUB EAST OREGONIAN, Pendleton, Oregon THE .... Oregon Mortgage Co., LIMJTED. FARM LOAMS On Improved property : tlowet current rate. CHAS. F. G. PATTULLO; Agt. Walla Walla, Wash. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ...Reliable Goods Only... Remarkably Good Stock of Women's Gloves Recont Btrgnin Sites have cleaned out Ulova Stock of all tin- wanted kinds We linvu received additional regular lines of fine Gloves, making otir preHsnt Mock one of the lnruust and boat to be found any nhure and pthos the lorcest, quality con bldered. ' Thousands of yards of New Wash Ribbons from 15 cents per yard up DEAR MADAMj- Yourself and family are cordially invited to attend an Instrumental Concert at our store Thursday Evening March the Sixth at 7:30 o'clock The Peoples Warehouse Agents patterns; E. T. LOANS AND $9000 Buys 600 acres fine wheat land, in Cold Spring Lots of water. $3500 for 160 acres, fine wheat land 3 miles east of Pendleton 80 acres in grain. This will look good to you. $3500 Buys 160 acres rich bot tom land on McKay cieek, 12 miles from town. $2500 A nice 8 acre suburban tract, good house, 130 fruit trees, running water... A snap. An Ideal stock ranch with sum mer range adjoining; also 160 head of cattle. $1200 Buys 160 acres, all good land, plenty of water, 35 acres In wheat, 15 acres In rye. Good house, team, wagon, plow, harness, seeder. $4750 160 acres, all good land, 110 acres In wheat, balance in alfalfa; six-room house, with cellar, two chicken houses, one a six-room house for hatching, big barn, holds 8 horses, and 10 tons of hay. New mouse-proof gralnary, holds 600 sacks; two we 1 1 a, running water, 15 tons hay, sulky plow, hayrake, wa gon horses, cow, chickens, all goes. 1 J PENDLETON, OREGON. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A STOCK RANCH SEE A MAN IN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS WHO HAS HAD EXPER IENCE IN THE STOCK BUSINESS FOR YEARS IN UMATILLA COUNTY AND CAN GIVE YOU RELIABLE INFORMATION AND ADVICE, THAT MAN 18 E. T. WADE, Thc ReaI Este Man EAST ORISQONfAN BUILDING, PendioU)ii,Oregon. Gasoline Engine for Sale A five horse power gasoline engine with pipes and fittings, oil tanks and water tanks, everything necessary to set up and operate, Engine and fittings are all new, being in use only a few weeks. Engine is very economical and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Price J250 including fittings. Address Bast Oregonian, Pendleton, ; Oregon. Aall Orders Filled Send for Samples. WADE REAL ESTATE $6000 Buys 800 acres wheat land, 12 miles northwest of Pendleton. $2000 320 acres part meadow land, balance timber pasture, good improvement, summer range adjoining. A good stock ranch. $2300 200 acres, 6 mites from Pendleton. 50 acres of same alfalfa land on the river. $2250 An elegant 8-room house and two lots on Main Street $1800 A neat 7-roJin nous with bath, stone foundation 2 blocks from Main, In tha , heart of the city. $7000 One of the largest and most beautiful rosidencea in Pendleton, strictly modem la every particular. A hand some home, substantially built spacious grounds in first class condition. A grand property, a sacrifice price; worth 10, 000. $3200 Good house, lot 65x100, Main St. Will double in value In short time. $2000 Creamery at UklaK & horse power boiler and ermine, all In running order, with full equipment of first claea creamery.